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Waterboard Sean Hannity, Take Your Bets!

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posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:03 AM
(Side-note: Charles Grodin is a rhetorical scholar/genius.) You get to Grodin's interview after Hannity blabs for a 2:30 into this first video

And part 2

Hannity says he is for "enhanced interrogation" and will subject himself to waterboarding for charity. And, thus...

Olbermann Calls Hannity's Bluff: $1000 For Every Second Of Waterboarding (VIDEO)

I say under 30 seconds. Sean Hannity will tap-out in under 30.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:16 AM
Hannity is a pig.

I heard about this today. 30 seconds? Don't give him so much credit.

He makes himself look more like a fool with each word he speaks.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:18 AM
Right on

Olbermann said tonight he would give him $1000 for every second I believe lol


Ill take the action lol

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by David9176

I believe he can make it 30 seconds because that is about average for humans holding their breath underwater. The bravado of Hannity in that situation will be tenuous, 30 seconds later he will be gasping for Dick Cheney to save him.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Oooh! I'm going to guess 25, but even that seems too high. Watch the "Christopher Hitchens Gets Waterboarded" video on YouTube for an idea of what it might be like for Hannity. Hitchens didn't last anywhere near 30 seconds. The panic causes you to give in long before you would if you were merely holding your breath under water.

Edit to add: 25 seconds

[edit on 24/4/09 by paperplanes]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:08 AM
He'll probably come up with an excuse not to do it (to backtrack). So I guess the answer is 0.

Unless someone has the leverage and willingness to make him do it.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:12 AM
what is wrong with you people???????????? seriously are you a bunch of hypocrits or what?

remember the left doesnt beleive in waterboarding its not a ok for a terrorists BUT ITS OK FOR SEAN HANNITY?????

its ok for a republican? or someone on the right?

you people on the left like to think your better than everyone else. how about time you actually show it.

and the responses in this thread IS NOT showing it.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by neo67]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by neo67
what is wrong with you people???????????? seriously are you a bunch of hypocrits or what?

remember the left doesnt beleive in waterboarding its not a ok for a terrorists BUT ITS OK FOR SEAN HANNITY?????

you people on the left like to think your better than everyone else. how about time you actually show it.

and the responses in this thread IS NOT showing it.

You must be a "right-winger" because anyone who does not agree with you is a leftist. Well, let me tell you, I am for neither party, they are both crooked in their own special ways. So before you label me and other people on this thread as "the left" look at your own ilk (grammar-wise as well).

The term "terrorist/s" is meant to reduce human beings to nothing, less than human. It is a form of xenophobia. And it is scary. The same people who say "well, they say he's a terrorist so he has no rights" are the same people who call people from Mexico "illegals." (Check out Peter Boyles on DENVER AM radio, he can't shut up about it.) Where is your wretch-factor? I mean, are we talking about human beings or dead and diseased dogs on the side of the road? I find the such labeling of human beings to be disgusting.

So, waterboarding is a practice that is used frequently. Sean Hannity is shrugging his shoulders saying it is no big deal, and to get over it. Well, let's put some water where his mouth is and see how harmless the practice is.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by neo67

Hey, hey, hey, it's just a harmless wager, come on, why take it oh so seriously. It's for charity, if he's man enough, he ought to do it don't you think?

I mean it's just waterboarding, it's like going to the water park for a tough guy like Hannity, what's the big deal? It'll be fun really. There's no need to call people hypocrites... heh, heh.

BESIDES, perhaps once Hannity shows that waterboarding is not torture and harmless (no permanent damage), people will agree with this enhanced interrogation technique. It's safe, Hannity has nothing to be afraid of.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:00 AM
honestly from your posts i dont care what you think you posted what you thought and so did i.

so i am moving on.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by neo67]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by neo67

"Right-winger" is a term coined from a book I read about some guy who tried to be rhetorically astute, yet revealed his leanings by the very language he used.

I dislike Republicans more than Democrats. It is their sex with young boys that bothers me. At least Democrats have sex with people their own age (or of legal age). So, yeah, my leanings should be apparent.

