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Iran: McCain's 'Bomb Bomb Iran' Joke Could Be America's 'Nightmare'

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:26 PM

Iran: McCain's 'Bomb Bomb Iran' Joke Could Be America's 'Nightmare'

Iran’s parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani has responded to John McCain’s joking response to a question about what the U.S. policy should be towards Iran. “That old Beach Boys song, ‘Bomb Iran?’” McCain said last year. (Watch it.) Yesterday, Larijani said McCain’s joke could become a “nightmare” for the U.S. if acted upon:

“We don’t have any objection to them singing a song,” Larijani said.

But a real bomb, he said, would be no laughing matter.

“We are confident that if they make that mistake they will be awakened from their sleep and they will face a nightmare,” Larijani said.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:26 PM
News flash Iran: We already ARE in a nightmare. These maniacs have two major, endless occupations going, and working on Pakistan as a third as we speak...

Although McCain thought he was being funny with his comments, when we have folks like Ron Paul coming forward saying that OTHER members of congress are continually talking about NUKING Iran, I see a trend that is FAR FROM funny. It is beyond disturbing.

I only pray that these lunatics don't figure out some way to make it happen...
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 15-10-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:29 PM
That's interesting to see Iran’s parliamentary speaker calling McCain on this. I really do wonder what could be going through people's heads to so easily joke about bombing another country. To have one of those people as a representative of our country is beyond disturbing.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Techsnow
That's interesting to see Iran’s parliamentary speaker calling McCain on this. I really do wonder what could be going through people's heads to so easily joke about bombing another country. To have one of those people as a representative of our country is beyond disturbing.

Not only a representative of our country but someone who is running for the top position of our country! I have commented on his character for making a 'joke' *cough* like that in the first place. To me it is a psychological disposition. What I mean is, that is how he truly sees the options of dealing with Iran.

I simply cannot vote for anyone that will look to continue with this MIC controlled foreign policy.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:34 PM
Did he accompany this "bomb Iran" song with a little lizard dance, maniacal grin and sideways glance with a "that one" punchline?

I'm beginning to think that McCain could be just as entertaining as Bush, illegal Orwellian wars and economic meltdown aside.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

We know for a fact DD that they ARE working on a way to pull this off. It's about money. It's about ego. It's about power with these people. They honestly believe that the answer to their problems is to keep padding the pocket books of the MIC arms dealers. McCain was raised in a military family and thus thinks from a military frame of mind instead of from a world leader frame of mind. His idea of peace is forceful occupation of what HE deems as radical axis of evil states.

If he gets into office we will be into Pakistan AND Iran within 2 years and in a full out cold war or even conflict with Russia.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:36 PM
I have to agree 100% with both dariousg and Techsnow on this matter. You can imagine a president struggling over pushing the 'red' button and only as last resort (like the enemy at the door) but with just jesting by McCain, how easy/quickly do you think that the red button would be pushed?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by dariousgNot only a representative of our country but someone who is running for the top position of our country!.

Where in the Constitution does it state that the President is the "top posititon of the country?" By my understanding, it does not.

The President is the head of the Armed Forces, and the head of the Executive Branch...he is NOT, I repeat, NOT, the head of the United States of America...

He may act as if he is the head of the country, but by the definition of our Constitution, he is not. We should hold our future Presidents to these terms.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:49 PM
My friends let me explain alittle, listen my friends, my friends what we need to realize my friends is that, my friends, it was just a joke. My friends it is funny to talk about people dying a horrible death from an american bomb my friends. My friends these people arent our friends my friends, so they must be dealt with, and remember it is just fun and games.

To me, McCain getting the nomination is very, very suspicious. Most 'conservatives' cannot stand him, there is something funny going on. Now it appears that he is pretty much throwing the whole race against Obama. They are both criminals and they both are going to push this country off the edge we are dangerously teetering on.

We will bomb Iran, it will happen eventually we have been hearing too much propaganda about the issue over the past couple of years. It will probably happen sooner then later, and then the big turd is going to hit the fan.

My friends, my friends. We get to hear more of McCain call us his friends tonight, and Obama talk how he is going to spend more of our money and not raise our taxes, blah blah blah. This country is so screwed, either way you roll the dice we are done unless we do something about it.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:05 PM
There isn't a damn thing Iran could do if we bombed them so their threat is really silly. Would they openly attack Isreal so Isreal has a legitimate excuse to shove a nuke up their rearend? Or maybe they would cause trouble in they already are doing that so that would be nothing new. Would they try to manipulate the oil they are already doing that too. What is this new consequence we would face if we did decide to bomb them?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:07 PM
EDIT - Reply to Double Eights

Well . . . perception is reality and the perception of almost everyone in the U.S. and EVERYONE outside of the U.S. is that the president is the "leader" of the U.S.

Add the fact that this administration has consolidated even more power towards the executive branch . . . or the fact that this administration as stated that the Constitution is "outdated" and not a source of direction . . . and I think that your perception of what the Constitution "means" is irrelevant.

Our government cares not about the Constitution or what it affords us . . . our "enemies" don't care about what the Constitution states . . . they look to our president and his directives as a standard of U.S. policy.

