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The total insanity of tea parties

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posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:13 AM

The total insanity of tea parties

Chants like "Give me liberty, not debt" and "Our kids can't afford you" were heard across several U.S. cities Wednesday as anti-tax "tea party" protesters took to the streets to voice their opposition to big government spending.

Thousands of protesters -- some dressed in colonial wigs with tea bags hanging from their eyeglasses -- showed up in states from California to Kentucky to Massachusetts, holding signs and reading speeches lambasting the Obama administration's tax-and-spend policies.

"I have two little kids and I know we are mortgaging their futures away," one protester
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:13 AM
I'm sure when all is said and done, we will have no doubt have found a scape goat.
Be it the...Muslims, Jews, Africans, Chinese, SARS, pig flu, avian flue, Bush I, Bush II, Obama, Palin, and lately The NWO. [SNIP] man! the list could go for-godd**n-ever if i wanted it to. It is all but hardwired into the everyday American to blame anyone but themselves.

We sit around mailing tea-bags to Washington as if somehow that accomplishes anything more than a rise in demand for tea production which inevitably results in higher profits for ( insert tea company here ) which further results in a rise in stock prices for ( said company ). Samuel Adams would roll over in his [SNIP] grave today if he saw the shallow symbolism, falsely attributed I might add...that is our modern day libertarian tea party movement.

I am unsure if it's naivety or out and out stupidity that has brought us to this point in history. Either way ignorance is no excuse and if it's good enough for the American legal system, then it's good enough for me. So let me take time out to inform you what the Bost Tea Party was, and how pathetically insignificant you're tea party is. But for the record if the mass-media consuming population is any indication of our future in America then let me be the first one in line to tell you that we are totally [SNIP].

On 16 December 1773, a gathering of Boston citizens led by patriot Samuel Adams disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and boarded three British ships docked in the Boston Harbor in search of imported tea. These men, armed with axes and tomahawks, chopped open the tea trunks they found onboard and dumped almost 10,000 pounds (about 4,500 kilograms) of tea into the harbor. This action was taken by the colonists to show their distain at England's attempt to monopolize the tea market, forcing the colonists to buy their tea from the British East India Company. The Boston Tea Party is an important event in United States history as it marked the first show of violence by the colonists and cast the first cries for independence in the Boston area. England had already repealed many of the import taxes on the colonists, but it retained the tea tax to let the colonists know they were still subject to British rule. After the Tea party, England demanded that the Boston government pay for the tea, but the locals refused. As a result, British forces closed the Boston harbor for a period of time, further inciting cries for independence. ( )

Now I don't expect much-if-any of that to resonate with you people. With that said, it still completely mystifies me that you all feel that your being politicly active by destroying an item you had to purchase yourself. We are in a recession and here you are mailing something you bought, to someone who wont read it. Don't you think by now there is a universal office policy at all government agencies to throw away all letters even suspected of having something other than a letter in it.

If you want to make a point. Stop paying your bills. All of them. Stop going to work. Stop purchasing gas. For the love of god stop buying tea. At least then you would be preserving the ideals of the original tea party. Stop contributing to the system all together. Remember that you are a single cog in a very large and intricate machine. Individually you are totally insignificant at best. However if enough cogs stop moving the machine breaks down. We are a union of states and should treat like any other union, by going on a full blown national strike against citizenship and all that it currently entails.

I assure you that if the majority of americans refuse to work and purchase non essential consumer goods for just one week. All hell would break loose, the system would essentially go into cardiac arrest. However, there are repercussions to this and they will be swift and intimidating. But if we can outlast the first wave of heavy handedness buy our government, we can win this. Remember that all government agents are still paid employes, and without the majority contributing to the system companies will fold, stores will close. So the government can keep printing its fiat currency to pay the military but it will be useless as they will have nowhere to spend it. We have reached a point of either unifying as a country against tyranny, or we can sit back as history passes us by. Ether way, our generation will make it into the history books. We either save the nation, or watch it be destroyed from the inside. We are facilitating our own demise. I can't stand on the soapbox all alone. I need help. You all are that help. -j

**For the record it's 4am here so correcting any grammer at this point would be foolish as I have no intention of correcting it and don't really care. I wrote this on a whim partially out of anger but mostly out of boredom. So try you best to look passed the misuse of a comma or the obvious misspelling of words. I realize the article i chose isn't current, but the situation is, and this article was the first one i found on google. I might be asking to much here but it would be super if someone here had an opinion other than telling me any of the above mentioned things. mmmmkthnx. j
(visit the link for the full news article)


Edited to remove censor circumvention

Please read Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors

[edit on 9/5/09 by masqua]

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:41 AM

..but it retained the tea tax to let the colonists know they were still subject to British rule.

You don't have to stop buying life's essentials. You don't even have to stop filling up the car. But you do have to look for the equivelant of the tea tax in modern day. What is the stick they hit you with to let you know they own you? Is it the banks? Is it the scaremongering media?

Find out what the 'tea tax' is and act accordingly...and please stop dumping tea in open water, fish really don't care for the stuff and the PTB are probably buying tea-company stock as your read this.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:59 AM
I totally agree with you. What I wrote was an over simplfied, hype-caffinated version of situation. The whole "citizenship strike" was just the simplest idea i could come up with to relate my point adequately. The tea parties just piss me off in general. It makes me laugh, then cry when I see people who truly think they are making a difference, when really all they are doing is looking right, while the government goes left. -j

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 05:26 AM
Another thing to watch is the 'sponsors' of the tea parties. They tend to steer the thinking of the crowd in a certain (for the sponsor beneficial) direction.
A Fox sponsored event will be reported by Fox and so they will make sure the event is anti-Obama administration and anti-socialism (without ever explaining the difference between communism, socialism and fascism).
But the sponsors will NEVER EVER let people do anything that would really make a difference, it's simply not in their own (the sponsors) best interest.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 07:01 AM
Sponsored protests? The whole idea is just insane. Insane I say! Yet I can totally believe it to be a fair assumption to make. What is the point of having a protest, if despite all your efforts, you are merely making yourself a vehicle to others for their own agenda, which is completely divorced from the very message you are attempting to promote through your protest? You are just becoming a pawn in someone else's game.

Although then the argument would be, is there any real point to protesting? Peaceful to violent protesting may bring about change, but you have to snowball your protest to an extremely large percentage of any given population to get your country's PTB to notice; in turn, the media would be a natural by-product of communicating your message to as large a crowd as possible. There is no escape... Does protesting change anything? Or does it just broadcast your message with a public event, where people can be physically seen together to be 'making a statement'?

I believe any kind of protest really just boils down to, notice me! notice me!

We don't want to pay anymore taxes - the answer? A tea bag. Oh but of course! Why hasn't this idea occured to me before? Because it's a stupid idea
. Governments want their money. They make the rules, the enforce the rules and the only form of protest that may make them sit up and pay attention is if a large percentage of people just stopped paying their taxes in protest. Money talks louder than tea bags.

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