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US admits N. Korea missile likely to carry satellite

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posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 09:11 PM

US admits N. Korea missile likely to carry satellite

US defense officials have announced that North Korea's upcoming missile launch would probably carry a satellite rather than a warhead.

The officials who spoke on condition of anonymity noted on Tuesday that a commercial satellite image of the Musudan-ri missile test site showed a Taepodong-2 missile with a bulb-shaped payload cover, consistent with a satellite payload, rather than a warhead.

The bulb shape is similar to the nose cone standard for military and commercial satellite launches...
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 09:11 PM
I didn't see this anywhere, so I thought I'd post it.

It now appears that North Korea is indeed launching a satellite.

I must say, that North Korea has some pretty impressive technology. America makes them out to be savages or something like that, but they're technology is pretty impressive considering the predicament their in with folks wanting to make it extremely difficult for them.

My life is in danger every day I leave home in America and go to work, so it's hard not to side with North Korea here. I get treated pretty bad here as a black american, even with a black president (yeah, don't let that fool you..).

With desperate security guards making minimum wage with guns determined to shoot, I'm a major target in Cleveland, OH, and no one is going to save me. North Korea has been defiant under fire, and America has shown me what "under fire" means everyday. I don't want to, but it's kind of hard not to salute North Korea and their determination.. unfortunately.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Yeah they tell us this now.
I bet when it launches, the Govt. secretly detonates a nuke in the middle of Alaska, saying it was intended for a large city. Boom, you have yourself a world war in the making. This would either A. Cause us as a nation to fall or B. We take over the world. My bet is option A, the elites need another country to build up and then demolish.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 10:20 PM
They tell us now because Obama never planed to shoot it down and in the unlikely event that it heads our way, they can claim that obama is not a coward he just knew with 100% certainty it was satellite.

Oh ever I bet obama will be so Embraced if it is a nuke

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 10:34 PM
The only ones covering the story so far are press TV.

So I don't know what to make of the story just yet, is this just a ploy to further fuel the conspiracy theorists or the western media are just gong to prestend that nothing was going on and they have no idea what people are talking about?

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by MegaCurious

You really should research North Korea further. You will not like what you will find and you will find out why a country with this technology gives all its food to its military and lets its people starve. You will discover that it spends all its resources on weapons while watching its people starve. You will find its leader is quite insane. You will also find that nobody has threatened them or is interested in them. You will find that the myth of them being in danger is perpetuated by its leaders to keep its people silent while a significant part of its population starves every year as everything is used to further its insane leaders fantasies.

The world does not hate its people. They are appalled at how they are treated and the conditions they live in to fund the unneeded military and weapons. I've never heard anyone fault its people.

If you search you will find indoctrination tapes of kindergarten aged children being trained in the use of automatic weapons using imaginary Americans as targets. You will find many tapes of such things that have been smuggled out by victims over the years.

If you think all people are Racists I feel for you because you isolate yourself needlessly from society. You should honestly look inward and see if the Racism does not lie within yourself. Thinking everyone of another race is inferior or out to get you is in fact Racist on your part. You may find that people of all colors are good decent people and that your own biases have blinded you to the truth. You have fallen for the game that keeps us perpetually at each others throats so they can control us.

I pray you see the truth some day and your eyes open to the fact that our hatreds are implanted in us by the true evil people to keep us from turning on them. The true Bad Guys come in ALL colors and descriptions and often pose as great leaders but not all of us are blinded by their manipulations.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 10:54 PM
Satelite or no satelite. If the ICBM has the throwweight to orbit something it has the throw weight to launch a nuke period.

This is truly a rogue nation and his act shoul dhave never been tolerated IMHO.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by FredT
Satelite or no satelite. If the ICBM has the throwweight to orbit something it has the throw weight to launch a nuke period.

This is truly a rogue nation and his act shoul dhave never been tolerated IMHO.

Pretty strong words

Im curious if you feel that way on this ,

How do you feel about Israels ultimatum about Iran?

You see , I think this turnabout is because there are currently too

many fronts that the US could find themselves in

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by FredT
Satelite or no satelite. If the ICBM has the throwweight to orbit something it has the throw weight to launch a nuke period.

This is truly a rogue nation and his act shoul dhave never been tolerated IMHO.

That is a very astute and valid point Fred.

I have often made the same point about Iran but the deniers refuse to listen.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by LiquidMirage

Originally posted by FredT
Satelite or no satelite. If the ICBM has the throwweight to orbit something it has the throw weight to launch a nuke period.

This is truly a rogue nation and his act shoul dhave never been tolerated IMHO.

That is a very astute and valid point Fred.

I have often made the same point about Iran but the deniers refuse to listen.

interesting, so why dont you include Russia in that mix?
by themselves, and proxy with Iran

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 11:19 PM
Well, for what its worth..whos to say north korea isnt launching an SDI satellite? That is, a satellite that carrys nuclear warheads! Just like us and the russians did, througout the cold war.


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