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The most truly bizarre unexplained murder case in human history-Brazil 1994.

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:40 AM
I've just seen a documentary on cattle mutilation...was it 'Myth busters' or 'Is it real?' I'm not sure. But it convincingly concluded and even did an experiment to show that cattle mutilation was done by maggots and/or wild predators. I don't see how this case of human mutilation is any different.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

hear , hear

the ` one dimensional ` reporting of this case - from only the ` aliens done it ` camp should set alarm bels ringing

where are the mundane explainations - from govt death squads to orginised crime ???????????

i too have NEVER seen this case cited outside of UFO literature - and despite the hype its not that bizarre

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:25 AM
Damnit!!! I am at work, and therefore I cannot access the article, nor view the footage...could someone helpa brother out?...

I take it from the responses that it is pretty rough, but I have not filtered too many actual details. Thanks again


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

"Is it possible that the body was somehow "sucked" into a drainage pipe somewhere/ somehow in the reservoir? It would explain the suction marks and removal of organs if the body was somehow caught in one"

I believe suction was definitely involved.

Perhaps it was a serial killer who used a suction device to torture and kill his victims?

Perhaps the psychopath was trying to make his crimes LOOK like an alien abduction... 'The Nye Incidents' comes to mind.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:53 AM
This case was studied here on ATS about a year ago.

After dozens of pages back and forth, the most likely candidate was vultures, or some other scavenver bird.

The man could have starved to death given his poor physical shape.

Vultures will begin pecking and tearing at the softest, decaying flsh, just to get an entry point. then the can stick their 12-18 inch long necks into these holes and eat soft organs ect.

Good entry points are, the eyes, lips/mouth, private parts ect.

I've seen a couple dozens pirahna (the vultures of the water), basically eat a huge bird from the inside out, it's pretty sick.

But no, this is most like the work of animals, and possibly the work of Humans (sad but a possibility.) As far as E.T.'s, nope, just not buying it, way too messy with thier sort of tech. If aliens are visiting and ubducting. Plus they usually don't kill humans.

Because most all ,if not all mutilations are done buy scavengers, and/or wild dogs, hyenas. Something a fit human could fend off from a home, or with a group of people.

Cows on the otherhand cannot,and die outside, and aren't discovered for days later.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:56 AM
And we were made in their image...............

Yea , I have never seen a human disregard an animals suffering for medical experimentation. Or skin an animal alive because "it comes of easier when warm".

I am no animal activist , but get real here people. Some humans are as sick as your worst nightmare . If it was the aliens , all it shows is we had good teachers and we learnt well.

P.S. Read the PM report before , and I could have done all that work in my mortuary. The hard part is getting it all back in.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:02 AM
Speaking of funny quotes regarding autopsies, this one takes gold:

Lawyer: "Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "Did you check for blood pressure?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "Did you check for breathing?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "How can you be so sure, Doctor?"
Witness: "Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar."
Lawyer: "But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?"
Witness: "Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere."

Courtroom Quotes

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:06 AM
Totally horrifying case.
I`m a cop, and has been so for a long time, what one should do, is first to clear this mans past to the full, and log is doings in the last hours / days alive if possible.
Second you must get a clear picture ex of who he was.
Conduct a thorough homicide investigation with the means available.

Has a proper crime scene investigation been done?

Like :

initiating a crime scene inquiry
crime scene issues
crime scene
types of useful evidence
crime scene search
evidence maintenance
evidence submission
sketching the crime scene
photographing the scene
recording with video

Has interviews been done properly?


investigations of reliability issues of witnesses
hypnosis issues
witness types classifications of them
has interviewing guidelines been followed?
has all interview documentation been done?

