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Why is there a barcode on my license plate?

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posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:21 PM
I received a new plate in January and didn't even know Oklahoma was doing this until I listened to my local radio program yesterday evening. The radio show host was shocked when a caller told him about it because he had no knowlege of it either. I did a quick search and found the following link through an online blog:

"The InsureNet technology assigns a "UC", (Unique Code), to each combination of policy and VIN, (Vehicle Identification Number), which becomes the "bridge" between insurers and government entities and records."

There's a picture of the plate on the blog here:

Also worth noting from the blog is the following:

-InsureNet or DragNet? Apparently Oklahoma is entertaining ideas of adopting a vehicle surveillance system called InsureNet to target “uninsured vehicles,” and which is linked to such international organizations as AAMVA (model of the REAL ID requirements)

I have to say that it sounds innocent enough in respect to targeting uninsured vehicles, but is that all they're going to use it for? I doubt it. There's too much money to be made and that last little bit of privacy to do away with.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:28 PM

"The InsureNet technology assigns a "UC", (Unique Code), to each combination of policy and VIN, (Vehicle Identification Number), which becomes the "bridge" between insurers and government entities and records."

Your just paranoid if anything it is the VSP.
Vehicle Survailance(SP?) Program.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by h1satsu

I suppose it could be paranoia but sometimes a small dose is a healthy thing. It's not anything I'm going to lose sleep over.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 08:01 PM
What happens in Oklahoma when you're caught driving without current mandatory insurance is that your car is impounded, searched and if you don't come up with the impound fee and proof of insurance in a certain time frame, your car gets sold off at the next Sheriffs auction.

Since these new Insurenets are only accurate about 60% of the time, that's a lot of people who are going to get busted unnecessarily, lose their jobs, their cars and eventually their homes and kids (can't have kids without electric in the home).

Sounds like a silent round-up to me. We have a right to face our accuser and if the "accuser" is a machine, it can not be cross-examined in a court of law. Not only are the cops always right now but their infernal machines will be too. Just like the radar detectors. They're wrong 10% of the time but I bet 10% of the people busted for speeding tickets don't get their cases dismissed based on that.

Stakes are much higher here than just a fine. Transportation is a basic necessity of life, like food, clothing and shelter.

[edit on 16-5-2009 by whitewave]

[edit on 16-5-2009 by whitewave]

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Well I dont like barcodes either. All we need now is a scanner on our hand to complete the project.

Why does all this stuff originate in the EU? Has Gordon Brown been hanging around the DMV office?

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:51 PM
I don't know that I would let a barcode on a license plate worry me. What about the barcode on your vehicle? What about all the barcodes elsewhere?

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by desertdreamer
I don't know that I would let a barcode on a license plate worry me. What about the barcode on your vehicle? What about all the barcodes elsewhere?

The other barcodes are not used to separate me from my transportation. If you did not have a car could you get to work? Considering the frequency with which these things have already shown themselves to be wrong, that's a big consequence for a stupid mistake.

Seeing as how we're all guilty until proven innocent, it can be a costly endeavor as well as time consuming to get it all straightened out. Never mind the hassle factor. How are people going to get to court to straighten it all out without a car?

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by whitewave

Hi WW. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

I was thinking along the same lines as you, only I try not to let myself get too carried away. I wouldn't want to be labeled a conspiracy theorist or anything! To me it's worrisome that every aspect of your life is being catalogued by everyone from your local DMV right up to the big boys in D.C. This is one more thing, in a long line of many, that takes a little more of your privacy away.

I guess some people are ok with that but I worry a little more every day.

Before I came to this site, I didn't question things like this. I believe when it comes to the government, there's always an ulterior motive. Even if it's benign.

[edit on 5/16/2009 by soldiermom]

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by desertdreamer

Like I said before, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. I just find it odd that more and more of the things we use in every day life have to be barcoded.

