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Wierd feeling: Being one with the Universe

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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:12 PM
I have been experiencing this feeling since childhood. Many times I feel like thinking? Why is it me all the time and why not somebody else? Is this me all the time? Why Is it happening to me all the time? It was me yesterday eating food and it is me today who is travelling. I cannot explain this feeling rationally. Is this being one with the universe? Or is it something else. Has anyone else expereinced this?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Hello Me =)... I don't think I understand what you're getting at. Who else would it be? You will ALWAYS be you , you were you before you were born , you're you now , and after you die guess what?.... you'll still be you. But the funny thing is not only are you you but you're also me.
Try and wrap your head around that one!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:03 AM
This is a feeling you can get when you are completely in your right brain. Apparently it can also signify a stroke.

See the following video: a brain specialist had a stroke and talks about her experience.

brain attack

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:05 AM
I think you're a fresh new soul that is having trouble adjusting to the frequencies on Earth.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:21 AM
Don't worry. You clearly are not at one with the universe. You are merely suffering from imaginary indigestion.

Take two imaginary antacids and call me in the morning.

[edit on 25-11-2008 by Astyanax]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

how is it that you are still you?

that you recognize yourself - when it could be just as easy to be someone else?

are you watching yourself be your self?

it's not indigestion - imaginary or otherwise

I think I understand what you're saying - I'd be very interested to hear you explain it a little more

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:29 PM
What you are experiencing is God calling out to you. He is telling you to get ready for something in your life that is just about to happen, and when it does you will be reminded not to lose faith.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 02:30 AM
Well it may be a weird feeling because humanity has been alienated from oneness. Humanity is programmed to be an individual. We are designed to be a group.

The truth is your existence will continue until you find oneness. That takes quite a while. Good thing life is eternal

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 06:35 AM
Univesal Light wrote:

Well it may be a weird feeling because humanity has been alienated from oneness. Humanity is programmed to be an individual. [...]

Yes, and the "programming" begins when our senses awaken (at birth) to a world of apparent multiplicity. That's most likely when the assumption of a plurality of objects is born well.

Recognizing the "assumption" for what it is -- an assumption -- is a good first step, in terms of re-programming oneself to function sanely while nurturing the 'enlightened mentality'.


I detect a trace of a persecution complex in your description of the "feeling" you've experienced. For your own sake, you really shouldn't victimize yourself by retaining the "why me" attitude.

[edit on 4-12-2008 by Icarus_Fallen]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 07:13 AM

A good exercise to strengthen one's handle on the paradigm shift that is 'enlightenment', is to redefine the things we perceive. Instead of viewing your world as a compilation of numerous objects, consider the many apparent objects as a group of adjectives that collectively define the One and Only noun that exists; so that a statement, that "Here is a chair.", would be paraphrased thusly: "Here the Universe is chairish.".

The goal of this thought experiment (and others like it) is to train one's mind to see things not as objects ...but as aspects of the only object in existence -- the Universe.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Icarus_Fallen

A good exercise to strengthen one's handle on the paradigm shift that is 'enlightenment', is to redefine the things we perceive. Instead of viewing your world as a compilation of numerous objects, consider the many apparent objects as a group of adjectives that collectively define the One and Only noun that exists; so that a statement, that "Here is a chair.", would be paraphrased thusly: "Here the Universe is chairish.".

The goal of this thought experiment (and others like it) is to train one's mind to see things not as objects ...but as aspects of the only object in existence -- the Universe.

Amen!...and, Bravo!

It is important to remember that what we call "I" is only a label, such as "him", "her" or "it". The "I" that actually is, is label-less....The true state of "I" is actually a state of "is".

The universe is, and I am...therefore, we are...and, we are one, no getting around it.

Individualized (compartmentalized) consciousness is a great is the gift of physical life and makes possible the ability to experience, and learn from experience. When we leave the physical plane, our experience carries over...because our consciousness is energy...and energy cannot be created or can only change forms, because it always is, always was and always will be. The consciousness that composes, binds & animates the universe and all that is, is that which is...and it is what the deepest, truest "self" is...and when we understand that consciousness IS "God", and the creative force of existence (both eternal & individual)...then we start to break down the artificially imposed illusionary mental & psychological walls of ego-centric individuality, and just Be.

I've been saying it for years now...the missing piece of the puzzle, the unifying "theory of everything" is CONSCIOUSNESS...the part of being that IS Being. There is no past...only memory and imprints (impressions) upon the physical world. There is no future...only choice. There is only Now...and it is ALWAYS Now. Whenever you start to wonder if you are One with the Universe...just tell yourself "This Is Happening Right Now". Know this in ANY situation or thought, and the rest will (or should) follow naturally.

There is no distinction between Mind and God.

Gravitation, Electromagnetism, Strong & Weak Nuclear Forces...And Consciousness. Earth, Wind, Water, Fire & I.

"I" (am) the Observer of my thoughts...(is)

"God And I Are One...Times Moon, Times Star, Times Sun...The Factor Is Me".

"I Am That I Am"


edited to add a missing comma...

