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Are The Police More the Enemy Then The Terrorists We Are Fighting?

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posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:48 PM
Since 9/11 400 000 homes were searched without warrant. That's every thousands person, even more..... Sorry for such a short post, but it's a really sad fact.....

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by sovietman

amazing... after this I am really starting to beleive that the U.S has gone down the drain

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 02:46 PM
You know it is pretty sad that we as citizens of the United States have let our founding fathers down. I mean we allow the government to basically wipe their butts with the constitution and the majority of the population just sits there not giving a damn about it. I believe the majority of the population believes everything that is shown on CNN and everything that is written on the newspapers that they have lost the ability to think for themselves. It has gotten to the point where this sort of stuff is actually normal. People need to start waking up because the real war is taking place in their own backyards, but the government has these people so drugged up on prescription drugs and reality tv that when you ask or tell them something serious that is occurring in the the world they respond with a simple " I did not know that". I told a friend about the civilians that are being murdered in Gaza by Israeli soldiers and this guy had the audacity to respond " I did not see that on the news, I thought they were the good guys". I mean the more I try to open their eyes up the more they want to call me a lunatic or they say that can never happen. It is because they are so comfortable inside their little box and their own little world that they refuse to believe the truth and thats the governments main concern. When shi* hits the fan the majority of the population is going to fall in line like lemmings. There is a war looming in the distance and it is almost here... These people are going to be so easily controlled that its going to make Hitlers rise to power in Germany look like a school play. We need to start bringing out the truth and every little story that we can get out to the public about the police or government officials not going by the constitution, the more eyes we open up.

[edit on 9-1-2009 by glenn84]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

I live in South Florida and I can assure you that the Davie Police department is a very corrupt department.

They lie steal and cheat to boost their numbers to get more funding and power.

I would rather deal with the gang bangers than them because the Davie PD is obsessed with taking people freedoms and property whether the are criminals or the wrong color .

Back in 99 they where known to be the most racist Police department in South Florida.

My advice?

Stay out of Davie and don’t spend any money there.

Maybe when the SHTF the people can get some revenge on these nasty pigs.

BTW the way I think BSO is a great department that does not crap on the people they serve.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

thats exactly what my freinds at bso , hallandale beach ,pembroke pines say... davie pd is the most corrupt pd in south florida period. they all warned me to stay away from there.....

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by sovietman
Since 9/11 400 000 homes were searched without warrant. That's every thousands person, even more..... Sorry for such a short post, but it's a really sad fact.....

looks like my family just became part of that statistic

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 01:16 PM
I can concur. Many of our former protectors have become the terrorists. It is a sign of the times, and will only get worse. Sorry to all of the good officers. But the silence and or cooperation with the criminal police element means you too are part of the problem, especially if you help to cover up this kind of offense.

To the honest hard working and decent police/sheriff officers...THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! WE DO APPRECIATE YOU.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

if you are a good officer working for a corrupt department .. it is your duty to shed light on whats going on... if not then you are just as guilty..

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

I agree, but you may not quite grasp the way they control the good officers. If they have a family, direct threats will be made, and carried out if necessary. It is truly a very vile organization, and it is world wide in scope.

I think the FBI should be notified in cases like that, and an external investigation carried out. But they are also in the FBI, and it depends on just who carries it out as to whether or not the crimes come to light.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:57 PM
I don't know what happened with the door ding incident, and it would be helpful if you provided more details as to how the cop got inside the house & why.

I had a similar experience where a woman became so angry at me on the road that she got up to speed and then slammed on her brakes on several occasions until I finally got fed up went around her and stopped my car in front of her at a red light got out and asked her what the problem was, apologize for whatever I did that angered her and that she was endangering me and my passengers with her continued behavior. She refused to speak to me or roll down the window so we could speak and in anger while knocking on her door I accidentally dented it with my fist. (I really didn't mean to do it I was just trying to get her attention, but was surprised with it dented so easily) Other cars were honking as the light was green & we were blocking traffic, so I just got back in and left. Of course she called to police on me and one cop showed up at my house about an hour after the "road rage incident" then pounded and pounded on my doors (front door, back door & then basement door) & stomped around in boots around my house for about 20 minutes. I did the right thing by ignoring him, because it never amounted to anything. Had I answered the door - who knows what would of happened, but they would of confirmed it was me charged me and possibly arrested me - by ignoring him I made it more difficult for them to continue without allot of extra work and legal hoops to jump through. That was nearly 10 years ago and I never got so much as a letter in the mail.

