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You better watch out.

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:59 AM
I am going to tell you something, and if you want to ignore or ridicule like so many did with information regarding the coming attacks of 9-11, you are free to do so.

You Americans better watch it. This is not a personal threat from me to anyone. It is a fact. You had damn sure better watch out. You government has severely provoked people beyond any comprehension you might have, and those people have every intention of causing great damage to you on your own home turf, and frankly, I do not blame them for wanting to do it.

The way I see it, the only reason you have not been nuked is they cannot get such a weapon, and if they do have one, they haven't been able to figure out how to detonate it.

You may be comforted by the fact that seven years have gone by without any more attacks on American soil, but such comfort is only a delusive phantom of hope. The war within America has already begun. It will continue. It is only a matter of time.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:13 AM
So what excactly do you want us to do with this information?

Piss our pants? Or contact "them" and beg "them" not to be angry at us anymore?

Wll, I am going to tell YOU something. I predict that it is only a matter of time before you get banned from ATS.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by sebarud]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:16 AM
Oh please don't throw me in that briar patch. Banned from another CT forum? Another badge of honor.

9-11 Sic semper tyrannis.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by Jailhouserock]

[edit: removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]
Quoting - Please review this link

[edit on 3-1-2009 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:32 AM
Any conspiracy theorist knows that America is going to be attacked again.

If America is attacked again, it will be because our own government is still staging false flag ops and getting away with it.

I would say that we are probably going to get nuked, because one of our own nukes mysteriously went missing, and there is an entire thread on it somewhere.

I would say that Florida is going to be attacked.

But its not going to be some "terrorist" it will be the American government attacking its own people.


posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Jailhouserock
I am going to tell you something, and if you want to ignore or ridicule like so many did with information regarding the coming attacks of 9-11, you are free to do so.

You Americans better watch it. This is not a personal threat from me to anyone. It is a fact. You had damn sure better watch out. You government has severely provoked people beyond any comprehension you might have, and those people have every intention of causing great damage to you on your own home turf, and frankly, I do not blame them for wanting to do it.

The way I see it, the only reason you have not been nuked is they cannot get such a weapon, and if they do have one, they haven't been able to figure out how to detonate it.

You may be comforted by the fact that seven years have gone by without any more attacks on American soil, but such comfort is only a delusive phantom of hope. The war within America has already begun. It will continue. It is only a matter of time.

How is this any different then what the Gov has been telling people already? They keep people thinking that a WMD will happen, they keep telling people to expect another attack.

It seems that you are repeating what they are saying.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:40 AM
Some people in north Africa told me that long before 9-11, and believe me they were not kidding. They sort of wanted me to pass the word along. I've done it.

Or, maybe I'm just as copycat as you say.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Jailhouserock
You government has severely provoked people beyond any comprehension you might have, and those people have every intention of causing great damage to you on your own home turf, and frankly, I do not blame them for wanting to do it.

The fact that you say you don't BLAME them for wanting to go to America and kill people.
Says to me that you are a terrorist criminal.
And you had better watch out.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by BorgHoffen]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by dalan.

I have a feeling with the world at the state its in...with nukes becoing more easily available. (Dirty nukes ect.)
Somkthing will go down probly within the next 4 years.

All I know is its time to prepare. Bottle watter. Canned food. buy a gun.
Fix up one room in your house basment, air tight as possible with a cheap venaltion system.

I think whats going on is some goverments around teh world are blaming us for the use of bad technolgy. I dont know if it is or not. All I can say is one group will possibly use this technology and then blame it on America. Because they have a agenda against us. I can see this being the cause of it. I think the UN needs to just take over. Its the only way to ensure life at this point. All countries giving up their countries to the UN.. With no one leader. representatives from each that are our representatives. They just protect the laws. Freedom liberty harm none. If one country does not like the way a law turned out. It has to follow or suffer the consequences from the other countries. The only thing that would save us and other countries from this is a one world goverment. Sad truth. Could be a good thing would just depend onj how it was done. Making sure no ONE man ever took control.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by One_of_Manny]

[edit on 3-1-2009 by One_of_Manny]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:49 AM
The fact that you all have stood by while your own government have murdered millions of innocent, noncombatant, civilians around the world including children, women, babies, and the unborn tells me that you all are criminal terrorists, and need to be taught a lesson that history will never be able to forget. I am saying that it is understandable they would want to attack your interests in such a way, and anybody would including myself, you, or anybody. You have it coming.