[edit on 12/4/2008 by JamesTheScribe]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 10:30 PM
if there is no past and no future, how do you explain a clock? if there is no future the clock wouldn't spin and if there is no past the clock wouldn't be there.

everything is real. all talk about "no future no past" and whatnot is psychology. it's important in it's own right because it's real too. but do not be deluded and start thinking that nothing matters and that nothing is real.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
how do you explain a clock?

Quite simply actually. It's man made. Clocks are not divine and have no origin from an outside source. I read an interview with a couple of the guys that run the atomic clock in Denver (sorry no link). The said that they have the most meaningless job out there because their job is to take care of something that doesn't truly exist.

Everyone has assumed the world in front of them despite their validation of it. We are taught 1+1=2 and thus the world assumes it. 1+1 does not equal two. It equals any and everything you want it to. A world based on facts is merely an assumed world.

Originally posted by Mozzy
but do not be deluded and start thinking that nothing matters and that nothing is real.

Understandable. However, this form of yourself resides in a matrix. This is a testing ground for you to understand and learn more about you. This is the space/time continuum, three dimensions of space and one of time. The majority of the population has no idea of the other place you reside: the time/space continuum. That is where you go when you pass. When your there, in a place of three dimensions of time and one of space, you are able to view any given incarnation with the opportunity to move forward and backward through time. Problem is that you cannot learn from there. Thus one jumps into an incarnation to put their next learnings into motion.

You're right. It's not that nothing matters because this does. However, in the eternal existence, this life is microscopic. The pain and suffering of this specific life is nothing more than an illusion. If people were given this knowledge, they would not choose to exist this way. Sadly, people are of the understanding that "this is all you've got" when that simply isn't the case.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:29 PM
blah blah blah.. even if everything you say is true. which it very well could be.

that does NOT disprove the fact that past and future are real. you cannot interject metaphysics into the argument and then deny me the ability to use that as well.

once you start saying that nothing is real then you are FORCED to accept the fact that you know nothing. this does not put you in a position of superiority to say that what was previously real (to us lesser beings) is any less real now that you have stumbled across another layer of reality.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Mozzy
if there is no past and no future, how do you explain a clock? if there is no future the clock wouldn't spin and if there is no past the clock wouldn't be there.

everything is real. all talk about "no future no past" and whatnot is psychology. it's important in it's own right because it's real too. but do not be deluded and start thinking that nothing matters and that nothing is real.

A clock is a does what it is created to do...and a clock is created to "map out" linear time...which, in itself, is an illusion of physicality.

The past is real, but only in the sense of cause and effect. Memories are real, but they only have the power that we give them.

As far as "nothing matters" and "nothing is real"...well, to believe that is to believe that existence doesn't matter, and isn't believe that is to be delusional my opinion, lonely and bored.

Psychology is the understanding of the mind...which is also the understanding of the spirit.

Don't underestimate the Sciences of Psychology & this is the "trifecta" of understanding.


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Universal Light

Understandable. However, this form of yourself resides in a matrix. This is a testing ground for you to understand and learn more about you. This is the space/time continuum, three dimensions of space and one of time. The majority of the population has no idea of the other place you reside: the time/space continuum. That is where you go when you pass. When your there, in a place of three dimensions of time and one of space, you are able to view any given incarnation with the opportunity to move forward and backward through time. Problem is that you cannot learn from there. Thus one jumps into an incarnation to put their next learnings into motion.

You're right. It's not that nothing matters because this does. However, in the eternal existence, this life is microscopic. The pain and suffering of this specific life is nothing more than an illusion. If people were given this knowledge, they would not choose to exist this way. Sadly, people are of the understanding that "this is all you've got" when that simply isn't the case.

Beautifully said.

And like the film "Matrix"...only you can save yourself.

The training ground of 3rd dimensional space/time is probably one of the greatest ideas to ever exist...albeit one of the most confounding and confusing. Luckily, once you understand that it is the training ground of 3rd dimensional space/time, the confusion begins to dissipate like the fog being replaced with the light. You get to the point of no return, where you have no doubts...and you no longer fear the transitional stage called "death". Existence is friggin awesome, and talking about it with people that get it is always affirming...not that you need affirmation.

I read somewhere on here that the opposite of "death" is "birth"...and that "life" has no opposite. Obvious point, but when it's put that's beautiful.


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Also, a dead giveaway...every cell in any living body contains the genetic blueprints for, not just that cell, but that entire living how a hologram works.

That's all physical reality is...the ultimate interactive, virtual-reality hologram program.

"It's all a ride"

Just another $0.02 before I hit the sack.


[edit on 12/5/2008 by JamesTheScribe]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:44 AM
it doesn't matter if time or real or not. it IS REAL! holograms are real, thoughts are real, fiction is real. everything is real.

haven't you ever been scared of something that didn't exist? even though it's not real it's still real.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Mozzy
it doesn't matter if time or real or not. it IS REAL! holograms are real, thoughts are real, fiction is real. everything is real.

haven't you ever been scared of something that didn't exist? even though it's not real it's still real.

I was scared of monsters under my bed when I was a child...but then I grew up. They were never real...I was just unaware of that fact then.


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 10:15 AM
We are all at one with the universe, it is the illusion or separation of life that makes us believe we are not.

Our physical senses deceive us.

Nothing is what it seems.

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