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What Was, Christianity Really About?

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by whiterabbit85
So much time wasted, that could have been put into much better use by study of the tangible. Honestly it saddens me to see people still living thier lives by and dedicating thier lives to the study of an ancient storybook/control mechanism.

Christianity is a farce, we all know this, some cling to it because they can't grasp the idea of a truly secular world, they can't deal with the idea that they are... insignificant in the grand design of the universe/multiverse. It's time that the human race as a whole woke up and stopped holding back progress because the feeble minded have trouble accepting that very few individuals matter, or make a true difference.

Organised religion in general has been used as nothing but a way to control the unenlightened, the uneducated.. and a way to create rifts between people, stop the uniting of the human race as a whole, and keep the general populace from waking up and realising that wars faught over dirt and oil are pointless, and in the astronomical scale where you live on this planet, and what you have to eat or which invisble man in the sky you pray to DOESN'T MATTER.

what was christianity about? the exact same thing as every other major religion has been since the dawn of civilization... control, and dominance.

What you are saying I agree with except that I must point out that Primates have made a religion out of a knowledge that is in Parable for because of fear, Insecurity, and a Lust to control others through B.S.

The Ancient Writings are in the form of a parable that records the histor of the Metamorphosis of what was called the Soul.

But the Soul is nothing at all like what is imagined today.

The True mind uses two different machines in the Experience you are enjoying...

The First Machine is a Soul that is a Lattice work of Light that both processes Information loads programs and displays many different programs in the form of Holographic Universes, Worlds Nothing Like Universes

The other is a Holographic Biological Robot in the form of a species of the Primate family.

What you call the human Mind is Not a part of your brain but uses the rain as a decoder/encoder to interface with the Holograph.

What you refer to as the human mind is not actually of the human primate
but is in fact your identity that is a droplet of the total True Mind.

Religion can be seen as the greatest curse to human kind, but in saying this religion no matter what it may be serves a function in that, when people through religion discover the error within religion, turn away, after discovering their real selves, by asking those awkward questions, then take a new path, that does Not involve any religion and come to understand the True Self The "I Am".....

I Am That I am.... or The Droplet of The True Mind that is You....

It is at this stage, the ancient writings can be understood, in their true context.

This is what I am pointing out, in the Roman collection of Hebrew and Greek writings, they have bastardised for their own politics...

When the truth is exposed, in the original writings, the writings take on a completely different story, and knowledge is found.

It was the Scribes and Pharisees that bastardised the writings to serve Roman Doctrine and Politics to silence Christians of those days 2,000 years ago.

But fortunately this knowledge was taken underground to avoid the authorities back then, under the Roman empire.

But today the scholars still bastardise the writings in ignorance due to political influence today, as there are now very few teachers left who know the truth.

Christian teaching from the carpenter, had nothing at all to do with what is taught under Roman doctrine today.

What was taught then, was Geometry and the Workings of a Machine called the Soul and the Metamorphosis of that machine, and how to interface with the creation machine (The Soul) and exploit it.

But all this has been hidden by the Scribes and Pharisees and the religions of today, as it is told in the writings of old.!

Roman Doctrine has a lot to answer for and is corrupt to the core....

To understand the Universe, You need to come to know everything about your self first then you shall know your universe or the one you are experiencing at present...

Religion tries to kill any chance of you doing this today....

But remember religion is corrupt to the core and was chosen to be introduced by a bunch of Primates...

But in the End the Truth always wins...... LOL..

[edit on 10-11-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:17 AM
really, truly, honestly, you need to find a new hobby. there is no "IAM" you are not abov or better than or on a higher level of thinking than anyone else. You are made up of the same molecules and basic building blocks as the rest of us "primates". You need to correct whatever chemical imbalance is causing you to hallucinate, get off the hard drugs and find yourself a new hobby sir.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by whiterabbit85
really, truly, honestly, you need to find a new hobby. there is no "IAM" you are not abov or better than or on a higher level of thinking than anyone else. You are made up of the same molecules and basic building blocks as the rest of us "primates". You need to correct whatever chemical imbalance is causing you to hallucinate, get off the hard drugs and find yourself a new hobby sir.

