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Israeli General: Iran Capable of Creating Nuclear Bomb

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 01:48 AM

Speaking at an Israeli cabinet meeting today, Military Intelligence chief Major-General Amos Yadlin declared that Iran “has crossed the technological threshold, so that reaching a military nuclear ability is only a matter of matching the strategy to the goal of creating a nuclear bomb.”

Maj.-Gen. Yadlin’s claims, and the resulting conclusion in the Israeli media that this signals Iran crossing “the point of no return” come ominously on the heels of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) warning that the Israeli government was seriously considering launching an attack on Iran.


Now, I think things are starting to get serious.
In the past, its always been retired generals, insiders, dark figures making claims.. never before have I seen such a dramatic accusation in Israeli cabinet by a General.

Personally, I have no doubt in my mind, that Iran would, if they could, make a bomb. Its the ultimate deterrent, it gives you a special seat in world halls, and when your under threat of attack, well you'd be stupid not to have it.
Also, Iran aren’t building common power stations in mountains now, are they!

Now, Israel in my mind would be the only nation if any that would be capable of getting a spy inside Iran.

Now we have had various IAEA and US reports coming out, saying Iran have the capacity to produce the quantity needed 'if' it could enrich it.

Well, what if that’s just the Iranian presented, IAEA / US charade.

If indeed Iran were closer, the only ones who would actually know, in my mind are Israel.

Second, Israel know that if they go up against Iran, there's a good chance they will lose, because the only option open to them is the bomb, and I don’t think Israel would risk a retaliation from anyone else.

Israel aren’t looking to occupy Iran I mean for crying out loud its huge and to far away.

So, in my mind, when Israel comes out and says something like this general has said, yes... I hate to say it, I take it with more merit than most.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

I really think everyone on ATS needs to look into how much firepower Isreal really has. All my friends who are in the military have told me Isreal is capable of destroying Iran even if they are being attacked by another country or group.

I'am in no way an expert on this but have a lot of faith in what my friends in the military have told me.

P.S. Can anyone explain this better or explain why my statement may not be true i would love to have a better understanding my self.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by lightinthedark33]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 01:54 AM
I'm sick of Israel churning out the usual hate-filled crap, i'm sick of the lies about Iran and i'm sick of all the sabre-rattling.

I have a bad feeling about the next few months.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:12 AM

found the same news on Yahoo.

North Korea & Iran at the same time?

Americans are going to see some headlines when they go to work tomorrow morning.

WWIII is about to happen.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

People have been saying that since the end of WW2,i dont think Israel will strike Iran and i dont think the N korea situation will get out of hand..just more political war mongering nonsense from both sides.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Doomds Day you and i must really have a lot in common. It seems the same types of threads interest us.

If Isreal goes after Iran i agree SWHTF. Everyone one will be forced to take sides quickly and things will escalate pretty quick. It will turn into real war.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by lightinthedark33

Yea... it's happening.

Russia obviously will not side with us... and neither will China.

And here we are... about to engage battle on both Iran & North Korea. Not to mention that we are all in economic hell right now.

Our neighbor Mexico is falling apart as well...

Things are about to get ugly.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

People have been saying that since the end of WW2,i dont think Israel will strike Iran and i dont think the N korea situation will get out of hand..just more political war mongering nonsense from both sides.

in the name of Jesus Christ I pray that you are right.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Honestly i feel like Russia is looking for a good reason to get back in the ring with us. It's almost like they go out of their way to supply Iran with weapons when they know if Isreal attacks we will have to back them. I do not know enough about where China fits in to all this to comment on that.

Whats the deal with China and Iran?

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by lightinthedark33

Israel might have the firepower, but its such a small slither of land.
They are limited in people too.
Israel being attacked on all sides, from Gaza, WestBank, Lebanon, Syria and Iran cannot win on military might.

You will not stop every missile launched,

Once your airports have been hit with multiple weapons, the spies and Palestinian people within your community will start terrorist attacks.
When the oil stops flowing, your in real trouble too.

NO one doubts Israel have a massive firepower cabaility, But so does the US, and they havent won in either afghanistan or Iraq in over 6yrs of fighting.

Solomon, Times are changing.
After all, The US didnt invade anyone since Normandy, until Iraq in 2003.

Its a different world, and unfortunately.. preemptive war is allowed!

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by lightinthedark33
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Whats the deal with China and Iran?

More like China and North Korea...

China hates us right now because of the way we are dealing with the economic situation...

My opinion on China is that they will stay neutral in all this mess and become the next economic super power.

The way I see it... The USA will collapse and the EU and China might become the only two Big Dogs left in the world...

Of course Israel is discussed in revelations... and they will always be around. Israel will be at war from here on out until something biblical happens.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Thank You for your reply.

Do you really think the US flexed as much as it could in Afgan. and Iraq. I feel like if we had to go at it with Iran we would be forced to hit much harder. I mean in Iraq and Afgan. it seemed like we mildly bomed because we knew we would have to go in afterwards. Would that be the case in Iran though? I'm under the impression we would hit a lot harder and it would end a lot quicker. Something tells me if this did happen though either China or Russia would not keep the fight confined to Iran but bring it to our own turf. Am i correct in this assumption?

