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[Updated] Riots in California, very possible (Karl Denninger @ The Market Ticker)

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posted on May, 23 2009 @ 05:20 AM
I make it a point to read the Karl's blog everyday as he has been spot on for years about this depression. On the 22nd of May he wrote of the problems with California. I believe that this will spread to other areas of the country soon and crime/violence will rise as people become more desperate.

I highly recommend you read his blog!

Here is what he had to say about California.

From the LA Times:

Reporting from Sacramento -- With deficit forecasts growing darker by the day, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is considering a plan to slash California's safety net for the poor by eliminating the state's main welfare program, health insurance for low-income families and cash grants to college students.

Of course California is known for having "sanctuary cities", $200,000 pensions for firefighters and in general providing largess to everyone - even those who aren't citizens.

This is a problem, of course, but it didn't bother all the bleeding hearts so long as all the high-flying people out there were flipping houses and running up their credit cards.

Now, of course, the credit card is dead and the home is being foreclosed on, much like the rest of the nation as a whole - but of course the Federal Government can run deficits so long as it can con China - California can't.

Its time to set an example here folks:

*No more "freebies" for illegals. Period. No free medical care, no free schools, not even jailing people - you get caught here illegally you get sent home. Period, end of discussion, full-stop. Start right now and enforce the damn law; a HUGE percentage of California's prison population are in fact illegal aliens. We pay twice - first for the crime, then again to jail them. Stop being stupid.
*Stop paying civil service jobs (firefighters, teachers, etc) $100,000+, more than twice the per-capita income.
*Fix the pension system so it can't be gamed and double-dipped to the tune of $200,000+ for that same firefighter when they retire.
*Stop subsidizing people who want to have 8 embryos IVF'd into their uterus when they can't personally cover the cost of BIRTHING those eight new mouths, never mind attempting to raise them.
*If you're "poor" and need help, make receiving that help conditioned on working. If nothing else I bet there's a bunch of trash alongside roads that needs to be picked up. If you're able-bodied, no help without working in exchange - for the general benefit of society. Period.

What's happening here is entirely predictable and in fact has been predicted. You can't spend more than you make for very long; eventually your credit card comes back "declined."

California is first in this regard but won't be the last.

Wake up America.

And in the meantime (and as a hedge if the government tries to be even more stupid) go buy a gun and some ammo. When the "entitlement" checks stop going to those who think they have a right to pop out eight kids and bill the state for the medical, I'll make book on riots and other forms of general civil nastiness.

Market Ticker

All of his points are true and to the word.
I find California to be the most backwards state in the US at the moment. Sort of a political experiment gone wrong. The state tries so hard to be up there on the cutting edge of everything; politics, technology, laws, social issues, and much more but it just isnt working. The state is bleeding money out of every orifice, unable to stop it.
If you didnt know already the state is in the hole 42 BILLION Dollars, now dont be confused by the usage of the word billion in the media lately. This is a HUGE number.
Here's a picture to help demonstrate:
[atsimg][/atsimg]That's a 6 foot tall person and a sedan. It's only 15 billion.

This isnt to be ignored. ATSers in California and other states at risk, please protect yourselves as crime will go up once people can not feed & shelter themselves.

With the onset of summer and the inevitable heat it brings this will become even harder for the media to ignore. Get ready people. Crime is coming.

It is official they are considering cutting welfare: Read about it here

[edit on 5/23/2009 by Tentickles]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:17 AM
S&F I read Mr Karl Denninger.

His economic analysis is extremely accurate and cogent.

Welfare work programs need to be properly organized, easy to sign up for, and not have a punishment sub-text. Many, many people on welfare would be more than happy to work for their benefits if care was taken to remove the stigma and provide a good range of different community service jobs.

Able-bodiedness is not the only criterion. There's no point sending someone to labouring work if they have severe depression and/or chronic fatigue and/or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. These illnesses are not BS, pharma just hasn't worked out a way to profit from them yet and so mainstream medicine and the insurance industries can't get their flow on benefits. They should be recognized because the hell these people go through eventually ends up having to be paid for and dealt-with by everyone in some way or another. Separation is an illusion. Their experience feeds the fear-driven consciousness of Jung's collective mind. Work regimes which fail to recognize this are regimes of despair, and zero-sum themselves into zero benefit for anyone, becoming actual liabilities.

