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My Vision of The End Times

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posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:29 AM
I am a Psychic/Medium. I am clairvoyant and I saw this future for America. I normally choose not to look into the future because I dont like knowing things ahead of time, so I normally dont do it. But, after reading all the recent blogs about the DOD spreading Bird Flu to the public, I decided to scry to receive information about how exactly this is all going to go down. I have been sick to my stomach lately about how our government is going to do this and now, well it makes a little more sense.

Please know, that I believe that future events can change and I do not proclaim that this is anything other than a possible future. Just wondering if this "hits home" for anyone else?

Timeline of Events

Economic Collapse- downturn or total collapse unclear
Missile hits Nuclear Power Plant- midwestern
Nuclear Fall Out significant in North/Midwest
US Media claims "China Attacks"
We enter WW3
Martial Law begins

Nation Wide Bioterrorism Attack
Our government does this to us but claims it someone else
People choking what appears like Airborne Attack
Anthrax like- perhaps new Bioterrorism Weapon
Immediate Death
Does not seem bird flu like- does not last days
Millions upon Millions of people die within a few weeks

75% of Americans Dead
With no one to drive commerce- refill Grocery Stores- keep electricity on
American Government offers for those still alive to come to the FEMA Camps
On trains and busloads, those remaining survivors go to the camps
Americans still trusting our government, because they believe that outsiders are to blame for the attacks

Certain camps are strictly death camps
Other camps are for "rebuilding america" to a sustainable level

Purpose of all of this- Population Reduction

That was the end of my vision.

Trust me- I hope I'm wrong. Infact I pray to god I am wrong. And to be honest I am not posting this in hopes of fear mongering and causing paranoia. I was just trying to come up with a timeline of when things will start to unfold and this is what I saw.

[edit on 13-4-2009 by xynephadyn]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

Well, yes, i could've predicted all that and in that order, I just stare at my cat and he shows me the future. Kidding aside, when, pray tell? Everyone here at ATS who is into pessimism porn/collapse psychosis would like to know when. Next week? This week?

[edit on 13-4-2009 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:34 AM
The part that just doesn't fit for me

"75% of Americans Dead
With no one to drive commerce- refill Grocery Stores- keep electricity on
American Government offers for those still alive to come to the FEMA Camps
On trains and busloads, those remaining survivors go to the camps
Americans still trusting our government, because they believe that outsiders are to blame for the attacks "

If 75% of Americans are dead, why would we need to kill off more in FEMA camps?

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:35 AM
we create reality. do you flow towards the positive, or the negative?

Balance is always the key. Visions are being distorted by energies not quite understandable to us right now. We seem to be entering an "event horizon" or probabilities and the energy is shooting backward in time.

ride the wave

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:36 AM
I have no idea--- thats just what I saw....
Unfortunately with visions sometimes you see things that dont make sense or fill in the picture completely.

As for a timeline- I did not get a timeline.

But if I had to guess, id say starting sometime this year.

[edit on 13-4-2009 by xynephadyn]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:40 AM
happen to see who was president at the time?

Or anything else that may have hinted of when.

if Obama is president then now to 2016.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
I have no idea--- thats just what I saw....
Unfortunately with visions sometimes you see things that dont make sense or fill in the picture completely.

As for a timeline- I did not get a timeline.

But if I had to guess, id say starting sometime this year.

Is that like a blind shot in the dark guess or was there things that you saw that pointed you to the conclusion of sometime this year?

Thanks for sharing what you saw though.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:42 AM
Yes it was a blind guess. When I had my vision I didnt get any information about when it would start, or which president was in office. I do believe it will happen before 2012 though!

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn

As for a timeline- I did not get a timeline.

As for not having a time-line, your "Timeline of Events" in the original posting is quite clear. Can you look at triggers? Like, say, events in the weeks prior to the first even in your time-line occurring? Who is going to win Dancing with the Stars? Anything to get you to try to pin-point where a likely starting date would be. Is it spring, summer, fall in your time-line? Look deeper, we all like pessimism porn here.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by pluckynoonez

Ok what I didnt put in the original post was that I did see economic collapse as being the precursor to the missile attack. However, I do not know if it was a total collapse or simply another downturn. I had the impression that the government had some what of a hold on the public and things did not turn into complete chaos until the missile strike. I got the impression "shock and awe" from the missile strike.

To get anymore information I will need to go into meditation and scry again. I will do this again tomorrow night to see if i can get any more information with your questions...

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:56 AM
So many false prophets. With everyone and their dog, even the Web-bot making apocalyptic predictions, one of them is bound to be right, even if it's just by pure, blind luck.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

The population of the United States is only 300+ Million. 300 Million people live on 1/6th of the earth, leaving the other 5.6 billion for the other 5/6ths.

