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safe location map for future pole shift - prepare to be shocked

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posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:30 AM
Pole shifts as defined by Hancock have never happened. Theya re not possible. Heading to a safe zone for a fictional fear is not a good idea.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 02:50 PM
I can tell you right now. who ever prepared this does not know squat about people in Fairbanks will only have to deal with Polar bears instead of the land locked brown bears, what the hell is that. I live here and I would rather deal with a couple of grizzlies or brown bears than a single polar bear any day. polar bears are, for a fact on the list as man eaters. I know and have quite a few Eskimo friends and they will tell you a polar bear will hunt you down and kill you, a brown bear will kill you to protect their young, or defense, black bears will eat you, more people are killed and partially eaten by black bears up here than any other bear. But I do not want to deal with polar bears. Those are giants, smart, and deadly... up that!!! give me the brown bears any

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