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Mother, son missing in forced chemo case

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posted on May, 20 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by mblahnikluver

And the story drama unfolds before our very eyes......

Hard case, I don't know all the details but these types are always tricky. But you know what I don't think a kid at that age has the right to make his own decision, sorry I don't. I know how I was at 13 (10 years seems like yesterday,lol) and I definitely wasn't ready for that kind of decision. I know I wouldn't trust myself then to make that kind of choice. But if the cancer is in earlier stages then it is very curable (I do know he had Hodgkin's disease) and regardless the pain of chemo if it will cure you then you must do it, anything else would be tantamount to suicide and anyone impeding the process of the curing chemo would be assisting suicide. Now are we ready to tell people they can't kill themselves on a legal level? We already do, it just is not written into any laws that I know of. Especially going against the ruling of the court regarding the child is worthy of a warrant as far as the legal standpoint goes. Morally who knows, we can argue that all our lives but all we have is what we have, and that is the law in cases like these. That is my opinion on the case. Now I would like to know where they intend to go though!

Thanks for finding this and bringing it to our attention, star and flag.

Everybody matures and progresses in life differently.

I know some people when I was 13 who were far more mature than half the adults I know now.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 07:23 PM
I do not know what to say. I am just in awe in utter awe and amazement. This is insanity. Are you guys Humans? Do not not have a heart or caring? This is a child. An innocent child. Thank the evil spec ops geared police who will track this woman down and snatch this child from her. GET THIS KID BACK! Bring this kid back to our civilization. Get him and cure him.

The responses make me think that we need to change the rule that says anyone is allowed to have a child. Maybe go with China's Idea and make someone apply for a child rearing license. Then go after Captain Walker and throw him back in jail.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by searching4truth

Precisely. If the gov't is so concerned about the choices the kid/parents make about the way a sickness or injury should be treated, why do they only seem to intervene when it's to opt out of something that COULD kill your kid?

Why is it that they don't butt in when you chose opt in to a treatment that COULD kill your child. Like an experimental surgery or experimental drug?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
I do not know what to say. I am just in awe in utter awe and amazement. This is insanity. Are you guys Humans? Do not not have a heart or caring? This is a child. An innocent child. Thank the evil spec ops geared police who will track this woman down and snatch this child from her. GET THIS KID BACK! Bring this kid back to our civilization. Get him and cure him.

The responses make me think that we need to change the rule that says anyone is allowed to have a child. Maybe go with China's Idea and make someone apply for a child rearing license. Then go after Captain Walker and throw him back in jail.

So you're saying that if anyone of us decided not to treat our children with a LETHAL poison on the CHANCE that they MIGHT get better, we're horrible, evil people who don't deserve to have children?

So...what do you say about people who chose to not get chemo after finding out they have cancer?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 07:38 PM
I'll take the both of them in if they need a place to stay.

There is nothing wrong with any decision on their part. Arrest warrant - bah!

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Valhall

I salute you

second line I'll do the same.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by nunya13

So you're saying that if anyone of us decided not to treat our children with a LETHAL poison on the CHANCE that they MIGHT get better, we're horrible, evil people who don't deserve to have children?

So...what do you say about people who chose to not get chemo after finding out they have cancer?

Agh I see where we differ finally. Ok. Well I guess my argument lies with the benefits of Chemo on cancer. Also we differ on the statistics of chemo treating the child. I do not think any amount of statistic posting or story telling will change either of our opinions on this matter.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:00 PM
This actually is hard to say whether its wrong or not. I guess from the boys perspective he's probably really scared. From the moms perspective, I can see why she wouldnt want to see her son suffer and make him do it. But I do also agree that he is younge and even though hes very scared right now, he would be thankful he did it in the future most likely. Then again you cant get into peoples heads to know what there thinking or feeling, so I just hope he's making an educated decision on all this. And ill definetly be praying for the boy.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
Pook, some would argue that injecting drano might be the better alternative to chemo.
I think that your extreme ideas there are quite far off the mark of what is going on here.
And you also advocate interfering with their right to follow their own religion?
Your is better?
Why do you think so?
What if others disagreed and wanted you to do things their way.
The only right thing to do is what you dictate?

Taking that child out of his home and putting him in foster care + chemo is a sure death sentence.
Emotional trauma frequently precedes the onset of cancer and worsens existing forms of any illness.
Note the number of widows who develop cancer.

Turkey, You too are so out of it that I won’t even try to answer you.
You failed to notice that these parents are not wanting to let their child die.
They just do not wish to torture him any further.
I’d like to use a few cuss words on people like you too.
BTW how are you running your own life?
How many others have you chosen to run?
Do you think people have a right to run their own lives?
If they do a lousy job, you might say that is evolution in action.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Jess_Undefined
Then again you cant get into peoples heads to know what there thinking or feeling, so I just hope he's making an educated decision on all this. And ill definetly be praying for the boy.

The kid has a severe learning disability. The articles say the kid does not realize he is SICK. If he doesn't realize he is sick he surely doesn't realize this has a 95% chance of killing him. Plus his parents belong to a cult that rejects modern medicine.

The likelihood of this kid making an "educated" decision is virtually nil.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:49 PM
Oh wow I did not though that bit of info. Thanks for pointing that out. That definetly changes my decision.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by TurkeyBurgers

I'm glad that you see my point.

I guess what upsets me is that you suggested that because people have different points of view on things like this there should be a determination on who deserves to have children and who doesn't.

But the most important thing to discuss in regards to that is who should get to decide such a things? Obviously, that is an entirely different thread.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by OhZone

anyway Ohzone...not to argue anyone's right to practice one's religion or one's right to express those beliefs....I totally support an individual's right to practice whatever beliefs they choose so long as they don't HARM someone else!

