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"Gangstalking" : Real phenomenon or paranoid psychosis?

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posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:16 AM
It’s called Paranoia, and I lived through it with my first wife. Situations set it off and in her case at first she thought people were following her all the time, she whould take pictures of random people as proof, then it progressed to organized groups, even the girl scouts, with it finally becoming a religious good vs. evil event.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
It’s called Paranoia, and I lived through it with my first wife. Situations set it off and in her case at first she thought people were following her all the time, she whould take pictures of random people as proof, then it progressed to organized groups, even the girl scouts, with it finally becoming a religious good vs. evil event.

just didn't want this to be the last word..gangstalking is a real phenomena. I thought I was paranoid at first..but, the more I think about the events that have transpired, and how closely they match other people's experiences, especially since I had no idea such a thing existed before this started, I have to conclude this exists. look at all the cyberbullying going on recently, with kids committing suicide. I mean, this is exactly the kind of thing that's being discussed here. let's keep this thread going..anyone else have this happen to them?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
It’s called Paranoia, and I lived through it with my first wife. Situations set it off and in her case at first she thought people were following her all the time, she whould take pictures of random people as proof, then it progressed to organized groups, even the girl scouts, with it finally becoming a religious good vs. evil event.

this actually does need to be the last post.

i get sad when i see these videos and posts from people who think they are targeted. all this misinformation and terminology makes it even worse. its so easy to see how it can snowball into something much closer to schizophrenia.

someone summed it up perfectly on another forum
"OP the "gang stalking" phenomena is simply what happens when those with mental illness get internet access. They begin posting their fantasies online and begin collaborating with each other to create an entire self-reinforcing mythology. Think about the amount of money it would take to gangstalk even 1% of the people that claim they are victims - we'd already be spending hundreds of billions to do things like "clear out entire offices and replace them with actors." And for what? Thats what gangstalking believers don't seem to understand - what is the point of all this? If there a massive conspiracy against you, why not just kill you or use the dark cabal to get you locked up for life instead of engaging in these elaborate multi-billion dollar schemes? OP the "gang stalking" phenomena is simply what happens when those with mental illness get internet access. They begin posting their fantasies online and begin collaborating with each other to create an entire self-reinforcing mythology. Think about the amount of money it would take to gangstalk even 1% of the people that claim they are victims - we'd already be spending hundreds of billions to do things like "clear out entire offices and replace them with actors." And for what? Thats what gangstalking believers don't seem to understand - what is the point of all this? If there a massive conspiracy against you, why not just kill you or use the dark cabal to get you locked up for life instead of engaging in these elaborate multi-billion dollar schemes? "
edit on 21-6-2011 by goodluckbadluck because: more info

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by goodluckbadluck

Dis-info much???.....It's called human experimentation, ever heard of MK-Ultra??? Most people now accept the fact that this type of thing does go on in terms of black op programs and other types of scenarios like 4-Chan posters admting they have done this type of thing before...where you been?, its scary in 2011 that people like you still think it's fake my god.....

President Obama even set up a bio ethics committee to get to the bottom of this because it was becoming so rampant and in two cases of gang stalking and electronic harassment the people went to the police with there stories and the police knew of the crime and believed them because ya know people now know it's real....

Here's a video of Donald Rumsfeld from a few years back admiting they are working on direct energy weapons and microwave harassment technology......

Even two moderators from ATS have come out and said they were TI's (targeted individuals) get with the times man and stop living in the past....for gods sake, Also there's more then a few cases where people have become TI's and don't even own a computer so your argument is ridiculous...sorry to say, but it is.

And if any post is gonna be the last post on this topic mines sure alot more truthful then yours *jeez*.

edit on 21-6-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
reply to post by goodluckbadluck

Dis-info much???.....It's called human experimentation, ever heard of MK-Ultra???

MK Ultra didn't involve gang stalking, now, did it? There was a very targeted purpose behind Ultra, and most of the research actually fits that purpose when you think about it.

