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Introducing others to ATS

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:15 PM
Hey all, question for everyone. How do you all suggest introducing ATS to loved ones. It can be a little hard to take some (a lot) of these threads seriously, and I think if I introduced half the people I know they would try to commit me. Anyone have any experience in this area? I wanted to share a couple articles with my girlfriend when she gets home from work today, and thought I would ask this question first. Thanks.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:37 PM
Easiest way in my opinion is to "ease" them into forums such as..

Chit Chat

Food and Cooking



Then as they start getting around the site, recommend these:

Breaking Alternative News

Breaking Political News

Science and tech

As they get more into things, they will naturally discover exactly what fits their personalities

ATS is for everyone!!!!


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:18 PM
i second semper's suggestions.

on the other hand just answer for yourself: why are you here?
your interest wouldn.t have raised all of a sudden, like browsing the internet, detecting ATS and then
ops now i am interested in ufos, paranormals or what ever?

usually you are interesteed in the stuff ATS offers much longer as you are part of this community, right? So most times friends and loved ones know about your intersts, know about your (or my) being a little different than mainstream boys and girls!

I for myself think it is less losing credibility being at ATS than in a knitting forum

so i just tell them what ATS is about.
my son runs around and tells everybody: my mom is at an UFO forum. he is doing my job

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:27 PM
I have a few friends that I brought to ATS and also family members,

To be honest we just got talking about different current events that where happening and I kind of started talking a little deeper on some of the theory’s that where going on about them on ATS,

There is allot here on ATS that is not deemed Wacky, Have you checked out the fragile earth forum? The space forum? There are some real good threads with a little twist here and there about things that our going on right under our noses,

Get peeking around and just see what interests your friends, I mean most of the time we are talking about current events ect in our day to day lives,

Read up on some of it on here and then add it in to the convo!

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:48 PM
I have turned a few people on to ATS, simply by letting them know that there is a place where they can go and view these topics or comment if they wish.I very much enjoy this forum and the amount of info contained here.That's what I tell people

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:21 PM
Like others, friends and family have made their way here through conversations around different things we've had...some have stayed, some just breezed through.

For me I can honestly say that every single time I have been on ATS I have learnt something. A new perspective of a topic, or of a person, or of myself.

Every single time.

Sometimes that learning is a simple little thing...sometimes its a major mindblowing revelation. But there is learning...each and every time.

I find it a little mystifying at times when I read some people on ATS say that they find no learning here, that its all just rubbish.

Maybe the learning for them then is that they may well be the barrier to their own learning.


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:30 PM
Very good points and thank you all for responding. I know a few people that would really like the site, and think I'll shoot them an e-mail tonight. It is true that ATS is for everyone. It's a great site and I must say I have yet to log on and no learn something also. I think what I'll do is tell someone about the site when they show an interest. Thanks again!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Raustin

I suggest that you don't start off by telling your family or friends that this is a conspiracy website, although the name "Above Top Secret" probably gives that suggestion away anyhow.

It all depends on what they are interested in, what they might like to discuss. I personally am a bit of a UFO nut myself so I just don't tell anyone about this place all together. I like to keep ATS to myself, otherwise I'd probably be committed

Even though I got introduced to ATS, I think it would have been better if I had been introduced to BTS, as the latter is more free flowing/normal discussions than the former.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:19 AM
I doubt if I would have any effect my kids all think I'm crazy as well as a few others,as they all know I have my way of thinking they have theirs,and the way I look at it who do they come to when they need money?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:23 AM
I suppose that depends on what things your loved one likes....I was reading about Aliens, 911 and something on Cyptozoology once and left my laptop open to go get some food...Mrs took over the laptop and was reading some of the pages I had open on ATS....she called me a Crazy and thought why do I read such crap....I didnt even bother trying to justify it and told her its things like this that interest me....and told her to back to watching big brother on TV....

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:33 AM
I've found current events to be a great introduction. For example, with the attacks in Mumbai last night, I got my brother to open ATS to read up on the thread on it. He started looking around and is now *this* far away from signing up

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