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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by silo13

Oh, now that's just SPOOKY... but it WOULD explain a lot, assuming we can figure out a way to get it from 21st century Oregon(?) to 23rd century Vandalia, as a foundling perhaps...

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Oh, now that's just SPOOKY... but it WOULD explain a lot, assuming we can figure out a way to get it from 21st century Oregon(?) to 23rd century Vandalia, as a foundling perhaps...

Would be pretty cool actually.
Would explain why Silo was always so stuck on U-Mans, and, was always so especially stuck on helping Neno.

Wow, I was only kidding at first but...hey...maybe it's something for you to think over...

And next time someone out West insults you with a 'You lie like a rug' or 'Your daddy was a carpet-bagger' - they'll be closer to home than they thought, lol.

I'll put up a post that leaves it all in your hands. No rush.
edit on 11-2-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

There's always a way... and the young 'un may be the one that
can save the universe, the one they call 'Christus'
The skill of moving through time is acquired so that the future and
the past can be manipulated to suit ones needs, the 'Christus' is
possibly Nenothtu from a different dimension and known as the changer
of existences.
For some, he's seen as a God and for others, he's looked on as the
'Eater Of Worlds'... many fear him.

There was a legend that told how this Christus-guy worked on worlds
to change or mould them into a better civilisations, like someone working
with wood to make into a usable piece of furniture.
I know it sounds lame, but that's where the expression 'The Carpenter's
Hand Knows The Grain' comes from.

It's quite possible that it is this area of deities and the such that makes
Neno uncomfortable around religeon... a thin veil partly revealing something
for a second...

I know that Death would like him in his pocket!
edit on 11-2-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Very interesting concept... Only problem is, lol, Silo is no Mother Mary... Though scary enough it could be said she had a 'virgin birth' as she didn't conceive in the usual sense of the way.

Ok, so this is spooky, looooo.


posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by silo13

Well, on Faltskog VI they called the menace of the stars -Caine... I don't know
if that's any better?!!!

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:25 PM
I've been rolling this notion around in my noggin all night long. I think there may be a bruise or two on the inside of my skull from it.

The "spooky-est" thing may be how this story at times takes on a life of it's own, and more or less starts writing itself. Yeah, I'm thinking that if the babe IS neno, that answers a lot of questions by itself, so I'd say that's the way it's going to go. I was more trying to figure out how to gain an audience with these Rootak folks, find out the young-un had already been teleported to 23rd century Vandalia, and then have them drop that particular bomb right in our laps. Curious how neno has felt such a connection with SILO as to traipse across timelines and alternately back Death himself down, or cut a deal as the situation warrants, to get to her, isn't it? This notion would answer that, too.

I hadn't considered the potential religious ramifications at all.

Then there's Chumley's insistence on calling neno "THE neno". I hadn't given that much thought in the religious direction, either, but it fits. "nenothtu" is actually a Shawnee word, means "warrior", so "the warrior" never really poked at my radar.

"Carpenter"? There was a carpenter that turned the religious world on it's head a couple of millenia ago, but that's not where that name came from, either. "Carpenter" is what my real name would be in modern English. As it stands, my real surname started out a gaelic word meaning "woodworker" that got co-opted by the Saxons, then changed by the French (Francicized?) during the Norman invasion. Went through a while in old English being spelled differently but pronounced the same, with different "silent" letters than it has now, until it came to where it is today. Still just means "carpenter" when it stand alone, and "maker" in combination with some other words. So, when writing up neno's bio, I picked "Carpenter" for his "real" surname. His given names were the ones my own dad carried. My paternal grand-dad actually WAS a carpenter, and a stone mason. My brother carries that on by building houses. I guess genetics can stick pretty hard in some cases.

Nope, there's really nothing "religious" to neno. If I decide to post the way he X's out Bransom, that religious connotation will REALLY get called into question.

BIAD's thoughts on the "Christus" sort of ties it all together though. After all, our ultimate mission here IS nothing short of saving the universe from the Big Rip and the Dark Lord, which may ultimately be that Rip personified - I reckon that's still to be seen. Although none of the characters, neno included (or maybe especially), could really be considered "gods", neither was Gilgamesh or other normal humans like him in other cultures, and we see where THAT went once the story-tellers got ahold of it! The notion BIAD sets forth of a deity in some places and a destroyer in others seems to give more wiggle room.

But yeah, I'm all for making the babe neno, figuring out how to get it across the time zones, and letting the rest sort itself out. Aren't the Rootak some sort of aliens or dimension hoppers, too? I seem to recall that being written into the story by CindyMars, but I'm not sure that I recall correctly. IF so, that can wrap the package up fairly nicely, I'd think.

Silo13, another spooky thing: as I was reading your latest post, it sort of spooked me out to realize that what neno was saying - and HOW he was saying it, could have actually come from ME. Or my brother, or my dad, or any one of my uncles, or my grand dad. We're all pretty much out of the same mold in that regard. That was sort of spooky. What REALLY got spooky was realizing that I had 6 .38 special bullets in my left hand pants pocket while I was sitting here reading it.

