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EU to present "Blueprint for Worldwide Currency System" to US this weekend!

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posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel
[Anyone who has read Biblical prophesies should not surprised by this. It will happen. Fighting it directly will not work. Developing work-arounds (barter, etc.) are another matter.

Bibical prophesies. please provide a link

Preaching from the bible is just as good, as using it to wipe your ass, for the same principal. No need to bring up age old crap. Sorry for the strong wording there, but it needs to be said. The bible has nothing to do with this situation. It should not be brought into it. The prophesies from the bible are just prophesies are just predictions and guesses. Nothing more.

Now back to reality. I'm telling the amount of government representatives on this site, is really alarming and should really occur to people, exactly what is really going on these threads

[edit on 21-10-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 10:24 AM
Why won't anyone say "mark of the beast" ? The beast is the system of national or biometric id. Look at the bar codes all have 3 sixes.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 01:53 PM
You guys, they said a global currency system not a global currency!! Huge difference.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by johnny2127
You guys, they said a global currency system not a global currency!! Huge difference.

Right. I read something about a 'Tri Polar Currency' system which would lead me to believe.. the EU, APU (already have apec) and NAU (north american union). Also with all the calls for a new Bretton Woods I don't think the dollar has much of a future.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 12:07 PM
From a Bloomberg article today:
``Nothing in the global economy will be the same as before,'' Sarkozy said yesterday in Annecy, France, as he announced plans to create a sovereign wealth fund to invest in French companies, protecting them from foreign ``predators'' after the global stock-market rout.

He is obviously dead-set toward a global currency, despite saying so in specific terms, isn't he?!!?

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 02:07 PM

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 04:58 AM
Sarkozy is a fascist, just like all the rest who promote the EU. He wants to make himself permanent president of the EU. If there's one thing that's obvious about the EU. It isn't democratic. It's their way or the highway.

Nicolas Sarkozy has been accused of making a power grab to install himself as president of the European Union, a post that no longer exists after the Irish rejected the Lisbon Treaty in June.

Tony Blair launched his campaign to become the first fully-fledged President of the European Union yesterday by describing the notion of left- and right-wing politics as redundant.

Fascist Blair kicks off campaign to become EU President.

Rather than a calm assessment of the global banking system, followed by a complete restructuring to control the banks and those who would continue to use them to exploit global citizens, world leaders are seizing on the opportunity provided by the Global Financial Crisis to accelerate their agenda and move rapidly toward an ever more centralized concentration of global economic control by the few of the many.

This shift will see all semblance of democratic control removed from the global financial system as faceless bureaucrats and appointees take more and more control of our daily lives through control of our money, the markets, and an ever more abstruse, clandestine and concentrated global economic system.

One has to look no further than the European Union and NAFTA in the Americas to see how increased "harmonization" has had a negative impact on citizens within the countries involved, and it doesn't take a university degree to understand that allowing those who are responsible for the global financial collapse to champion their own cause moving forward at this fragile moment in history would be the height of foolishness, and disastrous for ordinary people everywhere.

Tony Blair (Satan's favourite puppet
) talking about Globalization

Say no

One thing that I find bizarre and surely everyone else must also, is that these politricians such as Blair, Brown, and Mandelson absolutely despise one another, so why are they so happy to work together? and to what end? or is it simply all show and all deception?

[edit on 4-11-2008 by kindred]

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by kindred

Nice post there,

The thing is, this behaviour is the same of corporations, but in politics you change the word 'profit' with 'fear'...

'fear' is what gives politics power, because people dont think right when false flag ops happen.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 08:18 AM
Thanks Robert, your right probably because most of these politicians are all bought and paid for and when it comes to manipulating the masses, their favourite tool is fear.

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said.
Brussels - European Union leaders Wednesday congratulated Barack Obama on his victory in the US presidential election and called on him to work with the EU to solve the world's most pressing problems.

'This is a time for a renewed commitment between Europe and the US. I want to assure Senator Obama of the support of the European Commission and of my personal support in forging this renewed commitment to face together the many challenges ahead of us,' European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said.

'We need a new deal for a new world. I sincerely hope that with the leadership of President Obama, the US will join forces with Europe to drive this new deal - for the benefit of our societies, for the benefit of the world,' he said in a statement.

Fascist overtones or what? What we need is a democratic EU that is moral, just and acknowledges and listens to the people.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Here is the source for my statement:

Hope everyone sees it.


posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 05:55 PM
Excellent documentary by Adam Curtis. I saw it when it first aired on British TV. Worth watching.

