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Should Smoking Be Banned?

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posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:32 PM
It's funny, I was just arguing with someone at work the other day about this. I smoke he does not. Our boss lets us smoke inside. I was smoking in a corner away from him because I knew he doesn't smoke. He came over to where I was for no good reason, just to hang out. He proceeded to complain about me smoking. The irony is that we work in an automotive shop and he is inhaling asbestos from brakes and he spray's rustproof and undercoat on cars all day long and has done these jobs without any type of mask. When I asked him why he is complaining about me smoking around him when it was him who chose to come into my space when he knew I was smoking, well he didn't have too much to say except for "oh that's nice, so I get to die early because of your second hand smoke." I got to respond with "I wouldn't worry about the second hand smoke from the half dozen cigs you chose to be directly around. I would worry more about the dozen brake jobs you do every day where you're inhaling brake dust and the rustproof and undercoating."
My point is that people find it easy to blame smokers for health problems they my get later on in life or have gotten rather than to take a look at their own lives and in what way they may have contributed to it. It's always easier to blame someone else rather then look in the mirror.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Discotech

Originally posted by Anti - Government
fce the facts smoking does kill just face it!!
[edit on 14-12-2008 by Anti - Government]

Hey guess what, life kills! should we ban that too ?

It's about lengthening life a bit through reasonable means.

Smoking does not kill directly, neither does it 100% cause effects.

There is indeed a direct cause and effect correlation between smoking and disease/early death.

Yes it CAN cause effects but liberal marxists like yourself like to avoid the facts and say it DOES cause effects which is not the case.

Yes it is the case.

What about a compramise.
I don't want to ban smoking but I do want to ban smoking in public area's where non-smoking people would be.
The reason I would like it banned in public, enclosed area's is because smokers do not take into account how their habit affects others so unfortunately, since they refuse to police themselves, someone else must do it.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:54 PM
I find it ironic that china has one of the largest smoking populations in the world (almost everyone smokes there) yet there deaths due to smoking is relatively low. Also, the people there tend to live longer lives. The big difference, they are not as industrialized as some other parts of the world.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Im sick of these anti smoking nazis get a life you sad people.
If i want to smoke i will and i do so zip it.

I hope they do ban smoking, and then we can all make a fortune off smuggling.

The thing is if they ban smoking and get away with it we all know it will be another of our freedoms that is banned next like drinking.
Before we know it we will be mindless slaves eating gruel and working 14 hours a day until we are 90 DOESNT SOUND TO GOOD TO ME.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Im sick of these anti smoking nazis get a life you sad people.
If i want to smoke i will and i do so zip it.

I hope they do ban smoking, and then we can all make a fortune off smuggling.

The thing is if they ban smoking and get away with it we all know it will be another of our freedoms that is banned next like drinking.
Before we know it we will be mindless slaves eating gruel and working 14 hours a day until we are 90 DOESNT SOUND TO GOOD TO ME.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:59 PM
For all of you saying smoking doesn't cause any problems, you probably know that it does. If you go to China, about %70 of the adults smoke, heavily; the people smoke about 3-4 trillion cigarettes per year and big tobacco is trying to expand smoking to the youth.

Smoking can't be banned because of all the profit behind it. Those BS research about how tobacco is not responsible for cancer and diseases are the only results that are actually published. This shows that the scientific community is also created by corporations and bribes.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Anti - Government

Smoke makes my sinuses miserable for hours, so I tell smokers, "If you keep you smoke away from my nose, I promise to keep my fist away from your nose!"

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by Phatcat
reply to post by jfj123
Maybe you should consider the fact that you're not the only one on the planet and have consideration for others instead of just for yourself.

You said it yourself sustfu about us smokers. We smokers for the most part are not going to go out of our way to bother non smokers. We no it doesn't smell pleasant and it harmfull, any smoker will tell you that if they have went any amount of time not smoking that they feel better. But damnit I want to smoke it is a nice way to relaxe when you are stressed. And to you if you leave the smokers alone they will be less of an ass to you. We tend to get the F
you attitude to the people who find it a necessity to go out of their way to tell us to put it out it bothers them. I am not going to smoke right infront of non smokers I and most other smokers are a lot more polite than to do so. But it is okay for you to go out of your way and into my smoke to tell me that I need to put it out.
Please take your own advise and be considerate to others you are not the only one here.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:04 PM
How about you research chemtrails too, afraid to pick on "them"? youd rather pick on the (people) smokers. What ever rights are taken away from smokers will effect you too,before you know it you wont be able to talk on your cell in public places! As far as your statistics I think the previous comments have covered that nonsense.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne


Y'all can just relax and stand down - your noses have no rights.

actually since they're attached to our faces and bodies, and our faces and bodies DO have the right to not be subjected to disease causing agents, your point is incorrect.

