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Rocket fired from Gaza lands in Negev

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posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 06:47 PM
It IS a fact that Israel bombs its own people and blames Hamas.

They are facing war crimes for a reason, and so they want to murder everyone.

They have said, "If Israel was ever to go down, we would take the world down with us."

They are psychopaths and nothing else.

All aid should be stopped to Israel and everyone in the world should boycott Israel.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Fire Dragon

My point as I indicated, was to correct peoples understanding of the meaning of 'semite.' I specifically avoided citing any material by 'outsiders', as it may appear bias, and used that of a respected Israeli Scholar, conducted in conjunction with an Israeli University. No one has been able to successfully refute his research, even if it doesn't make them happy. If you had read the link you would see that one of his biggest detractors, eventually admitted that the work had merit. If the work was garbage it would not have become a best seller in Israel.

In addition I pointed to genetic evidence. Genetics do not lie.

I agree that Hamas has done some pretty stupid things, but one also must consider that it takes two, and that Israel is not without significant fault. Remember, it was Israel who initially broke the ceasefire on November 4, which started this latest war. Prior to that date Israel agrees that Hamas had honored their part of the ceasefire, Israel did not honor their part. And here we are today with bloody victims on both sides. Foolish.

Israel needs to honor the UN plan and stop violating international law. If that were to happen, I suspect Hamas would no longer have any reason to exist and their support would dwindle rapidly into their being meaningless. There is a good reason for the two state plan and it would solve most of the issues. In any case oppression will never lead to peace.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Terapin

Remember, it was Israel who initially broke the ceasefire on November 4, which started this latest war. Prior to that date Israel agrees that Hamas had honored their part of the ceasefire, Israel did not honor their part.

I see you're still spouting that same garbage in spite of being given chapter and verse on the documented littany of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel in the months following the June cease fire agreement.

Of course you also fail to describe exactly what Israel actually did to quote "break the cease fire" (they blew up a tunnel that Hamas was using to send fighters into Israel).

I'm not sure if you're rabidly pro-Palestinian, or just anti-Israeli, either way, you sure are selective with the truth.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by bobbylove321

Since you established as a fact that Israel fires rockets at its own civilians, care to stand behind this fact and provide proof?
Why in Gaza it is considered heroism to fire rockets at Israel, if it is done by Israel?????
How come the rockets could be seen launched from Gaza and there are no Israelis there?
How come Israeli people who live on the border with Gaza never reported seeing rockets launched from Israel to Israel?
How come Palestinian people in Gaza say that rockets are launched from Gaza?
How come there are so many uncomfortable questions that you will never answer?

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