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Satan worship is the final form of Religion in New World Order

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posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

I dont quite unserstand exactly what you mean?

You believe is Lucifer/Satan and a creator, yey you dont wish to honor or accept one or the other??

I's be interested in hearing more.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by James Random

The Satanic Bilbe may seen tame, I wouldnt know.

Where on earth did you buy a Satanic Bible and for what purpose? To figure the dude out? He is a liar, to say the least.

It is very interesting, tell me more please.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by James Random

The Satanic Bilbe may seen tame, I wouldnt know.

Where on earth did you buy a Satanic Bible and for what purpose? To figure the dude out? He is a liar, to say the least.

It is very interesting, tell me more please.

I brought it because i uphold the tenet of ATS: Deny Ignornce.

I couldn't very well sit here and pass judgement on Satanists and Satanism and their bible and decry them for evil deeds and beliefs without actually having read into those beliefs in some fashion.
It would be extremely ignorant to say anything good for bad on the subject of Satanism without actually having done some investigation into it first. It would be like being a critic for a film you'd never actually seen, but only heard about from other people who thought it was crap.

Is satanism about depopulation of the planet and control and forcing everyone to take Luciferian pledge? No, it is not.
Is Satanism a religion where they sacrifice animals, virgins and children to the dark lord?
No, it is not.
Is Satanism the primary religion of the New World Order? - If they're looking to depopulate the world and kill many people simply because they desire control: then no, that is not Satanism, that is merely Elitism and facism from people who just happen to worship Satan, but not really anything to do with Satanism at all.

As far as I am aware (at least for the UK), The Satanic Bible is available from most good bookshops (I bought mine from Waterstone's) as well as being available on Amazon.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by James Random]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by wonderworld

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by James Random

The Satanic Bilbe may seen tame, I wouldnt know.

Where on earth did you buy a Satanic Bible and for what purpose? To figure the dude out? He is a liar, to say the least.

It is very interesting, tell me more please.

Something tells me that most Christians would consider anything that varies from their teachings satanic. Tell me wonderworld, what does this satanic religion practice exactly and what makes it satanic?

The bible mentions mystery religions, like freemasonry and even christianity could be considered a mystery religion.

The antichrist would deny that Christ comes in the flesh.

Maybe thats because he was a pharoah. a mortal man.

For a religion that preaches against worshiping idols and dieties, christianity sure does alot of it. This diety is known as Jesus. Christianity is a mystery religion. It could be satan worship for all you know.

As long as you worship dieties you will never udnerstand the truth, we are all but one living breathing organism.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by James Random

I see, you are simply increasing your Knowledge. I'm just weird I guess I wont even buy a dirt DEVIL vacuum or DEVILED ham. I'm not superstious. I havent had a desire to read it I guess.

Deny Ignorance is what it's all about.

Do you also have a Bible? Which do you like best, rather the theology behind them?

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by James Random

I see, you are simply increasing your Knowledge. I'm just weird I guess I wont even buy a dirt DEVIL vacuum or DEVILED ham. I'm not superstious. I havent had a desire to read it I guess.

Deny Ignorance is what it's all about.

Do you also have a Bible? Which do you like best, rather the theology behind them?

You should not take everything so seriously. Sugary foods are also compared the devil.

I would recommend a healthy dose of fresh air and a taking little break from all the religious mumbo jumbo.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

What do you think will happen on 12/21/12?

Wrong! Christians do not believe that any thing that varies from our beliefs or other religions are Satanic. Why do people always assume this?

I have no clue of what Satanic practices are but they are Evil!

In Christianity we only have one enemy (Satan/Lucifer)

No the Anti-Christ will come and claim to be God. He will force people to worship him and take his mark.

I have taken Theology so where did you ever get the idea that Satan was a pharaoh? He was never human; however he will take on a human form at the time of his calling, which is getting near.

What idols do Christians worship? A Christmas Tree? Wow. We don’t worship that nor do we worship a cross.

We have a personal pleasant one on one with God. It isn’t controlling, either.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

No you don't worship a cross but you worship a man.

Just because you don't understand something does not make it satanic.

What happens on 12/21/12? Well thats the harvest.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

In Christianity we only have one enemy (Satan/Lucifer)

Thats the problem with most christians. Your enemy may not even exist for all you know.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:27 PM

The Jewish Talmud is one of the most debated books on earth. For centuries philo-semites and anti-semites have been arguing over the true content of its teachings. The philo-semites claim that the disputed Talmudic passages are taken out of context and distorted; the anti-semites retort that the odious passages mean exactly what they say and that the “contextual rationalizations are precisely that. What is the truth of the matter?