You do not have the right to avoid smelly things. There's nothing in the Bill of Rights, nothing in the Constitution, and I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there was no lost 11th commandment "thou shalt not suffer a stinky man."
When you drive by a farm, do you demand the farmer kill his cattle to prevent the odor from their waste? When you get in an elevator with a man wearing too much cologne, do you demand he be hosed down? What about those women who wear enough perfume to kill a rhino? How about the kids, too dumb to know any better, who bathe in that body spray crap that smells vile and offensive?

There's a difference between offensive odors and something that causes health related problems.

You wouldn't dream of being so rude as to get in the faces of those people, but you have no problem getting into mine, in public places, coughing for effect and making unreasonable demands along with a host of stupid assumptions about my future health.

Just to be clear, it's not about YOUR future health, it's about everyone else's around you. You do not have the right to endanger someone else's health. PERIOD!

What makes me different? Why is it okay to stomp on my rights to preserve yours? Maybe smokers should start stomping on YOUR rights to preserve our own. Fair play, eh?

OK, I'll answer your question.
The difference is that you not smoking does not endanger anyone's health. You smoking around others DOES. You have the right to smoke but your rights end where mine begin.

But we haven't, have we? No, we've been very accommodating, but y'all just keep taking more and more.

Smokers generally are NOT accomodating. Some are but most are not.

I'm offended by these unwashed hippies who drive VW buses that spew black smoke like active volcanoes, the whole of their body reeking like stale marijuana, little bits of rotting granola rotting in their unabomber-esque beards - and they have the audacity to tell me my cigarette is bumming them out?

Does their body odor cause you health problems? If that is the case, you might actually have a valid argument.

One of the fundamental pillars of civilized society is the ability of the citizens to keep their damn mouths shut about the annoying habits of their fellow citizens.

I shouldn't have to keep my mouth shut when YOUR bad habit affects ME.

You don't go stealing the cheeseburgers out of the mouths of fat people. You don't try to wrestle the bottle of strawberry ripple away from the drunk. You don't take an old lady's wig...

There's a difference. Someone else's cheeseburger does not give me high cholesterol.
Someone else's drinking does not impair me.

The reason so many people want smoking in all public area's banned is because smokers are not considerate people and refuse to police their own bad behavior. If you won't act reasonably, someone must install rules to make you act reasonably.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Ant4AU
Originally posted by jfj123
Originally posted by Phatcat
reply to post by jfj123
Maybe you should consider the fact that you're not the only one on the planet and have consideration for others instead of just for yourself.

You said it yourself sustfu about us smokers. We smokers for the most part are not going to go out of our way to bother non smokers. We no it doesn't smell pleasant and it harmfull, any smoker will tell you that if they have went any amount of time not smoking that they feel better. But damnit I want to smoke it is a nice way to relaxe when you are stressed. And to you if you leave the smokers alone they will be less of an ass to you. We tend to get the F
you attitude to the people who find it a necessity to go out of their way to tell us to put it out it bothers them. I am not going to smoke right infront of non smokers I and most other smokers are a lot more polite than to do so. But it is okay for you to go out of your way and into my smoke to tell me that I need to put it out.
Please take your own advise and be considerate to others you are not the only one here.

Most of the smokers I have ever ran into during the 39 years I have been alive, have not taken into consideration anyone around them while they smoked.
To be clear, I am saying MOST, I am not saying ALL smokers.
When I'm in a diner eating and someone comes in and sits down next to me and lights up, of course I'm going to say something. If I wanted to inhale smoke, I'd be smoking.
Smokers, generally are not curteous about how their smoking affects others.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
It's funny, I was just arguing with someone at work the other day about this. I smoke he does not. Our boss lets us smoke inside. I was smoking in a corner away from him because I knew he doesn't smoke. He came over to where I was for no good reason, just to hang out. He proceeded to complain about me smoking. The irony is that we work in an automotive shop and he is inhaling asbestos from brakes and he spray's rustproof and undercoat on cars all day long and has done these jobs without any type of mask. When I asked him why he is complaining about me smoking around him when it was him who chose to come into my space when he knew I was smoking, well he didn't have too much to say except for "oh that's nice, so I get to die early because of your second hand smoke." I got to respond with "I wouldn't worry about the second hand smoke from the half dozen cigs you chose to be directly around. I would worry more about the dozen brake jobs you do every day where you're inhaling brake dust and the rustproof and undercoating."
My point is that people find it easy to blame smokers for health problems they my get later on in life or have gotten rather than to take a look at their own lives and in what way they may have contributed to it. It's always easier to blame someone else rather then look in the mirror.