Look don't take this personally, as my comments are not against you, but hopefully this will give you a little more understanding of yourself...

There are None so Blind as them that won't see you can't run from your own fate....

Look it is very, very, easy to understand, a child can understand....

The Flesh, including the flesh I am experiencing, is the same as every one else's but !!!!

What is Looking out of your Eyes is Not a Primate....

Never has been and never will be....

Don't you know yourself?

Wake up and recognise your Life, or Conscious state, or are you one of the walking Dead....LOL (not at you as I believe you are more intelligent than what you have made out to be)

Generally most of us, realise we are alive and that the flesh is only a Primate, or do you have a problem with accepting your body of flesh ???

Have a good long look in a mirror and accept what you see.

Yes it is definitely a Primate isn't it ????

And I see the same in the mirror I Look into too, but I accept my body is a Primate, in fact I rather like this Primate!

Look The parts of your fleshy body or Primate, does Not know your Conscious state,but your Conscious State, knows the Primate or body of Flesh...

Surely this is very easy to understand ?????

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:22 PM
This is what is Described in The Book of Ezekiel Chapter 40 onwards so if any one can understand This Structure then they can understand a lot of what is being talked about in the bible.
The same Geometry can be found in many other Religions also across the World.

All the Measurements are given for the Drawing Below in The Book of Ezekiel Chapter 40 onwards.

You can also read about the Child of this Structure called The Man Child or Son of Man in The Book of The Revelation.

A Drawing of this is in my Avatar on the Left.

So what are these Structures of or for???

The Structure comes out of the House of David.

The whole bible revolves around this Structure.

It is a Partition Map found on the Underside of the Soul, and is used in the Processing System created by The True Mind or Ancient of Days.

In fact Your whole Experience of your so called Universe takes place in your Soul in the form of a Holograph.

Every Soul has access to the information required to produce this holograph in their Soul.

All Souls are connected together like a Huge Network system.

This allows the Experience of Interaction between us.

Even our Human body is a part of the Holograph having programmed into it all the laws of physics etc.

This is what gives us our experience of so called Reality....

It is The best ever program produced, in the Form of Virtual Reality....

[edit on 14-12-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller

But as I say, our Consciousness, is far more precious than the flesh, but this does Not make me want to end everything, but rather allows me to have a different understanding, of both myself and my relationship, with this adventure you call the world or Universe.

There is a reason for this Program, we call earth and the Universe it is apparently in.

There is a reason for suffering pain and death but it is not often understood by the primate but can be understood by The True Mind which ours is a droplet of.

But when the Droplet of the True Mind awakens and realises it is experiencing a Holographic program it starts to ask many questions within its self and this results in the downloading of information from the Outer of The True Mind, instead of just coming from the Primate.

Everything that you can think of, has both an "Inner" and "Outer", no matter what it is.

You observe from the Centre of your own existence, so there is an "Outer" to you and this is what you discover, when you are awakened to the reality of the difference between the Life in you, or the Consciousness in you, and the Primate or Flesh.

The Primate is an interface between the True Mind and The Holographic program, it is experiencing.

In experiencing death and I was pronounced dead for longer than 30 minutes, I discovered that Consciousness does Not end, it merely enters another experience, but nothing like what humankind thinks it to be.

Thought is only decoded form of a program and is part of what our droplet of the True Mind experiences.

Outside this experience, thought does Not exist in the way we know of, in this program.

For a very good reason there are those, that desire to prevent others from awakening, and discovering the Truth and their real Identity.

Religion does exactly that, it inhibits one from coming to know The Truth by deluding people to think that all is OK, if we believe or pretend to believe in some made up Fantasy of the Primates understanding.

The World is formed from the Opposites and this situation, is in all of this program you call the earth and universe for a reason.