To understand the Talmud one must first grasp that it is a series of debates between various rabbis throughout the centuries on all the problems of life. The Talmud is very extensive comprising roughly twenty- six volumes of many thousands of pages. It is written in various ancient languages, principally Hebrew and Aramaic, and has only been (partially) translated into English in the twentieth century. It requires a lifetime of study to master in all its intricacies. The Talmud was once widely studied by Christian monks and scholars. It is now virtually unknown by the non-Jewish world. The much-disputed passages are found scattered throughout the books of the Talmud. They occur in a variety of contexts and settings. The common denominator is that all the passages in question appear bitterly anti-Christian and anti-gentile. The Jews have evolved a wide variety of defenses to these disputed passages. The techniques are very sophisticated and require involved analysis. The basic technique, as already noted, is to claim that the passage is quoted out of context. A more specific technique is to allege that the principle being applied is specific to the particular circumstance and not a general principle to be applied to all circumstances. Or, another technique is to assert that the offending principle is only the opnion of one particular rabbi, not the opinion of all rabbis. Or, the anti-social sentiment was the product of the persecution of the Jews in a particular time and place, not the opinion of all Jews in all ages. The “context” is distorted. Other favored techniques are to use code words. The Talmud proliferates with references to ancient peoples such as the Hittites, Akum and so forth. The Jews pretend that if a particular passage makes unflattering references to these ancient peoples, that the reference is based on an unfortunate historical experience of the past, not on any antipathy to present day gentiles. The anti-semites reply that laws are of the present. To preserve laws pertaining to dead peoples makes no sense unless those references to dead peoples are really code words for peoples of the present. Sometimes the Jews will argue that the obscene references to Jesus sprinkled throughout the Talmud really refer to some other Jesus, and not to the well-known Jesus of Nazareth. This was, for instance, the defense of the rabbi confronted by the charges of Nicholas Donin in 14th century France. The rabbi was unable to say just who the other Jesus was. On the face of it, it should be obvious that if a Talmudic passage asserts that “Jesus is being boiled in hot excrement for all eternity” it must be someone the Talmudic sages hated very much.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:29 PM
The Talmud is a very tricky book. It abounds in hair splitting distinctions, tortured logic and upside down thinking. Like modern day law, the Talmud can be used to justify, or condemn, virtually anything. That is its utility. Thus, when the anti-semite quotes the offending passage, the Jew quotes the contrary passage. One way of judging the validity of anti-semitic complaints about the Talmud is to look for signs of a Jewish anti-Christian, anti-gentile tradition outside the Talmud. Thus, if the reader consults a book like “Reckless Rites” by Elliott Horowitz, he finds a lengthy well-documented anti-Christian tradition. Horowitz establishes that for centuries Jews routinely spit on the Christian cross and cursed the name of Jesus as a mandatory religious duty. He also establishes that the festival of Purim which celebrates the hanging of the Persians who opposed the Jews in ancient times, is proof of a Jewish “revenge mentality” against the outside, non-Jewish world. If Jews have a centuries old bias against Christianity it would only be logical to assume that this anti-Christian, anti-gentile mentality would be elaborated and continued in the Talmud. As noted at the beginning of this essay, the Talmud was once studied very intensely by Christian scholars during the Middle Ages. These Christian scholars were well versed in the ancient languages in which the Talmud was written. Thus, the Jews had to be careful about venting their hatred in their Talmudic scriptures. Their enemies could read those scriptures-and understand them. Thus, the Jews invented the cover up techniques we have already reviewed. Other Jewish techniques involved deleting the offending passages entirely and passing them down orally from generation to generation. Only when the Jews felt that the Messianic Age was at hand, as in the days of the early Reformation or the time of Shabbatai Zevi, would they lose caution and restore the offending passages to their printed editions.

The Talmud has been the subject of innumerable investigations and disputations over the centuries. There was the aforementioned Nicholas Donin in 14th century France, the disputations of Rabbi Pfferkorn with Johannes Reuchlin, the investigations of Johannes Eisenmenger in “Endektes Judentum”, the writings of Johannes Buxdorf in “Synagoga Judaica”, the pamphlet of August Rohling, “Jesus Christus Im Talmud”, the writings of the Greek Orthodox priest, Reverend Pranaitis, the more recent revelations of Professor Israel Shahak in Israel and other exposures. Of all these enemies of the Talmud, no doubt the most formidable was Eisenmenger. Even the Jews, among them Frank E. Manuel and Jacob Katz, praise his erudition and acquit him of the charge of mistranslation of the ancient texts. When the opponents of the Talmud have been dragged into court on charges of libel they have generally fared badly. The reason is not hard to understand. As stated at the beginning of this essay, the study of the Talmud requires a lifetime. The anti-semitic scribe studies only the odious passages, not the book as a whole. Therefore, when tested in court, he can easily be shown to be ignorant of much of what the Talmud teaches, thus enhancing the credibility of the “taken-out-of-context argument. This is what happened to both Rohling and Pranaitis in their court cases.