In response to this by Karl:

If you're "poor" and need help, make receiving that help conditioned on working. If nothing else I bet there's a bunch of trash alongside roads that needs to be picked up. If you're able-bodied, no help without working in exchange - for the general benefit of society. Period.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by undermind]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:51 AM
Too true friend. Being that I suffer from a mental illness myself I know all too well that they need to be addressed.
I even wrote a thread about it: Understanding Depression

Welfare needs a HUGE overhaul. As does Social Security. Both programs are corrupted to the core and are easily taken advantage of. Causing the debt.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:10 AM
When they first announced the mess in Cali I knew we were headed for trouble. As far as I know benefits are still being issued to those on Public Assistance but when those checks are out!

I remember a time a few years ago, okay many years ago
when there was some problem with the welfare checks coming out on time, they were a few days late for some reason. It was bad, very bad. I saw Mail carriers getting cussed out and nearly assaulted for not bringing checks, heard people on the streets talking about rioting, and folks were just walking into stores blatantly stealing and daring store owners to do something.

If people thought the Rodney King riots were ain't seen nothing yet! Imagine people with NO MONEY for rent, utilities, no money for stamps should cover their sustenance but with no place to live or utilities to get the picture. I can see National Guard troops stationed all over on the day the checks don't come!

What I want to know is what are they planning on doing with all these displaced people, sadly the vast majority of them are going to be children. Is there anything short of Martial Law that could handle thousands of angry and fearful people with nothing?

I already know NY is next so I have a nice little store of food to hold me over. When TSHTF I plan on reading a nice book and staying inside. Very bad.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:15 AM
Yep, CA is going down in flames, but I don't want the federal government to give us hand outs. How will the jerks in Sacramento learn if they're bailed out? No good will come out of saving their a$$. The people need to stay strong and hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 09:53 AM
Not to hijack, but I posted an interesting observation about yesterdays Market Ticker blog......Here

It just seems as if EVERYONE I've been reading lately are pointing to one
simple conclusion....

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by redhead57
When they first announced the mess in Cali I knew we were headed for trouble. As far as I know benefits are still being issued to those on Public Assistance but when those checks are out!

I remember a time a few years ago, okay many years ago
when there was some problem with the welfare checks coming out on time, they were a few days late for some reason. It was bad, very bad. I saw Mail carriers getting cussed out and nearly assaulted for not bringing checks, heard people on the streets talking about rioting, and folks were just walking into stores blatantly stealing and daring store owners to do something.

If people thought the Rodney King riots were ain't seen nothing yet! Imagine people with NO MONEY for rent, utilities, no money for stamps should cover their sustenance but with no place to live or utilities to get the picture. I can see National Guard troops stationed all over on the day the checks don't come!

What I want to know is what are they planning on doing with all these displaced people, sadly the vast majority of them are going to be children. Is there anything short of Martial Law that could handle thousands of angry and fearful people with nothing?

I already know NY is next so I have a nice little store of food to hold me over. When TSHTF I plan on reading a nice book and staying inside. Very bad.

Thats why I have several rifles to defend myself and neighbors from the scum of the earth. I think these people will get what they deserve in the end though and that is absolutely NOTHING. I think its a shame that children have to cursed with parents that don't want to do their part in society. That right there is the reason the children should not be blamed. I wouldn't mind taking care of a child in this situation but adults know better and should sleep in their own beds. Also depression is not a excuse to not get out of bed and go to work and I know. I dealt with depression from the age of 12 to 28 which kept me from having any sort of relationship and lead to very destructive behavior such as mucho drugs and alcohol. I didn't blame anyone for my problems and I didn't expect any help. I had to cure my own problem and the solution is that in the grand scheme of things We are unimportant. Look around You there are billions of people on earth and when You die within a generation You are forgotten unless You are a mass murderer or tyrant. People get depressed because they are self centered and society teaches You that You are special in reality You really are not especially if You don't believe in God. This right there changed my life when I came to that conclusion because then I realized people didn't hate me they were just indifferent until I opened my mouth and took the initiative to meet them.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:34 AM
I really enjoy Karl's blog. He has great ideas about how the economy can be improved and a sense of justice and fair play. I wouldn't mind see him running for President. He should have Geithner's job at least.