The world is Not a test, there is a function for this program that is different than all other worlds!

It involves a hardware change, in what displays this interactive network of Interactive holographic programming, to you and the downloading of Software and Data that adds to the capabilities of the structure, that allows you to experience these programs through.

Excellent stuff Matrix Traveller. You have an insight that few are capable of and you deserve a star and a Flag for your excellent comments. I agree that what really matters is Consciousness. Moreover, I agree that (dis)organised religion represents a method of control over individuals. However, it also is capable of providing strength in faith to an individual, of providing love denied from a family structure and of providing structure and order to people's lives. In other words it can also be a force for good but wallows in dogmatism and stratfied thinking instead of treating belief as a completely dynamic and changeable experience with a fixed centre (belief in God).

I love my fellow Christians but wish that they would be more open to , and embrace some scientific thought, for example the Participatory Anthropic Principle.

I don't want to push this fascinating thread into a different direction MT, but I wish you to consider sleep. To me this seems to be a companion of death and it would seem to me to be a chance to back up our Consciousness servers whilst asleep and to then iron out bugs etc... before waking up. I would like you to research the nature and function of sleep to the Consciousness of an individual. I would love to see the results of this research...

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Heronumber0

Yes I have studied the condition we call sleep.

REM is a function of the Matrix.

We induce REM when we strobe various locations on screen together with Data in Zionic, in other Locations. But the Data is a String of Zionic Fonts one after the other.

We also use Geometry in colour code to indicate the register being enabled.

The Language of The Matrix is huge and it will take hundreds of years to explore before we enter the next stage in about 1,000 years time when all is changed again.

The Strobe selects the Registers that provides the Upload and Down Load similar to REM during sleep...

The Position of the eyes are very Important, as this focuses the position on the "Matrix Map" the Mind is looking at, so this focused location becomes the "Inner" and its surrounding the "Outer".

We all use the Matrix already especially in Sleep.

REM is the Loading and sometimes the unloading of our Dreams.

The Dream is Not seen by the Brain, but by the Mind, that is a Droplet (Inner) of The Total Mind, (Outer)

Our dreams are relayed from the Libraries of the true Mind via a pre written program.

We are unable to select a dream at present, even though we can
influence them.

But through The Optical Interface we can Select a dream.

But this is Not all....

We can through the Optical Interface, do virtually anything at all, which of Course is within the boundaries, of the programmed Governing our broader Experience.

There are Huge areas that have to be looked into, using these Optical Interfaces I have Mentioned.

From Medical Subjects, including the changing of DNA anomalies,
Using the Interface to building Structures such as buildings bridges roads and Transport, Using the Interface for Travel, obtaining Manuals on any subject from the Libraries of The True Mind, etc etc....

To investigate all these fields, is way beyond our capability and needs millions of others to research other areas.

This is why we are introducing the Optical Interface, with The Mind, first as a Child's toy, to acclimatise humankind to this technology and hopefully inspire many to look into other areas other than where I have been doing work.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Yes I have studied the condition we call sleep.

REM is a function of the Matrix.

We induce REM when we strobe various locations on screen together with Data in Zionic, in other Locations. But the Data is a String of Zionic Fonts one after the other.

We also use Geometry in colour code to indicate the register being enabled.

The Language of The Matrix is huge and it will take hundreds of years to explore before we enter the next stage in about 1,000 years time when all is changed again.

The Strobe selects the Registers that provides the Upload and Down Load similar to REM during sleep...

The Position of the eyes are very Important, as this focuses the position on the "Matrix Map" the Mind is looking at, so this focused location becomes the "Inner" and its surrounding the "Outer".

We all use the Matrix already especially in Sleep.

REM is the Loading and sometimes the unloading of our Dreams.

The Dream is Not seen by the Brain, but by the Mind, that is a Droplet (Inner) of The Total Mind, (Outer)

Our dreams are relayed from the Libraries of the true Mind via a pre written program.

We are unable to select a dream at present, even though we can
influence them.

