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What kind of world is it where Jews can't trust fellow Jews?

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

From personal experience I have to agree with you.

As a young woman I dated a Jew and also attended university with his mother who invited us to dinner at her home, whereupon her husband, refused to speak to me, as I was not a Jew. I could have put this down to one man's bigotry except that I had another similar episode with another Jewish family when I was staying in their downstairs basement with their twin sons (friends) for a few days whilst I was looking for accommodation of my own. On the first night I joined the family for dinner and all seemed normal, except that the father was not present. On the second evening the mother called the boys names for dinner. It was then that one of them suggested we should go out for tea...he then explained that his father (an associate professor of physics at UNSW, whom one would have expected to be more liberal in his attitude) would not have me at the table because I was not a Jew.

Due to the above I would have to agree that the Jews are the most xenophobic group of people on the planet. This is what comes from believing that you are God's chosen ones - pure and unadulterated arrogance. This does not help their cause. They really do view non-Jews as cattle to be treated as such, so it is no wonder that they had to experience the Holocaust. It is unfortunate that they do not seem to have realised why as yet and seem to be heading for disaster in Israel as a result.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Nineteen

So all it took was two families and now you think all Jews are bad?

Two Families!

I have neighbors who are white, christian, and racist. Does that make all white people Christians? Does that make all white people racist? Does that make all Christians racist?

No, of course not. That would be logical fallacy to assume that just because I have some bad neighbors that all Christians or Whites are bad.

I'm pretty sure many Jews on ATS and elsewhere would happily eat dinner with you. I'd be happy to eat dinner with you.

By the way, you are not a cow and gentiles are not cattle.

[edit on 19/12/08 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
One: Jews are not some global mafia. Jews do not hold secret global cabals.
There is not a single race or religion on earth that does anything like that.

This made me lol.

Some examples of places that expelled jews:

Mainz, 1012
France, 1182
Upper Bavaria, 1276
England, 1290
France, 1306
France, 1322
Saxony, 1349
Hungary, 1360
Belgium, 1370
Slovakia, 1380
France, 1394
Austria, 1420
Lyons, 1420
Cologne, 1424
Mainz, 1438
Augsburg, 1438
Upper Bavaria, 1442
Netherlands, 1444
Brandenburg, 1446
Mainz, 1462
Lithuania, 1495
Portugal, 1496
Naples, 1496
Navarre, 1498
Nuremberg, 1498
Brandenburg, 1510
Prussia, 1510
Genoa, 1515
Naples, 1533
Italy, 1540
Naples, 1541
Prague, 1541
Genoa, 1550
Bavaria, 1551
Prague, 1557
Papal States, 1569
Hungary, 1582
Hamburg, 1649
Vienna, 1669
Slovakia, 1744
Mainz, 1483
Warsaw, 1483
Spain, 1492
Italy, 1492
Moravia, 1744
Bohemia, 1744
Moscow, 1891

The notion that jews were trying to control the world financially has been known for centuries. Too bad they succeeded.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Pretty bizarre treatment of another human being though wouldn't you agree and I have never experienced anything like it since. Are you able to give an example of behaviour of this calibre towards another human being under similar circumstances?

I do agree with you however that not all Jews are cast with the same stone..I did go out with another one for sometime and had no trouble with his step-father of whom I have very fond memories.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by Bl0rg

Expelled by Christian mostly Catholic countries.

If the Jews were so bad, why didn't the Muslims expel them from the Caliphates? Why didn't the Shah expel them from Persia? Ottoman Sultanate? How about any of the numerous emirates? Kingdom of Ethiopia? How about the Khanates?

I'm sensing another logical fallacy here.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:15 AM
In short...

Who gives a Rats 4$$! Are all us non Jews meant to feel bad now? Or perhaps sorry for the Jewish? Get a life!


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Nineteen
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Pretty bizarre treatment of another human being though wouldn't you agree and I have never experienced anything like it since. Are you able to give an example of behaviour of this calibre towards another human being under similar circumstances?

I do agree with you however that not all Jews are cast with the same stone..I did go out with another one for sometime and had no trouble with his step-father of whom I have very fond memories.

I agree it was terrible behavior.

I can give you a recent example of that kind of terrible behavior.

My nephew is dating a Black American young woman. We live in Louisiana. Both blacks and whites here are extremely racist. Recently they had an incident at local fast food restaurant that caters to primarily Black American customers.

In fact as far as I know he has yet to meet her father.

Here in the south there are plenty of examples of this kind of behavior between blacks and whites. People won't eat with each other. People distance themselves.

I personally have tried to get closer to Blacks in Louisiana, especially since I have Creole ancestors on one side, but I have enough "Other" in me that I look more Semitic than anything else. I even have problems with some of the whites down here who think I'm half Arab. So in a sense I have felt rejection somewhat like yours.

