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I honestly had no idea that it was this bad

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:13 AM

thank you, now that you've made me utterly disgusted with my fellow americans,

it's not your fellow americans. it's the media. it's the tv.
it's the radio. it's dangerous. it could even be ........dare i say it,
not in the hands of humans any more at all.

i find the entire thing very disturbing.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by undo

Um, I am pretty sure you are just joking. With regards to the backwoods comment, I am not knocking anyone who lives in a "backwoods swamp," only those who have missed the civil rights movement and still think racism is just a matter of opinion. Its a horrible, intolerable practice that needs to be cured like some disease that is destroying our society.

As far as living south of the Mason Dixon line, in case you did not catch my screen name, I too am from the south, though I am pretty sure Kentucky is north of the MD line.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Why yes yes I am for real. I think there is a significant difference between bringing your family up on stage at the convention and trotting them out at every event you hold, wouldn't you? Now questioning the validity of the maternity of Trig, that is over the line and I won't even try to defend it. But don't try to compare sporadic familial appearances (Obama) with non-stop "look at my family, look at my family!" (Palin). Besides, do you realy think it is off limits to ask about Todd Palin's membership in a SECESSIONIST party?! Or his influence wielding in the troopergate affair? The dude's a SECCESSIONIST!!!!!

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by BluegrassRevolutionary

you don't say that tho, and neither did CNN when it posted the big map of the usa, the now infamous "jesusland" map, and then proceeded to spout statistics that people who lived in the "red" states were lower IQ than the blue states.

i would just like to state for the record, again, that poor people can be smart, and rich people can be not as smart.

really, next time you think about what you're saying, check the dichotomy. it's rampant in the message. if the message is no more racism, no more bigotry, you HAVE TO START WITH YOURSELF. quit perpetuating the crap they say on TV. that's what it is- -- crap. crap designed to thin the population and make some handy land grabs. i don't think the people responsible for such thinking are actually humans. i think they are something else. i dunno what, but humans tend to have nerve endings and a conscience.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by BluegrassRevolutionary

you don't say that tho, and neither did CNN when it posted the big map of the usa, the now infamous "jesusland" map, and then proceeded to spout statistics that people who lived in the "red" states were lower IQ than the blue states.

i would just like to state for the record, again, that poor people can be smart, and rich people can be not as smart.

I did not see the CNN broadcast you are speaking about, however I doubt they said people in Red states have lower "IQs." They probably said that red states had lower educational levels, which by the way, is a FACT and not up for interpretation or opinion. Educational level and IQ, though somewhat related, are not the same thing. You can have a very high IQ and little to no education, or vice versa. I myself live in a red state. However, I grew up in a community that provided the best education auto manufacturing money can buy. Most rural communities are not that lucky.

[edit on 14-10-2008 by BluegrassRevolutionary]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by BluegrassRevolutionary

they want you to believe that people who live in "red states" are lower IQ... and they have statistics to back this up. the question is, what do the tests ask? let me give you an example of what i mean.

my brother in law might not score high on an iq test, but he's extremely smart and talented. he's a master mechanic and can repair, maintainance air conditioners, furnaces, plumbing, electrical wiring, and he can do construction work. he's also a whiz at trivia. he's by no means stupid and by all means, skilled.

so what's the device for devaluing us? why we're stupid of course.

anybody that drives a truck is stupid, doncha know

[edit on 14-10-2008 by undo]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:42 AM
this guy raises some contradictions on that topic:

If these numbers are legitimate, they raise interesting questions: Were Louisiana and South Carolina, both blue states, dumb over the last six years when they elected Democrats John Breaux, Mary Landrieu (in 2002), and Ernest Hollings to the U.S. Senate, or did they suddenly grow stupid this year? And how about Colorado's pro-Bush voters? They also elected Democrat Ken Salazar to the U.S. Senate on November 2, rather than Republican Peter Coors. So, were they simultaneously sharp and dimwitted? "South Dakota's IQ must have dropped for them to stop voting for Democrat Tom Daschle and switch to Republican John Thune," says Mitch Baxter, an Arlington, Virginia attorney and member of the Republican Jewish Coalition "They were in the bottom 10 this time. There was no massive immigration of dodos or emigration of geniuses, so there must be some kind of environmental toxin that caused brain damage. Quick, get the EPA!"

now i ask you, are they or are they not, trying to incite hatred and bitterness between americans, as a general rule, by stereotyping us and
categorizing us into boxes to be condemned?

answer truthfully and i'll go away.
side step it , and i'll get more where that came from.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by sos37

Just because the fools in this video call themselves Republican and will vote against Obama DOES NOT MEAN that McCain supports this same kind of behavior and racism.

