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Liberals ruin our Country

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posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 11:38 PM
The subject header is more to just get your attention because the enclosed information is important to past discussions between my feelings of Liberals (particularly clinton, whom while had a "decentralization" policy, his last EOs nearly whiped out Federalism entirely, but they were shot down by Congress.) and why Bush//other conservatives are by far better...

This page is the history and discussion of "Devolution" practices of late, which is the steps being taken by primarily conservatives in Congress to reverse the drastically growing centralization of the government since "The New Deal".

Centralization began basically as a response to national emergencies but now it is being abused and threatens our Federalism and thus Freedom.

So read on.

Rebalancing the federal relationship has been a long-standing item on conservative agendas. Conversely, liberals have been skeptical about the motives behind devolution.

Stinking liberals, they don't mean harm but they sure cause harm

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[Edited on 4-2-2003 by FreeMason]

[Edited on 5-2-2003 by FreeMason]

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 12:53 PM
We are already in the progress of devolution, socially speaking. People settle in to little groups, just to keep others out. They seperate by religion/sexuality/political stance(that goes for you to, you blasted conservative).

Nobody sees the whole picture. Our country is in such a downward spiral, it's unstoppable now. It'll all end soon. Our country has been teetering on the edge too long.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 07:37 PM
True. Our country has been teetering on the edge for several years. We've allowed those who want to destroy our nation have great influence. We allowed the communists to infiltrate our academies as well as our media. We've allowed the very social fabric and national culture to be shredded and dilluted, the moral compass is being replaced with "moral-relativity and history is rewritten to lose sight of the direction we were to take.
How long will this nation last? Who knows. Right now it is a small but vocal crowd that can't even recognize an enemy that wants nothing more than our demise. Assuming we have the national character to survive this present threat, how long will it be before another comes along and we no longer have the strength to keep what we have built. Either way, the enemy from within is what will create the weakness so that the enemy from outside the gates to destroy us.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 08:57 PM
Uh you missed the concept of "Devolution" which simply is the decentralizing of the government, by removing social programs from federal budget etc... has nothing to do with what stupidity is going on with the american public.

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posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 06:01 PM
Whose in charge today? That would be the war mongering GOP, correct?

During Clintons 8 years I made more money from my job, my investments and my 401k then at any other time in my working life. I doubled my income during Clintons terms.

In the 3 years since shrub has taken control I've lost money in all three mentioned above, my 401k has lost 38% only because I've micro managed it on a weekly basis. I have friends who've lost over 75% of their retirement accounts value due to shrubs insistance to finish his daddys war!!! For those who want to insist that this is a cyclical economic condition, the cycles are generally 18 months long, the current economic "downturn" is entering the 3rd year... hmmmm, 3 years of shrub, 3 years of crappy economy... ya don't need a degree in economics to figure this one out folks. shrub campaigned on Clintons weakness in foriegn issues, but shrub has suckedass in both foriegn and domestic issues!!!

The NYSE has dropped like a rock from the rim of the Grand Canyon, and will not recover due to the fear of investors caused by the war mongering shrub and his GOP band of thugs!!

So please tell me how the liberals are ruining this country? We no longer have control of the WH, the senate nor the congress... that would be the GOP warmongering thugs again!! Remember how you all gloated about stealing the election and the senate & congress control soon after? But now its just more convenient to blame the liberals for all of the messes your GOP thugs have created.

I think its time you all had a reality check, wake up and smell the coffee cause your people are the ones detroying our country. Stop trying to blame shrubs messes on Bill, nobody is buying that line anymore.

I guess daddy bush will need to go buy his son a new scape goat and a cover story/excuse. shrub is on his last leg, and the support from the EU is waning fast.

A recent poll from Euro TIME magazine asks which country poses the biggest threat to world peace in 2003?

Iraq = 8%
Korea = 7%
USA = 85%

Doesn't sound like the US is fostering much goodwill these days, now that we're the biggest bully on the block!! Its unfortunate though that shrub is giving the people of the US the black eye.

Peace... because we can!

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by USMC Harrier

A recent poll from Euro TIME magazine asks which country poses the biggest threat to world peace in 2003?

