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Too Good To Be True? Obama Iraq Troop Greeting Allegedly Staged

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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 03:38 PM
I thought his recent trip to visit the troops seemed a little too perfect when you compare it to the chilly response he got from the Marines at Camp Lejeune back in Feb. The whole event was apparently staged by his advance squad. Once again, the master of misdirection and slight of hand fooled the masses.

MacsMind contends that the troop contingent was contrived, based on an e-mail he says he received "from a sergeant that was there."

We were pre-screened, asked by officials “Who voted for Obama?”, and then those who raised their hands were shuffled to the front of the receiving line. They even handed out digital cameras and asked them to hold them up. Take a look at the picture at AP and notice all the cameras are the same models? Coincidence? I think not.

I'm sure his administration will deny everything.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:15 PM
Identical cameras aren't exactly proof that the pic was staged, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if it was. Obama doesn't go anywhere unannounced, it just may not have been announced to the media. The commanders at the very least knew he was coming. And of course they will deny it if it was staged, it would ruin the illusion if they admitted it.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:17 PM
at the cameras all being the same

oh man i would not put this past them at'all, in fact i do believe it

the celebrity/messiah status Berry has is unbelievable, that many sheeple are blind? i don't understand that

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:54 PM
So it's not true that all the troops in Iraq love obama?

And so it is true that obama's handlers made up that scene just to try and convince us (really dumb and naive) folks back home that all the troops in Iraq love obama.

So, I now have to ask, "What else has obama (and his administration) told us that's not really true?"

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:57 PM
All of the politicians stack their crowds. It keeps the perception that they are adored by the masses alive.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:58 PM
You have to keep up appearences and make sure the American people see that Obama is loved by the troops.
Even when he makes unpopular descisions, it looks like the troops love him.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:59 PM
This is old news. The POTUS doesn't go anywhere without a couple weeks notice. When GWB came to Fort Polk, we knew way in advance and were herded behind him and made to look like we supported him whether we did or not. Its all about getting the image that the troops support him and if the troops support him, then by-god, every other American should too!

HOORAY for propaganda!

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 01:03 AM
I don't think the troops have forgotten how Barry-O stiffed them on his European tour when he blew off the soldiers in the hospital because his camera crew couldn't go along. I think he decided to play basketball instead?

I watched his 'surprise visit to Iraq' and it looked as phoney as a three-dollar bill.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

I don't think the troops have forgotten how Barry-O stiffed them on his European tour when he blew off the soldiers in the hospital because his camera crew couldn't go along. I think he decided to play basketball instead?

I watched his 'surprise visit to Iraq' and it looked as phoney as a three-dollar bill.

Still flogging the "Obama stiffed the soldiers" story from last year eh?
I am not sure I buy your understanding of the facts.

Was Obama's visit as phony as President Bush's plastic turkey?! LOL

Obs out

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:27 AM
I can believe it was staged, especially with all the same cameras. I believe Obama is just a puppet.. it makes just too much sense. As thisrightguythere said

All of the politicians stack their crowds. It keeps the perception that they are adored by the masses alive

It's all a big show.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:33 AM
Would not surprise me one bit. I am sure Obama's feelings were hwurt from the Marines. Cant have that happen again.

Overheard on AF1 on the way back from Iraq:

Assistant: See Mr. President, the military really does love you! Dont listen to Rush! He is trying to bring da man down!

Obama: I, uh, saw how happy they, uh, were to see me. I, uh, thought maybe I, uh, had lost my, uh, standings with, uh, my military. But, uh, they wanted pictures, uh, and autographs, and uh, you saw the crowd, uh, THEY LOVED ME. THEY LOVE ME!

Some more reads on this topic:

Obama in Iraq

More about Obama in Iraq

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by observer
hey genious are you justifying Obama's stage act by mentioning Bush's stage act?
so 2 wrongs do = 1 right?
"your president lied so it is ok if mine lies also" nana bob boo

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Terces Pot Evoba

Thanks, I have not been called a genius in while! Feels good.

My point was really more, "duh, it's all staged."

Regardless of political affiliation or blind following it is readily apparent that every political photo op is... ready?... a PHOTO OP! To be consumed by the masses.

I just don't see why people chose not to get indignant about Bush's plastic turkey and his photo-ops but Obama's are simply beyond the pale.

Obs out

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:29 AM
He's still at it? Remember this?

Get me more white people!

OF COURSE the troop greeting was staged.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:29 AM
I'm getting emails from friends that are in Iraq and they say its being talked about at length, Some have been cautioned by superiors that they are not to talk to reporters about their opinions. There must be enough chatter being heard that worries the WH to have to try to quell opinions that might be detrimental to "The Messiah"! There's legs to this story and its much more intense than when Bush made appearences with the troops! The troops aren't stupid. They understand that those running DC right now has NO love for our 'ALL VOLUNTEER MILITARY' !


posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:54 AM
I could easily believe that it was staged. And it is even easier for me to believe that attendance was made mandatory.

When I was serving in the military, the POTUS came to where I was stationed. I was not given a choice about making an appearance. I was told that I would be there and that I would also look happy to be there.

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