McCain and Palin have done nearly nothing to set the record straight on the hatred being spewed in many of these rallys AND YOU KNOW IT! Also, there are several McCain TV ads with terrorist, terrorist, terrorism, blah blah, and they all end with "I am John McCain and I approve this message."

The only time he deals with it is when the backlash would be so overwhelming that he has no choice (like the women fearing Obama cause "he is an Arab."). He is in charge of this convention and he is DOING NOTHING to set a clear rebuke to the all this hatred, and that should tell you what kind of leader he would make for the country (when he can't even control his own convention and the little Jezebel he has out there starting fires).

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by whatsup

are you not reading the thread? this is not about you or me, it's about all of us.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:56 AM
THIS makes you ill to your stomach? You need to experience more of the World, because this is extremely tame compared to MANY political events around the Globe. Look at Kenya even, which is considered a relatively peaceful African Nation. What happened during their Elections though? They had Luo tribesmen running through the streets taking machetes and AK's to the Kikuyu's, which ended in a massive genocide.

As for this Thread, you should really post what all of the Obama/Biden supporters have been saying towards Sarah Palin and even Senator McCain. I have heard people making fun of Senator McCain for getting shot down over Vietnam. Some Obama/Biden supporters were saying: "HA, look he's a failure, he even failed in Vietnam and that's why he got shot down. He's a senile old crippled hag, and a failure".

It goes both ways, and you have to admit, the truly nasty rhetoric began with Obama/Biden supporters essentially lynching the Palin family.

[edit on 10-14-2008 by TheAgentNineteen]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

no, it was before that, and it was from both sides.
this is a set up. don't you see it? someone or a few someones, are trying to social engineer our country into internal war. it's so obvious. i 'm not that bored, thanks anyway, and i certainly don't dislike other people to that degree!!!!!!!!!!! (imagine page full of exclamation points)

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by observer
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Why yes yes I am for real. I think there is a significant difference between bringing your family up on stage at the convention and trotting them out at every event you hold, wouldn't you? Now questioning the validity of the maternity of Trig, that is over the line and I won't even try to defend it. But don't try to compare sporadic familial appearances (Obama) with non-stop "look at my family, look at my family!" (Palin). Besides, do you realy think it is off limits to ask about Todd Palin's membership in a SECESSIONIST party?! Or his influence wielding in the troopergate affair? The dude's a SECCESSIONIST!!!!!

You seem to be at a failure in grasping reality. The party which Todd Palin belonged to believes in INDEPENDENCE, not secession. There is a MAJOR difference. The AIP believes in strong 2nd Amendment Rights, Religious Values, and Self-Independence. They simply do not want to rely on the Federal government for aide, assistance, or support. Are you really all that surprised that so many Alaskans feel this way? You cannot live in Alaska, especially small-town Alaska, and be some Welfare State supporter. Self-independence and Self-reliance are values which you develop living in small-town Alaska, and if you do not have them, you die. That is it, plain and simple.

As for you attacking Governor Palin for always having her family with her, what is wrong with that? Different parents and families have different values, so neither Senator Obama nor Governor Palin should be judged based upon their "Family Appearances". Just the fact that you attack such a thing, goes to prove how petty and partisan you are. Get a life.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

Do you seriously expect me to believe that the residents of the great state of Alaska are against the "welfare state"? The same residents who collect a $3000 check each year from Exxon?

So Palin likes haveing her family with her. That's great so do I, but there is a significant difference between having them with you and dragging them around on stage. You have them with you you get to spend quality time with them which all children need, however dragging them in front of the wailing crowds whenever you get a chance is not "quality time" it's called exploitation.

