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Everyone is in the Militia ... all able bodied Freeman

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posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 07:59 PM
You still ignore the numbers. A few decades back, truckers were getting screwed and took off for Washington. Shut the place down!

The million man march? That would be nothing!

You let the Fed go screwing around with people's rights to the point that they cross a certain line, and that will be nothing!

And you know those clowns in the House and Senate?

Yeah. That's right. They gotta go home sometime.

The equation you assume isn't as dominating as you think.

You think our government is run by folks smart enough to pull off a nation-wide clamp-down? Look at them! More delusional dumbasses have never existed!

They'd crap themselves!

You can piss off some of the people all the time, and you can piss off all the people some of the time. But you better have a good fast car or good horse when you up and make a habit of it!

There are literally millions, just like me, who swore to defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies - foreign AND DOMESTIC. No time limit on that oath. And let me emphasize that part - we swore an oath!

I know such things don't mean a lot to the general population, but those of us who have shed our blood in executing that oath, and caused our enemies to shed all their blood, we meant every damned word.

If any pointed head politicians determine to override the Constitution, they will have a fight that will make the Alamo look like a love-in.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I hear the term "What is, is" used a lot lately. It sounds to me a lot of sheeple and or people of this country have already giving up. Would you mind if the government came to your house and hauled your family off in chains so they can be slaves in some federal camp. Would you change your mind if they bombed your neighborhoods and or set off nerve agents and started killing everyone on your block. This may be a bit extreme but how far do things have to go before people get fed up with the system. Many years ago I swore and oath to uphold the Constitution when I joined the Army. What I see happening in the government is of great concern, and everyone should be worried.

ALFFORLIFE...................Live Free or Let Die....................................
Peace to All Except the Neo Cheaters

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:09 AM
well, I dont know about your sons and daughters but mine still will do what I ask of them. and right now, the Army is holding my son hostage (IMO) he has served his country with honor and they have extended him twice now. against his wishes, he knows about WTC7...

So, I hold them 100% responsible for what ever happens and trust me... I can be a handful. well when they declare an event dont go to WDC they will not be there... they will be in a cave in West Va. the local people will point to where their Helocopters and motorcades go ... but that is where you will find the people that need finding. you will find a air vent close to the highest point... seal it.
weld the metal blast door and its all over...

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