One of the problems with cigarette smoke is that it is a direct lung irritant thus causing more people to react to it. Some smaller particles are taken into the lungs without the same irritation.
My point is that when he told you the smoke bothered him, it probably really does, he's not just being a jerk about it.
Also, you may have been smoking in your little area but the smoke doesn't stop at some invisible wall, it travels everywhere, not just your area.

If you're a regular smoker, you won't feel the same lung irritation and smell that non-smokers do because you're used to it.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne


Y'all can just relax and stand down - your noses have no rights. You do not have the right to avoid smelly things.

When you drive by a farm, do you demand the farmer kill his cattle to prevent the odor from their waste?

An example of farm related ordinances

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that a township zoning ordinance that
controls odors by limiting the number of animals on agricultural land based on the relative odors
of different animals does not violate any constitutional rights.
In 1987, the Township of Brady, Michigan adopted a zoning ordinance amendment to
control odors from farms in the township. The ordinance limits the number of farm animals on
property zoned for agricultural use based on “relative differences in the odor-producing
characteristics of animal wastes” of various farm animals.
According to the ordinance, odors from cattle, horses, and swine are twice as offensive as
odors from sheep and goats, and ten times as offensive as odors from poultry. Thus, under the
ordinance, a farm would be allowed to raise twice as many sheep as pigs.

Source /imgimgWeissA406319.pdf

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:34 PM
Fact- If you huff exhaust directly from the tailpipe of some of the modern small cars in LA, you'll be breathing cleaner air than what is around you.
Fact- Stress has many causes and kills more numerously than smoking (by percentage, not just numbers).
Fact- Fast food is worse for you than smoking and will kill you more quickly.
As was mentioned previously, there are billions of toxins in the air. Every once in a while a couple might mix and get into a person unlucky enough to have severe and fatal reactions to it.

Banning smoking inside is fine. I even support it and I smoke as well. Banning smoking outside? This has caused me to question the general intelligence of the public as a whole. How about just not littering cigarette butts? Those chemicals from the butts themselves are toxic, moreso than the "smokable" part of the cigarette.

But my final advice. Choose your poison. Most everyone has at least one, and if you don't have any, then I'd be afraid to be around you.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:45 PM
I think it's funny, i am a smoker and i am totally aware of the danger. And fact is somking doesn't direcly kill, to get cancer for example you need a genetical predestination and without that you will not get cancer expect you are altering your dna. People will never stop smoking because any gouvernment says so. But isn't it funny the country which was the big enemy of the komunism is now the country that says let us control your life like the sovjets did.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:52 PM
Well to you jfj123 I will tell you that offensive odors that you talk about can infact affect some ones health. If you are the part of society that suffers from migrains then you would most certainly know that the lady with to much purfume or the guy with to much cologne will infact immedietly affect your health. So should I ask everyone I run into on the street or in a mall or anywhere else that I am going to be to hose off because their odor is giving me a migrain. No, I would not be as rude as to even comment to them about it I would simply move away from them as to reduce my chance to getting a migrain. So from now on I am using the non smokers logic when I run accross anyone who reaks of to much colgne or perfume. I think I would have a better case as it affects me immedietly where as second hand smoke is forther down the road than a migrain. So do as I do if a strong odor is near you STAY THE F
Those odors from the colognes and perfumes do not dissipate quickly, so I could go into an elevator after whom ever was wearing said odor and recieve a migrain directly tied to the odor. So now I am going to start a ban on all people and companies invovled in manufacturing perfumes and colognes, who is with me .

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
As a smoker myself, I don't mind a ban on smoking....

as long as they also ban:

strong perfumes and aftershaves
emmissions from all engines
the burning of all non-organic waste
paint that smells
aerosols of any kind
gas fires and heating systems
chemical plants
stinky household cleaners
coal fired power stations
road-tar laying machines
oil refineries

I won't go on......I quit when they quit.

