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Pay the obese to take a walk

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Pay the obese to take a walk


Overweight parents will be paid to walk their children to school under plans to tackle the obesity epidemic.
Those who attend keep-fit classes, weight-loss clubs or even go for a run in the park would also be eligible for rewards.
They will collect points on supermarket-style loyalty cards which would be redeemed against healthy food, sports equipment or gym sessions.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:12 AM
You're having a laugh... first of all, the obese are to blame for the worlds ills;
and now you want to pay them to lose weight..

Is somone trying to start a hate campaign against anyone who may be deemed to be overweight or obese due to government figures (no pun intended) and statistics.

A £30million drive to improve health ... wow.. I can think of other things to spend it on right now.. like saving a few thousand people from losing their jobs....

critics believe that the payments are tantamount to bribery - and that the scheme is open to fraud.

Fraud!!! hahahahaha...that's a good one..
I guess wearing one of those theatrical 'fat' suits (to make you look a lot bigger than you really are) would be one way to try this 'fraud', otherwise, I can't quite see how a Doctor could miss the fact that your size to weight ratio wont match in the slightest.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Talk about a nanny state, I'm seriously thinking about jacking in this country.... I think the fraud could happen very easily... mother/father takes overweight child to doctors and gets whatever this loyalty type card is. doc advises three trips to the gym a week and healthy eating, they do all this and clock up x amount of pounds per week. if this goes on the kid will reach taget weight and then the money will stop, so to stop this happening the kid gets a fish supper every night for supper.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:26 AM

Overweight parents will be paid to walk their children to school under plans to tackle the obesity epidemic.
Those who attend keep-fit classes, weight-loss clubs or even go for a run in the park would also be eligible for rewards.
They will collect points on supermarket-style loyalty cards which would be redeemed against healthy food, sports equipment or gym sessions.

What about the others that have taken care of themselves for all these years and paid out of pocket for a healthy body? How about a kick back to those who are not a strain on the medical system?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:26 AM
This is simply hilarious.

The biggest loser. UK.

They better put the swipe card machines at the top of some stairs or the fatties will surely cheat and drive right up to them.

Better yet, put them at the top of a souped up escalator. Make em work for it.

This is so ridiculous I have "run" out of words. *puff, puff, puff*

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:32 AM
They should pay me for going to the gym, not the other around. Gah!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:32 AM
The radio presenter James Whale used to talk a lot about having the obese and prisoners walking giant treadmills attached to dynamos in order to generate electricity.

I've never known how feasible it is as an idea but the idea gets more appealing with each passing year. Perhaps the obese could be given an incentive with whatever energy they generate when trying to lose weight, is met by some kind of scheme that deducts from their utility bills: generate electricity and lower you electric bill.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Just another form of a bailout for people who don't deserve it.
The world is full of irresponsible people. Whether they are rich bankers and wall street types, or stupid parents who have to roll their kids to school.

You know I live on a fairly crummy diet(except when my GF is cooking). I guess I should receive food stamps so I can get better quality stuff.

My car is a potential deathtrap, the seat belts don't even work anymore! Where's a huge check from the government so I can get a new safer car?

you really want people to lose weight? Deny the slobs health care, don't pay them more! Get in shape or die, losers.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Extralien

This is precisely the problem with government backed healthcare.

Schemes like this are justified under a socialized healthcare system because in the long run it is easier to pay someone to take a walk rather than treat them for chronic heart disease.

However if anyone looks at it from a moral, impartial standpoint how can they not see that paying someone to walk is a fricking ridiculous idea! Why must a thin man pay a fat man to take a walk?!

Government backed healthcare leads to a lack of responsibility for one's own health. That is the core of the problem here.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:48 AM
Wouldn't it be better just to fine you or your employer like they do in Japan.

Paying people to stop being fat is hilarious.

Just another way to waste money.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:02 PM
Stop buying into these sensational stories!!!!

The overweight are no different than you and me. But this simply takes attention away from those responsible for the high taxes, corruption, and what makes people obese. Being overworked, stressed, and taking advantage of easy meals to feed their family, because they have NO time or energy!!!!

This crap is coming to attention just to generate hatred and anger from people who are already struggling to pay high taxes.

This takes attention away from the corruption in power, and directs it back to you and me. They are trying to keep the people divided, and upset at each other.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:16 PM
This is not the only case of certain types being rewarded by cash or credit bonuses by the government.Even some schools are starting to work these reward schemes for good behaviour.
These reward schemes put the people even further into the pockets of the government and add further control, so expect them to expand.
Both fascist and communist governments have used these reward schemes in the past and usually work up to getting people to spy on there neighbours, friends and families for information about criminal activity and dissent.
The UK is headed that way folks, so be prepaired. A spying network is already setup and growing daily. As soon as they offer cash incentives for people to report on others, they will come out of the woodwork!!!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:18 PM
I realy dont ageree with the plan. I believe it to be.... well.... stupid and a waist(hehe) of money. The problem that i have is what has happened to make all of you people so desinsitized to these peoples feelings. What gives you the right to hate someone because of their physical appearence? someone said that they should get fit or die!! you should be ashamed of yourself. Thats the same as saying that you hate someone because they are Black!! Wake up! it must be pretty cool to be soooo PERFECT! I highly doubt that. just because you can see what these people are constantly thinking about (being fat) it somehow gives you the right to bash and make fun of them. No sir. You keep all of your thoughts and feelings deep inside of you and if someone was to find them out they would expliot it to the fullest. same as you do fat people. wake up. maybe instead of making fun and ridiculing them you should invite them to the gym next time you go. you kno what happens when you make fun of fat people? the get more depressed and you know what that leads to. so my proposal is that you people get your heads out of your butts and try to help instead of hurt. just my 2 cents though.


