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Obama Race Baits By Quoting Malcolm X

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posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 11:39 PM
Now come on, what the heck is this?
..and what exactly is he trying to demonstrate by quoting Malcolm X?
Is he a uniter or not?

John McCain has been accused by the Obama campaign and its surrogates of inciting racism for calling Obama’s lack of honesty and untruthfulness “lies.” In fact, it was actually Obama’s campaign that called McCain a liar first. If McCain honestly returns fire, he is a racist for saying a half-black man is not telling the truth.

Sen. Obama himself has decided to use rhetoric that essentially reminds his voters of Malcolm X and civil rights when he said, in the video above, that:

"People will not be hoodwinked. We will not be bamboozled."

I guess if poll numbers start dropping, time to pull out the race card.


[edit on 20-10-2008 by Alxandro]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:02 AM

John McCain race baits by quoting a white guy!

Are you kidding me, really?

edit to add substance: Why is quoting a black man, as a black man, playing the race card? Obama can quote, as long as it is not within his own race?

Seriously, I see the stretch you are making and am embarased for you.

[edit on 10/21/0808 by spines]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:19 AM

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:27 AM
THIS JUST IN! McCain quoted a white man! He must only support white people if he only quotes white people! And anyone who qoutes MLK only supports black people! You are pitiful. While the GOP gets millions from Freddie Mac to destroy regulation, and get hundreds of billions back, you're worried about this?

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:56 AM
So Obama says "People will not be hoodwinked. We will not be bamboozled" and it's a bad thing? When Malcolm X said something similar was it actually a bad thing, or was it a bad thing purely because Malcolm X said it and anything Malcolm X said was bad.

Look at that again: "People will not be hoodwinked. We will not be bamboozled." He's saying that people won't take any more crap; they've had enough of lies and scams. How is that a bad thing thing to say? Do you actually disagree with that? Forget the partisan politics for a moment and just think on that.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I do love how you guys play dumb. The quote is obviously in reference to " those crafty white people". Everyone knows Malkom X was a racist guy who believed in violence to get his way. Who exactly do you guys think Malcom was talking about when he made that quote?

Obama is simply fear mongering about white people yet again. I can only imagine what the white people who support him think. Probably something along the lines of, "Obama just distrusts those racist white people, not me!"

How many of you went apepoop when McCain said "that one"? Yet, you play stupid when it comes to this obvious quote.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I do love how you guys play dumb. The quote is obviously in reference to " those crafty white people". Everyone knows Malkom X was a racist guy who believed in violence to get his way. Who exactly do you guys think Malcom was talking about when he made that quote?

Obama is simply fear mongering about white people yet again. I can only imagine what the white people who support him think. Probably something along the lines of, "Obama just distrusts those racist white people, not me!"

How many of you went apepoop when McCain said "that one"? Yet, you play stupid when it comes to this obvious quote.

The double standard is blatantly obvious and troublesome. Nice Posts. Double star to you

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:37 AM
I heavily support McCain, but I have to say that this is really reaching for a reason to not vote for Obama. Now if he quoted Malcom X by saying that he will win by any means necessary then I would stand back and say wait a minute.

For those who thinks this is a reason to not vote for Obama, I hate to say it, but please don't vote. The same goes for those that thinks that McCain called Obama "that one" because Obama is black.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:40 AM
When the campaigning first started...about 2 YEARS? ago, each side paraded a host of candidates before us and said "choose one". Of all of them, IMO, the one least known to me was BHO.
Now, 2 weeks before the election, I know more about Joe the plumber, who hit the limelight a week ago.

I ask, who is trying to deceive and bamboozle whom??

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:41 AM
Barack Obama: There Will Be Bamboozling

This has made me a believer! He IS THE ONE!

[edit on 21-10-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:44 AM
Yes quoting Malcolm X in some circles would be considered as terrorism,kind of like quote from Beatles song"If you go carrying pictures of chairman Mau your not gonna make it with anyone anyhow"

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I do love how you guys play dumb. The quote is obviously in reference to " those crafty white people". Everyone knows Malkom X was a racist guy who believed in violence to get his way. Who exactly do you guys think Malcom was talking about when he made that quote?

Obama is simply fear mongering about white people yet again. I can only imagine what the white people who support him think. Probably something along the lines of, "Obama just distrusts those racist white people, not me!"

How many of you went apepoop when McCain said "that one"? Yet, you play stupid when it comes to this obvious quote.

Why is it obvious? Because that's what you'd like to believe? As for believing in violence to get their way? Isn't that actually the 'American way'? Or don't recent wars count?

As for Obama fear-mongering about white people, even if he was, then I'd doubt it go anywhere near balancing out the fear-mongering I read about 'clinic hypnotist' 'Communist' 'witch' Obama.

Well, I can only speak for myself and I didn't go "apepoop" at McCain.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Well, these people did and I still dont get that one.

Look, who was Malcolm X talking bout when he warned against being bamboozled? Do you not realize that he was a racist and thought white people who all out to get him? He was telling people to watch out for those crafty white people. Why do you think Obama said what he said? Obama is basically dismissing all his criticisms, by claiming they come from racist white people.