But through The Optical Interface we can Select a dream.

But this is Not all....

We can through the Optical Interface, do virtually anything at all, which of Course is within the boundaries, of the programmed Governing our broader Experience.

There are Huge areas that have to be looked into, using these Optical Interfaces I have Mentioned.

From Medical Subjects, including the changing of DNA anomalies,
Using the Interface to building Structures such as buildings bridges roads and Transport, Using the Interface for Travel, obtaining Manuals on any subject from the Libraries of The True Mind, etc etc....

To investigate all these fields, is way beyond our capability and needs millions of others to research other areas.

This is why we are introducing the Optical Interface, with The Mind, first as a Child's toy, to acclimatise humankind to this technology and hopefully inspire many to look into other areas other than where I have been doing work.

MT, I agree with you that there is a real possibility that we are experiencing a holograph through a consciousness which believes that it has a body and brain. However, there are some questions:

1. The light that you refer to, I presume that it is not Earthly light which travels at 300,000,000 metres per second, because it imposes limits on the speed of the Will or prime mover force of God to put things into action.

2. The Creator of light or the Matrix must have a nature that is connected to the matrix but is completely different. The Creator of light must have a nature that is "above" light, or is there a problem with this hypothesis?

3. What you have experienced during your brain death or diagnosed brain death must have been experienced by others. Are there other accounts of the reality that match your own?

4. If we can change our reality, there must be a manual of some sort. Is there something in writing or do we get hints of this in the "Law of Attraction" writings or in Positive Thinking?

Anyway, still very interesting. Peace.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Heronumber0

Hi Heronumber0,

I will give you the answers in Four different Posts

MT, I agree with you that there is a real possibility that we are experiencing a holograph through a
consciousness which believes that it has a body and brain. However, there are some questions:

1. The light that you refer to, I presume that it is not Earthly light which travels at 300,000,000 metres per second, because it imposes limits on the speed of the Will or prime mover force of God to put things into action.

The answer to Question No. One...

Gee, this is another Very Long Story, but I will try and keep the answer as short as possible.

Humankind’s understanding of light is Incorrect!

Yes I know, how could I possibly say such a thing????

In 1979 I wrote a thesis on Light, that ended up in the University of California.

My understanding of Light is much different than accepted by Science of today.

What humankind has thought, is The Wave Lengths of the Light Spectrum is mistaken for the Frame Rate of the Program that manifests your experience.

The Holograph I have mentioned exists in each Soul. that is accessing the experience in this case for example the Earth.

The Distances are Not actually there, but all is created from a Program in the Form of a still holograph on a wall (Static in Nature) and A Programmed story, relating to the Holograph.

In fact Light does Not have Wave Length or a Velocity of 300,000,000 metres per second, which incidentally I can give you a simple experiment to prove this!!!

I will see if I can put this on ATS with pictures shortly....

The experiment is similar, to the conventional way of displaying, the so called Spectrum of Light, but I go further to Show that Light does Not have Wavelength or Velocity.

If one sets up a Slit in a mask, and prism with a source of good white light with a screen to view the colour spectrum on, and do exactly as I say, you will find something that raises Questions whether or Not Light actually has Wave length.

If it has Wave Length, then Light has a Velocity of about 300,000,000 metres per second, but if Light has No Wave Length, then Light has No Velocity!

So lets see What happens...

While you view The colour Spectrum on the screen, open the slit in the Mask (wider), so it is No Longer a "narrow slit", but make it perhaps 10 mm wide and see what happens????

If you try this yourself, you will find that the Green Colour disappears leaving to ranges of Colour instead of one continuous spectrum, having Green Light mid way!

On the Top side, (or Prism Apex side) you will see a colour range starting at the top end, from Red to Yellow and below this White Light appears to shine through the Prism unchanged proving a Prism does Not Split Light as you have been taught!

(Note here I say Shines through and Not passing through)

On the Bottom Edge, of the White Light showing on the Screen, you will find a Colour Range starting from the White Light, Blue to Violet!

