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Jealous lover who blinded woman with acid will be blinded with acid

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posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by karl 12

The fact that voluntary Sharia courts exist is not the same as "The UK is implementing Sharia Law", which is what was claimed. The State has nothing to do with it and Sharia Law is not being "implemented" in the UK.

That is what I was trying to clear up. I am fully aware some are in operation, but they have no basis is British law and if one party refuses to attend, then nothing can be done about it.

I could set up a Jedi court and as long as both parties agreed to attend and abide by the rulings, then it would exist, but there would be no basis for them Law and not legally binding.

[edit on 30/11/08 by stumason]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by azurecara

Your post was very eloquent. I don't believe this guy should die. I don't even think this guy should be stricken blind. That only makes 2 unproductive members of society. Now I'm going to back-pedal. I'm not calling those without site unproductive in any shape or form, but in this instance where they are stricken blind it does create a burden on the families while they learn to compensate/

I do think this guy should make restitutions though. I say make him into her servant because he blinded her and robbed her of her normal life, make this guy pay by giving up his normal life to help in the caring of her. I don't even think thats fair enough punishment but how do you be civil and maintain order in the same stroke?

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by azurecara
Ok I'm holding up my hand. I've reread my posts, and I can see why it looks like I'm anti-American.

I apologise to all American's who may have taken offense, I am absolutely not anti-American.

I didn't think you came across as anti-American.Stating your viewpoint is an American (and should be universal) freedom.
This guy might get 5 years here in the states. 5 years in an Arabic prision may actually be suiting punishment because of how they treat their prisoners (based entirely on Western perception.)

In summation... Kill Whitey!

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
reply to post by ZombieOctopus

Does this sound sick?

I love it. I think we need to see more of this. Although it often gets out of hand an eye for an eye is sooo fairrrr.

Only this week a christian was saying to me how he would llike to see the return of an eye for an eye and the death penalty.

One can only assume this would be some sort of stoning to death or burning at the stake.

Thank god for secularists eh ?

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by stumason

Just to add to my previous post a little, the same christian (and one would assume his pastor and other minions) was all worked up about Sharia law coming to the UK.

These people are totally losing it and making a volatile situation 10 times worse wiht their stupidity and ignorance.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:31 PM
LMAO, after replying to this last friday I later watched The Love Guru! And he says, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. LMFAO! All I could think around as I spat my fizzy bubbly across the room was of this thread, LOL! And how true it is, an eye for an eye really does leave everyone blind, so funny yet so true.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by CaptainCaveMan

"I think many would rather go blind and live on welfare. "

Are you kidding?

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by kingdogol

It's actually a Martin Luther King quote I think

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by ZombieOctopus

The Scripture says an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, as one is harmed the one doing the harm should suffer an equal punishment.

I definitely agree with this ruling!! I believe that this kind of punishment in kind was probably very effective when it was practiced, according to the Torah, back in the Days of the History of Yahweh's people.

We should bring it back! Not that it was ever 'really' done away with, meaning that 'man' has changed the times and the 'Laws (Torah), but that was in total error! Yahweh still expects us to observe His 'Laws'.

And NO, I am not 'jewish' or 'muslim', nor am I 'christian'! But I do follow the Father in Heaven and His Son Yahusha!

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Runningtobabylon

It is nothing more than"ignorance breeds more ignorance" and the bad thingit is done as in the past in a lot of countries-in the name of religion.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 06:44 PM
It seems acid attacks as a way of controling and subjugating women are a more and more common occurance across Asia,particularly in Pakistan:


Naeema Azar as she normally presents herself, to avoid shocking people
Terrorism in this part of the world usually means bombs exploding or hotels burning, as the latest horrific scenes from Mumbai attest. Yet alongside the brutal public terrorism that fills the television screens, there is an equally cruel form of terrorism that gets almost no attention and thrives as a result: flinging acid on a woman’s face to leave her hideously deformed.

