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Ever get pushed around while going through school?

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posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:50 AM
Do you remember when you went through the elementary grades? I do. I went to my local school from the same town and location I was born at. As any other typical family, we had made moves, but the first move allowed me to "Really" see how much more different schools and education can be.
Though I did go to my "Birth" place school from K-4th the first years of my life, the rest of my "Scenario" life was an accumulation of at least a half a dozen schools.
First of all, I was an only child until I was 4 years of age, since then I have two younger sisters and I am the only boy, "Building" up to the tale!!!

K-4th was a time of understanding and the local class bullies, I was the only one in school at this time of my family members and was occasionally picked on for my weight or my families financial status in the community. Though the antagonizing was tolerable, it was still remembered. Most of my classmates at that time had older brothers/sisters that were either in Jr. High school or with in the elementary grades of where I was , we only had one school for the elementary and one school for Jr. and senior classes.
The ones that were always the "Bullies" were the kids who had the "My older brother/sister will kick you butt" (Lets call it) syndrome, and more times than not, the older sibling would be there, waiting out side the doors the following day ready to defend their baby brother or sister with the whole school anticipating the dispute for their pleasures, "Fight , Fight, Fight." they would chant. Then, knowing you were the one being called out, "You did your damnedest to win."
After you got your butt kick by an individual that was two times your size and anywhere from 3 to 7 years older than you, you licked your wounds and proceeded to deny your parents a "Quiet and unreluctant" trip back to the same area of the "Humbling" event. You, as the defeated, get even more harassment's and antagonization from the other kids that have figured out your "Vulnerability" and quickly administer this into their own personal "Defense" mechanism through out your future grades.
As you get older, and you are forced to having to move to a new area, even more larger than your previous town/city, one finds that there is the same circumstances as the one you had just left. The only thing different between the two situations is the students attending the new school you are now currently at.
With the introduction into the new school, you have those that have to leave their "Mental Impressionable" mark on you for the ranking of the school system that consider these people as "The Cool guy/Gal" respect from the regular school goer's of this community.
Once again, you take your licks and lick your wounds and return back every day, until the school system once again is left behind for yet another school in a different community.
This process has happened over and over to me, I had no real roots in any particular place for any real amount of time, at least not to say I was "Settled" anyway.
Because of the "Ego" that allowed for the kids of this character traight to swell to a undeniably "Acceptance" crescendo, they were dubbed "The cool and the popular" kids, and you always wanted to be popular and considered, at least, half-way cool by your peers you weer cronies with.
Bullies have permeated our school systems since there has been a school house, and I wondered "How come there are Bullies, and why aren't there some kinds of test to try to stop the bully effects before allowing such children/adolescent/teenager into such realms of society?"
Well, to my surprise, there is a test that one can take now to find out if you are 'Cool', and for the "Bully's" out there, that think you are so 'Cool' for having been pushy and uncontested with your "Mental Self Acknowledgement", of being important or having achieved something in our or your life time by doing what you have done to the lesser of your classmates, in your opinions, "Take this Test, It will let you know just how "COOL" your really are or were..."

"The truth hurts, Don't it!!!"

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 11:01 AM
During school I was often the target for bullies. What I found was that bullies like to stick together, because apart they are weak. So what I did was the following. I don't reccomend this as it is the wrong thing to do but it worked.

I singled out each and every bully when they were alone and viciously attacked them. I threw one down a flight of stairs. I beat one's head against a toilet bowl, I threw one into a locker so hard he had to go by ambulance to a hospital with a concussion, I took a 2x4 to one bullies knees in wood shop, and another I beat repeatedly in the head with a basketball.

The principal called my father and told him to tell me to back off as I was hurting kids. The principal knew who I was targeting and knew they were the school bullies but had to do something. I received a 3 day suspension with a suggestion that it not be a punishment. I was not grounded and had a small vacation out of it.

When I returned to school I noticed a dramatic decline in these bullies attitudes towards me. Most of them avoided me completely and none of them would attempt their previous tactics against me. I don't reccomend violence, as violence often begets more violence. But in my personal instance it worked quite well.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by whatukno

I don't reccomend violence, as violence often begets more violence. But in my personal instance it worked quite well.

I am not, by nature, a violent person, but I have developed an uncanny ability of the "When I get mad, I get really mad" characteristic. As I have gotten older, the fuse of my anger issues slowly became relevant and had to be under "My Control" as to not end up in a place of, lets say, "Unsuitable living arrangements" and have since recoiled form the violence character defect that had served me well, such as yourself.

