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After the Financial Crisis, Civil War? Get Ready to "Leave Your Region ..."

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posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 08:46 AM

After the Financial Crisis, Civil War? Get Ready to "Leave Your Region ..."

Will the economic and financial crisis degenerate into violent social explosions? Tomorrow, will there be civil war in Europe, the United States and Japan? That's the rather alarming conclusion that the experts of European think tank LEAP/Europe 2020 lay out in their latest bulletin dated mid-February.

In that edition, which addresses the issue of the crisis entering a phase of "global geopolitical dislocation" in the third quarter of 2009, the experts foresee a state of "generalized every man for himself" in the countries stricken by the crisis. That panic would then conclude in logical confrontations, in other words, with partial civil wars. "If your country or region is an area where firearms are in mass circulation" (among big countries, only the United States is in that situation) LEAP indicates, "then the best way to deal with the dislocation is to leave your region, if that's possible."
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 08:46 AM
well, please excuse me if that material was here already before. I just can not find it and do not remember that. if it was already around please skip it or MODs close it down.

the whole "prediction" is let's say pretty known here on ATS. but if they see the only hope in coming in April G20 meeting than I belive it is all over already.

I read from some other source that some expert on financial issues confirmed that the actions taken by the politicians shows clearly that they have no idea what is going on. and the Obama's budget plan shows exactly how far they are from reality.

if G20 is a button tan we can prepare to big mass on late April.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 09:38 AM
Good article.

I believe a lot of people have seriously underestimated how bad this can get. Myself included!

After a long road trip through many states and locations through personal first hand experiences I have come to the conclusion that in a lot of places it is already far worse than is being reported by the MSM. Not only that the government through the military and even more worrying PRIVATE military security services is setting up bases inside the heartland of America from which they can launch quick and devastating attacks to halt any sort of collective violence or revolution, including the collection and detainment of masses of people.

From my perspective it appears as if the government is doing more to prepare for the above than they are to try to stop the collapse of the economy, and that is perhaps the most frightening part of this long tragic series of events.

They are planning for survival as a nation among nations, civil war, violence and inevitable complete economic collapse.

They tell you to be optimistic, eventually things will get better, they have a plan and it will help, behind the scenes they are getting ready for the worst.

If the current losses of jobs, foreclosures, failure of banks and financial institutions cannot be slowed or stopped then the worst is not far away.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

the worst thing is that noone really knows (if we belive that there are some econmists or politicians who frankly are willing to do their best to help us all out of it) what can stop it and save us.

I know some politicians and they are only making the PR and checking the stats all the time. but their knowledge of the whole complicated system we are all in is same as ours. except the ones who are playing us down the road.

the system is bankrupt. it is only the matter who is going to win on this. some will, rest will loose. unfortunatetly I am going down with most of us. even now with all crises, I still have a good contracts and in normal circumstances my company (architecture office) would be totally save with the deals we already have for next two years. but I am pretty sure that the collapse will take my bussiness to the bottom soon.

the sad truth taht even when the Govs around would really belive and wanted to cure the system they have no idea how. by printing the money we have around 2-3 months more before the finall cut.

I think I will really start to get some supplies for next future. this is now the game for our lifes. forget your dreams about the wealthy and secure future. that future does not exist.

and thanks for replying to the post. take care

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 10:21 AM
Boy, the Euro hipsters never miss an opportunity to denegrate the USA's Second Amendment, do they? Its odd because I've always felt far safer living in a community that has a high rate of firearm ownership than in an area more *ahem* "civilized."

I had been paying some mind to LEAP, now they just look like any other agenda driven collection of asses.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

you do not need the gun if there is noone who has one around. but I have to admit that it is stiupid to be without any in the middle of war.

the only thing is that the shootings will start in the areas where the guns are commonly in prv hands. and that is what they mentioned - to give yourself more time stay out of that places.


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