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Unified Conspiracy Theory: Codex Coniurius

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posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:21 PM
Can every conspiracy be explained and filed away under a single theory? A theory of it all for conspiracies?

This vision that just flashed into my brain just now made me change my avatar. I imagined the Moon being hollow and opening up. Even though I am not convinced (yet) that the Moon is hollow, I did once read an article about the Moon resonating oddly when hit by objects like asteroids. Earth's Moon and Human Evolution

I´ll just start writing because I have no idea where to start.

Entering the parameters of the theory:

We are not on this planet by coincidence
We are not the result of millions of years of evolution
Our perceived galaxy is mathematically designed
There are deep underground interconnected bases all over earth
The Moon is an artificial body which is hollow
Human history as we know it is created and refreshed after every harvest cycle
There are many similar farms like "our" Earth outside our observational scope
There is a higher order or race who masterminded the farms
Once a cycle ends, most humans are harvested to feed the home worlds of the higher order
Our world as we know it is placed in a grid we cannot escape and cannot see beyond
The true universe lies outside these boundaries, well beyond our grasp
There are humanoids on every farm which are considered guardians
There are aliens on every farm which are considered ambassadors to the order
The guardians operate above and below the surface
The ambassadors operate mostly below the surface
The moon holds a vast tracking and monitoring station mostly manned by ambassadors
The moon crew is directed by an overlord of the higher order

Let´s call this higher order The Draco for now
Let´s call the Ambassadors "The Aliens" for now
Let´s call the Guardians the NWO for now

The Draco need human blood for nourishment. They create a confined grid and terraform the farms in this grid. They seed life, and create an optimal environment on every farm. They create man and their living environment. At the right time they introduce the guardians. The guardians are humanoids with normal life spans. The guardians control the complete direction of mankind at all times. The Draco let mankind breed. And breed. And breed. Until a certain saturation point is reached, at which point the blood of man needs to be prepared for the final stage: Harvest. The foodchain is gradually altered, certain races are slowly terminated, others are preferred. Once the purity of the blood of man reaches a certain level, and the complacency of man peeks, all parameters are optimal for the harvest. Call it a form of forced ascension if you like.

At harvest time all hell breaks loose

All interhuman communications simultaniously come to a full stop. From below the surface controlling armies of ambassadors emerge all over the world. The Moon opens, and a fleet of Draco war ships encircle the earth. Transportation ships land in a syncronized fashion all over the world. Man is driven from their homes like cattle and forced into transportation holds where most are killed and drained on the spot, in preparation for the journey to the Draco system. Some pre-chosen specimens are kept alive but comatose for research purposes. After the harvest process ends, and Man no longer inhabits Earth, the farm is reset to a primordial condition using a genesis process which wipes out any evidence of the previous inhabitants on the surface like structures & roads. Judgement on the Guardians is passed and some Guardians & Ambassadors will be terminated for sub standard cycle performance. The others may or may not have earned destiny selection priviliges. Thus the entire "crew" of both the Moon and the underground bases is refreshed, with a few exceptions. After Genesis, the next cycle begins. A farm cycle does typically not last for more than a thousand years.


[edit on 22-11-2008 by MoonMine]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:24 PM
There are countless farms in the grid. There are so many that the Draco can harvest a farm on a regular basis without ever running out of resources.

There are strict rules on a farm.

Humans may never become independent from the Guardians
* no free energy
* no nourishment independence
* no advanced weaponry

Humans may never leave the farm´s bourndaries
* no uncontrolled ventures in space
* no expansion towards the Moon or beyond

Humans will not be allowed to interfere with the set path
* No unlimited inter-racial mixing
* No uncontrolled tools of global destruction
* No human initiated mass interference with the projected population growth

At no point a farm will be harvested before its scheduled time

Some farms fail, but from the mistakes lessons are learned.