I'm guessing that in your case the police came to the door and unlike my situation it was answered and words were exchanged. At that point the cop felt he had probable cause to make an arrest for the purposes of charging someone. Whether or not he did we don't know cause you didn't give us details. Closing the door in their face itself could be interpreted as confrontational and as the officer was investigating the indecent could be interpreted as interfering with an investigation.

The lesson is once you open the door and acknowledge the police you have opened yourself up and anything you say or anything they see inside your house can become a charge against you - that's why you should never open your door for cops - period.

This case is pretty much small potatoes, but every charge or contact with the police can lead to destruction of ones life. The sooner you pay the system to get them to go away the better off you are.

Bin laden - nope he's no terrorist - he's a free thinker and more of a hero to his people. He could of continued being a rich pig, but instead he stood up against the machine because he saw how most his countryman were being treated by his own blood and those who were in league with them (Banks, Oil Companies & other nations soldiers who keep his people down) together defrauding his land and his common countryman's future.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 03:10 PM
Very interesting thread. Does this mean not to open the door when the police knocks?

I read an article in The Economist, I'll try to post it on here, about how many police stations and districts follow the idea to scare people about misdemeanors, which would then somehow prevent them from committing worse crimes.

However, it seems that in Chicago already and in NYC in the future, police will be approaching things differently. They are putting more resources into getting into the actual crimes- by getting right in the middle of gangs, and following up on the big problems, instead of labeling and following the small misdemeanors. They will be focusing more on violence and drug rings.

Such a good idea. Maybe this new philosophy in police departments will be the key.

Here it is:

For the past 15 years a single model of policing, developed in a single city, has dominated thinking about law and order in America. In the early 1990s New York hired thousands of extra police officers and told them to crack down on petty offenders in high-crime areas. ...

New York’s “zero tolerance” methods seemed simple, and have been widely copied. Yet no other city in America or anywhere else has achieved quite such good results. This may be because most cities are poorer and less densely populated than New York, and so find it harder to flood the streets with cops. ...

The approach that will come to prominence in 2009 is almost the exact opposite of zero tolerance. Rather than cracking down on petty offenders such as turnstile-jumpers and squeegee men, the authorities will focus on those who are most likely to kill or be killed. ... What makes the approach particularly novel is that it depends on local people. Rather than insisting on zero tolerance from the police, it tries to change what the residents of crime-infested areas will tolerate.

The new method has been quietly honed for almost a decade in Chicago, where it is known as Operation Ceasefire. It has two main tools. The more conventional one is a team of outreach workers who try to mobilise communities to oppose violence, often in partnership with local clergy. Then, at night, “violence interrupters” hit the streets to sniff out trouble. Often former gang members and graduates of the prison system, the interrupters have a hard-nosed approach to law and order. They may, for example, encourage an aggrieved man to consider beating someone instead of shooting him, or try to convince rival drug-dealers that a turf war would be bad for business, as it would attract the police.

In May 2008 Operation Ceasefire was evaluated in a report for the Justice Department. The results were encouraging: in five out of seven areas examined, shootings dropped sharply. In four of these areas the decline was much steeper than in comparable parts of the city where Operation Ceasefire was not in place. ...

Operation Ceasefire’s chief architect is Gary Slutkin. An epidemiologist, he likens shootings to a health crisis and insists that they can be tackled in a similar way to unsafe sex or needle-sharing. Zero tolerance’s slogan was “take care of the small stuff and the big stuff will take care of itself”. Dr Slutkin’s slogan is even snappier: “violent crime is a disease”.

The approach may not travel perfectly. Chicago has relatively well-organised gangs and a strong tradition of community mobilisation. What has worked splendidly there may not work as well in, say, Phoenix. We will soon find out, because Operation Ceasefire is swiftly spreading. Baltimore, Newark and Kansas City have projects inspired by it. A further ten or so cities are in the planning stages. In 2009 one of the cities to roll out a trial programme will be New York.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 01:31 PM
the officer was outside the house and told to leave. that they did not want to talk to him.. when closing the door the officer put his foot in the door and made his way in...

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 06:09 AM
The police around here in the suburbs of Chicago are mostly nice people who live right alongside of us and are very helpful indeed. I have more of a problem with people who resort to calling the police for every little thing and the policies in place to impend on our free will by charging us with misdemeanors and making us pay money to them for violating laws which have been put in place to regulate our own private safety. For example, I'm not hurting anyone by driving without my seatbelt. I'm not hurting anyone if I do a U-turn in a reasonable area. I'm not hurting anyone if I decide that it is safe to cross at a stubborn red light on a desolate intersection at 2am. I am not hurting anyone if I decide to go 15 miles faster than the speed limit and I'm well aware of my surroundings and adequate speeds in which to travel in different situations.