It happens alot more than you realize among all faiths and peoples. When I was in Iraq, I swear the Iraqis must have Jewdar. One of the first things I heard from them was questions about me being Yehudi. I told them I was Catholic, since Iraqis weren't too fond of Jews. Prejudice and intolerance is universal among the human race.

[edit on 19/12/08 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I don't play well with Racists of any sort and your hate is seething..

Hmmm, very interesting comment, since on the previous page of this thread, you made this remark:

The only groups I am aware is trying to make the whole world like them is the Jesuits and the Muslims...

Apparently, it is alright, by your reasoning to slam certain groups, and that is NOT racist, but if you make the same statement about other groups, that IS RACIST.

Of course, with racists, that is always the case. They cannot see their own racism, only those of others.

Of course, on another thread that you authored, in the OP you stated this:

This is a book some of you may have heard of but I have to admit I am a religious or Faith orientated person and pride myself on my vast and extensive knowledge of most religions and most of the information available

You claim that you pride yourself on your "vast and extensive" knowledge of most religions. Pray tell, where does it say that Christianity allows one to hate Jesuits and Muslims? In fact, a simpler question for you- Where in the Bible did Jesus say to hate anyone?

Of course, addressing your comments about the Talmud, perhaps in your "vast" knowledge of religion, you someone missed this:
Source:Martin Luther, Jews and their Lies, 1543

Martin Luther, who in 1543 wrote in "Von den Juden und Ihren Lugen": "Does not their Talmud say, and do not their rabbis write, that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob, as they do with their usury, from a heathen is a divine service. For they hold that they cannot be too hard on us nor sin against us, because they are of the noble blood and circumcised saints; we, however, are cursed goyim. And they are the masters of the world, and we are their servants, yea, their cattle...

The above presents a dilemma to you. If Luther is correct, that directly contradicts what you said earlier. On the other hand, if he is not correct, then apparently there is a Christian that is making racist comments about Jews.
Another point concerning the above quote from Luther- IF true, then how did the rabbis condone killing? Last time I checked, "Thou shalt not kill" was one of the commandments. I guess I just have to stop pointing out all of these contradictions. It just takes away all of the fun.

Gee, it just seems like no religion has a corner on the market when it comes to racism.

I don't normally get involved in these religious wars, because reason rarely prevails, but your posts were so contradictory, I felt compelled to point out the contradictions.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Hypocrisy at its finest eh? Star for you although I understand what he was saying you cant push tolerance while slamming other groups.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:53 PM
Let's face it, the Jews have moved all their money out of the United States and over to Isreal. WTF? Thanks for destroying our country financially!!!!

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Nineteen

well aparthaid south africa threated black humans much worst. and been done by white supremacists. but hei this forum is about hating the jews.

to all the non jews who write here i want to say your bitter writing says that you do believe jews are gods chosen people. many groups of people say they are gods chosen people like the muslims who are even willing to kill for it. many whites nazis even the eskimos, but it bothers no one!!! but when the jews say it, it makes many people really upset bcos thats the truth and if it wasnt it wouldnt be so painful to you. the truth is that you all very jealous!!! as for predicting a dooms day for the jews....we will just have to wait and see whos dooms day it gona be.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:29 AM

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:01 AM
You make it sound like jews are perfect, there are people who just dont care about where they come from or who they are, Ive seen family members hurt family members, marines hurt marines, masons hurt masons, cops hurt cops, christians hurt christians, Jews are no different.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by tac109

Why Muslims are the BNP’s Current Target
Geoff Brown

A SINISTER alliance has developed between far-right groups and Islamist extremists who are united in their hatred of Jews, Israel and zionism and are contributing to increasing anti-semitism in Britain.

At least that’s how Ruth Gledhill of The Times reported the findings of the all-party parliamentary inquiry into anti-semitism.

The report had expressed "particular concern about a new, ‘symbiotic’ relationship between the traditional perpetrators of anti-semitism – the far-right and some Islamist extremists – who are united in their hatred of all things Jewish," she continued.

In fact, the only example of this supposed alliance offered by the report is that some material has appeared on the website of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPACUK) and also on far-right websites, though there is no indication that the material was anti-semitic rather than anti-zionist.

MPACUK may have an obsession with zionism which some of us would regard as counterproductive, but it is hardly an "extremist" organisation. Its primary concern is to encourage young Muslims to engage with the political process in Britain. And the suggestion that MPACUK enjoys a "symbiotic relationship" with fascism is preposterous.

The fantasy about an alliance between fascists and Muslims in promoting hatred against the Jewish community also ignores the fact that the dominant far-right organisation in Britain, the British National Party, has now almost entirely abandoned public anti-semitic propaganda in favour of inciting hatred against Islam.

This does not mean that the BNP has suddenly rid itself of anti-Jewish bigotry. The party’s basic cadre remains a gang of unreconstructed Hitler admirers and Holocaust deniers.

However, after Nick Griffin took over the BNP leadership from John Tyndall in 1999, he launched a process of "modernisation" that set out to transform the BNP political image with the aim of making the party electable.