The Reason the Green is No longer there, but White Light in its place, is because in the case of the narrow slit, some of the Yellow mixes with the Blue giving Green.

Yellow is Opposite to Blue and Violet is opposite to Red!

Can I prove this?

Yes, I sure can!!!

If we consider the Top range of colour from Yellow to Red only and Now Invert the Prism these colours
will change to Blue to Violet

So why is this???

First the Top range from Red to Yellow consists of Two Opposites being Red and Yellow That is Opposites caused by the top edge of the Wide Slit!

(So There are Opposites of a pair of Two different Opposites!)

Note Yellow is Next to White Light that has shown through the Prism unaffected and the Red is furthest away from the White (Opposite End).

The Orange is caused by the Mixing of Yellow and Red!

But when we Invert the Prism Yellow changes to Blue and Red to Violet!

Notice the Blue is nearest the White and the Violet is furthest from the White Light that shows through the prism unaffected!

Indigo is the Mixing of Blue and Violet!

So if the Prism allows White light to shine through it without being changed then there is something else happening here isn’t there???

So what is happening?

If we Shine Light over any edge, a Fringe is created on the edge of the Light even if the Light is said to be of Parallel Light.

This Fringe is one of the Components that produces Colour The Prism is the other Component!!

The Prism does Not give a Spectrum by its self but also requires an edge producing a Fringe of Light varying from white to Black.

The Fringe of light consists of a Variation of Light between Black and White.

There is another way of producing colour, that was shown in a demonstration shown in the early 1950’s...

It is a disc that is half White and Half Black (180 degrees of each)

Extend Three Black arcs, of about 45 degrees, all three extending from the Black half into the White Half.
The Lines should be about 1.5 mm thick and spaced parallel to each other at 1.5 mm spacing.
Place these near the Outside edge of a disc that is about
100 mm in Diameter with a spindle through the centre so it can be spun like a Child’s “Spinning Top”.

Spin the disc Slowly in one direction and Red Rings appears where the Black Lines are.

Spin the Disc in the Other Direction and a Blue rings appear where the Black Line are...

So, in this demonstration, Colour appears from Black and White according to which direction you spin it.

See if you can tell me why????

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Heronumber0

Hi Heronumber0,

Your second Question...

2. The Creator of light or the Matrix must have a nature that is connected to the matrix but is completely different. The Creator of light must have a nature that is "above" light, or is there a problem with this hypothesis?

The Answer to your second Question...

If we consider the bible in the Book of John...

Chapter 1
Verse 1
In the beginning was the "Word",
and the "Word" was God.

[[ This says a "Word" was in the beginning. The "Word" is GOD....
and Not any other "Word"!

As you know a "Word" is made up of letters....

In this case GOD. ]]

2. The same was in the beginning with God.

3. All things were made by Him;
and without Him was not anything made
that was made.

[[ In other words Everything was made through this “Word”. The “Word” being GOD. G. O. D.

4. In Him was Life;
and the Life
was The Light of Man.

5. And The Light shineth in Darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it Not.

6. There was a man sent from God
whose name was John.

7. The same came for a witness,
to bear witness of The Light,
that all men through Him ( Him being John)
Might believe.

8. He was Not that Light, (John was Flesh, and Not Light)
but was sent to bear witness
of The Light.

9. That was The True Light,
which Lighteth every man
that cometh into the world.

10. He was in the world,
and the world was made by Him. (Him being The Light!)
and the world new Him not (as it the world is of darkness) ( Him being Light)

11. He came unto His Own (His being The Light)
and His Own received Him Not (His Own being what He Created)

There are Two things involved here...

1. The Word...
2. And Life...

Life is the Observer or Consciousness...
The Word is The Observed....

This is Why they say That Jesus is the Word made Flesh.

Light is Made from Black and White!

When we mix Black and White we get Darkness which is Greyness.

So the Two components of Darkness are Black and White!

This is why Light came out of Darkness...