Also, all the statistics in the world mean nothing unless you could prove that someone has suffered "solely" from tobacco smoke and none of the above.

Non-smokers aren't the only ones who suffer at the hands of others.

Do what I do....don't breathe!

You are absolutely right, it's just another thing for some people to cry about when their misery in life is lonely and needs some company.

It's not good enough for them to have their own section of the restaurant (and its like 3/4 of the place) they want to have it all. It is selfish and self centered and if it were not for smokers, they would find someone else to inflict the company of their misery in life upon.

Babies, that's all it is. They need to find some happiness in their lives so they can stop trying to spread their misery around the world. Maybe if they sat down and had a cigarette, they might loosen up some, but I doubt it. This has never been about smoking, it's been about thriving on conflict as all miserable people do.

[edit on 12/15/2008 by DarrylGalasso]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:26 PM
What about a compramise.
I don't want to ban smoking but I do want to ban smoking in public area's where non-smoking people would be.
The reason I would like it banned in public, enclosed area's is because smokers do not take into account how their habit affects others so unfortunately, since they refuse to police themselves, someone else must do it.

Just curious if you bothered to read the links in the link I supplied ? American Cancer Society, OSHA , CDC ref. Nothing of value seems to support your theory on second hand smoke being harmful to a second party. This appears to be the thrust of your opinion. So can I assume this is just yet another opinion. If not, offer a neutral parties studies to support your point . I don't smoke! I also don't get hysterical over none issues. Nothing personal.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by DarrylGalasso

Originally posted by nerbot
As a smoker myself, I don't mind a ban on smoking....

as long as they also ban:

strong perfumes and aftershaves
emmissions from all engines
the burning of all non-organic waste
paint that smells
aerosols of any kind
gas fires and heating systems
chemical plants
stinky household cleaners
coal fired power stations
road-tar laying machines
oil refineries

I won't go on......I quit when they quit.

Also, all the statistics in the world mean nothing unless you could prove that someone has suffered "solely" from tobacco smoke and none of the above.

Non-smokers aren't the only ones who suffer at the hands of others.

Do what I do....don't breathe!

You are absolutely right, it's just another thing for some people to cry about when their misery in life is lonely and needs some company.

It's not good enough for them to have their own section of the restaurant (and its like 3/4 of the place) they have it all. It is selfish and self centered and if it were not for smokers, they would fins someone else to inflict the company of their misery in life upon.

Babies, that's all it is. They need to find some happiness in their lives so they can stop trying to spread their misery around the world. Maybe if they sat down and had a cigarette, they might loosen up some, but I doubt it. This has never been about smoking, it's been about thriving on conflict as all miserable people do.

Oh please

No really it's about smoking.
There is no such thing as a non-smoking section in an establishment that allows smoking. Smoke doesn't get to the non-smoking signs and just stop

And non-smokers are selfish??? Really? and smokers who refuse to take others into account when smoking are not selfish?

You have the standard smoker illogic that causes the conflict to begin with.
Look, you have the right to smoke but you do not have the right to smoke around someone who doesn't want to inhale your unhealthy habit.
I don't know how much clearer to make it.

If smokers weren't so irrationally self centered, there would be no need to even discuss banning smoking.
The idea of banning smoking is in response to smokers who refuse to take others into consideration. If smokers were more reasonable as a whole, it wouldn't be a topic for discussion.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Xwino

What about a compramise.
I don't want to ban smoking but I do want to ban smoking in public area's where non-smoking people would be.
The reason I would like it banned in public, enclosed area's is because smokers do not take into account how their habit affects others so unfortunately, since they refuse to police themselves, someone else must do it.

Just curious if you bothered to read the links in the link I supplied ? American Cancer Society, OSHA , CDC ref. Nothing of value seems to support your theory on second hand smoke being harmful to a second party. This appears to be the thrust of your opinion. So can I assume this is just yet another opinion. If not, offer a neutral parties studies to support your point . I don't smoke! I also don't get hysterical over none issues. Nothing personal.

Actually there are plenty of FACT that support my opinion including from ACS, CDC, etc..
I'm not sure where you get your info from but smoking is a health hazzard INCLUDING 2nd hand smoke. Ask any doctor, ask any person working in a smoking bar, etc....
If you actually believe smoking is not hazzardous to your health, there is no point for me to post information to the contrary as you will NEVER believe it. Hopefully you're at least honest enough to yourself for you to agree with me on that !

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