Sounds like he is interested in getting a third party going - Anti-Federalist. We need something to save us from this corrupt two party system.

Here's a link to it that he posted:

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:48 AM
Saw this coming months ago:

And in other threads at around that time I had also said that California will only be the first domino. He's right, this has been and will continue to be a very predictable issue for some time to come. It doesn't take a genius, only open eyes. You can imagine what people said to me back then. I'm right next door in NV. If the SHTF we'll be ready. Something tells me we're going to see refugees from the crime in Communist California..

And people wonder why conservatives and independents don't like liberal fiscal policy. Here it is in a nutshell guys.

Things I also said:

Bond market collapse lead by the default in CalState debt:
CalState forcing Fed to bailout, other states follow:
Bond market in other states begins to collapse because of lack of tax revenue:
Fed bail out of other states:
Fed gets credit rating dropped:
Fed becomes insolvent, we default, foreign investment pulls out, and we hyper-inflate...

The war starts here at home.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by projectvxn]

[edit on 23-5-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:08 PM
Great OP Tent! And a good thread so far.

There are those of us here in Cali who are aware of whats going on around us. We talk about it every day, how many people we see that are totally oblivious to the problems at hand. Thats why we've got our emergency stuffs in order. All the Cali people on ATS should go review the Survival board for a little while and think about getting something prepared as well.

I can tell you only what I've heard from people I know... We're tired of taxes, we're tired of immigrants getting the free pass for state aide, we're tired of foreclosure, and we need more jobs!!!!! We're on the verge of 18% unemployment here in Fresno.... almost 25% in Madera and Merced!

Honestly.... I've been waiting for the last card to fall. It's really not a matter of if, but when. Californians wont lay down and take it, theres a large group of fighters here... Unfortunately when Cali kicks the bucket the rest of the country will be expected to fall in line for the same.

My prediction is the end of June. Things are gonna get crazy.... just an opinion though... I'm probably and hopefully wrong.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:09 PM
Guys it's official. Go here: Breaking News

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by projectvxn


When this all began a few of us were pointing out that California and NY were going to be the first major victims.

Quite simply, all of this should be quite obvious to any sensible person.

When money stops, people become desperate, commit crime, riot in the streets... then one false move by the riot cops and it turns into a bigger problem, with other states breaking out in riots.
Social disorder spreads like wildfire. And the fact that the entire economy is suffering, will only make the spread quicker and easier.

It's been close to this a couple of times recently, with Police being caught on camera acting illegally or violently. If any of those instances occurred now and in California the place would likely erupt overnight.

As I said before, when one state in the US is having major social troubles, you all need to keep your eyes open for signs of it spreading, then either bug out or lock down until when it comes near you.

As was seen from the LA riots, it might start with the people versus the authorities, but soon all the racial and social gripes come out too, and the opportunity is taken by some to wreak a kind of revenge while they can.
And that is on all sides of the racial and social divides in the US (of which there are numerous).

The thing is, while it's all very violent and ugly at the time, a period of reflection and rebuilding comes after, and that might be just what America needs.
If change doesn't come as promised (you see what I did there?
) then it will come about at a certain critical point by force of nature and social will.

It might be ugly, but a lot could eventually come from such a scenario.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
The thing is, while it's all very violent and ugly at the time, a period of reflection and rebuilding comes after, and that might be just what America needs.
If change doesn't come as promised (you see what I did there?
) then it will come about at a certain critical point by force of nature and social will.

It might be ugly, but a lot could eventually come from such a scenario.

And therein lies the hope...some people just refuse to wrap their minds around that thought...that to get to a better place...a chaotic transition might be necessary...

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