Most people now accept the fact that this type of thing does go on in terms of black op programs and other types of scenarios like 4-Chan posters admting they have done this type of thing before...where you been?, its scary in 2011 that people like you still think it's fake my god.....

You actually think 4Chan is anything but a bunch of freaks? Freaks with occasionally hilarious senses of humor, but in general, sophomoric freaks.

President Obama even set up a bio ethics committee to get to the bottom of this because it was becoming so rampant and in two cases of gang stalking and electronic harassment the people went to the police with there stories and the police knew of the crime and believed them because ya know people now know it's real....

Cite? Preferably not, or whatnot?

Here's a video of Donald Rumsfeld from a few years back admiting they are working on direct energy weapons and microwave harassment technology......

Not at all. He's referring to things like THEL, ABL and Vigilant Eagle, maybe some other stuff like Proteus. You've first sort of got to understand what a directed energy weapon IS, and be able to sort out the variant of DEWs that are known as HPM weaponry, which hasn't anything to do with "microwave harassment" whatever you envision that to be.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by king9072
I know how fantastic it all seems. But honestly, who is this lady that she is so important that she warrants being followed?


I know someone who is bi-polar and has episodes of paranoia but most of the time he still seems to think he's the center of the universe. A friend of mine suffers from severe depression but admits that there's definitely a self-absorbed, even self-indulgent (as she describes it) aspect to her illness. It doesn't mean a person suffers less, or is a bad person, or that it's necessarily their fault but Western culture, certainly the economy, depends on egotism and vanity so it's not in the interests of a lot of people to look at mental illness from that angle.

But as one psychiatrist observed, some schizophrenics suffer from delusions of grandeur, believing themselves to be incarnations of Jesus or Napoleon, but never a high school janitor.

One could argue it's impossible not to have a somewhat self-centred view of the world but relatively sane people just assume others - especially strangers - have their own lives and things to think about and we're just not that interesting to them.
edit on 24-6-2011 by Jessica6 because: added

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:21 PM
While a very small portion of the population might have a mental illness, I would say most people who are being followed and/or watched are REALLY being watched. A FBI agent wrote a book call the "The Gift of Fear" about following gut instincts. Most times these feelings are justified and not just paranoia.

No one should ever dismiss their instincts, especially women. So if a woman is walking down the street and "feels" if someone is following her, she shouldn't think its just paranoia.

GPS and cameras and cheap and easy to use. In most large cities, the police watch every street through cameras.

As for why follow people, there are lots of reasons. Close relatives/relationships that are on a power trip, even minor litigation, employers who want to check on their employees or criminals who want to use the information for harm.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Here's a thread about the Presidential Commission i was talking about for your information.....

Also it seems to me your almost justifying MK-Ultra with your comments like it had any good purpose if so your a very sick individual, if i misunderstood your comment regarding MK-Ultra i apologize....

But yout argument falls on deaf ears when you try and throw out the 4-Chan posters...bottom line they have gangstalked people before so you can't just say "oh there just freaks so it dosen't count" so what your saying is you got to be a certin person to qualify as a gangstalker....huh???

Plus as i said the police now know this is a real crime and are treating it as so....

As for the variant of the DEWs the official story is there supposed to be for riot control but if you believe that i got a piece of the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you, besides even if that was the intent (which it's not) what American in there right mine would be ok with these weapons for any reason including riot control on there own populus?

So take your 2005 line of thinking and save it for someone else...this is real and it's been proven like i said even two mods on here are or were targeted individuals.

edit on 25-6-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
reply to post by Bedlam

Here's a thread about the Presidential Commission i was talking about for your information.....

Thanks, that was very entertaining.

You do understand that this meeting isn't validating these people's stories? That testifying before this committee isn't some sort of proof that anything they say is correct? I could have stood there and said that I was tired of the Navy anal-probing me on my flying saucer trips to Venus and the guy would have said "Thank you" in the same tone of voice.

Also it seems to me your almost justifying MK-Ultra with your comments like it had any good purpose if so your a very sick individual, if i misunderstood your comment regarding MK-Ultra i apologize....