Like WW said, the accuracy on this program is not 100% and that could mean a huge headache for people that are law-abiding citizens. I'm not knocking the concept, just the capacity for human error. And we all know how reliable computers are at times. That, and the fact that the information could be used for a multitude of things that you're not aware of.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:35 PM
its a lot better to have the bar code then some moronic old school state id number that is only used in that state. sovereignty should not apply legally to any vehicle that can travel interstate. with any hope this will be employed so the states can stop taking our hard earned money!

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:39 PM
Wait a minute, there are people upset that their number plates have barcodes on them??

Their number plate, which is unique, has a barcode and people are up in arms about it?

Does anyone else think how dumb that sounds??

The number plate is already UNIQUE to the car it's fitted to.
Anyone with access to the vehicle registration database can already get all your information from just the number plate.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:48 PM
As for the barcode, they scan it into the computer when they issue the plate to you. If you are paranoid, get a plate frame that covers the barcode.

As for the InsureNet, this is great news! I've had a run in with an uninsured motorist before hitting my car, and it's not fun. He tried to threaten me not to call the police, but I got a picture of him, his car, and his plate; and the info from an eye witness to the accident; that I turned straight over to the police and my insurance company.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:50 PM
We got these in BC last year. I had assumed that they were for the automatic plate readers that the police now utilize.

Special cameras are attached to each end of the light rack on the roof, the cameras are constantly running every plate that it can see looking for flags such as warrants, no insurance, suspended licenses, stolen vehicles etc. It then alerts the cop when a flag appears and the cop pulls it over.

In the past police could only manually enter a bunch per hour, now the machines scan hundreds every hour.

Though I can't say for sure this is why there is bar codes, the two did come out at the exact same time in my province. Our plates suddenly had scannable bar codes, and cops announced new automatic plate readers.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

As it stands now, a cop can pull me over (after getting all the information he needs from running my license plate) and ask to see my insurance verification. I pull the verification from my visor and show it to him. He goes away.

With a computer highly prone to error saying I HAVE no insurance verification, even if I still pull my little piece of paper from the visor and show it to him, which do you think he's going to believe? Let's see. Take the word of the computer, impound the car and get more fees for the department or actually go to the trouble of calling the insurance company listed and see if I'm telling the truth?

Kind of amazes me that people would think cops wouldn't opt for the easy way out that might bring enough revenue to keep their department from having any layoffs. Most human being will choose the easiest path. Allegedly, they're human too.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by whitewave]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:43 AM
This isn't about the bar-code people, it has RFID technology!

There are generally two types of RFID tech: active RFID tags, which contain a battery and can transmit signals autonomously, and passive RFID tags, which have no battery and require an external source to provoke signal transmission.

They (TPTB) are devious buggers and i suspect that the whole reg plate behaves as an aerial to the active RFID tag, thus boosting the radar cone of your movements. It would be trivial to tap off a small voltage off the car battery to have your reg on 'always transmit' mode.

So let's view this from two angles - good & bad:

- Clamp down on insurance scammers, road tax dodgers et al
- Trace stolen cars

- Any minor infraction will be punishable by automated ticketing
- Your movements will be tracked 24/7

It's just another notch in the bedpost for reduced autonomy of the populous and every breath, every step is monitored for dissent.

I don't see any problem in just taking a hammer to the chip; just like i will do for the tag in my UK passport.

If you're stopped in your car, you're tagged. If you're 'processed', you've relinquished your most precious of personal data...your DNA. The authorities then have Carte Blanche on every movement and the database just gets filled with juicy data they can sell on.

Call me paranoid, but my weapon of choice for NWO tech, is a hammer.


posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:56 AM
Barcode, Vin number, Tag number, and drivers lic can get you anything you want.
What more could a bar-code do?
Maybe its like when you get an EZ-pass sticker?
What difference does RFID make, when you are tracked by credit card usage already?

[edit on 17-5-2009 by jenny21]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by whitewave

In the unlikely hood a cop pulls you over because his machine says you don't have insurance, you show him your insurance card, he believes the machine, impounds your car and force you to pay impound fees.

In the very unlikely hood that happens. Here is what you do.

