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Has any president lied as much as bush?

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posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 05:35 PM
The 9/11 hearings are a joke anyway.

* Jamie Gorelick is still sitting there as a member. She should be removed from the commision and made to testify in public, under oath
* Richard Clarke had the unmitigated gall to apologize to the American public for 9/11, giving the false impression that had he only been listened to, 9/11 would have never happened
* Condy Rice testified under oath, in public, when she had ample precedent for not having to do so, yet Clarke hid behind that very same privilege in the past
* Ben-Veniste is so pathetically partisan that it's disgusting. He rushed Rice to answer, yet practically fawned over Clarke, ceding his time to question him in return for another chance to attack Rice
* Rice is to be commended for keeping her composure in the face of rude applause, which went unchallenged by Ben-Veniste

The hearings are so blatantly partisan that they cannot be taken seriously.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 06:19 PM
bush has got to go.
that's all i have to say. he's a lying son of a bitch and he's not gonna survive the next election even if bin Laden is captured. it's not like bush was the one who took the time to go out there and drag osama out.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by silQ
bush has got to go.
that's all i have to say. he's a lying son of a bitch and he's not gonna survive the next election even if bin Laden is captured. it's not like bush was the one who took the time to go out there and drag osama out.

Not sure what this means? Do you mean to say that GWB didn't personally go out there and drag osama out? /sacracsm on: Well, that's just not playing fair! After all, bin Laden was at the wheel of one of the planes on 9/11! /sarcasm off

[Edited on 29-4-2004 by jsobecky]

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