Well, I AM a very sick individual, at least that's what my friends say. Hell, I've even been told that by a general once, in so many words. "Son, you're not right". I won't say why.

Anyway, MK-Ultra actually had a purpose, in the sense that there was a set of somewhat well defined end-goals, which actually almost made sense, given the Agency's mission. It went way off the rails in the implementation of that mission, as most bureaucracies-run-amok tend to do, especially when there's insufficient oversight, and IMHO the entire thing was nuts to begin with. But it was the sort of nuts you could sort of grasp.

However, my point was this - like "HAARP", people tend to attribute all sorts of crap to MK-Ultra. In some cases, it's true. In others, it's urban legend. "Gangstalking" would not fit the goals of the mission, even if you could wave away the trillions of dollars and millions of field agents it would take to implement, to no particular gain. If you are into serious Ultra history, you won't find any facet of it where tens of thousands of people were involved. You do see a few instances, mostly in Canada, where a few dozen civilians were experimented on. In the US, it was more inmates that "volunteered" for it, servicemen and Agency office wonks.

A good shibboleth for any of these things would be "does it make sense given what they were trying to do". Ultra, now long dead, was trying to find a method to identify foreign or double agents in the Agency's ranks, and to ensure the fidelity and control of foreign agents and defectors. If the Agency recruited you as a spy from within the KGB, they wanted to assure your continued loyalty and prevent you from being used as a double agent. If you defected, they wanted to make sure you were telling the truth. They both wanted you and didn't trust you - anyone who'll turn once will turn twice. So, this was a means for eliminating the possibility. There was some mission creep. A lot of the basics of Ultra were started because of some brainwashing info they had from/about North Korea, which was probably crap. But it was very interesting crap, and they were afraid that the Commies could turn our personnel with their godless brainwashing techniques. So they tried to come up with some.

It makes sense to see if you can take Airman Jones and make him a mindless patsy. It makes less sense to chase Suzie Homemaker down the street with two dozen CIA operatives and a microwave oven.

But yout argument falls on deaf ears when you try and throw out the 4-Chan posters...bottom line they have gangstalked people before so you can't just say "oh there just freaks so it dosen't count" so what your saying is you got to be a certin person to qualify as a gangstalker....huh???

Sophomoric teenagers doing it for the lulz != CIA agents doing it for the MIBS

Plus as i said the police now know this is a real crime and are treating it as so....

The "landmark cases" that the "TI"s describe as validating their causes have so far turned out to be simple pre-printed restraining orders when I hunted copies of them down.

As for the variant of the DEWs the official story is there supposed to be for riot control but if you believe that i got a piece of the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you

I haven't seen too many of you guys burned down with a THEL yet. Wake me when you can document that.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Truth2010
Organized Stalking is very real. Read my story on the READ FIRST link at the top of my blog.

Paranoid and racist.

Whole thing can be explained by schizophrenia and paranoia.

This guy for example, the amount of work and people it would take to tarnish his reputation in such a silly way is ridiculous. Or maybe it's because he's been smoking way too much weed so is paranoid or schizophrenic

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

You make some good points i'll give you that, altho i still say MK-Ultra was insane and it offered no real valid reason for the criminal injustice that ensued and since we have evolved (at least that's what they tell me) since the days of MK-Ultra and the 1950's we now see how insane it really was and the doctors involved should have done jail time i don't care if they were under orders or not.

Gangstalkings is gangstalking i don't care if it's the CIA a lawyer trying to discredit you or a bunch of 4-Chan posters on a uninformed mission it is still gangstalking and it's been proven it's been done and that's my point.