If the AIP is so pro-America then why did the parties founder say that the "fires of hell are more frozen compared to the Hatred I feel for the United States"? Rev Wright territory that quote is!

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by BluegrassRevolutionary

they want you to believe that people who live in "red states" are lower IQ...

I do not believe for a microsecond that people in red states are born with a limited intellectual facility. Nobody believes that. However, one look at the electoral map makes you wonder what the heck is going on. The red states were the cheerleaders of the terrible president Bush and his disasterous policies. How does this square with the ability of population there to analyse information? Please explain. I'm sure that being able to fix an A/C counts for something, but still.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by observer
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

Do you seriously expect me to believe that the residents of the great state of Alaska are against the "welfare state"? The same residents who collect a $3000 check each year from Exxon?

Thanks for bringing this up! My jaw dropped when I learned about this pinko socilaist handout on Palin's part.

That lady has no principles.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

i specifically mentioned that because i wanted to see what kind of mischief it would be turned to. fact is, that brother in law is from a blue state, and so am i. i live in a red state currently. guess what, it's all the same country. we don't grow three arms when we live in one neighborhood vs. another. we don't lose iq points. (which is just a test of how programmed you are, anyway and has nothing to do with actual intelligence).

think about it.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

no, it was before that, and it was from both sides.
this is a set up. don't you see it? someone or a few someones, are trying to social engineer our country into internal war. it's so obvious. i 'm not that bored, thanks anyway, and i certainly don't dislike other people to that degree!!!!!!!!!!! (imagine page full of exclamation points)

Politics has always been a very volatile issue, even during the time of our Founding Fathers. Our 2nd President, John Adams, was the first to go through the "Smear Machine" when some spread lies about him in an attempt to influence Congressional votes towards him (back then you received Congressional votes for Office). It is nothing new, and it will always be a part of the process.

However, the Political landscape has changed greatly since JFK died, and to be honest, he was the last of the Old School Democrat Presidents. It used to be that Republicans and Democrats could disagree over how best to run the Nation, through differing ideals on Taxes, Centralized Government Power, and Constitutional Interpretation. However, the one topic which was NEVER an issue was Patriotism. Both sides of the aisle believed in America above all else, and during Wartime they all supported the cause. Outside Nations were never esteemed in virtue over the United States, and American values were never threatened from within.

This changed however with the Socialist/Anarchist movements of the 1960's. As these Socialist/Hippies (Not all Hippies were Socialists of course) began to gain ground, they started taking the sides of other Nations over America. Look at Jane Fonda if you wish for an example. This lady was a traitor, and she actually went overseas just so she could have her picture taken while she sat at a Viet-Cong AA Gun, which had shot down American Aircraft. She was smiling during part of experience, and even wore Viet-Cong apparel.

Why do I present this example of the Socialist movement within America? Because as individuals such as Jane Fonda grew-up, but failed to mature, they joined positions within the Democrat Party. THIS is what we are now witnessing within the Modern Democrat Party, and it is why we now have arguments over Patriotism, Loyalty, Honor, and so forth. THIS is why emotions are so heated during Modern Day campaigns, and THIS is why Americans are so extremely mad over a candidate with any Socialist ideologies. This is not simply about which candidate will best run our Nation. This is also now about which candidate will or will not sell us out to the enemy, which candidate will stand beside America no matter their location in the World, or audience, which candidate will NOT put down our Men and Women in Uniform and Service, which candidate will NOT cut the funding for our National Security efforts, which candidate will or will not manipulate and destroy the very Democratic and Capitalistic ideals which we so hold to be true.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

well i think most everyone agrees that we have no business beep bopping around the globe, forcing other countries to be democratic. i mean, look how well that worked in iran.

one feature of the old school democrats and repubs was they minded their own business.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by undo

Fine. Still, please explain how come there is a "red belt" cutting through the geographic midlle of the country, which supported a moronic and dangerous Prez.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by undo
we have no business beep bopping around the globe, forcing other countries to be democratic. i mean, look how well that worked in iran.

Wow, we are already in Iran? Sheesh. I must catch up on the news! Or is it private info only available in Red States?

[edit on 14-10-2008 by buddhasystem]

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