Now go ahead and deny the nurders by your own government, its CIA, and military. It is to be expected. Your crimes are all right, right? But the fact that others intend to fight back is criminal, right? Isn't that what you are trying to say? Ha. We will see how right you are when one of your cities diappears.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:11 PM
Why do many people think it is the government, instead of entertaining the idea that it is the team of another country sent in to make it look like our government. Just like we may have done somewhere else.....

I know. I am guilty of the non specifics. "it's" and "it is" and "another country" and "somewhere else...".

Can no one stomach the thought that our government has been infiltrated and chasing it's heels while wars and instances are started by 'people' who are legitimately where they may be doing work under different guises?

With government lying so much, in general, as it's method of keeping things to it'self, it's no wonder that we can not tell if they are doing this to conceal the embarrassment and security breaches-that they don't know, or, that they have actually discovered some self guilt.

But to say they wantedly and knowingly ordered 9/11.... who?

And how does one steel a nuclear bomb? Maybe it's too many movies
--but, shouldn't those things be under 'smithsonian level' (again, likely another movie) protections. It will be ironic if whoever stole it is also diffuses it. But we wouldn't hear about it. Neither would the government know if these people or entities are one the same.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Jailhouserock
The fact that you all have stood by while your own government have murdered millions of innocent, noncombatant, civilians around the world including children, women, babies, and the unborn tells me that you all are criminal terrorists, and need to be taught a lesson that history will never be able to forget. I am saying that it is understandable they would want to attack your interests in such a way, and anybody would including myself, you, or anybody. You have it coming.

Now go ahead and deny the nurders by your own government, its CIA, and military. It is to be expected. Your crimes are all right, right? But the fact that others intend to fight back is criminal, right? Isn't that what you are trying to say? Ha. We will see how right you are when one of your cities diappears.

The only reason why the American people would believe that we are actually doing something "good" in the middle East is because of the staged 9/11 attacks, and the lie of "terrorism."

Yes, the US government has murdered too many innocent Middle Eastern lives, but only for the sake of Israeli Zionism.

Like I said before, if America is attacked again, it will be our own government issuing the orders.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Jailhouserock
The fact that you all have stood by while your own government have murdered millions of innocent, noncombatant, civilians around the world including children, women, babies, and the unborn tells me that you all are criminal terrorists, and need to be taught a lesson that history will never be able to forget. I am saying that it is understandable they would want to attack your interests in such a way, and anybody would including myself, you, or anybody. You have it coming.

You are ignorant arrogant illogical and publically stating you support terrorism.
Your purpose is utterly ridiculous.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Originally posted by HugmyRek

And how does one steel a nuclear bomb? Maybe it's too many movies
--but, shouldn't those things be under 'smithsonian level' (again, likely another movie) protections. It will be ironic if whoever stole it is also diffuses it. But we wouldn't hear about it. Neither would the government know if these people or entities are one the same.

Actually, a nuke did go missing.

But, the US government is going to be using it against its own people.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by BorgHoffen

Originally posted by Jailhouserock
The fact that you all have stood by while your own government have murdered millions of innocent, noncombatant, civilians around the world including children, women, babies, and the unborn tells me that you all are criminal terrorists, and need to be taught a lesson that history will never be able to forget. I am saying that it is understandable they would want to attack your interests in such a way, and anybody would including myself, you, or anybody. You have it coming.

You are ignorant arrogant illogical and publically stating you support terrorism.
Your purpose is utterly ridiculous.

Thank you very much. Coming from a CT I consider that a compliment.
I am a soldier in the army of God.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:23 PM
oh well. been waiting for an attack. bring it on. get it over with so we can lose more freedoms in the name of the false flag.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:26 PM
Hey HugmyRek:

What in the hell kind of answer was that? I don't believe I have ever quite run into an answer like that before.

Some do want to nuke the US, not because they are just having a bad day, but because they have been provoked, and not just in the Middle East either. I have read many books on this subject, but not lately.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:30 PM
You say you believe in an eternity with your wonderfull god... yet you are willing to kill to protect somthing that is meaningless in comparisson to your reward in the afterlife? It seems like you dont understand anything other than violence... and we know where your religion says they go dont we?

Murderers and lovers of violence. Those who are vengefull and spitefull.

Here you are portraying a perfect picture of the ones you say you hate within yourself.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:30 PM
lol oops....

[edit on 3-1-2009 by Wertdagf]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:31 PM
I see no reason to leave this flame bait open. There's no supporting source, just opinion.


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