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Alien artifacts discovered underneath crop circles

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posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:27 PM

I personally think crop circles are legitimate messages that are so simple if we were given the meaning on paper in plain English we would be like 'OH DUH!! Why didn't I see that?!'

I'm with you....I've always felt that people should be studying them for message content, not legitimacy. In 2002, I became quite obsessed with them, actually, after I got a message that said "Meditate on a crop circle." I frequently get intuitive messages, but I didn't know what the message meant, exactly. So, I asked "Do you mean, meditate while SITTING on a crop circle, or meditate while GAZING UPON a crop circle?"

But I never got an answer. LOL!

After that, I was determined to figure out what each one meant. So, I started posting them on my walls for a while, hoping to get inspirations or answers. And sure enough, one day (years later) I had a mystical experience where I received an entire story based on a crop circle that looked like a spiral. (Interestingly enough, the spiral is the oldest known symbol of the world.)

I named the story "The story of the Spiral (Phosphorus)."

Why phosphorus? Well, here's the really cool thing about it; another poster here on this thread earlier said maybe the crop circles are representations of the periodic table of the elements. Well, I think that's also true, because I had the mystical experience after taking the homeopathic remedy "phosphorus." I wasn't even thinking about crop circles when I took the phosphorus. I took the remedy for a medical condition, not for a mystical experience, but...I took too much of it (which I don't recommend to anyone!) and I had a mystical experience from it.

Anyway, if you know anything about homeopathy, if you read this story, you would see that the story I received does indeed convey the homeopathic essence of phosphorus, which is "enlightenment" or "bringer of the light." The story included UFOs at the end of it, too, which is interesting, because like I said, I wasn't thinking about UFO's or crop circles or anything of the sort at the time.

After I had the experience, I also wondered: could each crop circle be a symbolic representation of the periodic table of the elements?? So, that's why I named it: The Story of the Spiral (Phosphorus), and I put a spiral in the periodic table of the elements.

So, I think there could be lots of messages in the crop cirlcles. Maybe each crop circle contains multiple meanings, too.

If you guys ever get the chance, I highly recommend reading a book called The Gift. I think the author's last name is Ruby. If you read the book, you'll be blown away, because he was an airline pilot who became pretty much obsessed with figuring out what the early crop circles were trying to tell us. He finally put it all together (literally, he made plyboard cutouts of each circle!) and found out they were sending us a diagram of how to build a space ship. I kid you was amazing. You've got to read this book, if you're at all fascinated with crop circles.

So, I think there are many messages and codes waiting to be found out in the crop circles. My goal was to continue on to decode even more of the crop circles, and figure out what each symbol represented. I've actually been looking for a group in the US who does this (works on de-coding the crop circles) but I haven't found one so far.

If anyone is interested, maybe we could get a group of people together and form an informal research organization/think tank, specifically for that purpose? Would you be interested in doing that? I could share my "Story of the Spiral (Phosphorus)" and we could compare notes, etc... We could communicate via e-mail and internet.

If anyone is interested, send me a U2U e-mail, and we can start a group together.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by TravisT
So let me get his straight. UFOs came here to Earth in their perfectly made crafts, and made a perfect design in the fields. So why do these plates look like they were made primitively? The stamps and the shape aren't even uniform.

So a race of being who could build ships to travel the Universe would not have the simple skills of an amateur jewelry maker. Hardly seems likely. Sounds more like little thought went into the hoax making the tell tale signs of a hoax easier to spot.

You guys are thinking too much "inside the box." Think outside the box a little....

One theory I have is that these "aliens" are of a higher level energy than us, in a different dimension, and can also cross over to our dimension on a limited basis. If that's true, then maybe they are used to working with sound, light and energy, and working with in the physical plane is difficult for them. So, they can only get the physical objects to look primitive, at best.

Maybe the only way they can communicate with us is by sending energy from their dimension to our dimension, and cause a physical imprint (in the crops), and somehow forming those "coins." This would explain why we don't see their ships or them as they are creating the crop circles, probably with sound or light waves, or something similar.

Think about it this way: Let's pretend we (earthlings) explore the galaxy and find a planet where the residents of that planet are living in a different dimension than we are, so they can't see us. But we know they exist and want to communicate with them, and warn them about something important. We have never tried to communicate via energy before because we never had to... but this is important, so we decide to do our best to try to communicate with energy, instead of with physical messages. Unfortunately, our first attempts are so primitive, that the planet's residents are entirely unimpressed, and say that "No advanced race of beings would ever communicate in such a primitive way! It must be a hoax!" So they ignore our attempts to communicate, because we can't appear to them in their dimension, and communicate with them they way they would prefer.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:05 PM
Cool, I think it says Oum'bedo ... which are coins or money used in another galaxy of sorts by someone else besides ourselves.
It is the credits that's used to buy things and they were the change which was left over from they opportunity to also use their symbols ...that is on the coins to show you how much it costs to apply a crop circle and the amount of space the circe takes up or its acres. Interesting though..even if the circle is the very same symbol or word in their language as the coins, which is pretty straight forward. It is also pretty funny to..