As far as the goverment version of this crime you give the mission of gangstalking way too much credit, first in my opinion when they establish these groups of gangstalkers through businesses that are fronted by black op programs that they can never trace back to such, they don't need a hundred or a thousand gangstalkers they could and do it easily with five or ten people, all they got to do is strategically place these five or ten people in certin places and they could make it look like it's hundreds or thousands of people involved if done correctly and it's easy to get five people on board with a plan if you lie about the targeted individual and you use people who will do anything for ten or twenty dollars (ever hear of bum fights? that is vile and exploits homeless people) just find hard core freedom lovers and tell them the TI is a communist just find religious nuts and tell them the TI is a satanist or find ex cons who need money ect ect ect, you get the point.

As far as the DEW's there out there, someone posted a topic about a stereo system that when put in the proper place only the listner can here the music or whatever, they beam the music from a satellite right into the listeners head and #poof# only he or she can hear it, i looked into it and it checked out it's real, i'd link you to the thread but i can't find it, so there is real proof that this type of technology is out there and not only the government has it as evidence by the stereo system i just told you about.

The whole thing, gangstalking (black op version) and the use of direct energy weapons on people is used for experimentation purposes, call it a evolved extension of MK-Ultra or what not (like i said earlier we have evolved and so have they), but i feel that is the true purpose in most cases but not all, as explained by others and by me there's different reasons why people become a targeted individual but experimentation is the main cause pretty much anyway you wanna break it down.

edit on 25-6-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
As far as the DEW's there out there, someone posted a topic about a stereo system that when put in the proper place only the listner can here the music or whatever, they beam the music from a satellite right into the listners head and #poof# only he or she can hear it, i looked into it and it checked out it's real, i'd link you to the thread but i can't find it, so there is real proof that this type of technology is out there and not only the government has it as evidence by the stereo system i just told you about.

Eh, not so much. What it sounds like you're describing is related to LRAD, which is not a stereo system, nor can it be used from satellites. It's also not THAT selective for targets, although you can sort of pick your 'victim' if you do it right. You have to get them away from hard reflective surfaces or you'll throw image spots all over the place, and in most cases, the active spot is several feet in diameter so you can't do it if someone's standing close by.

We got a system and pranked around with it for a few hours back when they used to make the HSS systems, now it looks like they only do crowd control boxes AFAIK. But at one time, ATC made a low-power directed speech system for targeted advertising. You can't really call that a DEW, unless you want to call any speaker a DEW.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

No, i know what your talking about with LRAD but it's not the stereo system i was referencing, the stereo system i was referencing does imploy satellite technology and beems the music into the head of the listener, i wish i could find the dame thread but i must of used the ATS search like a hundred times and it dosen't come up, sorry.

But how i relate this stereo system to direct energy weapons is the use of voice to skull technology and that it does indeed exist and how it's more then likely some of the same technology that the military- industrial complex uses, at least the basic concept anyway.

But i'm more of the belief that voice to skull tech comes from satellites rather then from H.A.A.R.P as some concluded...

edit on 25-6-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:20 PM
I'm pretty sure there's no satellite system that does that. LRAD has/had a smaller brother called HSS which fits the description you gave, with the exception of the satellite thingy. You could target a spot about three feet across, inside the spot you could hear the guy on the mike, outside it, nothing.

Given, of course, that you weren't too far away, and that the target wasn't against a hard surface reflector like a glass window, and that no one else was in the "spot". It was ultrasonic in nature, you couldn't really call it "voice to skull", more like "voice to area".

The entire "voice to skull" thing was the Frey effect device research, which was pretty non-eventful. It takes a WAD of power to do - they had to get waivers for health safety when they tested it. It would be easily spotted with any sort of spectrum analyzer, and anyone in the beam path would hear the "voice", such as it was. As crappy sounding as HSS could be, it was way better than the buzzy garble you get with the Frey effect.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Bedlam

Nah i'm not mistaken the tech for the stereo system is implemented thorugh the use of satellites and it does beem the music to your head i kid you not, of course you got to be in the room where the stereo system is and turn it off and on to alert the satellites beem.

When i saw the article i wasen't in shock i know this tech is around for a fact, but i'll keep trying to find the thread it was originally posted in the General Conspiracies fourm but so far when i tried the ATS search i couldn't find it, i saw it like a year and a half ago.