Bio, I can believe. I am going to start filming the planes that fly over san diego every 15 minutes at over 60,000 feet. They go from north west to south east, in the same row every 15 minutes during the day time, all day long.

Nuclear Weapons? Seriously, people still think these weapons are real? They had been splitting atoms since the 1800's, but they had to save the bomb for 50's years so they could sell it to everyone on "Television". Don't worry about Nuclear Bombs, Disney studio's made those up for you, along with the moon stuff. No Rockets into "Space" and no "New Clear" Weapons, just us here, like we have been forever.


posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 03:45 AM
Prophecies of the future, eh? I've only ever encountered one prophecy of the end times future which seemed likely to occur.

As I drove on, a peculiar change crept over the appearance of things. The palpitating greyness grew darker; then - though I was still travelling with prodigious velocity - the blinking succession of day and night, which was usually indicative of a slower pace, returned, and grew more and more marked. This puzzled me very much at first. The alternations of night and day grew slower and slower, and so did the passage of the sun across the sky, until they seemed to stretch through centuries. At last a steady twilight brooded over the earth, a twilight only broken now and then when a comet glared across the darkling sky. The band of light that had indicated the sun had long since disappeared; for the sun had ceased to set - it simply rose and fell in the west, and grew ever broader and more red. All trace of the moon had vanished. The circling of the stars, growing slower and slower, had given place to creeping points of light. At last, some time before I stopped, the sun, red and very large, halted motionless upon the horizon, a vast dome glowing with a dull heat, and now and then suffering a momentary extinction. At one time it had for a little while glowed more brilliantly again, but it speedily reverted to its sullen red heat. I perceived by this slowing down of its rising and setting that the work of the tidal drag was done. The earth had come to rest with one face to the sun, even as in our own time the moon faces the earth.

I cannot convey the sense of abominable desolation that hung over the world. The red eastern sky, the northward blackness, the salt Dead Sea, the stony beach crawling with these foul, slow-stirring monsters, the uniform poisonous-looking green of the lichenous plants, the thin air that hurts one's lungs: all contributed to an appalling effect. I moved on a hundred years, and there was the same red sun - a little larger, a little duller - the same dying sea, the same chill air, and the same crowd of earthy crustacea creeping in and out among the green weed and the red rocks. And in the westward sky, I saw a curved pale line like a vast new moon.

So I travelled, stopping ever and again, in great strides of a thousand years or more, drawn on by the mystery of the earth's fate, watching with a strange fascination the sun grow larger and duller in the westward sky, and the life of the old earth ebb away. At last, more than thirty million years hence, the huge red-hot dome of the sun had come to obscure nearly a tenth part of the darkling heavens. Then I stopped once more, for the crawling multitude of crabs had disappeared, and the red beach, save for its livid green liverworts and lichens, seemed lifeless. And now it was flecked with white. A bitter cold assailed me. Rare white flakes ever and again came eddying down. To the north-eastward, the glare of snow lay under the starlight of the sable sky and I could see an undulating crest of hillocks pinkish white. There were fringes of ice along the sea margin, with drifting masses further out; but the main expanse of that salt ocean, all bloody under the eternal sunset, was still unfrozen.

I looked about me to see if any traces of animal life remained. A certain indefinable apprehension still kept me in the saddle of the machine. But I saw nothing moving, in earth or sky or sea. The green slime on the rocks alone testified that life was not extinct. A shallow sandbank had appeared in the sea and the water had receded from the beach. I fancied I saw some black object flopping about upon this bank, but it became motionless as I looked at it, and I judged that my eye had been deceived, and that the black object was merely a rock. The stars in the sky were intensely bright and seemed to me to twinkle very little.

Suddenly I noticed that the circular westward outline of the sun had changed; that a concavity, a bay, had appeared in the curve. I saw this grow larger. For a minute perhaps I stared aghast at this blackness that was creeping over the day, and then I realized that an eclipse was beginning. Either the moon or the planet Mercury was passing across the sun's disk. Naturally, at first I took it to be the moon, but there is much to incline me to believe that what I really saw was the transit of an inner planet passing very near to the earth.

The darkness grew apace; a cold wind began to blow in freshening gusts from the east, and the showering white flakes in the air increased in number. From the edge of the sea came a ripple and whisper. Beyond these lifeless sounds the world was silent. Silent? It would be hard to convey the stillness of it. All the sounds of man, the bleating of sheep, the cries of birds, the hum of insects, the stir that makes the background of our lives - all that was over. As the darkness thickened, the eddying flakes grew more abundant, dancing before my eyes; and the cold of the air more intense. At last, one by one, swiftly, one after the other, the white peaks of the distant hills vanished into blackness. The breeze rose to a moaning wind. I saw the black central shadow of the eclipse sweeping towards me. In another moment the pale stars alone were visible. All else was rayless obscurity. The sky was absolutely black.