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:05 PM
A few thoughts immediately come to mind.

1). What if Jewish Yeshua GOD is an alien species that has chosen Israel for marketing purposes?
2). We are entering a transition period so says Astrology, Astronomy, and science.
3). All major religions (based from Abraham) believe in the return of said GOD (Alien?).
4). In Gospels of Judas, Jesus tells the 12 disciples that they are praying not to a GOD.
5). The 2012 Olympics has a lot of mysterious and intrigue surrounding it. There have been alien references in other olympics.
6). Symbols are everywhere in 2012 marketing preparation. If a picture is worth a thousands words, a symbol is worth a thousand pictures.
7). Throw in all the other different prophecies and visions throughout history and this 2012 period is very convincing.

And why the GOLD. SILVER. AND BRONZE plates?

Remember, the olympic medals are in BRONZE, GOLD, AND SILVER.

I stumbled on this 24 year old in this blog who research many of these topics, then mysterious destroyed all his research and killed himself. They even removed his videos because of copyright from 2012 Olympics

Check out this website

Thank you for the find.


posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:25 PM
Amaterasu, I don't think it's important to 'prove they are a hoax,' but I do think getting the truth is important. I do believe in UFOs.. whatever they may be, but I'm very skeptical of many cases.. and almost all abductions and crop circles. Because quite often, these are found out to be hoaxes, and this does not promote knowledge of what's really happening, nor help the cause of further research.

I'm very Stanton Friedman-ish with my beliefs.

There is no doubt that many crop circles are man-made, there are videos of people making them. So you can't just blindly accept anything that is told at face value. People DO hoax, quite often in fact. Debunking campaigns, attention-seekers, artistic reasons, whatever they may be. People do make crop circles. Even elaborate ones.

For this case, I am not going to simply accept these were buried there by aliens. I would, if more proof could be brought to light. Staring imo, with the offical lab report that states among other things, the purity could be attributed to low gravity. I honestly don't know why a lab would even come up with that. Is that something they even look for? If so, there should be paperwork on this study. If all we have are a few photos and a mysterious, anonymous entrepreneur's word that these really were solid silver and gold, I have lots of doubt that it's true.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by nikiano

If they are coming from a different dimension, then why are the crops in perfect shape/formation, but the disks aren't?

[edit on 14-1-2009 by TravisT]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:35 PM
I wonder if anyone ever considered looking inside the plates. Each plate displayed a map of the original crop circle. Is it possible that underneath the corresponding spot where each plate was found is yet another mystery?

Just a thought ...

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:35 PM
Here is another thought I have long had about crop circles: What if crop circles are indeed messages for us humans, but the messages are NOT from aliens, yet from the earth herself?

I started another thread yesterday (about something entirely different), but one of my premises of my hypotheis is that the earth is alive, and not just a rock floating through space.

In ancient times, man referred to earth as Gaia. And "primitive tribes" also feel earth is a living organism; mother earth, and father sky. Even we refer to "mother nature." Is this just a phrase, or a throw back from long-forgotten knowledge?

What if the earth is trying to tell us something with these crop circles, and can even fashion her own stones to convey the message?

For more thoughts on the earth as living organism, you can visit my other thread here:

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:57 PM
I'm sorry but radiation levels within in the crop circle being 170% higher is just plain ridiculous. That in itself says regardless of the plates something genuinely abnormal occured here.

Have you not seen some of the most elaborate crop circles? There is no way a group of 50 men could complete them to their mathematical perfection within 10-12 hours of night. It's just impossible.

This is obviouslly a eye opener, regardless of the plates.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by fleabit

Not that I disagree with you, although I do find it highly unusual someone would spend that much money on some plates.

The effects of gravity on the combustion characteristics and microstructure of metal-ceramic composites (HfB2/Al and Ni3Ti/TiB2 systems) were studied under both normal and low gravity conditions. Under normal gravity conditions, pellets were ignited in three orientations relative to the gravity vector. Low gravity combustion synthesis (SHS) was carried out on a DC-9 aircraft at the NASA-Lewis Research Center. It was found that under normal gravity conditions, both the combustion temperature and wave velocity were highest when the pellet was ignited from the bottom orientation; i.e., the wave propagation direction was directly opposed to the gravitational force. The SHS of 70 vol pct Al (in the Al-HfB2 system) was changed from unstable, slow, and incomplete when ignited from the top to unstable, faster, and complete combustion when ignited from the bottom. The hydrostatic force (height × density × gravity) in the liquid aluminum was thought to be the cause of formation of aluminum nodules at the surface of the pellet. The aluminum nodules that were observed on the surface of the pellet when reacted under normal gravity were totally absent for reactions conducted under low gravity. Buoyancy of the TiB2 particles and sedimentation of the Ni3Ti phase were observed for the Ni3Ti/TiB2 system. The possibility of liquid convective flow at the combustion front was also discussed. Under low gravity conditions, both the combustion temperature and wave velocity were lower than those under normal gravity. The distribution of the ceramic phase, i.e., TiB2 or HfB2, in the intermetallic (Ni3Ti) or reactive (Al) matrix was more uniform

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Revolution-2012
I'm sorry but radiation levels within in the crop circle being 170% higher is just plain ridiculous. That in itself says regardless of the plates something genuinely abnormal occured here.