My kid sister and I weer talking and she had told me about her son (Being Arabic) of how he had been getting antagonized and harassed from his school mates, funny thing is, "I live in an area where there are more Native Americans per-ca-pita than any other race" which by the way, are singled out as "Arabs" as well.
Don't want my Nephew to end up in the situation or places I have ended up during my life time, "Thus Far."

And I do understand your "Reactions during your stent during those unfortunate years of violence and abuse."
Thanks for posting whatuknow!!

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 11:26 AM
When i was a kid i was a big bully. My target was who ever was weak. The kids who i thought would be a challenge to my pride, i made friends with. I did that in case i would be challenged. And that's not a good thing for a bully. A good bully always know who is the target and who is not.

When i think back on what i have done i really feel sorry for the kids i pushed around just for my amusement. Its really sick to think about.

But back then i didn't know what bullying could do to a person. The effect of my work was all that mattered. You dont learn until it hits you in the face. The bad part is that a lot of people dont even learn from their own actions. They just keep on going. And wonders what is wrong with the other guy.

Its like...... cant he or she take a joke. That's all they can comprehend from their bullying.
That bullying can have a consecuens is not something a tough guy thinks about. He might think about it but the effect is all that matters. His image is more important.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 11:45 AM
Reply to: SPY66 (Repy to: button once again has failed!!) :bnghd:

When i think back on what i have done i really feel sorry for the kids i pushed around just for my amusement. Its really sick to think about.

At least you have admitted this as a "Personal problem of Adolescence and an incorrect act." Which is commendable by all standards of repentance of the fact.

I went to my 10th year Grad reunion, by the time it had came around, I was in college and had slender-ed up as well as gained height, as so many of these scenario's seem to do.
I was, by then, a true "Biker Type", with the whole garb thing going on, people that harassed me back in the day were now approaching me with the "Apologies" of them having done what they did, and I didn't raise a stink, just wanted to say "Why couldn't you be this friendly back then?" to them, but figured it as a redundant topic, because of the day and age of the events when they had taken place. For the most part, because I did end up graduating from the school that I had initially first attended, became friends with them all, but still haven't been able to forget the thing's of the past, which is now dilemma and not their faults.

It is amazing how we are apt to do such thing's when we are young and impressionable, it is the primary reason for me having raised my children with the knowledge of restraint and compassion for such individuals of this abuse. And I am happy to report, "I am a better person for having done so, and so are my kid's!"

Thanks for your response post SPY, and I am sure you have been forgiven by way of your testimony today!! "You old 'Bully'!!!"

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Allred5923

Oddly enough, no. And I had all the symptoms of someone begging to get pushed around. I had the nerdiest clothes in school. While the other girls were wearing Gap or The Express, I wore homemade dresses my paternal grandmother and I would sew over the summers. While the other kids were outside at recess, the teachers would let me stay in while I read books or worked on some independent pet project that interested me, unrelated to any school assignments. Also, embarrassing to admit, I was the ugliest girl every year in my class during prepubescence and puberty- never had a boyfriend while all the other girls did. The epitome of a late bloomer.

Looking back, the only thing I could have done more was to wear a sign that read, 'Please. Somebody. Anybody. Kick my ass.' But it never really happened- not even verbal ridicule for the most part. Maybe five times ever I remember one of the 'popular girls' or one of the 'cute boys' insulting me somehow but I would shoot back with some sharp retort they couldn't counter and then they'd back off.

Strangely, once I blossomed around the age of 16/17 was when girls started giving me a hard time or began trying to pick physical fights. But before that people generally left me alone either out of pity, nervous fear of my weirdness, or the need to keep it friendly so they could copy off my homework.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 01:43 PM
(Damn Reply to: button!!!

Reply to:

Strangely, once I blossomed around the age of 16/17 was when girls started giving me a hard time or began trying to pick physical fights. But before that people generally left me alone either out of pity, nervous fear of my weirdness, or the need to keep it friendly so they could copy off my homework.

You sound just like the girls I would've defended during these times of confrontation. Didn't date them or anything like that, but one thing is for sure, "They are beautiful as of today, and they still consider me their friend as well!!" Hubba-Hubba!! LOL

And it is kind of strange that most of my life I have bee the understudy to the books and the world, with different interests and need for knowledgable medias.
Most of teh "geeks" ( I don't like to call anyone that, but for description for this discussion, I'll use it.) are now very educated and beautiful individuals, so, "Suck on that egg you 'Bully's' out there!!

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