1.Post it on ATS, you will get alot of stars and flags, your points will jump through the roof.
2.Go to the PD and raise hell.
3. Go to court and show your insurance card and ask that all fees be waived.

If neither one of those works, call your local news channel.

It is unlikely that the cop will ignore your insurance card anyways, but you keep thinking those paranoid thoughts.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by jd140
reply to post by whitewave

It is unlikely that the cop will ignore your insurance card anyways, but you keep thinking those paranoid thoughts.

Thanks. I think I will. Distrust and paranoia has served me well over the years but it was silly of me to think I could express anything but praise for TPTB on a conspiracy site.

It is "unlikely" that cops will take a battering ram to break down your door and haul you off for trespassing over some mistake about your mortgage being paid off but, it happened (happens?).

It is "unlikely" that some cop will help you get home after one too many cocktails only to rape you in your own house but that happened too.

There are a lot of things that seem "unlikely" but are happening with increasing frequency every day. Think I'll stick with being "paranoid".

Am I just being paranoid or has it become the new fashion on ATS to tell other people they're mentally unstable because their opinion differs from yours? Nah...that's just crazy talk.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by soldiermom


The Anonymity Experiment

Then we have Donald Kerr, the principal deputy director of National Intelligence, who proclaimed in a speech last October that “protecting anonymity isn’t a fight that can be won.” Privacy-minded people have long warned of a world in which an individual’s every action leaves a trace, in which corporations and governments can peer at will into your life with a few keystrokes on a computer. Now one of the people in charge of information-gathering for the U.S. government says, essentially, that such a world has arrived.


For now, few systems are in place to help us understand what data is being gathered or correct the inevitable mistakes, and in the absence of laws that define punishments for data breaches—and judges who enforce them—companies can walk away from serious privacy violations with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.


Video: Hacker war drives San Francisco cloning RFID passports

Using a $250 Motorola RFID reader and antenna connected to his laptop, Chris recently drove around San Francisco reading RFID tags from passports, driver licenses, and other identity documents. In just 20 minutes, he found and cloned the passports of two very unaware US citizens. Fortunately, Chris wears a white hat; his video demonstration is meant to raise awareness to what he calls the unsuitability of RFID for tagging people

According to the securenet info, all the non-insured drivers are costing higher rates for the rest.

If everyine was tracked in real time to the vehicle for insurance, etc...
and in a perfect world, 100% of drivers carried insurance,

Do you really think the premiums will come way down?

Hell no. They will reap unprecidented profits and eventually that won't be enough and they'll want more...

You see it now with Congress and the Administration, Treasury, FED.

And with insurers and banks.

They will rake trillions more and keep increasing rates.
There is no 12 step program for greed and thirst for power.

The more they frink up the power, the more thirst for freedom.

If this keeps up, as in a Rush song, "The Necromancer"

"only their thirst for freedom gives them hunger for vengence."

I have a hunger burning, but today it is from missing a meal.

Tomorrow, it may be for justice.

The system cannot continue to fail us. Should USA pull a vold war Soviet Union financial failure,
You can bet the hunger across the nation will be so apparent, the nashing of teeth will be against those who stole our wealth as if they will not be brought to justice just because the government won't do their mandated duty. That is when they will lament in dispair that they were not in Federal Custody.

It reminds me of this.

Take a POW camp and allow the captors kids unrestricted access to the shackled prisoners.

They won't need coaxing to inflict more pain than a group of adults, (unless you are scheduled for them to some extract information.)

See Abu Ghaib and Guantánamo Bay)

They will clench the last dollar in their fist until it is pryed open.

Then, if there is hell on earth, it will manifest to those who's greed has corrupted them, IMHO.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by imd12c4funn]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by imd12c4funn

Your spot on. That's what people don't think about. Most of us are completely unaware of the information that's being gathered, how it's being gathered and what it's going to be used for. It's something to think about.

And to those of you who think I'm paranoid, I didn't create this thread with sweat rolling down my face and shaky hands. I heard about it and thought it was worth mentioning. That's what this site is all about isn't it?

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