If I'd had any hair, it would have looked like I had an afro.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

That was sort of spooky. What REALLY got spooky was realizing that I had 6 .38 special bullets in my left hand pants pocket while I was sitting here reading it.

That reminds me... turn your webcam off!!!

The religeous touch is just a facet on how folk see something in a supernatural sense
and others see it in 'nuts-and-bolts' fashion. We look on wonderous things as magical
and yet, behind it all may well be a scientific antic... but we prefer to lean towards the
'spooky' way.

I see this Neno-child tale as a chance to portay our Nenothtu meeting his inner self
and the combat that may ensue. Isn't it always the same...?
Our greatest enemy is ourselves?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress

The religeous touch is just a facet on how folk see something in a supernatural sense
and others see it in 'nuts-and-bolts' fashion. We look on wonderous things as magical
and yet, behind it all may well be a scientific antic... but we prefer to lean towards the
'spooky' way.

Agreed, it's all a matter of perceptions that the individual is comfortable with. I' don't think that makes 'religion' any less scientific, or 'science' any less religious. I believe that they are, in fact, entirely separate endeavors, but having the same goal - building a framework to perceive the world around us with. Attempts to mix the two never work out very well, precisely BECAUSE they are separate fields, with no overlap. "Intelligent design" folks are barking up the wrong tree, trying to introduce science into religion, and atheist types are barking up the wrong tree trying to boil everything down to science, and in effect trying to make a religion of it, failing to realize that there are still things out there, and always will be, that science simply can't address. Religion deals exclusively with the philosophical, and science with the nut-n-bolts. There isn't any overlap to allow mixing. Better if they could all just recognize that, and stop tearing at one another in the effort to make 'their' view the only 'valid' one.

That gets into a pretty deep discussion, though, that I prefer to hang away from. Emotional attachments run way too high on both sides of that fence (a fence which doesn't belong there at all - it's like trying to fence off fire hydrants from quantum foam - intimately intermingled while at the same time being entirely different things), so any time I get into it, I generally wind up getting trounced by BOTH sides. The only common ground they can find, it seems.

I see this Neno-child tale as a chance to portay our Nenothtu meeting his inner self
and the combat that may ensue. Isn't it always the same...?
Our greatest enemy is ourselves?

The fella that guided me in writing, Bob Gingher, always maintained that conflict was essential to a good yarn, and the more 'personal' you could make that, the better the yarn would be, because EVERYONE could identify with it. There are some constants that make a good story, and they can be boiled down to the bare bones, independent of the vehicle one chooses to carry them. A good science fiction story will generally have the same sort of bare-bones constants as a good western, or a good war book, or a good yarn in ANY genre. The vehicle is just a way to carry the actual story, which is really those constants when laid bare.

I like to use the TV series "Firefly" to illustrate that concept. Some folks see it as a 'sci-fi' story, some see it as more of a western, but in reality it's neither of those. It's a story of the conflict between a small group of people and the universe around them, the vagaries of life, and within that it has the conflicts in each of those individuals which, after all, has to be fought out by that individual, and them alone. There are just some things that you can never get assistance with. Nevertheless, people tend to see it as sci-fi, or a western. They see the vehicle without ever really realizing that they are being carried along by a story quite independent of that vehicle. THAT is what makes it so good.

The reader or viewer ever only sees the envelope, but somehow reads the letter THROUGH the envelope, and never, ever realizes that IT is what opened THEM.

That's what makes for effective writing, I believe. Just my opinion.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

The reader or viewer ever only sees the envelope, but somehow reads the letter THROUGH the envelope,
and never, ever realizes that IT is what opened THEM.

Wow... it looks like a handful of 'meds' is gonna be needed to continue!!!

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:18 PM
I think this says it all for the ever-onward Nenothtu... bless him!

edit on 11-2-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

I haven't finished reading your post but before I do I have to add.
I have goosebumps.
I was thinkinga bout this last night and sooo agree with your quote:

The "spooky-est" thing may be how this story at times takes on a life of it's own, and more or less starts writing itself. Yeah, I'm thinking that if the babe IS neno, that answers a lot of questions by itself, so I'd say that's the way it's going to go. I was more trying to figure out how to gain an audience with these Rootak folks, find out the young-un had already been teleported to 23rd century Vandalia, and then have them drop that particular bomb right in our laps. Curious how neno has felt such a connection with SILO as to traipse across timelines and alternately back Death himself down, or cut a deal as the situation warrants, to get to her, isn't it? This notion would answer that, too.

It is SPOOKY how the story and characters write themselves at times. I mean, like the kid. I didn't want the kid thing in the story. All along I was like - where did that come from I just don't want it here but done is done. So use it however you will - it's your baby now, lol!

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Silo13, another spooky thing: as I was reading your latest post, it sort of spooked me out to realize that what neno was saying - and HOW he was saying it, could have actually come from ME. Or my brother, or my dad, or any one of my uncles, or my grand dad. We're all pretty much out of the same mold in that regard. That was sort of spooky. What REALLY got spooky was realizing that I had 6 .38 special bullets in my left hand pants pocket while I was sitting here reading it.

Woohoo - but that gave me the heebie-jeebies again. WOW. And funny how I almost took that part out - it just didn't seem to fit, but - it stayed in of it's own violation.