Iraq = 8%
Korea = 7%
USA = 85%

Doesn't sound like the US is fostering much goodwill these days

so exactaly when was the last time the US had any good will in europe? probably one week after WWII got over. this poll is flawed in the sense that it's Time magazine(liberal rag) and even worse since it's the Euro version(anti american liberal rag) we all know that europeans hate us, until they need us. and against our better judgement we'll rush to their aid only to be kicked in the nuts after we help them again. yep when you're the big dog everyone is gunning for ya.

[Edited on 2/6/2003 by AegisFang]

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by FreeMason
Stinking liberals, they don't mean harm but they sure cause harm

Rabid conservatives... they don't mean harm, but they sure can screw things up.

Balance is important in all things. Even you wouldn't like a 100% conservative nation.

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by USMC Harrier
Whose in charge today? That would be the war mongering GOP, correct?

During Clintons 8 years I made more money from my job, my investments and my 401k then at any other time in my working life. I doubled my income during Clintons terms.

In the 3 years since shrub has taken control I've lost money in all three mentioned above, my 401k has lost 38% only because I've micro managed it on a weekly basis. I have friends who've lost over 75% of their retirement accounts value due to shrubs insistance to finish his daddys war!!!

Hey don't blame Bush for your lack financial management expertise. You made the investments not Bush. Also is there a reason why you mentioned a $ amount. Is that to make you seem like you know what you are doing ?

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Winston Smith

Originally posted by FreeMason
Stinking liberals, they don't mean harm but they sure cause harm

Rabid conservatives... they don't mean harm, but they sure can screw things up.

Balance is important in all things. Even you wouldn't like a 100% conservative nation.

Yes, I'm sure I would like a conservative nation. Mind you, I said conservative, not right-wing. You know, pre-Vietnam era America, but without the two different sets of water fountains.

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 10:22 PM
Pre-Vietnam, without the water fountains was NO bed of roses.

Well, it might have been if you were middle to upper class white males. But it was horrible for everyone else.

I'll give you one example from the Conservative "barefoot and pregnant" crowd of that era: My sister-in-law had an abusive husband (broke her ribs and teeth) and she tried to move out. U-Haul wouldn't rent her a small truck to carry her belongings because she (as a woman... a white woman, mind you) couldn't legally rent the truck.

She left with nothing. We went back later and packed her up.

Oh... and she couldn't sue him and the divorce was finaly granted on 'irreconcilable differences.' And there was no way to put the monster in jail, either. She was his wife and couldn't file charges against him. And her divorce made her a scandalous person --divorcees, you see, were considered to be on the same social and moral level as prostitutes.

If you're a white male of English descent and middle-to-upper class, it's probably a wonderful time. For the rest of us, we're so VERY glad to be out and away from it!

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 10:25 PM
...and I should add that the ones who ruined the Idealistic Pre-Vietnam times were the darn liberals who thought that women should be able to buy cars and rent trucks without some man cosigning the paperwork -- and that women could call the cops on the Neanderthal Hubby if he decided to take his fists to her and beat her senseless.

In fact, the darn liberals are responsible for a lot of evils like that.

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 10:31 PM
Byrd this is one thing you are HORRIBLY wrong on...the people who screwed up pre-vietnam america are the people who thought Drugs freed your mind, that the U.S. Government was evil, and that taxes should go to pay bums for being bums.

The civil-rights movement was as much conservative as it was liberal.

And again you ALL miss the post.


The Conservatives want DECENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT which is power to the states, which is EXACTLY what the Constitution says we were supposed to have.

Liberals are pushing us towards Nazi Germany.

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posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by USMC Harrier

1) During Clintons 8 years I made more money from my job, my investments and my 401k then at any other time in my working life. I doubled my income during Clintons terms.

2) A recent poll from Euro TIME magazine asks which country poses the biggest threat to world peace in 2003?

Iraq = 8%
Korea = 7%
USA = 85%

1) USMC, do you mean that the Dem & Clinton bought your voice ? That's what I heard here. With the socialists, we don't have to work to have some money. Those who are working will have to pay heavy tax for us.

