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Economic Stimulus Bill Mandates Electronic Health Records For Every Citizen Without Opt Out...

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posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 02:03 AM

Economic Stimulus Bill Mandates Electronic Health Records For Every Citizen Without Opt Out Or Patient Consent Provisions

The Institute for Health Freedom (IHF) warns that the economic stimulus bill mandates electronic health records for every citizen without providing for opt-out or patient consent provisions. "Without those protections, Americans' electronic health records could be shared -- without their consent -- with over 600,000 covered entities through the forthcoming nationally linked electronic health-records network," says Sue A. Blevins, IHF president.

"President Obama has pledged to advance freedom. Therefore the freedom to choose not to participate in a national electronic health-records system must be upheld," Blevins says. "Unless people have the right to decide if and when their health information is shared or whether to participate in research studies, they don't have a true right to privacy."
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 28-1-2009 by burdman30ott6]

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 02:03 AM

"The utilization of an electronic health record for each person in the United States by 2014."

(Note: I missed posting this within 48 hours, but the MSM isn't reporting this at all. I first saw the story on WND posted just this evening and, not completely trusting them as a source, did some searching... this was the only verification of the article I could find from a more "unbiased" source. Seems this one has totally flown under the MSM's radar. I wonder why?)

So, if "each person in the United States" (curious... that covers alot more than just "Americans", eh?) has one of these electronic records by 2014, when do you suppose the microchip containing this and all sorts of other fabulous personal, legal, and financial information will be mandatorially implanted under our skins? 2015? 2016?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 02:38 AM
Wasnt there a chapter in a book somewhere that talked about things like this? I cant remember exactly, but it sounds something like revolution, rectal solution, retinal elations...something like that.

I remember only vaguely some talk about a charismatic leader plugging all the people into his hive network and taking total control with the use of a single point of recognition as the symbol of acceptance. I also remember something about not being able to get that which you need to survive without the symbol firmly in place.

Or it could have just been an episode of Star Trek I am thinking about.

Maybe some of you smarter people can help figure this out. I am at a loss.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by wheresthetruth

Yes, I believe you're right. The Star Trek episode you refer to was the Wrath of St. John or the Revalations of Khan, or something of that nature.

I'm honestly a bit disappointed in the Americans here. The ramifications of what is contained in this bill made my blood boil when I read this, and yet nobody seems to care that much.

This is one of those things I simply don't get about my fellow Americans. So many of them will blow a gasket over international phone calls being monitored or foreign combatants being held in a millitary prison outside the US's borders... yet a bill like this being pushed by not only the president, but also the congress & senate, which so clearly violates our most basic freedoms -the freedom of privacy and choice- and nobody gives a damn.


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