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This IS Serious! Look - Our Magnetosphere - Something is Seriously Wrong! Happening Now!

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posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 12:35 AM
The earth is experiencing a G1 geomagnetic storm. We have had them before.

I had checked space weather and did not see anything, but, it is logged at RSOE.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 12:55 AM
Nothing happening that isn't natural... The Earth's Field won't just "Blow" away, because the Earth is still here. The only way there would be a problem, is if the Earth lost it's gravity, then it would not be able to generate a Magnetic Field. Since we know the only way for this to happen would be for Earth to cease to exist, then we also now know that there is nothing wrong. Think Ebb and Flow...

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Brainiac
Nothing happening that isn't natural... The Earth's Field won't just "Blow" away, because the Earth is still here. The only way there would be a problem, is if the Earth lost it's gravity, then it would not be able to generate a Magnetic Field. Since we know the only way for this to happen would be for Earth to cease to exist, then we also now know that there is nothing wrong. Think Ebb and Flow...

isn't gravity caused by the spinning motion?

II line.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by AllTiedTogether

I really enjoyed this post, thanks for that. I think that what's going on in our solar system might have something to do with the fact that we are actually not from the Milky Way. We are actually a part of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, which is a considerably less dense galaxy that is being torn a part by the close proximity of the much stronger pull of the Milky Way. This would accurately explain why the Milky Way lay sideways in our sky, and why we aren't oriented to the galaxy's ecliptic.

Here is a totally awesome article that will blow your minds and explain to you this discovery more informatively than I ever could.

Why don't more people know about this? Would this fit in with the 'restricted access' theories associated with NASA, the established scientific community, etcetera? Ahh, indeed it would...

It is now known as well that the Sagittarius Dwarf, our true parent galaxy, is set to fully crumble and die under the immense pressure and gravitational force of the Milky Way at any time. This process has been going on for 2 billion years, and is it about to finally end? Is our group of planets about to change parents?

I don't believe in a Christian God, but I do absolutely know their is a creative consciousness that exists within everything. If our form of unique life evolved under the guidance and supervision of one galaxy, wouldn't you think our livelihoods both physical and spiritual are tied to the existence of this galaxy? Would you believe then, that when our parent galaxy dies, and we are formally assimilated, or adopted if you will then, by a totally new and separate galaxy, what kind of effects would this have on our physical and spiritual ties?

Could we be seeing around the world the growing pressure that is being put on our consciousness at a galactic level? Could this buildup reach a critical mass in 2012? Check out the last few pages of this thread here to read an interesting and insightful discussion.

Our outermost planet Pluto follows a different orbit then all others. The two next, Uranus and Neptune, show evidence of recent pole shifts which left their poles pointing 40 and 50 degrees off respectively from their positions before. We know several other planets, most notably Mars, are experiencing climate change not unlike that like here on Earth.

The astronomical community declare Pluto 'not a planet' anymore? Climate change due to 'global warming', a totally unique circumstance that has befallen earth because of our dirtiness and the incompetence of our species? It is up to you the individual to to either believe these educated men of repute or see their claims merely as a game of shadowplay.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 02:15 AM
Oh Dear! Yet another 'Chicken Little' thread. How many times is it going to take until some members realize that the sky isn't falling... and Jupiter isn't igniting?

Why is it that the rational answers that explain the phenomena as natural are curiously overlooked in favor of fear mongering and sensationalism? I never can work that one out! Consensus trance perhaps?

Instead of sourcing rational answers from meteorologist; information is sourced from frightened members on other conspiracy/new age sites as being proof positive that the sky is falling. Scared people frightening other easily scared people. For the sheer amount of fear mongering that goes on in internet forums, it certainly seems strange that here we remain, unharmed... yet no one notices.

It seems hysteria is the order of the day. For once it would be nice to see one of these types of threads discussed in a rational manner.


[edit on 13/3/09 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 03:11 AM
I don't know if the sky is falling, and didn't see most of the people posting here make such claims, but I do know that a lot of people posted some great information on this thread.

I too felt something very strange about the last two days, I expected to be reading about some sort of major event. I know I have been on an extremely negative cycle for the last five years, but I can sense a change. It is like a gust of wind that warns of an approaching storm, bringing much needed rain. I thought the article about increased energy from the galaxy, and breaches on our magnetosphere very interesting. I see necessary change for the better coming, or at least I hope for this.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 03:32 AM

Second story down.

Geomagnetic storm.

Happens quite frequently and that simulation has looked similar quite often before. I should know, after reading a sunspot thread here 3.5 years ago it is one of the three sites I visit when I wake up in the morning:

The second picture on the right shows the intensity ... and what do you know, the earth is in the middle of a geomagnetic storm according to the prior link on spaceweather.

If you go to you will see a movie for all images of a particular day. Just browse the archives to see that this is a not-so-uncommon occurance.

I know it's been said prior, but I consider this an inverse-bump to a thread ... one that repeats what has been said countless times so that newcomers who don't read the entire thread have at least some insight via the last post.