An exerpt: H.G. Wells - The Time Machine

Of course, that's fiction, not a true prophecy of the end times. However, as our sun goes red giant - this may paint a moderately accurate picture of what it might be like, provided the Earth isn't entirely consumed by the enveloping corona. This might be possible, as some suggest that as the Sun sheds it's outer mass, the pull of gravity may lessen just enough for the Earth to swing out into a higher orbit. Of course, humanity will be long gone by then. Time, however, will not stop it's march even if we are not there to record it's progress.

I find it far more likely that the OP's scenario.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 04:30 AM
I cannot understand why so many people wish to concentrate on end times, spreading their fear mongering and despair amongst other people as casually as butter to a sandwich. It's like some sick sociological disease. Why not just concentrate on 'the now' and being a positive force in this world instead? Too hard maybe?

Before you reply with "I cannot help what I see", you can help what you share.

All I see in the Op is the same old clichéd, vanilla flavored charlatanism that permeates the 'new age' movement.


posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Timeline of Events

Economic Collapse- downturn or total collapse unclear
Missile hits Nuclear Power Plant- midwestern
Nuclear Fall Out significant in North/Midwest
US Media claims "China Attacks"
We enter WW3
Martial Law begins

Nation Wide Bioterrorism Attack
Our government does this to us but claims it someone else
People choking what appears like Airborne Attack
Anthrax like- perhaps new Bioterrorism Weapon
Immediate Death
Does not seem bird flu like- does not last days
Millions upon Millions of people die within a few weeks

75% of Americans Dead
With no one to drive commerce- refill Grocery Stores- keep electricity on
American Government offers for those still alive to come to the FEMA Camps
On trains and busloads, those remaining survivors go to the camps
Americans still trusting our government, because they believe that outsiders are to blame for the attacks

Certain camps are strictly death camps
Other camps are for "rebuilding america" to a sustainable level

Purpose of all of this- Population Reduction

The majority of these have been posted here on ATS some time before the MSM reports it. Since you just got these "visions", they probably came from the TV.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:26 AM


posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Got news for you slick.........I have seen them. I have even stood guard over them while in the military. I have also spent time in Japan and I visited Hiroshima. I have seen the military film of the enola gay dropping the bomb and witnessed the explosion. There are still thousands of pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki before and after the bombing available to anyone that is interested. Furthermore, you can watch any nuclear blast performed by U.S. on the internet. I refuse to let someone belittle the only people to suffer the receiving end of a atomic war. I state unequivocally that your claims are fake and that you are willfully perpetrating a hoax when you claim these deadly weapons are not real.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:42 AM
The way I was told by them little buggers most here don't believe in is this:

We will only confer to interfere one time and that is if you are about to destroy Earth...if you destroy Earth you would destroy our laboratory.

We can kill each other but they will not allow the human race to destroy what is there's, "Earth."

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
I cannot understand why so many people wish to concentrate on end times, spreading their fear mongering and despair amongst other people as casually as butter to a sandwich. It's like some sick sociological disease. Why not just concentrate on 'the now' and being a positive force in this world instead? Too hard maybe?

Before you reply with "I cannot help what I see", you can help what you share.

All I see in the Op is the same old clichéd, vanilla flavored charlatanism that permeates the 'new age' movement.


And just as she can choose to not share, you could choose to not read it or just move on without sharing your dislike of the post. Does it hurt people for her to post this? I don't think anyone in here just went out and changed everything they do because they read this thread.

99% of what I find on this site I take as entertainment value yet I understand that each person has different views and many believe what they are saying. Are you going to go into every thread and give them a bad time? It seems that would be a lot of wasted energy.

The motto is to deny ignorance, not try and rub people's face in what you see as ignorant.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by xynephadyn

Please know, that I believe that future events can change and I do not proclaim that this is anything other than a possible future. Just wondering if this "hits home" for anyone else?

I'm going to reply even though this doesn't hit home with me. While anything is possible, like you noted, future events can change. I'm a person who for the most part is an optomist.

What do you see as an alternate to your vision?

I do believe in the law of attraction, and that the future can be changed by that alone.

I hate to say it, but with visions such as yours, I get the feeling people are in a way, asking for this stuff to happen, rather than something else, and with that said, I hope not too many people respond that they agree with what you think is going to happen.

No, I don't have my head stuck in the sand either........what I have, is faith in humanity!

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