Which by the way, is what I predicted he does once he gets in office and the media will back him up.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:29 AM
Macolm X is a racist, Malcolm X is a racist!

Has anyone here even bothered to understand the circumstances which bore Malcolm X into existence?

Of course not! You are happy to scream "racist!" and ignore the social context. Why? Because you hope that invoking Malcolm X as a 'white hater' might scare the white people away from Obama --and show your ignorance in brilliant light?

The circumstance which, if you were unfortunate enough to exist within, would breed the same distrust and a desire to 'get away from' those who would bring those circumstances upon you?

His message was not about hating white people, it was about distrust boiling over into fear, anger and outrage towards those who have and would destroy you and yours...and about not allowing it to happen anymore.

We praise those who rise up against those who opress them...unless they happen to be intelligent, and rightfully angry black men?

Whatever though, it's not like a dose of reality will have you let go of this juicy piece of spin which can exploit the irrational and ignorant.


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:36 AM
Obama shouldn't open up this can of worms. If all the whites that support him even think he is racially motivated, they will simply not vote for him. This is why I believe that McCain has refused to discuss race in the election, for that same reason. He doesn't want to appear to be racially motivated. If Obama does it, it will be suicide. As an example, remember when Obama said the remark that he don't look like those guys on the dollar bills, and "did I mention he was black" remark. He went way down in the polls. If Obama does it, he has killed all of his chances with white voters attempting to be open minded. As it is, I think many white democratic voters are trying to talk themselves into voting for Obama, and so a lot of them just won't do it, even if they say they might.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
Look, who was Malcolm X talking bout when he warned against being bamboozled? Do you not realize that he was a racist and thought white people who all out to get him? He was telling people to watch out for those crafty white people. Why do you think Obama said what he said? Obama is basically dismissing all his criticisms, by claiming they come from racist white people.

What are you saying? Don't you know only white people can be racist? When Obama says "hoodwinked" he laughs. But that doesn't mean anything!

Malcom X quotes on the White Man...

"If I have a cup of coffee that is too strong for me because it is too black, I weaken it by pouring cream into it. I integrate it with cream. If I keep pouring enough cream in the coffee, pretty soon the entire flavor of the coffee is changed; the very nature of the coffee is changed. If enough cream is poured in, eventually you don't even know that I had coffee in this cup. This is what happened with the March on Washington. The whites didn't integrate it; they infiltrated it. Whites joined it; they engulfed it; they became so much a part of it, it lost its original flavor. It ceased to be a black march; it ceased to be militant; it ceased to be angry; it ceased to be impatient. In fact, it ceased to be a march."

"But it does make the black people in this country who are jobless and unemployed and standing in the welfare line very much discouraged to see a government that can't solve our problem, can't provide job opportunities for us, and at the some time not only Cubans but Hungarians and every other type of white refugee imaginable can come to this country and get everything this government has to offer."

"I've never seen a sincere white man, not when it comes to helping black people. Usually things like this are done by white people to benefit themselves. The white man's primary interest is not to elevate the thinking of black people, or to waken black people, or white people either. The white man is interested in the black man only to the extent that the black man is of use to him. The white man's interest is to make money, to exploit."

[edit on 21-10-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:40 AM
I thought this was the type of threads that the new posting guidelines were supposed to deal with?

Like it or not Malcolm X was a important figure in the black community and just because you quote somebody does not mean you are giving a blanket approval of them.

JEZZZ... get over it people.... Obama is winning because he resonates with a lot of people... if you object to him fine but can the constant smears... it makes you look like a pack of idiots.

Also note that Malcolm X was a member of the Nation of Islam until he took the hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca after which he renounced the racism of the Nation of Islam and embraced mainstream Islam (and the majority of NOI members followed him) for which he was killed.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by grover]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Sonya610

*Reply to, but not directed at.

Hmm, all those quotes seem pretty spot on to me. People love to think institutionalized racism is over, and that the black, hispanic, arabic, indian, asian, eastern european community has nothing to be angry about anymore.

Ha! We put a bandaid on a bullet wound and expect everyone to feel better....and get beligerant when 'they' speak up and are brazen enough to demand ::gasp:: true equality.

It's true, one can never truly 'get' the circumstance and life which being a member of any group of people dictates. But to fix the problem with tokenism and the insult of insisting that we 'get it' and that we 'fixed it' is distusting.

The tone of some in this thread makes me very sad for the progress we all insist we are making.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by pyrytyes
Now, 2 weeks before the election, I know more about Joe the plumber, who hit the limelight a week ago.

Well, duh... There is not much to know about Joe. Obama's life has been complex and full of challenges, academic achievements and community work. If Joe did all of that, we'd be probably voting for him now

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by spines

If your tactic is to demonize a whole race of people to get equality, than you have a problem. At some point, people just have to grow up and realize that life is unfair for all of us and attributing it to skin color will only perpetuate the problem. You don't know whats in a man's heart and the more you continue to fear monger about people white people, the more you exacerbate the problem.

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