2) A non-biased poll. The medias are all spitting on the USA all the time, and they don't say anything against Irak, North-Korea, Russia or China. So, of course, the peoples are seeing the USA like the worse threat for the world peace.

Really, a non-biased poll............

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 12:43 PM
From UP reply:

1) USMC, do you mean that the Dem & Clinton bought your voice ? That's what I heard here. With the socialists, we don't have to work to have some money. Those who are working will have to pay heavy tax for us.

Huh? Bought my voice? Um, I was born with mine so I'm not sure what you're refering to. My point was that economically we had much better times when Bill was in, and every economic aspect has SUCKED since shrub took over.

2. Time is a liberal magazine? since when? Its always been a very nationalistic, chest-thumping, flag-waving publication throughout my life, all 42 years of it.

And as for my ability to protect my investments, I do quite well thank you, but I did not mention $$$ amounts anywhere in my post, only percentages. As for my prowess or anyone elses in this economy, no one has called a direct winner in 3 years, all stock values are down; some as much as 75 to 99%.

So if you're still doing well and not losing money, you may want to watch your back, for insider trading is extremely illegal, unless of course you're a GOP crony of the bush crime family!!? In which case the tax payers will cover your loses and you'll walk without prosecution cause shrub has told the feds to look the other way.

Nice work if you can get it... so how long did you work for Enron?

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 12:58 PM
I don't see what can be done with our country now. There is no use argueing(sp?) over whose fault it is or will be, we are already lost. We should find a way to organize a new system for the public. It IS the public's fault, not the governments. I mean think about who the uneducated, ignorant people are. And they keep breeding their ignorance into their kids, which in turn creates a vicious(sp?) cycle of devolution, and the dumming down of the public.

Right now, most of the public couldn't care less about politics. They are too caught up in their personal lives. They don't care about the future of their country(it may seem like they do but they don't) because the government is supposed to do that, but the thing they don't realize is that in a democratic government, the people are the power. If the people don't care, then nothing gets done.

Someone needs to do somthing.

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 04:58 PM
no longer have a say, so your point is moot.

The last presidential election proved that the "powers that be" will place the candidate "THEY" want into the Whitehouse, regardless of what the people say with the popular vote.

The Illuminati or NWO or GOP or whatever insipid moniker they choose to call themselves, will do whatever "THEY" want and the will of the people is not even a secondary concern.

"THEY" wanted a WAR... "THEY" are now in the process of fabicating one as fast as "THEY" can.

The appathy of the American people is a concern but its only due to the lameness of the options we've had to choose from, the lesser of two evils or the two sides of the same coin (choose your favorite analogy here!!).

Americans are not just appathetic but more so extremely disillusioned with the entire body politic, I mean jeeze, look at the lameass we have as our CIC and its obvious why those who do care realize that our votes mean squat if "THEY" want another instead.

You are right though, a change is not only needed it is required to do as "OUR" constitution states, that "WE THE PEOPLE" have the right to choose "OUR" elected officials and "WE" reserve the right to expunge the leadership of those who lose sight of the fact that "THEY" work for "US", "WE" pay them to do "OUR" bidding, as "OUR" collective voice to the world.

I for one think it is time "WE" kicked "THEY" in the ARSE and remind them of that fact. Anyone who is now holding any office in DC, dem, rep, indi, green, whatever... vote THEM out!!!! Every stinkin' one of "THEM" kicked to the curb in the upcoming elections including shrub and all of his daddys cronies!!!

The revolt is on, make "WE THE PEOPLE" mean something again!!!!

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by USMC Harrier
From UP reply:

Huh? Bought my voice? Um, I was born with mine so I'm not sure what you're refering to. My point was that economically we had much better times when Bill was in, and every economic aspect has SUCKED since shrub took over.

I was meaning " vote ", not " voice ". It was just a little error.

So, my meaning was : The Democrat, via Bill Clinton, bought your vote. It's a classic leftist trick, especially in Europe, and like I see, in the USA too.

[Edited on 6-2-2003 by ultra_phoenix]

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