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Thanks for your reply. That was my guess but wanted to be sure. I kind of get the feeling that Russia is rideing China's coat tail for their own best interenst then. I feel like the only reason Russia is back Iran is the money Iran is sending to them along with oil.

My only fear is if we do end up getting into this, i do not think China or Russia will keep the War confined to the Middle East but attack us at home. In that case the US might started living out some frightening scenerios we have only seen on TV since Pearl Harbor.

Thank You all for your replies i will definitly check in on this thread tomorrow. As for now though i need to get some sleep.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:47 AM
Interesting read.

While I usually abhor and gawk at fear-mongering and 'doomsday' posts (if you will), this entire situation is particularly alarming to me.

I do believe Vladimir Putin, being the nationalist he is, has a vendetta against America. I believe the real reason they are supporting Iran is because they WANT war between Iran and Israel.

If there was was between these two, gas prices would SKYROCKET. Especially if Iran blockaded the strait of Hormuz.

Image courtesy Xin Hua

As of right now, gas prices are being suppressed by the economic situation and posturing by the U.S., so if war broke out it would greatly benefit Russia.

Maybe that could possibly be the reason Russia is supporting Iran and giving them military technology and logistical support?

I'm sure Good Old Vlad would also be happy to see high gas prices cripple the ailing U.S. Economy and plunge this country into a deep, dark depression.

I would also bet that China would benefit from a blow to U.S. interests in the region, as they are also interested in more power.

China is also very likely interested in the N. Korea situation, and I'm sure they wouldn't mind seeing a unified communist Korea.

All of this is certainly interesting to say the least, and again, I really hate doomsday predictions and discussion, but it doesn't really look great at the moment.

I hope nothing happens, but it looks like Israel is determined to hit Iran, and I'm afraid that would start WWIII.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by JipStix]

[edit on 9-3-2009 by JipStix]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by lightinthedark33

Thats the problem.
The days of carpet bombing is gone.
Its all about sat guided strikes.

Now, the US is in no position to send troops/tanks into Iran, so that leaves the air game.

Once the US has hit all the SAM sites, and the nuclear plants.. what then?
Should they start hitting civilian nuclear plants?
Government offices?

Once you start hitting the people, this will embolden Iran.
The people are willing to die for Iran, but not for the government.
The government will showering every missile it has until its death. There will be no peace treaties.

If the US and Israel start all out war with Iran, it will within a matter of weeks escalate into a world confrontation.

The Korea's, Japan
China Taiwann
Russia Georgia
Iran Iraq
Syria, Lebanon, Gaza Israel

All that can happen are surgical strikes against the nuclear plants alone.
Any more than that on the opening run will provoke major counterattack
Once that starts, things will go very badly, very quickly with no reset button.

Good will and talking win wars.
Munitions and the military do nothing but prolong it.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Well you're living up to your name.
First off Iran has no bomb yet and when they do and that's if they do then they have to figure out how to deliver it. That takes even more time simply because they have missiles and the ability to make a bomb does not mean they know how to make it small enough to fit into one of the those missiles.
Popping off a nuke in anger is not as easy to do if your just starting out.

Secondly maybe Israel and Iran will have to take one out of the History books from the Big Dogs the Soviets and Americans about learning how to agree to disagree I remember Khrushchev yelling and banging his shoes at the UN saying we will bury you. Kinda sounds familiar with what Iran has been spouting about wiping Israel off the map.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 03:16 AM
Well, I don't necessarily like Iran or their leaders/people in power, but why shouldn't they be allowed nuclear power? They do not have a history of invading/provoking its neighbouring countries. The only "actual" threat that has been made was against "wiping the Zionist regime off the map", but this was a mistranslation and used as propaganda by Western media.

I don't think the leaders in Iran would be silly enough to use a nuclear weapon on ANY US-allied nation. Can you imagine the retaliation? Also, nobody wants Iran to turn into another Iraq, so both sides should stop the fear-mongering and antagonism. Although WW3 is very probable, it is not inevitable and can be prevented by using dialogue and cooperating with "enemies" as well as allies.

[edit on 9/3/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
reply to post by lightinthedark33

Israel might have the firepower, but its such a small slither of land.
They are limited in people too.
Israel being attacked on all sides, from Gaza, WestBank, Lebanon, Syria and

Man do you ever crack a real history book?
Does the 6 day war ring a bell? And that was before Israel was nuclear and now they have much better armor and aircraft.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I crack a lot of history books.
Enough to know that only a fool believes he can win a war today, based on methods and victories of yesteryear.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 07:56 AM
A preist will try and convince you there is a heaven and hell.
an athiest will try and convince you there is no god.
Tobacco companies tell you smoking isn't bad for you.
and an Israeli Military Intelligence chief Major-General will tell you that Iran has nukes.

each has their own agenda for telling you what they want you to hear.

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