The Matrix is a Map Formed out of Light.

It consists of colour codes as well as Black and White.

So the Life or Light is in the Matrix Map.

The Soul has this map, in the Underside and The Consciousness dwells in the Soul, so the Light is one with Consciousness..

But Light is Consciousness, but humankind is unable to comprehend this, as their theory of Light is False...

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by Heronumber0

Hi Heronumber0,

Your Third Question....

3. What you have experienced during your brain death or diagnosed brain death must have been experienced by others. Are there other accounts of the reality that match your own?

The Answer to your Third Question....

I have in fact come across a small number of people that experienced similar experiences, but I think the numbers are
very, very, small.....

There was a reason for my experience, but it had nothing to do with a malfunction in this experience but rather to do with hardware changes in the Soul, and the downloading of what I refer to software, including information to complete work, I am doing in this Program you call Earth and the Universe it is in....

[edit on 19-12-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Heronumber0

Hi Heronumber0

Your Fourth Question...

4. If we can change our reality, there must be a manual of some sort. Is there something in writing or do we get hints of this in the "Law of Attraction" writings or in Positive Thinking?

Anyway, still very interesting. Peace.

The Answer to your Fourth Question.

Yes you can change your reality, that is referring to the program being experienced..

Yes there are indeed, Manuals....

These are mentioned In the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the bible and are referred to as the Books of Heaven.

This does Not mean you can't access them....

All programs are Written in the ZIONic Language together with Geometric forms that represent functions and Registers. All is also Colour Coded according to each Function.

Thinking is both the Result of a Program and can also be used in Interfacing with the Total Mind.

Your Mind (Consciousness) is a Droplet of the Total True Mind.

If you have any other questions then please feel free to ask me, and if I can answer them I shall.


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:14 PM
I'm too sick to read all of the replies today, but I will answer the question the title of your post asked: "What Was, Christianity Really About?"
Well, it was about Control, plain and simple. The Holy Roman Church needed a way to control people, make them come to church, and pay for services rendered by the priests. Even today, the church tries as hard as it can to not only control you, the parishioner, but even the government of the united States. They go wildly about telling everyone that they are going straight to hell is the do not give their heart and soul to Jesus, a made up God, and the skinny here is, the soul is a part of God, whomever that is, and not the person's to give away. They lobby government all the time, and have the ear of the president almost at will, and make the un-based claim that the Founders were all Christians, which just isn't so. As I said before, it's all about control.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Yes, I would agree with you 100%...

There was knowledge of the Al,l and this has been twisted around by the Roman kingdom in order to try and gain control through fear.

What I have written about here, has absolutely Nothing at all to do with Roman Doctrine or Religion....

It is about the Knowledge of ourselves, that has been now Bastardised by religion and Roman doctrine to the point of insanity.

The whole world has been deceived by Rome!

People are not about to be deceived.

They have been Deceived, past tense.

However what I have said in my Posts, is a little of the original knowledge, before Religion Bastardised it.

Both them that argue against or for, have been deceived, by the Bastardised writings of the Roman world and Roman Doctrine of today.

I believe the Truth is going to come out, over the next few years and I know the World will be shocked, at what they find, but in saying this, True Knowledge will be found again, and a new age on earth shall come in, and even the knowledge of the Sciences shall change for the better, and Religion shall vanish forever.

What will remain is the Truth and True Knowledge of ourselves and what we are experiencing in the way of Programs....

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 07:53 AM

The whole world has been deceived by Rome!

No truer words ever spoken! The Holy Roman Church does have all the secrets and all of the ancient knowledge in their archives, which are sealed from public view, and from most everyone else too. If these files were open for all to see, the people would surely rise up and destroy the Church, and all that runs it, as they would be seen to be that which is evil by the people.

I believe strongly that when the religions of the world finally discover just who is getting the power they send with their worship, they will revolt and that will be the end for the Church. It is my sincere hope that they all wake up in time.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by autowrench

The whole world has been deceived by Rome!

