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MORALITY and CIVILITY…… A World Of Hypocrites…

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posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:19 AM
I’ve been having an issue lately with the hypocrisy of people and agencies which govern our everyday lives and activities the world over. These people have the audacity to use words like……..CIVIVLITY ...........MORALS …….and here’s a few more……….ETHICS.............DE CORUM.

People can’t honestly be serious. First of all, what I was taught and the only thing which actually makes any sense is that “You’re Actions Speak Louder Than Words”. Don’t people understand this? Just because you speak words of morality which are ethically civil, your/their actions express something entirely opposite and we aren’t as naive and ignorant as you may think. We know the game being played.

In my eyes, the word and action of being civil and decorum is nothing more than a manipulative word/action used to deceive people of ones intentions or natural ways of life. To portray ones self as if they’re without fault and saint like. Yes we can (and there’s nothing wrong with being) genuinely civil…..but please don’t be a hypocrite and complain or comment on and demonize and label others who aren’t always civil. This makes you a hypocrite. We are human and have emotions (as do you accusers) from which we sometimes let get the best of us and sometimes the passion we express may not be civil in the eyes of others, but this doesn’t make us CRIMINALS. Many share our beliefs/sentiments and can understand our point of view. For those of you who don’t understand (or just don’t agree) you want to label us as MONSTERS so as to portray yourselves as VICTIMS. Why do you think you’re better than ANYONE or that you are the ones who are right or have the right to portray and decide how life should be lived?

Those same CIVIL people who complain about the actions of others, are just as human as you and I and many of these (self proclaimed civil, ethically and morally correct) people commit barbaric atrocities on an unimaginable scale, but think because they portray themselves as civil, or can actually deceive others just enough into believing they themselves are civil, that this justifies their actions. Many of these people usually have some perversely sick and twisted, deranged fetish and are the most morally corrupt humans living and breathing today. I honestly would rather deal with somebody who speaks/tells the truth like it is (regardless of how they expressed themselves) than with some prissy hypocrite whose a phony bastard and takes offence to actual reality, because they feel threatened by their physical inferiority or just plain elite and snobbish upbringing, as if they’re better than me and I’m some type of lower life form. Our Government is a perfect example. They speak with civility and decorum yet are the biggest source of corruption and murder the world over. Hence…..Actions speak louder than words.

I honestly see the way this is turning out. This site is slowly becoming just like everything else that gains momentum and power. Hypocritical and manipulative. I understand the point of rules in maintaining a decent tone which most of us have done. I just don’t appreciate the way you are now doing what every other controlling entity does. Because you have people who you feel aren’t conformed enough to your standards and are usually deemed as a threat, you DEMONIZE them. They aren’t 100% conformed (like clay to the mold you desire) so they’re labeled criminals, simply because this is the best way to discredit them in societies eyes. I had a partial post removed and a mod note… (Mod Note: Fixed link added by member. Also, removed threats of violence. Please review this link: The END of Hate Speech, subtle or otherwise, on ATS…… I hadn’t read the topic and was unaware of the NEW set of rules but it seems that according to this, now I’m being labeled a violent criminal….. At least that’s how the “ALLEGED and SELF PROCLAIMED” Civil, ethically correct People with morals will acknowledge me. Also note that I never threatened ANYONE or else I would’ve been banned, so it isn’t necessary to claim I made threats of violence? I don’t mind the post removal but don’t like accusations made against me trying to discredit my image or sway public opinion of my character. I have already paid any/every debt society deemed I owed them.

I have been through and lived life from severe extremes of alcohol, drugs and actions detrimental to mine/others health, to an extremely laid back and responsible provider, father and Husband. I have seen and been involved in death and bringing forth life. Hurting people and helping people. Hate and love. Good and bad. I have learned a lot through my harsh existence, knowledge and wisdom. What you do with the knowledge you learned from those mistakes is up to you. I also learned that we’re all human, have very different views on life and all make mistakes. We’re selfish, stubborn, self centered and judgmental. When things don’t go our way we try to force others into our way of life or to do our will. This is nothing more than tyranny and terrorism. To achieve ones goal by intimidation and persuading with fear tactics or else suffer the consequences. I'm truly tired of society’s lame threats. I was born destined for death, so what can any human do to me? When people are threatened the natural reaction is to fight back. So why, with all the knowledge this world has to offer, don’t educated people understand your threats are no different than what you accuse us of. If you wish to be rid of certain people, you need not make up rules or ways to make you look as if you’re without fault. Just do it. The only way to truly learn something is from trial and error. You can read/hear about things your whole life, but unless you personally experience it for yourself you shouldn’t even comment on it because you are doing nothing more than blowing wind.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:19 AM
Just remember on thing though. The people you are demonizing and criminalizing are the ONLY REASON you can sit there and make your self serving, manipulative, one sided favoring rules and demonizing, fault finding accusations and judgments. It’s people like us who have the nerve to go against the grain and follow our hearts passion and are the ones who fight and die for your right to do so, yet you want to throw labels at us for not being conformed to what is actually not even normal by nature’s standards. It is YOU who are the ones which should be labeled. You have been conformed into puppets, liars, deceivers, accusers, slanderers and disinfo agents. We are the ones acting NATURAL and normal by natures design. When provoked we use our passion and emotions and natural instincts. The accusers are being fake and phony hypocrites going against nature itself.

As of now I can understand most of us do and have been very CIVIL but I don’t appreciate the moniker being imposed upon myself and others, by those who have never even met and know absolutely nothing about me or those they label. That in itself is an accusation and defamation of character which should be banned. The more rules that are being made, the more complicated life gets. Simplicity and basics is where it’s at. I don’t understand why it’s always about appeasing a certain group. This leads to discriminating against others while favoring a selected people. I find the snobbish, snide remarks worse than somebody letting loose at the lip. This heats me up more than anything because these people are basically saying “ef you” in an indiscrete way and from behind this personage and facade from which they hide, just to avoid the confrontation or portray themselves as MORALLY correct and civil. If you claim to be so civil or are scared of confrontation, you should sit as quiet as a church mouse and not be involved in debates, politics or any other confrontational pastime which involves emotions. Hide in your civil little fantasy world and hide behind rules you use to try and control the world and its inhabitants because you are nothing more than scared children. This is nothing more than a tactic being used to control those who don’t go with your flow of how you think things should be.

Maybe I’m overanalyzing or perceive things in a different manner than most, but I’m usually right in my assessments and this is the vibe I get from humanity’s fake, deceitful rules and laws which continue to be passed and altered to control our lives and govern us.


Feel free to give me your “CIVIL” assessment or just rip me a new one. I spoke my peace.

[edit on 13/2/2009 by Revealation]


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