Also, a key point being missed in our exchange...we are talking about a child here. If you, as an adult, want to take whatever your religion prescribes for an illness, that's fine. You're an adult, your choice.

But we are talking about a CHILD here. If this child does not understand the full ramifications of discontinuing his chemo, then he is not making a sound choice regarding his healthcare. If someone's parents are not making sound decisions, then some sort of protection must be extended to the child!

To stand idly by, while a child DIES because his/her parents have been gravely misled is tantamount to negligent homicide.

And I am so sorry if you have had a negative experience with chemo....but it saved my father. He had multiple rounds of chemo followed by radiation therapy and he is ALIVE today as a result. The chemo that Daniel has received and could've continued, has a 90% success rate!

I am all for us adults making our medical decisions, free from government interference. But this is a child and we are not talking about experimental care for his cancer. It has a 90% success rate!

I am simply not going to comment on your beliefs about foster care and such, since there are obviously bad foster care situations and there are good ones as well. Your generalizations are too overstated to argue. Not every child put into foster care and who has received chemo has died.

My beliefs may be extreme, or not. They are just simply my beliefs. And more power to you and yours. But in the case of a child who may DIE, I am all for some intervention if it will save his life.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Cherryontop
Having been the mother of a child with cancer, I can tell you this, it's no ones business but theirs. When it was my child, it was my burden. We had to live it, we had to endure it, therefor the decision had to be ours. Not the Doctors not the laywers, not yours, nor mine.
The only people that should be involved in this decision is the boy, and his parents. The only judgement should come from their God. Not us, not the press and not the courts. I know I do not want anyone telling me how to live, and I certainly do not want anyone telling me how to die.

Thank you for sharing your take on this Cherryontop, being one who can actually know first hand what this family is going through reminds those of us that do not know what it is like not only from the childs perspective, but from a parents perspective. Also, my thoughts and prayers go to your family and your child.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 12:33 AM
hey.. if i have cancer. I dont want to go chemo. it is my choice! if my right being violated by judge or someone. I will be pissed off!. childrens are belong to parents. child rights are taken. now next parent's rights ?? what make people you guys think u demand that son to be chemo. He is not your son. he s belong to mom. that is mom' decison. well Chemo can kill especially to childrens. I felt sorry for her and son. I pray for them. how do u feel if you are sick and they force u to take tamiflu shot by order of judge. if u knew it s toxic! i will run. use common sense

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:04 AM
I have read all the replies on here, and I think I'm with the pro-medicine crowd. He is only a child and not capable of understanding his illness well enough to make a responsible decision about his own care. His parents are supposed to do that, but will only give him "natural" treatments. I saw a story about it on TV. They showed the family's kitchen cupboard full of little bottles of oil and vitiamins and stuff. Is that going to cure him?

Who actually believes that natural remedies actually cure anything? Multivitamins aren't even proven to be useful! That kid is going to die in a hospital in Mexico, if that's where he is, if his mom won't bring him back.

As far as the government getting a case of child abuse like this, I think they're obligated to, they should, and they must! Denying your child proper medical treatment is child abuse. The parents are deliberately denying him care that is very likely to cure him.

The USA has the best medical treatment in the world. Is he going to get better care from a witch doctor the mother finds down in Mexico? With vitamins, and oils, and prayers?

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by muffingirl

But the parents don't see it as child abuse. They aren't deliberately hurting their child, they honestly believe that they are doing the right thing and they believe that giving him chemo can very well result in his death. Imagine being in their shoes...

Imagine that you don't believe that curing illnesses with modern medicines is the way to go and that it will only poison your body. You decide that using natural herbs, vitamins, and oils (substances Nature gave us) are the way to go. Then your child gets cancer. Against your better judgment you agree to take him in for a chemo treatment and he has an adverse reaction that probably scared the bejesus out of you. You also think about how another family member had died from chemo treatments.

You then decide to revert back to the natural medicines you thought were the best for your child in the first place only to have the gov't find out and tell you you HAVE to give him chemo--a poison that destroys your immune system, kills healthy as well as cancer cells, makes you loose your hair and drastically reduces your quality of life and possibly resulting in your death--or face your child being taken away from you and being put in jail. But you decide to run away instead.

How can someone call that child abuse?

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:40 PM
Bah this is sicko - arresting his mother when he is dying of cancer? What kind of sick world is this we live in?

People have a right over their own body to die, or kill themselves or whatever - no-one can take that right from you - no matter what a stupid law says.

Stupid laws that say we can't die in a time and place of our own choosing - what sick mind invented that kind of crap.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:52 PM
Some posts here are very sickening. We should be outraged about the fact a judge can opt to torture a little boy. That's what Chemo is.

I have studied alternative cancer treatments and there are numerous PROVED treatments out that don't torture the patient. Do you really think the general public will get these types of CURES from the state. Big pharma went after most of these treatments to shut them down, that's how you can measure their effectiveness. So please don't be ignorant and study study study. Don't eat the poison they are giving to you.

If I told you I could cure your son by torture would you allow it? Not to mention the boy not wanting it either. As long as they are going for alternative treatments they should be left alone.

[edit on 21-5-2009 by broli]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by broli

The problem with that is - the alternative 'treatment' they have resorted to is: PRAYER.

Prayer alone.

Nothing less, nothing more.

That is neglect. If it were me - they would hopefully save my son from myself... JUST AS THE GOVERNMENT is here. If I too were NEGLECTING to care for either of my four boys, Id have to answer to that... she should be no different. She is simply being held to the same responsibilities as all other parents, nothing less, nothing more.

If we arent good Mommys... someone comes and takes them away.


Again, when he dies... I hope she fries. With every fiber of my being.

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