No truer words ever spoken! The Holy Roman Church does have all the secrets and all of the ancient knowledge in their archives, which are sealed from public view, and from most everyone else too. If these files were open for all to see, the people would surely rise up and destroy the Church, and all that runs it, as they would be seen to be that which is evil by the people.

I believe strongly that when the religions of the world finally discover just who is getting the power they send with their worship, they will revolt and that will be the end for the Church. It is my sincere hope that they all wake up in time.

This Shall indeed happen, sooner than later....

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:35 PM
I too see this happening sooner than later. People are getting fed up with the many lies of the Church, and the hidden knowledge they keep for themselves. church membership is way down all over the US, and the funny thing is they keep building those great big churches all over. I live in Southern Ohio, and I am here to tell you we have a lot of churches down here. I am beginning to think they will be used as detention centrers when the NWO tries to start their takeover with a declaration of Martial Law, wait, what am I saying, Martial Law was declared during the Civil War, and as far as I know it was never resinded. In 1863, Lincoln instituted martial law. He ordered that the States (people) either conscribe troops and provide money in support of the North, or be recognized as an enemy of the nation. This martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today - what it means is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders. So it would be very easy to make it so. Look it up for yourself.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 11:53 PM
Hey, the Matrix Traveller!

Enjoying your thread. If people ever realized what you are talking about, they'de be amazed! Your findings are of the same as my own, with, of course, infinite potential variations!

You refer to the Two Halves, High & Low Generational~Regenerational, aspects of AllSoul-Spirit. Well, I have the WORD from the SS naga, and I am surprised! Your originating Path-on was different then mine, but it is the same Knowledge/Wisdom.

I see how you express the infolding-unfolding aspects of the colors dimensionalities: I have the Full overlayment from the WORD.

A couple of things, here. I was shown how to directed-connect to the Word Archetypes over the seven days the SS communicated with me (1984). So I want you to understand I am not working from an experience, I have Become that Very Substance-Force-Energy Expression (regarding a previous comment you made to one of my posts [another thread]).

1st, I have despaired of conveying the information you yourself take such enormous effort in delineating to humanity: not just because of the anti-programming that is operating through them, but because they could bastardize the awareness (small "a") of The WORD. I realize other's know of it, and it is indeed: The MACHINE! Pre-Existing Grid Framework upon which the Rising Response of Infinite Aeonic Pressure caused Intrinsic Intelligence to Achieve the Initial Impetus, which manifested the First Movement of Consciousness, brought on by replicating the Perfect Form (The WORD).
How do you say this stuff to others, and expect to be understood? It needs to start early in life, like was taught to select individuals over the Ages. This knowledge actually escapes even advanced races (I've met many, not kidding); it is the Realms of Prime Creatoress and the Architects.

Just to enlighten you (haha), I have Seen the Generation of the Prime Creatoress, first hand, as opposed to any slow absorption manner, which is more common.

Now, the 2nd point I wish to throw at your Mind:

This could ruffle even your feathers, so don't fall over if it upsets you: What I am about to convey, came directly from the SS,Naga, a radiant silverlight serpent being, or Ruler of this Sol system hierarchy. Are you, even vaguely, Aware that there is NO Male Aspect? Everything came from the Pre-existing Substance, which sat for infinite aeons as absolute nothing (I saw all this, beyond the strings of universes!), being basically no-mind, which collected Itself into response (shadow-existence), curved on itself, prepatory to Investure of Intrinsic Intelligence, formed the ARC, plumbed the Depths of Itself (see any satellite antenna/dish), and attempted to Express. Expression was impossible Until the Perfect Form (the WORD) was Apprehended: at this point, maximum depth was achieved, Intrinsic Intelligence was Realized (Realization - Knowing - Wisdom - Awareness), and The Spark of the Arc shot straight out of this Canal of Intrinsic Intelligence (!), Causing the Intitial Impetus: Once this Spark of the ARC occurred as the Realization of the Perfect Form (the WORD), the concurrent BOLT was instantly created/formed, and the Shadow-Mirroring-[pivot]-Mirror-Shadowing of Raw Consciousness Instantly Expressed Being-Force-Substance: Staff of Life-[pivot]-Rod of Power. I could go on and on....(I have all this and much more in geometric-diagramatic form: not available for public, as it was called 'Futuretense' by the SS,Naga).