The truth remains, this whole issue, and how Republicans approach it, is purely from emotion. "Oh my Gord! the terrorists might kill my kids!" So you have people like Hannity and O'Reilly that romanticize the issue hoping the investigation will go away. I am more level-headed than that. Take Ellis Henican, he is a rhetorical scholar and genius himself. I have the biggest non-sexual crush on him, and he slam-dunks O'Reilly on this issue.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:17 AM
Mr. Hannity has plenty of practice holding his breath whilst having his head up his own poopmaker ...

I dare say he can probably hang in there for the full hour not even breaking for commercials.

Did someone say pay per view?

[edit on 24 Apr 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:21 AM
And who exactly will be doing the waterboarding? I'm skeptical that they won't be taking it easy on him.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
reply to post by neo67

"Right-winger" is a term coined from a book I read about some guy who tried to be rhetorically astute, yet revealed his leanings by the very language he used.

I dislike Republicans more than Democrats. It is their sex with young boys that bothers me. At least Democrats have sex with people their own age (or of legal age). So, yeah, my leanings should be apparent.

The truth remains, this whole issue, and how Republicans approach it, is purely from emotion. "Oh my Gord! the terrorists might kill my kids!" So you have people like Hannity and O'Reilly that romanticize the issue hoping the investigation will go away. I am more level-headed than that. Take Ellis Henican, he is a rhetorical scholar and genius himself. I have the biggest non-sexual crush on him, and he slam-dunks O'Reilly on this issue.

what did you do sit there and think of the most ridiculous thing you could think of in order to bait someone into a fight????????

sorry to dissapoint but the next contestant can fight with you

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:24 AM
HAHHAHA I am soooo glad that I watched to the very end:

Hannity: "I would rather live in a world without fascism, naziism, without totalitarianism.."

Grodin: "WHAT? WHAT? YOU WOULD RATHER LIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT FASCISM (the US is a fascist state for those under a rock)?? YOUR FASCIST!

Hannity: "Ill accept your apology"


posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:28 AM
Well....I'd sure like to see both blowhards water-boarded....just so they'd shut-up for a few seconds!!!

O'Reilly.....oh dear, oh dear! Feeble-minded prattling pomposity!!!

He is the quintessential bully....just shout, shout, shout....and spout lies and misconceptions.

In only the last three minutes he managed to say speak so many lies whilst attempting to drown (oh, oh....let me!!) out the other guy....standard motus operandi. Spouting the BS about the LA attacks, when it's already been shown that the Bushies lied about that, the timing is in the record.

Hannity....well....hard to tell who is the biggest liar. I just hope they film the water-boarding. These bozos need to be taken down a few hundred notches.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by David9176
Hannity is a pig.

I heard about this today. 30 seconds? Don't give him so much credit.

He makes himself look more like a fool with each word he speaks.

He actually makes himself appear more like a tenacious genius with each word he speaks.

As for Olbermann, HA, he should be the very last person on Earth to open his mouth in regards to Interrogation Resistance. Keith would be crying the moment he was laid flat upon his back.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez

I dislike Republicans more than Democrats. It is their sex with young boys that bothers me. At least Democrats have sex with people their own age (or of legal age). So, yeah, my leanings should be apparent.

You happen to take the award for one of the most ignorant, asinine comments ever before posted in ATS. Your mouth outpaces your brain at a truly Olympic rate.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by pluckynoonez

Nice post, plucky....(pay no attention the nasty trolls....)

Heck, I don't have much, but I'd follow Keith Olbermann's example and pledge $5 per second, as long as it is televised!!!!! I'd gladly pay to 'Pay per View'! I get it!!!

*edit* the same charity....*end edit*

[edit on 4/24/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 08:56 AM
he'll just hold his breath for 30 seconds and be like "i did it!"

subject him to the full treatment until he cracks and breaks down like a whiney baby and gives us his encore presentation like when he reacted to Press Secretary gibbs before Obama became president (i dont remember the link...that thread exists here somewhere)

But my question is simply why?

What purpose does this serve? That waterboarding isnt that bad?
That waterboarding isnt that cruel?

If that is true, then why did our country get all up in arms at the Japanese for doing it to us?

Sticking up for your party's ideals is one thing. But sticking up for their gross lack of morality and hideous disregard for decency is something completely different.

Sean Hannity is just another Rush Limbaugh. They both subscribe to 'whoever screams loudest is right' or more pointedly 'the squeaky wheel gets the oil'

just tune them out.
It's been years since i gave Sean Hannity one second of my time.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by Fremd]

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