Have you not seen some of the most elaborate crop circles? There is no way a group of 50 men could complete them to their mathematical perfection within 10-12 hours of night. It's just impossible.

This is obviouslly a eye opener, regardless of the plates.
50 men? Thats a LOT of people working on one design. I would make a George Forman "guarantee", that 50 men could make a huge crop circle like that very quickly.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by TravisT

So you're telling me that 50 men in 12 hours could create a cropcircle larger than 2 football fields in 12 hours to an mathematical perfection?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

Im saying I think 50 men could do it in under 12 hours.

Just because its 2 football fields long, doesn't mean the entire area has been flattened. I think some people don't give us humans to much credit for something I do believe is easily able from a good team.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by TravisT

Let's say this good team consists of 1 mathematician, 1 person with a degree in geography, 1 person with a good landscapeing background.

Now what in the hell is to say that these other 47 dimwits are going to be able to listen to the complication of this procedure? You are telling me that 50 people are going to have really good expierence in every one of those subjects that is REQUIRED to make a crop circle that elaborate?

Hah. There's only a hand full of people that do crop circles, for whatever reason jokes or what not, and they have never once made a 800 ft long crop circle that elaborate over night and admitted to it.

Find me a group of people that has admitted to creating something that large, has video footage, testimonies etc and you have me beat.

Until then there is no possible way that 50 men could create what is in that picture above.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

Look, I do believe in the UFO phenomenon, but I don't buy into all the footage or theories. Crop circles is one thing I just don't buy. This is something we can just agree to disagree about.

I mean, this guy from Ohio did a Palin Corn field that is 16 acres big. Now, its not a crop field, and I'm sure it was cut with some kind of machinery, but this just shows that one person is capable of making beautiful art in fields.

[Palin Field

[edit on 14-1-2009 by TravisT]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by TravisT

AHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Good one good one.

Yeah I don't believe in 95% of them. However a few just seem a bit out of the ordinary, like bats in the day time. You know what I mean? Trust me I'm a skeptic when it comes to stuff that is considered crazy to believe in, you can see me bashing most people for claiming they've seen a UFO. I've seen one to, at a young age, 11, with my grandfather and mother. Pretty awesome.

But you never know right? I coulda been slipped some '___' in my drink or somethin..

Anyways no hard feelings I agree with your viewpoint 110%!

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by stealthyaroura
Even though these elaborate crop circles appear on our planet does this mean they are meant for our eyes or foe another race to see and understand

We all know that the majority have been faked by us Brits as a type of "who can do the mast elaborate design and get on the news

I'm well aware crop circles have been spotted for centuries now so that rules out most of the hoax's, was there not a metal triangle found in the center of one of these crop circles a few years back or was that on the "X files"

it was in the old tv show Dark Skies

basically the explanation was this

The tablets (With the crop formation symbol on it) acts as a sort of GPS device to locate the crop circle and signify it as a landing zone?? they needed an extra artifact the aliens carry to make it work tho

it was weird, it appeared golden but shaped like a baseball home plate instead of a circle like the artifact one in this story

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by -NewSense-
Wow. The fact that he sold them and even melted the gold plate down makes me very suspicous. Who sells alien artifacts they find under crop circles? I don't think I would be capable of such a thing.

I'm not sure where the plate could have come from........Although if I found something of value which was interesting/odd and said I think it may be 'alien' in origin; who is going to believe me or bother to spend any time taking the matter further?
I would be labled a 'ufo nutt' in seconds- that's why I'm not suprised the seller sold the gold plate and made some easy cash.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:34 PM
I have to admit , circles are impressive. However I'm a E.T. skeptic. I also don't believe a group of people could organize themselves so well so as to be able to form these perfect shapes. I've come across a possible explanation--lazers, from the military.I'm not sure but it may explain the elevated levels of radiation found at some sites. The purpose is still a mystery, maybe to distract from their real objectives and experimental weaponry. The unanswered question is still how did the coins/arctifacts get placed so precicly in the circles if they were done from satalites with lazers.Hes a vid the suggests this possibility

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:47 PM
99.9% Silver, called Fine Silver, is as easy to get as order it to your jewlery supplier. It's marketed just the same in all forms like Sterling (less pure) silver. It's a bit more expensive and harder to work with, that's all. We buy it already pre-formed in wires for some electronic components.

5Kg would be around $1500 currently.

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