So, all this is the Result of The Brilliance: I won't sit and argue, that's for unknowers: There is No Originating Male Aspect (hint: notice how, even in the womb, the fetus is first feminine rotated? Hmmm?). This actually is just a hint, but I hope you have this Unknown Awareness: it is not for humans now, but Beings of Light, that do not dwell in just Duality-Polarity (two different aspects of aspected existence).

So, now that I've got that out of the way, I hope you Realize that the projection is as 'dense/solid' as it is, because of this Real WORD (the Eye). There is No Male: Prime Creatoress was what Manifested the Machine (pre-Existing Grid framework). What was/is this Pre-Existiing Grid Framework? You have shown it in diagram here in your posts (you know this), but in Full Dimensional Form (which I have, and know you do, also).

The reason I am posting this, is that you yourself expressed how all our fellow Sentiences could take many years (at least the 1000, yes, then lose to achieve the Full Awareness (Capstone). Well, what they will discover, long time hence, is what I have conveyed to you here regarding the Prime Creatoress: there is only S/He.

Light is Serpentine in it's Originating Form (Always, as Expression of the WORD), and you know how it Completes the Full Cycle, I'm certain.

Many Kudos to You efforts. Grasp the S/He along the way. If your mind doesn't accept, merely open it, and Perceive: you will See. This is merely doing what you are attempting to show as Method to other people you meet, talk, post to, yes?

And I love how you described the Two Poles of Mind interfacing through 'rain.' Waters of Life (Rod of Power, Son-Daughter), indeed. I can See It; but I do not know how to describe it to them, even with pictures. A shut-off mind is a sad thing.

One poster I like on ATS said recently, 'everything is going according to plan; everything is proceeding perfectly.' Uh-huh...That's why Gardeners don't have to Weed, right? Every thought makes an Impact!

So, all you grumpy's, time to wake up. Whoo-Whooo...The diagrams given reveal the WORD, or bottom aspects of it. There are Four View Expressions of it; the diagram shows just the lower of one view of it (the WORD). It's hard to Realize that Truth has Form, not just Substance.

If it only were that easy. If only our children were taught this knowledge you are sharing, at their primary grade school levels!

What a World it Would Be.

And yes, christianity, as the most dominant world Power Dogma, is, indeed, evil beyond comprehension. You, I, and a small amount of Others, actually know what is going on. Hard to reveal it, though.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by SS,Naga

Thank you once again thank you for your comments...

As you know, there was an old statement that was made;

"I (He) gave birth to my Mother (She)"

On the first movement To & Fro "I" (He), the Outer is formed being She, because of He (To & Fro), then He became known.....

One meaning of the Word Matrix is Womb.

Thus the Containment is She and The Contents is He

But all is contained in She.

But before the Dawn, there was No mail Nor Female.

As The True Mind is Non Dimensional and is Pure Awareness.

Often the Outer is Given the Name She and the Inner He.

Without one the other does Not exist, but as.........

And these Two came from the Non Dimensional.

Yes All is indeed on track, as it has happened Innumerable times before....

There isn't a single human in the program of Earth or found in other programs, Not even Governments can delay or prevent, what is about to take place....

All comes out in its perfect season.

First we learn how No to, then we learn how to....

Each time this "Program" has been played, involving the Earth, Nothing at all that takes place, is new...

Humankind will learn to trust the True Mind, but it takes time, as there is a time for every Season.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:15 AM
An example of a Travel Gate as I call it...

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:20 PM
"primates"? your over use of the term degrades your ops ..I cant stopo thinking primates instead of paying attention to what you are trying to say.

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