That and I've had a few pints tonight so maybe I'm dead wrong and the magnetic poles flipped

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by zooplancton

Originally posted by Brainiac
Nothing happening that isn't natural... The Earth's Field won't just "Blow" away, because the Earth is still here. The only way there would be a problem, is if the Earth lost it's gravity, then it would not be able to generate a Magnetic Field. Since we know the only way for this to happen would be for Earth to cease to exist, then we also now know that there is nothing wrong. Think Ebb and Flow...

isn't gravity caused by the spinning motion?

II line.

Yes. Rotational velocity contributes to Earth's gravity, but Earth's mass is also responsible.

Currently the Dynamo Theory of the rotating molten iron outer core of the Earth is thought to generate the magnetic field.

Losing our gooey outer middle could effect the magnetic field but I haven't seen any rash predictions of that happening any time in the near future.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by elfie

Thank you for reaffirming the dynamo core contributing to the creation of the Van Allen belts(magnetosphere)!

I wanted a book source as well ( not just internet ) so I busted out my old astro book. It confirmed that particularly after a storm on the sun the magnetosphere can be distorted by solar wind and that the Van Allen belts would be overloaded with many more particles than normal which allows some particles to escape at lower altitudes. That behavior could create things like an aurorae.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:14 AM
After doing a bit of poking around I turned up this

High solar wind speed is expected from a recurrent coronal hole by March 13 or March 14. In the previous solar rotation, this coronal hole disturbed the geomagnetic activity for just over 24 hours with peaks up till Kp ~ 4.

Its a cut 'n paste from the (Solar Influences Data Analysis Center) website.

Another good website is the

Both have extremely good info regarding the status of the sun/sunspot activity

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

It seems a lot of people felt "off kilter" yesterday. I know I felt dizzy and light headed and did not feel at all normal.

As for all the posts regarding the "chicken little" thread.

I FIRST say......... there are PICTURES to back up my concern - I had yesterday about the magnetosphere, which........... if you go to various "Earthwatch" forums (which I went to - to see what is being said around the net about it) - many many people were concerned and freaked out........... even those who have kept track of it for a LONG time!

Reading scientist for a few years now, saying our poles are reversing.... which is a complete truth backed up by science! I then questioned if what was occuring yesterday!

The thread is about a very valid concern of what occured..... so I have no regrets............. and I will keep bringing things to ATS that I think are concerns - from the political to the scientific aspects of what is going on.. and I will keep questioning All of it!

Also.......... those who say it was nothing................ funny how the Shuttle lift off was scuttled due to a "hydrogen leak" THEN at the same time this event happened yesterday..... the ISS crew got into an "escape pod"............ all conicidence? Who knows.......... but that sure are a few "space" events that were odd.......... happening at the same time!

So......... when seeing something with our own eyes - that something did occur yesterday................ do we then take the govts word at all their events........... since they are always so "truthful" to us............. or do we question it............ due to what we can see ourselves?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:22 AM
[edit on 13-3-2009 by son of PC]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by questioningall

I for one, say thank you.
Regardless of wether anything adverse happens, it is news, and IMPORTANT news at that.
I beleive the whole board was a little "off" as you say it yesterday also.
Seemed alot of people wanted to decide for the world whats important and what isnt.
The only person to make that decision is the reader, not some baiting troll, and i got quite angry about it too.
Questioningall, keep the news and info coming.
Let the reader decide whats important, and again ill say it, if you dont like whats on this channel, go elsewhere!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:01 AM
I just came across this article about the THEMIS space craft.

NASA scientists on December 16, 2008 announced that “THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist.

Might have something to do with it.

Link here.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:44 AM
I couldnt agree with you more. I think that your concerns were valid and you seeked guidence from ATS members who know this area of science. You had done valid research on other websites also.

Anyone that is giving you a hard time about the post needs to un register from the site and just need the main news pages or something, because as far as I can see ATS is about exploring these possibilities.

Good post to you sir.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:57 AM
A green sky ...

Photos of last nights G1 Geomagnetic Storm.

This, photo, and there are others posted there were taken in 2007.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by Siren]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Tgautier13

From the linked article... "We are from another galaxy in the process of joining with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy. The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered -- until now."

THIS is what happens when people don't have a grasp of astronomy. It's 'sideways' because of a number of factors. Our planet is tilted in relation to the axis of it's orbit, AND the solar system is tilted in relation to the axis of the galaxy.

The whole article has no validity at all.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:13 AM
send out your love to stabilize the earth.
human emotions are powerful.
heal the earth with love.

humans are powerful. maybe it will work.
if the poles are really going to shift its worth a try.

there is such a thing as chi energy. perhaps it is related to the energies we are aware of but dont really understand. chi energy flows through your body. send out positive energy. maybe the planet has had too much negative energy and is tired?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

And possibly why many felt a little "off" yesterday.
Im sure there is a relation between a parasite, and its host, as we were so properly described in "the matrix"
As strong a force as the planet is, i dont think enough people would take action together to try to right the wrongs, so to speak.
My example would be this: Look how many different members posted in this thread, now split the positive posts from the negative.
See what im saying, when you step back and look?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:21 AM
oh just to clarify: send out your love to the earth as a living entity that needs to be healed; as part of this, send out your love and caring for all animals and plants including all humans and children; and love for all.

wasnt the earth once called the great mother? perhaps we should send love to her and to the great spirit.

we are her children. we should care for her too (and that means to care for each other and all nature/all things).

[edit on 13-3-2009 by rapunzel222]

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