And, I'll add - as the story unfolded under my fingers I was like - 'I dunno where that came from but it sounds like Neno'...

Yeah, it's all good I think. We need a central character to iron out the Dark Lord and the Big Rip and all...

Call it predestination?

As for the Rootak, yes, they're CindyMars creation, but as big-foot as they can get. The only 'other worldly' thing about them is they know when aliens (grays specifically) are around and protect CindyMar's cabin from them.

Also, to save some research - The Rootak speak many languages along with their own language of clicks and whistles, etc, and they can telepath directly into the heads of others.

Beyond that there's been a young adult male, a leader female (matriarchal society), and mature male and another younger female mentioned in the story, but no reference to any others - though it does not rule them out Cindy gave the impression they were not a very large family group.

Back to reading your and BIADS replies... Just want to separate the responses so the info doesn't get lost.

edit on 12-2-2011 by silo13 because: needed to edit after reading posts

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

LOL @ Webcam!

I see this Neno-child tale as a chance to portay our Nenothtu meeting his inner self
and the combat that may ensue. Isn't it always the same...?
Our greatest enemy is ourselves?

Which makes me think in a collective sense that's how we'd fight the Big Rip and Dark Lord?

Regardless, there does seem to be some call for some religious content, for the reasons you've stated, and, it's my belief there really is a 'evil' and 'good' - taking out all the jumble that goes with it - religious figures, books, paraphernalia, etc.

Quick note: I don't think I made Dag's intentions clear enough in the posts and for that I apologize - or - I misread your post. (Probably that too).

Anyway, Dag thinks BIAD is stunning beautiful out of envy, not desire. Dag would give anything to look like a beautiful human so Neno would finally see her that way.

In BIAD Dag sees a gorgeous human and wants to be like BIAD, to wear a red dress, high heeled shoes and have painted nails. Dag has a girl crush sure, but again, out of desire to be like BIAD, not to 'have' BIAD so to speak.

This post is probably a waste of bandwidth but just in case there was a misunderstanding...

edit on 12-2-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

The reader or viewer ever only sees the envelope, but somehow reads the letter THROUGH the envelope, and never, ever realizes that IT is what opened THEM.


I get what you mean but I don't think I could explain it to anyone else!

True though, it's the inner conflict, personal stories, pains and losses and loves and gains and twists and turns (etc) that make the story, not necessarily the 'vehicle'. Though I don't know what 'firefly' is - it still makes sense.

edit on 12-2-2011 by silo13 because: edit after reading posts

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 03:24 AM
edit on 12-2-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by silo13

In BIAD Dag sees a gorgeous human and wants to be like BIAD, to wear a red dress,
high heeled shoes and have painted nails.
Dag has a girl crush sure, but again, out of desire to be like BIAD, not to 'have' BIAD
so to speak.

This post is probably a waste of bandwidth but just in case there was a misunderstanding...

Gotcha... I had the impression he wasn't sure of his 'sexuality' and yearned to 'be' with the BIAD.
I'll iron the wrinkles as we go.
edit on 12-2-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by nenothtu

The reader or viewer ever only sees the envelope, but somehow reads the letter THROUGH the envelope, and never, ever realizes that IT is what opened THEM.


I get what you mean but I don't think I could explain it to anyone else!

True though, it's the inner conflict, personal stories, pains and losses and loves and gains and twists and turns (etc) that make the story, not necessarily the 'vehicle'. Though I don't know what 'firefly' is - it still makes sense.

edit on 12-2-2011 by silo13 because: edit after reading posts

It's quite possible that within this yarn we are 'venting' our higher-level thoughts, events and
incidents that occur in the 'real world'... here on the mainland!

It may be well time to haul the leather couch out and grab a notebook!

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by silo13
edit on 12-2-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

Again, so full of meaning and indicates that you have... oh, er a double post.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Although none of the characters, neno included (or maybe especially), could really be considered "gods",
neither was Gilgamesh or other normal humans like him in other cultures, and we see where THAT went
once the story-tellers got ahold of it!
The notion BIAD sets forth of a deity in some places and a destroyer in others seems to give more wiggle room.

The trick with this is to thrust the most doubtful character that would make a God and
see how others shape their perceptions to have him as a God! We do it everyday when
others say something we can't see or touch, we form an image... we imagine.

Silo looks like she could do the part with no problem, BIAD could carry it off too with his
looks and crazy thought-processing... but Nenothtu?
A humanoid with an 'olde-world High moral' view on right-and-wrong? Someone who would
shrug such access to power off and prefer to wander the worlds alone?
A man who'd prefer to answer with a clip around the lug-hole rather than teach with a carrot-leading

Now that's the challenge... either we fit him into the standard mould... or we change the mould,
Foundry and workforce to appease the bad tempered man who walks alone!!!

edit on 12-2-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by silo13

Anyway, Dag thinks BIAD is stunning beautiful out of envy, not desire. Dag would give anything to look like a beautiful human so Neno would finally see her that way.

Now I'm confused - did you mean Adam, or neno? Seems to me that she's been fawning over Adam, and neno just got on the scene.

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