In an article published in the fascist magazine Patriot shortly before he deposed Tyndall as chairman, Griffin explained his new strategy to the BNP membership.

"Of course, we must teach the truth to the hardcore, for, like you, I do not intend this movement to lose its way. But, when it comes to influencing the public, forget about racial differences, genetics, zionism, historical revisionism (Holocaust denial) and so on – all ordinary people want to know is what we can do for them that the other parties can’t or won’t."

In 2005, in an interview for the right-wing zionist website Think-Israel, Griffin "explained" that his party no longer promoted "the old fantasies about learned elders of Zion controlling the world and the rabid anti-semitism that they reflect and incite." He added: "The idea that ‘the Jew is the enemy’ is simply over for us now and not a moment too soon, because now we can get on with the real struggles."

And, for Griffin, the most important of these "real struggles" is against Muslims.

In an article posted on the BNP website earlier this year, Griffin stated emphatically: "To even hint of making common cause with Islam – or put ourselves in a position when opponents can suggest to the masses that this is the case – is political insanity."

He rejected the arguments of "those ‘hardliners’ who would rather attack the Jews than the Muslims," condemning them as "people whose one-track concern about ‘the Jews’ is blinding them to the clear and present danger of resurgent Islam."

Griffin argued that, rather than attacking the Jewish community, "We should be positioning ourselves to take advantage for our own political ends of the growing wave of public hostility to Islam currently being whipped up by the mass media."

Significantly, Griffin has justified his party’s anti-Muslim policy by referring approvingly to the writer Bat Ye’or, whom the New York Times has described as one of the "most extreme voices on the new Jewish right."

Ye’or is the author of a book entitled Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis, the thesis of which has been summarised by journalist Johann Hari as follows.

"Europe is on the brink of being transformed into a conquered continent called Eurabia. In this new land, Christians and Jews will be reduced by the new Muslim majority to the status of ‘dhimmis’ – second-class citizens forced to ‘walk in the gutter.’

"This will not happen by accident. It is part of a deliberate and ‘occult’ plan, concocted between the Arab League and leading European politicians like Jacques Chirac and Mary Robinson, who secretly love Islam and are deliberately flooding the continent with Muslim immigrants."

Hari characterises this as "a conspiracy theory about Muslims that teeters very close to being a 21st century Protocols of the Elders of Mecca."

As Griffin told Think-Israel, "We are deeply concerned about the mainly – though not exclusively – French elite project to morph the EU, Turkey and the Maghreb into Eurabia. Bat Ye’or is 100 per cent right about this.

"If this now far-advanced scheme comes to fruition, then it would in turn lead to the Islamification of the whole European continent. A generation ago, the revival of the historic Islamic threat to Europe would have been unthinkable. Now, it is clearly destined to be the great issue and decision of our time. For us, the closely linked threats of mass Third World immigration and Islamification outweigh all other considerations."

In line with this approach, the BNP is also reassessing its public stance on zionism. In an article on the BNP website posted during Israel’s war against Lebanon, BNP legal adviser Lee Barnes wrote:

"As a nationalist, I can say that I support Israel 100 per cent in their dispute with Hezbollah. In fact, I hope they wipe Hezbollah off the Lebanese map and bomb them until they leave large greasy craters in the cities where their Islamic extremist cantons of terror once stood.

"The 21st century is the Islamic century. Unless we start to resist the threat of Islamic extremism, then, within 100 years, the West will have become Eurabia."

An accompanying article offered Barnes’s piece as evidence that "The BNP has moved on in recent years, casting off the leg-irons of conspiracy theories and the thinly veiled anti-semitism which has held this party back for two decades."

The "real enemies of the British people," the article continued, are liberals, leftists and "the Crescent Horde – the endless wave of Islamics who are flocking to our shores to bring our island nations into the embrace of their barbaric desert religion."

Along with its public renunciation of anti-semitism, its readiness to take ideological inspiration from a Jewish author and its support for Israeli military aggression against Lebanon, the BNP even has a councillor of Jewish origin – Patricia Richardson, who was elected in Epping Forest in 2004.

It remains to be seen how the BNP will continue to evolve under Griffin’s leadership. However, given its current political trajectory, the possibility of the BNP making a pitch for the support of a right-wing minority within the Jewish community on an anti-Muslim programme, as the far-right party Vlaams Belang has successfully done in Belgium, cannot be excluded.

Indeed, BNP member and veteran fascist John Bean recently made the point that, "minus the anti-semitism," a section of the Jewish community will "like much of what we have to say. The mere fact of our opposition to the Muslim threat, which lusts to wipe them off the face off the earth, guarantees some do."

Such an alliance is, at any rate, a lot more likely than the so-called "symbiotic relationship" between the BNP and Muslim extremists that exists only in the imagination of the all-party parliamentary inquiry into anti-semitism.

Originally published in the Morning Star, 20 September 2006

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:24 AM

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