Perhaps the best test of the true teachings of the Talmud is to compare the infamous passages with what the Jews do in the real world. If the Talmud really teaches that non-Jews are animals in human form, fit only to be enslaved or murdered by God’s Chosen People, then one would expect these precepts to be implemented in the real world. Let us take the invasion of Gaza as an example. The world is horrified at what is going on. The Israelis are murdering helpless civilians by the most barbaric of methods. They treat the Palestinians as “animals in human form”-and slaughter them. Is this not exactly what the disputed Talmudic passages say? To go back further in history we may recall the tens of millions slaughtered by the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia by similarly gruesome methods. For those who recall the activities of the Jews in Roman times there were the horrible upheavals in which tens of thousands of Greek and Roman civilians were slaughtered by the Jewish rebels who then wrapped themselves in the intestines of their victims. Or there was the horrible massacre of 90,000 Christians delivered to the Jews for slaughter by the Persian King Cyrus after he retook Jerusalem from the Byzantines around 630 A.D. The details and the cover up in Jewish historiography are detailed in Mr. Horowitz’s book “Reckless Rites”. Thus, there is a barbarity in Jewish behaviour from ancient times to present that is entirely consistent with the literal word of the obnoxious Talmudic scriptures.

And there, the case must rest. The reader may judge for himself the merits of the case. He has before him the arguments, pro and con. The matter has been disputed for centuries; the evidence is all in. He may believe the Jews; he may believe their critics; he may believe the blood of Gaza. The choice is his.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Yes Christians believe 100% that Satan exists and yes he is our only Enemy.

Many people believe God and Satan are fictional charcters. A person wouldnt know unless they have experienced it.

What's the harvest. I dont think it hs to do with vegetables, being in December.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:36 PM
As an atheist i won't be worshipping anything.

But nontheless, i can't see this happening. People have far too much faith in their own religions.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

On December 21 the sun sets for three days and rises on the 25th days become longer.

In this case it happens to be the day the earth was supposedly created, so this is the day it would also be destroyed. Alpha and Omega.

Everything will be made as it was new again.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by James Random

I see, you are simply increasing your Knowledge. I'm just weird I guess I wont even buy a dirt DEVIL vacuum or DEVILED ham. I'm not superstious. I havent had a desire to read it I guess.

Deny Ignorance is what it's all about.

Do you also have a Bible? Which do you like best, rather the theology behind them?

You don't have to be superstitious to read it so that you know what you're talking about when a thread like this comes up. Same with any other religion.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by James Random

I see, you are simply increasing your Knowledge. I'm just weird I guess I wont even buy a dirt DEVIL vacuum or DEVILED ham. I'm not superstious. I havent had a desire to read it I guess.

Deny Ignorance is what it's all about.

Do you also have a Bible? Which do you like best, rather the theology behind them?

You should not take everything so seriously. Sugary foods are also compared the devil.

The bible says alot of strange things.

Fowls walk on all fours (really?)

Whales are fish.

Women who wear men's clothing are abominations...

the list goes on.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

That's good in your case, since youre an Atheist it's better to worship nothing than to worship Satan, when he proclaims himself as God. I'm glad you wont fall for it.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by James Random

Sorry, I didnt mean that you are superstitious. , maybe I'm being ignorant and, in fact am superstitious. Perhaps scared to hold a Satanic book in my hands. I stay away from things I see as Evil.

I wouldnt even allow it it my home. My daughter once brought home an occult whitchcraft book that I ran through the shreader. I ended up paying the late fee.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by James Random

Understanding the Bible for some is impossible, that will not be held against them.

To understand the Bible and things it represents sometimes requires a bit of theology to understand it.

I love the Bible. It's the only book out there that hasnt missed one prediction yet.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by lee anoma
"Lucifer" is the real God of the earth.
Though not accurately represented in the common bible.

It's twisted around so that when they are talking about him, you think it is about "God". He's the jealous one that rages around a lot and trapped quite a few inter-dimensional beings here that actually tried to help us spiritually grow. Although those beings may refer to themselves in simplistic terms like "spirits"should you ever come across them, they are a lot more complicated than they ever let on to the average man.

Regardless...he (the "devil") is "A creator" and not "THE creator".

Great post Lee!

You are right in saying that Lucifer is "A Creator" but not actually our creator. Yahweh is our "direct" creator; he's the one who created us and put us inside the Garden of Eden in order to rule over us as a principality. You could say that in a way he was trying to show to the higher (spiritual) realms that what was possible in those planes, he could reflect "down" in the material realm (hence "As above, so below").

Now Lucifer is the one who came to help us by giving us the possibility of choice and giving us knowledge about what was really happening. He's the one who has been helping us evolve spiritually.
Thus Yahweh became jealous and trapped Lucifer inside the Earth's planes.

This is the conclusion I've come to after doing extensive reaserch on the matter, although there's still a lot of info out there; especially in the old gnostic texts.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Estess]

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