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:35 PM
That is just insulting, how about smokers, people that smell. Ugly people..they should get surgery too.

I know a lot of skinny unhealthy people.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:42 PM
The assumption is that large people are necessarily lazy.
A lady from my local church decided, without bothering to get to know me first, that she should "take me for walks." I let her, once. She never offered again.

My house is surrounded by mountains, and family entertainment at that time was night time walks, often 10 miles long. My kids have never had any trouble, since early teens, doing 10 miles in 2 hours. They've grown up with no car, walking everywhere. An Aborigine told me we were the only Whiteys he knew who walked like Abos.

Mz Charity suggested I choose where we walked, so she wouldn't be taking me anywhere too strenuous, so I started up the nearest hill. It was only a 5 mile walk, because I had to leave for work after that, but I nearly had to carry the poor lady back.

Once we got home I had to leave her at my place to recover while I hopped on my old bicycle and rode off to work at a physically demanding job 12 miles away.

She is built like an ant, I'm built like an elephant. She eats far more than I could, and has a sweet tooth, while I eat raw veges and steamed fish because I prefer them.

When I try to eat less than 1000 calories a day, I don't lose weight, I just slow down. My blood pressure goes so low the blood bank can't take my blood and I can't stay awake.

People are being taught to scorn large people, but there are a lot of women like me who just are that way. One doctor talked me into taking speed for it, not that I knew what it was until after the chemist I bought it from nearly died of it. It didn't do my temper any good, and a single mum has to be pretty patient.

I'm forever being insulted by people who don't know me. (Not most people, most are nice.) And it really gets you down and makes you just want to avoid people after a while.

I'd suggest we just let people be and go back to having physical games, swimming, dancing, whatever, anything the kids enjoy that will get them moving, for an hour each day at school. It wouldn't hurt to have cooking classes too, teaching the kids to make themselves simple, healthy food.

If the government wants to get in on the act, perhaps they could make land tax-free if it's being used for market gardens to grow fresh vegetables. Making healthy food cheaper helps everyone, withit singling any one group out.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

People dont "hate" because of how fat someone else looks. They have a distain for the lifestyle they lead. I hate to break it to you but the healthcare system in the United States is suffering because of FAT people. When people realize that their health is their biggest asset, there wont be an epidemic in obseity which leads to diabetes and other chronic conditions. Preventative maintainence IS THE BEST POLICY. Get off your ass and move around. Get engaged in something and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You will be amazed on the amount of confidence gained just by exercising and being around people who share the common goal. It all starts with YOU making that decision and unchaining from self inflicted pity.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by sayzaar

The UK is headed that way folks, so be prepaired. A spying network is already setup and growing daily. As soon as they offer cash incentives for people to report on others, they will come out of the woodwork!!!

This is already happening both here in the UK and in the US.
And unofficially it's been going on for years, snitch's, snouts, supergrase whater you call them they're all doing it for money.

just to get back on topic, it's the government thats highlighting and mirginalising people who are overweight, would they offer incentives to people who suffer anorexia or bullimia, i don't think so, these are recognised illnesses. it was the government that produced this society where people are too tired after along day (both parents) and its easier to phone your dinner than cook it.

[edit on 11/11/2008 by whoswatchinwho]

[edit on 11/11/2008 by whoswatchinwho]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
The radio presenter James Whale used to talk a lot about having the obese and prisoners walking giant treadmills attached to dynamos in order to generate electricity.

I've never known how feasible it is as an idea but the idea gets more appealing with each passing year. Perhaps the obese could be given an incentive with whatever energy they generate when trying to lose weight, is met by some kind of scheme that deducts from their utility bills: generate electricity and lower you electric bill.

If I was in jail I'd love that scheme. They'd be sure to put me on it and I reckon I could just about power the facility. That would be so much better than sitting in a cell all day.

I grew up using a Singer treadmill sewing machine, and I really wish my computer was like that. I'd love to be able to exercise while I'm posting.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Extralien

Maybe they could concoct an intricate pulley system that ,instead of dangling a carrot,dangles a nice cream bun.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by solarstorm
People dont "hate" because of how fat someone else looks. They have a distain for the lifestyle they lead.

How about changing that to "a disdain for the lifestyle they imagine they lead?

I've copped plenty of hatred for being fat, but it has never come from anyone who knows my lifestyle.

People hate because they enjoy hating. It feeds their delusion of superiority.

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