Here's some of his other documentaries:

Superb documentary...his other documentaries are also amazing see the Century of the Self, Power of Nightmares, Pandora's box and the Mayfair Set on this website.

See these also:

Mayfair Set

Pandora's Box (DVD) format

Century of the Self

Power of Nightmares (MPEG2)

Power of Nightmares DVD format

The Trap

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:59 PM
I am not sure if you have seen this or not ..
(Sorry I could not view the video it got stuck so I gave up)

Treasury Dept. submits to Shariah law
The U.S. Treasury Department is submitting to Shariah --- the seditious religio-political-legal code authoritative Islam seeks to impose worldwide under a global theocracy.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:14 PM
It's Brown and his trying to look in charge. Where the centre creates volatility, give more power to the centre. And watch it wobble and fall. There is no way that the economies of the world could have one currency, but Brown will lay the blame of his disaster at the feet of one currency, one world, one despotic communist regime.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:46 AM
It's about time people woke up and realised that the EU and New Labour are no longer separate entities. They are now one and the same.

Plans to create a database holding information about every phone call, email and internet visit.

Government black boxes will 'collect every email'
Internet "black boxes" will be used to collect every email and web visit in the UK under the Government's plans for a giant "big brother" database, The Independent has learnt.

Home Office officials have told senior figures from the internet and telecommunications industries that the "black box" technology could automatically retain and store raw data from the web before transferring it to a giant central database controlled by the Government.

Plans to create a database holding information about every phone call, email and internet visit made in the UK have provoked a huge public outcry. Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, described it as "step too far" and the Government's own terrorism watchdog said that as a "raw idea" it was "awful".

Nevertheless, ministers have said they are committed to consulting on the new Communications Data Bill early in the new year. News that the Government is already preparing the ground by trying to allay the concerns of the internet industry is bound to raise suspicions about ministers' true intentions. Further details of the database emerged on Monday at a meeting of internet service providers (ISPs) in London where representatives from BT, AOL Europe, O2 and BSkyB were given a PowerPoint presentation of the issues and the technology surrounding the Government's Interception Modernisation Programme (IMP), the name given by the Home Office to the database proposal.

Whitehall experts working on the IMP unit told the meeting the security and intelligence agencies wanted to use the stored data to help fight serious crime and terrorism, and said the technology would allow them to create greater "capacity" to monitor all communication traffic on the internet. The "black boxes" are an attractive option for the internet industry because they would be secure and not require any direct input from the ISPs.

During the meeting Whitehall officials also tried to reassure the industry by suggesting that many smaller ISPs would be unaffected by the "black boxes" as these would be installed upstream on the network and hinted that all costs would be met by the Government.

"It was clear the 'back box' is the technology the Government will use to hold all the data. But what isn't clear is what the Home Secretary, GCHQ and the security services intend to do with all this information in the future," said a source close to the meeting.

He added: "They said they only wanted to return to a position they were in before the emergence of internet communication, when they were able to monitor all correspondence with a police suspect. The difference here is they will be in a much better position to spy on many more people on the basis of their internet behaviour. Also there's a grey area between what is content and what is traffic. Is what is said in a chat room content or just traffic?"

Ministers say plans for the database have not been confirmed, and that it is not their intention to introduce monitoring or storage equipment that will check or hold the content of emails or phonecalls on the traffic.

A spokesman for the Home Office said that Monday's meeting provided a "chance to engage with small communication service providers" ahead of the formal public consultation next year. He added: "We need to work closely with the internet service providers and the communication service providers. The meeting was to show the top-line challenges faced in the future. We are public about the IMP, but we are still working out the detail. There will a consultation on the Communications Data Bill early next year."

A spokesman for the Internet Service Providers Association said the organisation was pleased the Home Office had addressed its members and was keen to continue dialogue while awaiting a formal consultation.

Database plans were first announced by the Prime Minister in February. It is not clear where the records will be held but GCHQ may eventually be the project's home.

I can only imagine what's coming next. Fascism on the march!!!! No doubt the sheeple will be saying,"If you have got nothing to hide, then there's nothing to worry about".

Good article about what it all means for the rest of us.

I keep coming across articles about this Labour government speaking of it’s incompetence, ‘it’s missing the point, ineptitude, not listening to the people‘ etc.

You see speeches of Gordon Brown, speaking of the ‘new invigorated Labour’, making it the party for the people, accountable to the people on the one hand, and trying to secretly sell Britain’s sovereignty to Brussels on the other. That is of course, continuing on from Tony Blair’s legacy of signing over chunks of this country to the EU too.