I True power on Earth
(1) Interacting with mankind: The Guardians seen through the brief history of the farms: First phase: 0-250 years: Tribal leaders, Spiritual leaders Second phase: 250-500 years: Tribal leaders, Spiritual leaders, Royalty, Emperors Third phase: 500-1000 years: Infiltrated everywhere from religion to media to banking to royalty Each phase has its own eras, we would be in the technology era at this point
(2) Not Interacting with mankind: The Ambassadors, Aliens, Greys, Reptiles, whatever impression you wish to have

II Religion
(1) Main controlling tool until the final stage of the technology era
(2) All major religious leaders throughout the cycle are Guardians

III Slow Science
(1) Any form of science violating farm directives is suppressed by the Guardians
(2) Standard terminal diseases are used to implement the optimal bloodline
(3) At times interventions are needed which may require a new disease
(4) Space exploration is filtered by the Guardians on the needed levels
(5) Key scientists are always Guardians

IV Mass deceptions
(1) The dawn of the communication era sees the activation of the control of information
(2) All form of interhuman communication is controlled by the Guardians throughout the cycle
(3) All History is controlled by the Guardians, including scientific proof of evolution, etc.
(4) Persistent rumours are fed to keep the evolving human mind occupied and sedated

V Food chain
(1) The Guardians control the human food chain from start to finish
(2) Throughout the cycle human DNA is adjusted to match the eras of each phase
(3) Towards the end of the cycle control of the food chain increases dramatically to ensure blood quality

VI No alien contact
(1) We can never become aware of our true nature and purpose

During a cycle exceptional human individuals can become part of a Guardian bloodline under certain circumstances and his/her offspring could be saved from the Harvest. Guardians and their offspring have some priviliges with regards to choosing their destination after a cycle ends.

Are we without hope? Who is strong enough to break the cycle and escape the grid?

That´s about it for my UCT, maybe a fine idea for a movie. Pity directive IV-(2) will not allow that.


[edit on 22-11-2008 by MoonMine]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:51 PM
paranoid (wrong) but cool. Starred

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by eniac
paranoid (wrong) but cool. Starred

Wrong as in "it is wrong to be paranoid" or Wrong as in "you are wrong" ?

Please make me right then,,, I feel like I´m on some kind of trip, never been more clear headed in my life I think. Started a few hours back...

I did not use anything that would explain this feeling


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by MoonMine

your view resonates well with Terra Papers.
part II of which describes reasoning for conspiracies.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by eventHorizon

Reading this link right now, there are some similarities at first glance...

The human origin lie does not seem all that far fetched!

I´m going to look for a more complete document

Thanks for the reference


I must read all of it to see how much of it matches my own brain burp. One thing I can tell you right now: I have never heard of them before, so if there are coincidences I have simply reinvented the wheel (again).

In any case really interesting material which I will print out right now

EDIT2: ATS Thread on Terra Papers

EDIT3: No, no. no. The word games in TP are suspicous ARI-AN (Arian) IBRU. Hebrew. I like the breakdown in II, but apart from the terraforming there is no obvious correlation to my rant. Phew.

[edit on 22-11-2008 by MoonMine]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:18 PM
awesome and extremely creative writing, I loved every second

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by warrenb
awesome and extremely creative writing, I loved every second

Thanks, I am suffering from word diarrhea these last few hours.

Posting about an overunity hydro pressure engine on another board at the same time. Not sleeping tonight that´s for sure.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by MoonMine

link to that thread plz?

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by MoonMine

well done if you have never read Terra Papers and came
up with your own understanding of things around us, such
are descirbed above.

Terra Papers can appear boring at times, but it is not
that long to read. i was mostly impressed with Terra II.
it provided answers to questions which i long knew
answers are amiss. it could be a sci-fi creation; people
are still divided on this, even here on ATS...

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by warrenb
reply to post by MoonMine

link to that thread plz?

check U2U

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by eventHorizon
well done if you have never read Terra Papers and came
up with your own understanding of things around us, such
are descirbed above.