Did they do a proper injury investigation?


a full medic legal examination
decedent Identification
taken care of unidentified remains in a proper way?
lay down the time of death estimations
collected evidence from wounds
checked firearm blunt force and other weapons or tools?
sharp force investigation?
possible suicide investigation
psychological autopsy

I can go on forever.....being a cop is not always easy you see :-)

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Kukulcangod

These Brazilian cops are also going on forever, seeing as this this case is form the mid 90's.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:50 AM

The body was found near the Guarapiranga reservoir, located in the southern area of the city of São Paulo, Brazil and no signs of struggle (or blood) were found.

A few years ago ABC aired a show called "Invasion." This show was the closest thing to disclosure we've received thus far.


Man has searched the skies for centuries and has never come up with conclusive evidence to prove the existence of other forms of intelligent life. What if we have been looking in the wrong place? What if there were other forms of intelligent life already living among us? What if perceived natural disasters were really diversions created to conceal clandestine alien activities?

There is no coincidence the body was found near a reservoir. These are water based creatures. They are preceded by lights in the water. They attach to the host and attempt to consume all vital/internal organs. In some instances they replicate DNA and morph into the host.

I'm willing to assume there are many more cases like this, but a full fledged conspiracy/cover-up is afoot. At this point it has become a worldwide phenomena, but it DID start in Brazil just like the show pointed out.

In one of the latter episodes, the series gave us a tour of the "alien storage facility" at Homestead Airforce Base. These creatures were housed in water tanks. Yes, this is just like the stories we've heard.

Please research this further. There are too many coincidences here to be pure chance.

EDIT: Oh, and the suction marks are where the "tentacles" attach to the host. The show also went into detail on this tidbit.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by Aleilius]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:53 AM
I beg to differ on the idea that it sould only have been aliens that did this. In my opinion humans would be capable of these mutillations. I saw some blood in those pictures. If someone tortured him somewhere (which is consistent with the story) all the blood was simply left at the scene and he was moved.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:05 AM
I agree with others, I don't know why somone would think of aliens. There are some sick humans out there, people who do some seriously strange things. If there was some sort of evidence of an alien, then it would be interesting and very scary.
They said this guy died from a heart attack from the extreme pain!?

It's also possible that "some" of these mutilated animals where the humans first kills then he/she moved on to a human?

[edit on 29-12-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by razorvocals

"If someone tortured him somewhere (which is consistent with the story) all the blood was simply left at the scene and he was moved. "

That is most likely the case.

How do you feel about the theory that a serial killer may be attempting to make his victims look like Abductions perpetrated by aliens?

This could be done to throw people off his trail, and to contaminate the jury by ensuring the story is more sensationalized and thus, more jurors exposed and contaminated. Clever Sociopath...

I hope it isn't aliens. Human socio/psychopaths are bad enough.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by heyo
reply to post by Erytiel

Hopefully he was dead before his body "hit the ground"......just erad the article...........awww man....

[edit on 28-12-2008 by heyo]

ya i kinda figured he was dead before this happened

well, we can hope

i think if i was to attempt to grasp this realistically, well no, nevermind

ok, back to the drawing board

now if it was aliens, im not saying it was but IF it was, hypothetically

they could repair this, its certainly within their capability
so why did they discard him? i mean we humans/earth animals are afterall apparently some sort of resource of some sorts.
they would want to attempt to salvage any they could i would assume

so i therefore think he was either lost, which is unlikely but certainly not impossible (they do "lose" things too, hehe)
or that he was already dead (not salvagable) and he was then possibly laser'd up a bit to show us (humans) some "proof"?

but this was 1994 also so, i really dont know

it could have been the govt

it could be anything really
i would like to know the truth however (but i dont wanna see the pics of it next time thanks)

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Freelancer
I doubt very much this is the work of 'aliens', more like some corporate pharmaceutical funded organisation using military connections to hide under with.

i cant argue with you freelancer, and i like your line of thought

if it was humans that did this, its definatly related to people with lots of power

good finger pointing, i think this should be investigated

im not sure where to start tho, but it sounds like a good idea

realistically, we need to look at human culprits first your right
its certainly not animal wounds, it looks pretty high tech
so its for sure humans (or aliens lol)

but which one, and whats the motive

i would really like to know the motive behind this

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Dewm0nster
I like how they used this case as "tentative evidence" that it was, in fact, none other than evil aliens.
If this isn't proof, what is?!
Site was extremely biased, imo.
But good post, weird murder.