If anyone should be to blame, it is the state for not making sure drivers getting a license for the first time be properly trained and tested. I got my license at 18, as do a growing majority of people who blow off high school for the most part, and man I wish I was pushed harder to make sure I knew more in the driving test. I am still not a fully confident driver.

The point being.... yeah well cops are just people doing their jobs, and as society's morals and virtues decay, so do the morals of the institutions people depend on. You've got a nation of people who will do anything for a buck and will especially do anything when their career hangs on the line if they do not comply. So naturally, with a deviant nation... the positions of power would attract the scum, while the pure of intention get the boot because that type of attitude isn't conducive to gaining money or power or furthering the backwards definition of progress we seem to have been foled into adapting.

There was one guy living in my neighborhood who was a big shot police officer. He threatened me with a 200 dollar fine one day just because my dog chose to poop on his lawn. Okay, so the simple reasoning behind my not cleaning up my dog's # and puttong it in a plastic bag so it can be thrown away later at home is this: Dog poop exposed to the elements and the soil biodegrades. Dog poop wrapped in plastic and dumped in a landfill... doesn't. And since they ripped apart all the forests around here, there's nowhere an animal can just naturally # without some dumbass flipping out. The point to that story being...

Police don't operate on true wisdom or virtue. They operate on the established law.... and when law becomes corrupt, overbloated, and ridiculously illogical, paranoid, and invasive... expect the Law Enforcers to be quite similar to the law and the legislatives and the executives who write and enact such laws.

Also expect that when police work and law in general becomes more about collecting fines than solving crime, it basically becomes a business. There's money to be made in enacting as many laws as possible to collect financial penalties. Can you think of one midemeanor that does not require you to hand over at least 1000 dollars, to the state and/or to an attourney in your defense? You are "charged" with a crime. That'll be a ridiculous fee, please.

Business, in reality, has no ethics. It is a free for all based on always expanding profit margins no matter what you have to do in order to make it so. Once the police become just another corporation (which, given enough thought and comparison, it HAS)... what makes them any better than a privately owned security outfit such as Blackwater? Or what makes them any better than the Corporation that owned the police in RoboCop?

Anywhere lots of money can be made.... you will find the wrong people running the show.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 07:07 AM
Whilst there will always be isolated instances of various abuses in any organisation, I would still like to believe that our Police Forces are largely good guys, we certainly need them to be.

My only suggestion is that we all encourage everyone we know, to use their votes every time the opportunity occurs, and vote for the good guys every time, not just the 'lesser of the two evils' even if you think they cannot win. If enough people vote for those who will truly represent us [like Ron Paul] eventually, you will have an administration to be proud of from top to bottom.

Wishing you well,



posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 12:22 PM
You USED to be able to say there were a "few rotten apples spoiling the bunch". Now, it is the other way around. There are a few good officers getting "spoiled" by the corruption around them.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 09:07 PM
O-Kay that's it I'm calling shenanigans!!!
It has been nine (9) days since the OP made fantastic claims against the Davis PD. We've received promises of proof in the form of recordings of the 911 call and arrest reports and have got nothing but said promises. If you say that you or your kin have had some thing like this happen then you should bring a little proof.
We're not a bunch of conspiracy nut living in our moms basements that jump on every anti-establishment band wagon, when we At ATS are told some thing we like to have a little evidence to go along with the story. and your story is a whopper that if true is terrifying, but if false does nothing but harm to society as a whole.
When you spread lies of this sort then you are potentially putting lives at risk by placing distrust those whom we seek to protect us from harm. If we go around telling every body to fear and loath the police then criminals (you know rapists, child molesters , murderers and the like) go free because no one talks to the cops.
If your story is true then I repeal my post with my sincere apologies, I just want the truth to be known.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk
... When you spread lies of this sort then you are potentially putting lives at risk by placing distrust those whom we seek to protect us from harm. ...

Is that protection going to take the form of shooting a handcuffed suspect in the back? Just curious....

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Mr Mxyztplk

Just got my hands on the reports.... The PD just released then a few days ago.. Will be posting them up today

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:42 AM
the tape has also been requested... I will be making a wave file of it and posting it on youtube... Unfortently in the real world documents are not as easy to get your hands on... especially if its a PD

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:44 AM
you have to ask yourself why would I lie? what do I have to gain? Thats a pretty sick lie .. I wish it was a lie... I wish it never happened... But it did.. If you do not believe or cannot believe then thats fine... you won't until it happens to someone you know or it happens to you...

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