Terra Papers can appear boring at times, but it is not
that long to read. i was mostly impressed with Terra II.
it provided answers to questions which i long knew
answers are amiss. it could be a sci-fi creation; people
are still divided on this, even here on ATS...

Looking at the sky I feel like there is a blanket wrapped around us to leave us in our own little playground.

It is a pity we cannot prove any of this, unless... A non Guardian gets to examine the Moon... Or leaves our star system.

In my dreams

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:50 PM
Ever heard of Occams Razor?

Question: Why do we "harvest" our eggs from chickens in cages, instead of creating ChickenWorld for them, far from Earth (best on the Moon or next planet), so they can't see us and think they are free in ChickenWorld and can have their on culture etc.?
Answer: Because the outcome is the same with far less effort.

That's basically Occams Razor. The killer of most conspiracy theories.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:28 PM
You know what? I may be mocked as hopelessly paranoid, but I believe you are absolutely, chillingly correct.

What is interesting is that Robert Monroe discovered that exact scenario when he was told the history of our planet. You may also want to look into the Gnostics; they came to the very same conclusions two thousand years ago.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by MoonMine

Regarding this statement:

I imagined the Moon being hollow and opening up.

Check out this 4:29 minute video at time 3:20.

Could this be similar to what you imagined?

[edit on 22-11-2008 by imd12c4funn]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:49 PM
The question about - who they are-has worried me for some time -years actualy.What i have come to think of as( they-them)are PRINCIPALITIES....RULERS OF DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD- AND THOSE SPIRITUALY WEAK IN HIGH PLACES. And they have one thing in common that is( the love of money).And they are legions of them under one banner Lead by those that currently have the most power and money.
We have all at one time or another bent our knees to (them). And when there is a (one world currency) we will stay on our knees or die.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:38 AM

Finely some one who got the bigger Picture..
I totaly Agree with this Person.
I can add to this story.
They do not come from this Universe.
He is Right that some come from Alpha Draconia
Some come from Orion
Some are from Earth
He is right they created Religion to keep us calm
The have a military system al of them are trained
They control the Moon And Mars (the meat lockers)
Most here still think Bush is responsible for the Economic Crises....

Is there hope.. I think there is .... the Universe is not what most of you think.
There are multiple time lines.
We have the ONE the CREATOR on our side.. there are people here from the future who incarnated here and who are waking up now...... This is a most Important time....WE HAVE TO WAKE UP
This cancer has to be stopped and removed from this Universe

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by SiONiX
Question: Why do we "harvest" our eggs from chickens in cages, instead of creating ChickenWorld for them, far from Earth (best on the Moon or next planet), so they can't see us and think they are free in ChickenWorld and can have their on culture etc.?

But effectively....

...we are in a cage-

If all possibilities are more or less equal the most simple one is usually the correct one. (or something like that)

Occams razor

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Eleleth
You know what? I may be mocked as hopelessly paranoid, but I believe you are absolutely, chillingly correct.

What is interesting is that Robert Monroe discovered that exact scenario when he was told the history of our planet. You may also want to look into the Gnostics; they came to the very same conclusions two thousand years ago.

Wow, Monroe is really out there. I cannot esily extrapolate his "Loosh" to human blood though....

Must read again and again to get the essence.

In the natural state, Loosh was found to originate from a series of
vibrational actions in the carbon-oxygen cycle and the residue was Loosh
in varying degrees of purity. It occurred only during such action, and
secondarily during the reactive process. Prospectors from Somewhere
ranged far and wide in search of Loosh sources and new discoveries were
hailed with much enthusiasm and reward.

If Loosh translates to Blood this is becoming scary.

About the Gnostics, not sure in which way, I thought this was the pre-modern Christianity evangelism that supposidly the real Christ preached and which was buried by the catholic church?

Tried looking at the link but:

This web site at has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

Never seen that before in Mozilla....

Thanks for the insights


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by imd12c4funn
Could this be similar to what you imagined?

I wish.... But if the Moon was engineered, it probably would open up like that, like leaves peeling off.

Great clip! I love the Floyd


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