But i'm glad i'm talking to somebody who understands the concept of the technology in terms of its specs and is familiar with some of the other devices that are used as such.

In my own opinion i don't think this technology should have even be made, i get that in the future it could help a deaf person synthetically hear but its wrongs far out way its rights and even tho we disagree on the subject that there using this tech for experimentation on unsuspecting victims i think they are you don't, even you got to admit when they perfect it there gonna have to experiment on people with it, even tho i know it's happen now and no its not perfected yet.

Here's the main problem, and Dr John Hall a expert in the field of electronic harassment brought this up they need a law that CLEARLY states that you can't experiment on people without there consent because right now there's loop holes in the existing laws, if they do that then case closed.

edit on 26-6-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

I have experiences phenomenon that some might consider to be gangstalking, but I don't think that most incidents are actually related. It's just that most people will assume they are related because stuff like this just doesn't happen to "normal" people more than once or twice.

I have has people in my place several times, I have been threatened, harassed, had things go missing, been followed. No discernible pattern though for the most part. Unless maybe it is an alphabet agency, I would more chalk it up to random events, different people who at different times for one reason or another taken an interest in me and my stuff. Clever exes, rogue cops, random criminals, etc.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by King Seesar
reply to post by Bedlam

Nah i'm not mistaken the tech for the stereo system is implemented thorugh the use of satellites and it does beem the music to your head i kid you not, of course you got to be in the room where the stereo system is and turn it off and on to alert the satellites beem.

If you ever find it, let me know, because I smell all sorts of reality issues with that.

The HSS was a blast to fiddle with, and of course I was pranking people with it in minutes. I used to get in trouble all the time in the Army for crap like that, but what can I say, it's FUN to mess with your friends' heads. They shouldn't have taught me how to pick locks if they didn't want me to do it. Or give me that kinetic padlock opener.

Same with the "voice of God" gadget - I think the first thing we said on it was "Luke, I am your father".

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
I have has people in my place several times...

I had that happen once that I knew of, and it was pretty bizarre. They left me a wad of chewing gum on my bedside lamp switch. I reported it to my sponsoring agency and they told me to forget it, which likely means it was job related.

Still creepy.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Bedlam

Sometimes I would come home and my door would be left unlocked. Did I forget to lock it? Doubt it. Doubted it even less when certain things were left turned on, certain items went missing. Nothing of any real value. Once, all of my white T-shirts. Another time, a new, rather nice kitchen knife. That one worried me for a bit. I thought it might get used for a frame-up, but nothing ever came of it. Just a disappeared knife.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:34 AM
Bedlam: What you should of said was in your best Obi-Wan Kenobi voice was "may the force be with you (pause) (pause).......always", but if i come across that thread again i'll link you too it, but you kind of proved my point, the fact the government has this technology they obviously feel the need to use it kind of like you couldn't resist pranking your buddie with the Darth Vader voice and i don't blame you i would of done the same thing, but my god you got companies now coming out with this tech such as the stereo system i mentioned if this stuff becomes commen everybody will be doing Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi's voice and to strangers too plus harass and torture them and you know everybody will say there Jesus it's bad enough that the government is using it but regular civilians...i shudder to think.

CobraCommander: Whats happening or happened to you sounds like classic gangstalking and like i said in my previous posts it dosen't have to be the government CIA or FBI or none of that, you could of simply pissed the wrong person off on the internet at a store or whatever everything isn't always black op programs, the orginal concept of the psychology tactic of quote un quote "gang stalking" came from a 1944 movie called "Gaslight" where a guy hires a bunch of people to drive his wife insane, it had nothing to do with the government so in every case it's not always them, just be aware of your surroundings and if it keeps happening start taking notes, maybe it is gangstalking maybe not but just be aware.

I'v posted this before but in case any new TI (targeted individual) reads this and is looking to get there story out or wants help or whatever here's the website of a good organization that has helped out many TI's, it's called Freedom from Covert Harassment...

edit on 26-6-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

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