[edit on 10/15/08 by solomons path]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

There isn't a damn thing Iran could do if we bombed them so their threat is really silly. Would they openly attack Isreal so Isreal has a legitimate excuse to shove a nuke up their rearend? Or maybe they would cause trouble in they already are doing that so that would be nothing new. Would they try to manipulate the oil they are already doing that too. What is this new consequence we would face if we did decide to bomb them?

Why? Why would we bomb them?? Did they try to kill your daddy too?!!?!?!?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
There isn't a damn thing Iran could do if we bombed them so their threat is really silly. Would they openly attack Isreal so Isreal has a legitimate excuse to shove a nuke up their rearend? Or maybe they would cause trouble in they already are doing that so that would be nothing new. Would they try to manipulate the oil they are already doing that too. What is this new consequence we would face if we did decide to bomb them?

Or maybe, just maybe, they know something your smug little attitude doesn't. Ever stopped to think about that? The world does not begin or end with what SectionEight thinks he knows.

Is it remotely possible that the Iranians have been busy little beavers shoring up some security from the Big Bad Bear and the Billion Man Army? It is very possible. I would hazard a very good guess that if American bombs found their way into Iran, that Russia and China would fast track making America's stand as super power very difficult. You can disregard this all you want, and I have no doubt that you will, but the fact remains that there are alot of countries that aren't waving the US flag of support anymore.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Grafilthy
reply to post by SectionEight

Why? Why would we bomb them?? Did they try to kill your daddy too?!!?!?!?

Ok, we'll assume your position and pretend we bomb them for no reason at all other than we are the scum of the earth.
Now with that in place wtf is Iran going to do about it? How is their parliamentary threat nothing more than an absolute joke?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

I hope you're joking.

How about for starters, RETALIATE?

For one, they could easily pour right into Iraq, en-masse, and give our already troubled occupation more trouble than it could ever cope with.

If we are already having trouble sustaining things in Iraq and Afghanistan, who are smaller and less advanced than Iran, what on earth do you THINK is going to happen by attacking Iran? You think they're just going to go, "Aww shucks, you shock and awed us, now we'll just do nothing and not respond"?

Dude....Come on.

Underestimation is the mother of screw-ups, and our gov has been the mother of underestimators for the past decade or

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

You really do believe the hate america stuff you spout off. Do you believe for an instant that we would drop one bomb without every contingency covered millitarily? Whole army divisions would organize for months near the Iranian border before we ever started an air war. Look at desert storm and then the recent Iraq conquest. Iran would be obliterated in a matter of days millitarily. Everyone would know war is imminent because of the troop concentrations and buildup.
Iraq was a cakewalk to our millitary and so would Iran be. Iran would even be easier afterwards because there is no neighboring country to interfere like Iran did in Iraq in the aftermath of reconstruction.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Iraq was a cakewalk to our millitary and so would Iran be. Iran would even be easier afterwards because there is no neighboring country to interfere like Iran did in Iraq in the aftermath of reconstruction.

NO... Actually you have severely mixed up your thought process with that illogical statement.

Iran will not be easier to deal with than Iraq. For a start, the US would have twice the problems to deal with terrain wise.

Iran is mountainous, it has scattered territory and troops would be able to hide, this is not a desert scenario.

The US troops would be overstretched, dealing with the fact that Pakistan hates them, Iraq has been subdued by them and Iran has very clever people aboard.

Or do you wish a military draft, do you wish to see yet more dead Americans?

As a brit, the last thing i wish is for more of our troops to be dragged down into your mess, if some psychotic president starts barking stupid orders. Us Brits have done you many favours in return for WW2, but i doubt many if any wish to be pulled into your suicidal ideals...

Shame on you for wishing more death and destruction!

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

Here we go with the ignoramic "hate america" nonsense again...

Uhh, yeah, we would obliterate them, just like we did Iraq? What is it 6-7 years later now? Yeah, we would just dominate them like we're doing right now in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This endless superiority complex, chest-pounding megalomania needs to be dropped, and we need to stop instigating these idiotic foreign policies and concentrate on our own crumbling infrastucture.

If those types of views makes me an "america hater" in your eyes, then so be it.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:05 PM
I have to agree with Solomons Path, Rook1545, and Mr-Lizard.
This president has consolidated too much power into the hands of the president and executive branch.
Want proof?
When did congress or the senate have any say in us going to war in iraq?
Declaring war is not the job of the president, that is until king george got his dirty little claws into our government.

And how do we know iran doesn't have an "ace up their sleeve?"
You don't...
As a matter of fact I'll be willing to bet you didn't even know Al Qaeda has a navy, theres alot we don't know, and to assume we know everything is plain arrogance.
Iran and Russia are hardening their stance against the U.S. as well as Venezuela and China.

We have allies but we are quickly becoming the neighborhood bully, and nobody likes a bully.
We may soon find ourselves in a situation where we have bitten off more than we can chew, and nobody has our back.
We should be very careful about pushing around "the little guy"
I can't count how many times in my life I have seen big arrogant bullies push the little guy too far, and the little guy knocks the bully right onto his rear...

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

can i ask - if Iraq was such a cakewalk then why are soliders still dieing - daily?

oh wait its the guerilla warfare being waged by iregular troops - and they are slowly grinding anything american up in it;

its not over - and with no end in sight - when will you sign up and serve?

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