The articles lament on how ‘Brown isn’t listening, poor us!’ and other defeatist nonsense, some even going to far as to criticise the New World Order puppet. But they are all missing the point.

People don’t want to admit it, and even those that do seem to have their views restricted by the mind control of political correctness, but the truth is Gordon Brown couldn’t give a # about Britain or the people in it. He answers to the Bilderberg Group, just like that other minion, Blair did.

In theory, the voice of the people is supposed to be the deciding factor in every decision the government makes. Nowadays that is just a useful sentence the politicians use to get applause at their conferences.

It is all fake.

We are not living in a time of democracy, we are now living in the era of Corporatism. Corporate interests dictate the actions of the government. In fact, you could consider it a corporation in its own right. Keeping this in mind, I’ll explain a few things about what that little # at Number 10, Downing Street is doing and why.

Firstly though, I think I should set a few main goals of his so it will be easier to see how it all fits together. Remember, he couldn’t give a crap what the people want. He will keep trying to push this agenda until he is STOPPED.

Visit website to read the rest.

[edit on 6-11-2008 by kindred]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by MOFreemason
From a Bloomberg article today:
``Nothing in the global economy will be the same as before,'' Sarkozy said yesterday in Annecy, France, as he announced plans to create a sovereign wealth fund to invest in French companies, protecting them from foreign ``predators'' after the global stock-market rout.

He is obviously dead-set toward a global currency, despite saying so in specific terms, isn't he?!!?

No, he has indicated that the Globalization so supported by America and Europe in the past is no longer a viable situation.

There is a whole lot of "reading between the lines" going on here, and you're all jumping to some ridiculously wild conclusions.

The original statement was about a system, not a currency. A system is what is already in place to allow nations to trade. Just as Russia and China are I believe looking at a new method of trading instead of the $, that doesn't mean a global currency, far from it.

And protesting and signing petitions will do nothing. Lets face it, no one here understands the financial system like our leaders do. For all you know the steps they are wanting to take might actually be required to prevent something.

I see one message from all this, and that is that world leaders are finally realizing that all those anti-globalization protesters were onto something. They were right that this current system of the wealthy elite taking advantage of the masses would do damage to everyone eventually, whatever country you live in.
World leaders will now be looking at ways to isolate themselves from the risks of other nations and their financial systems.

That is what all this discussion is about.
Not a global currency.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

"I see one message from all this, and that is that world leaders are finally realizing that all those anti-globalization protesters were onto something. They were right that this current system of the wealthy elite taking advantage of the masses would do damage to everyone eventually, whatever country you live in.
World leaders will now be looking at ways to isolate themselves from the risks of other nations and their financial systems."

Finally realizing????
Wrong answer cupcake.
The "World Leaders got exactly what they wanted from "Globalization."
They set up the wealth resivoirs of the US, (primarily) the EU and others to be drained dry. This was intentional and allowed the first true 'redistribution' of worldwide wealth to begin. The world leaders were collaborators in this and have been handsomely rewarded for their duplicity.
It also set up a "Crisis" that acts as the lead in for the new "SYSTEM" that you are currently defending.
You are absolutely correct in that wealthy elite are taking advantage of the masses. The wealthy elite of this planet have nothing better to do than get wealthier. They work together to continue their consolidation of wealth and control because that is "what they do."
No need for conspiracies here. Does anybody actually believe that the super rich money families don't know each other intimately and work together for their own benefit? Globalization was planned and was a roaring success. It did what it was originally planned to do and any WORLD LEADER that tells you different is a fool or a liar.
The next step in the plan is a GLOBAL system/currency/scam.
Bank on it.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:42 AM
Look at all the effort they have put into positioning the public into accepting this NWO. Do you think they can't do more and won't if there is enough outcry against it. Think again. Its kind of like asking you how bad you want it to get before you finally accept the new world order. The American people have made their choice by picking Obama. So the plan moves forward. Don't resist. It will just make it worse for you. At least with a one world government everyone will know who the enemy really is and then maybe we will have a chance for real change. S&S

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 09:49 AM
A few words from our new VP Elect Joe Biden in this clip, interesting, I knew there was something I liked about him.

The clip is a visionary "end-of-time" thing so if you're not into that, you have been informed..

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:39 AM
I'm not into this prophecy nonsense as it serves no purpose, certainly not one that is beneficial to the human race and our future. Think positive!

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Quantum_Squirrel

Yeah I also forsee a lot of uprisings in many countries. That is the next step for the NWO to take over and put the civil law in effect, They will take out the few liberty he still have.

Lets wake up more people put a stop to this!! we can no longer sit without doing nothing!!!

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