Doesn't have to be government, doesn't have to be extraterrestrial.
Some people just enjoy watching others suffer.
Man knows no wrath like that of his own.

well think about it for a minute

what kind of "evidence" can a Alien leave on earth, without giving up secrets on their tech?

wouldnt a mutilated cow or human be the only possible evidence you could leave?

without leaving behind any sophisticated gadgets or materials

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:00 AM
old news. been discussed on ats before.

gang warfare probably.

would I get lots of ats points if i reposted old articles?

and why did I get -800 ats pts?

[edit on 29-12-2008 by postmeme]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_
I agree with others, I don't know why somone would think of aliens. There are some sick humans out there, people who do some seriously strange things. If there was some sort of evidence of an alien, then it would be interesting and very scary.
They said this guy died from a heart attack from the extreme pain!?

It's also possible that "some" of these mutilated animals where the humans first kills then he/she moved on to a human?

[edit on 29-12-2008 by _Phoenix_]

so your saying this person has murdered literally thousands of farm animals and even a few humans (as far back as the 1950's and as recent as the 1990's) was doing all this alone?

its remotely possible, imo, not impossible, just remote
i wouldnt say your wrong, because you might be right, but i would say its a safe bet thats unlikely

it would have to be a organized group of people doing it, over such a wide span of time on such a wide basis all over earth

a military, a pharma corp, a isolated cult, or a group of sick doctors acting on their own, its hard to say without seeing any real evidence firsthand

all seem reasonable possibilities, i wouldnt discount any of them, we are left to only speculate on what limited evidence we have

could it all be faked? sure, but is it? it looks to be kinda real, so idk

thats why i wont discount the alien theory either, because its totally possible

the only reason i liked the alien theory in this case was because it exhibited a flavor of randomness, that i usually attribute to a alien "fingerprint"

i wont stick to any particular theory unless certain things stick out

you know, all joking aside, this could have been Nazi's from the south pole.
this is ATS afterall

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Kandinsky

hear , hear

the ` one dimensional ` reporting of this case - from only the ` aliens done it ` camp should set alarm bels ringing

where are the mundane explainations - from govt death squads to orginised crime ???????????

i too have NEVER seen this case cited outside of UFO literature - and despite the hype its not that bizarre

Thanks, I'm glad someone shares the same view
Death Squads and Drug Cartels do this frequently. Without sounding flip, the guy was probably glad when it was over.

I think that within our lifetimes, we won't need to do medical research on humans as we are already moving towards 3D simulations. There's also evidence that we'll grow our own meat. We can already grow skin and body organs are close too. For these reasons I find it hard to understand why aliens (way more advanced than us) would need to conduct such brutal biopsies? Based on our current ability, they'd just need a small cell sample.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Nola213
Vultures will begin pecking and tearing at the softest, decaying flsh, just to get an entry point. then the can stick their 12-18 inch long necks into these holes and eat soft organs ect.

Good entry points are, the eyes, lips/mouth, private parts ect.

As far as E.T.'s, nope, just not buying it, way too messy with thier sort of tech. If aliens are visiting and ubducting. Plus they usually don't kill humans.

alrite im putting my money on vultures then
it makes tons of sense thanks cant believe i didnt think of that myself lol

then agian ive never watched vultures feed, but what you say seems to fit all my expectations
vultures indeed seems like the most likely culprit and the motive is easily established (food lol)

and i agree , it does look sloppy for an alien, and pointless (and a huge waste of a good specimen!)

[edit on 29-12-2008 by muzzleflash]

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