Here in Pakistan, I’ve been investigating such acid attacks, which are commonly used to terrorize and subjugate women and girls in a swath of Asia from Afghanistan through Cambodia (men are almost never attacked with acid). Because women usually don’t matter in this part of the world, their attackers are rarely prosecuted and acid sales are usually not controlled. It’s a kind of terrorism that becomes accepted as part of the background noise in the region.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by ZombieOctopus

This is not on 'qisas' but on the idea of 'deterrence'. i have personally witnessed a public execution which the guide explained as an 'effective deterrence' where the culprit was asked to kneel on a high stage which enabled the interested public to see. He was allowed to refute to the crimes he had committed which were read out from a list over the amplified system for all and sundry to hear. The executioner then placed the barrel of his pistol in his mouth, tilted it upwards and fired just once. The bullet flew through the top of his head and splattered parts of his brain onto the stage. This occured during the Cultural Revolution in Red China during Mao Tse Tung's tenure as Chairman of the Communist Party. Is the intention of 'qisas' a message of deterrence ?

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by PuRe EnErGy

Ha Ha Ha , good show mate. This must have put CaptainCaveMan to where he belongs.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Saf85
What has secular law created in the west? More crime, rape and murder than anywhere else on the planet (bar warzones). What has Sharia law created for the muslim countries? Hmm let me see... Secure places to bring your family up with little to no fear of violence, rape or murder (it is not 100% safe, but 99% more than the west, also you know anyone who commits any such act against you, has a 90% possibility of being caught and sentenced accordingly to the crime, unlike the west, where you have a 50% chance they will never be found, let alone brought to justice!).

I see you've swallowed all the religious propaganda hook,line and sinker on that fact,evidence exists that suggests non religious countries are far better behaved than religious ones-what would you do with that information?
Wilfully ignore it most probably.

Countries that let islamic law run their affairs are often the ones with the highest human rights abuse cases-perhaps this is because the shariah
system is inherently bigoted and agenda driven -it does not attempt to be objective or impartial.

Just look at Saudi Arabia that embraces wahhabi islam.
Its government and religious police's treatment of other human beings is the laughing stock of the whole world.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:53 AM
1 line post : zionist/neo-cons propaganda for blood thirsty western people. move one people.

ok, second line : sweep in front your house before sweeping in front of your neighbour house.

(this thread and the mediatisation of this story has no other objective than stigmatizing iranian&muslim, so just MOVE ON)

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by CaptainCaveMan

The west by going easy on criminals has decended into lawlessnes by giving the scumbags playstations , flat sceen tv and every luxury in prison.

the crminals laugh at you liberals and cock a snook at you gullible fools.

i think these scumbags criminals should have their arms,legs,ears,ears tongues removed in public and left to rot on the street in front of 24/7 tv cameras.

the crime rate will plummet over night.

streets will become safe again for decent people.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 06:20 AM
I personally think that the best punishment for that man would have been to have his eyes removed and "donated" to the victim. I think that would be a fitting interpretation of "an eye for an eye" AND be the beginning of restitution for her. Of course, he would be responsible for all of the hospital bills, therapy, and everything else she would need as well.

Just my two cents

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by PuRe EnErGy

do unto others

line 2

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by RustykShade

nice, i like that one, they could sell an organ to pay for the op, i think it is sad that people do these things in the first place, it makes us all have to think horrible things, but if there were more befitting punishments it would cut down on crime

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:20 AM
To set the record straight, I was using this as grounds for a religious argument because this ideology is mostly religious, (to burn faces with acid in this context) ..

I do not think this is cool at all, but I also don't think that causing something negative in the future to happen just because something negative happened in the past is any way to solve this.

If anything we could find a way to make sure this doesn't happen to other women, by being more rational and approaching this problem at it's root and not just merely attacking what is and has been unearthed and become visible to us by the media; where many atrocities pass us by; the problem becomes "US" the people who read and reflect our opinions on such matters without doing so with more than just some snide comments. If people were to approach these matters with some flexibility we might be able to change the way we deal with these issues before they become issues.
We can sit here and write what-ever we want but until someone investigates the issues and creates a step by step solution where we can make sense of the problem at hand and make intelligent movements toward the ideal generalization that solving any of our problems with violence is the wrong approach whether it is starting it with violence, ending it with violence or anything in between.

Until this is understood, we will not make meaningful progress on any subject here at ATS or at large in the world.

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