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Holocaust Denier Arrested

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posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:07 AM
The man was arrested because he broke the laws of a country. Whether those laws are "right" or not is inconsequential. We all know that if you break a law and get caught, you suffer the penalty for breaking said law.

In Kansas, specifically Topeka, the "Rev." Fred Phelps demonstrates openly against homosexuals, and even servicemen's funerals with extreme hate propoganda. Yet, he is not arrested. Why? Because he isn't breaking any laws.
In another place, he may very well be arrested, tried and sent to prison for the heinous things he does, but not here.

Right or wrong has NOTHING at all to do with legal and illegal.
Haven't you figured that out by now?

[edit on 10/4/2008 by cmongo4]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:07 AM
he is a tobin. if not for the tobin tenacity, i would not even be here.

he will win. the arrest was totally illegal. he was arrested on a transit stop, the u.k. #stabulary had no right of arrest over someone who has not even entered their territory nor juristriction.

holo hoax.
i join him in exposing this fraud against humanity & against the real jewish peoples & not the pretend khazar converts, decendants of nimrod who became the so-called 13th tribe as a disguise to hide themselves in total collusion & collaboration with the bannished tribe of dan that went on to becoming the vikings & later the pirates. [the skull & crossbones flies over the u.s.].....who runs the world???

a lot of the photos you see of emanciated "jews" where actually some of the 3,000,000 germans soldiers rounded up at the end of the war & interred. do you see any number tattoos on their arms,.....see any with their pants down ?????

i will post further to this comment

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 02:59 PM
Why did they arrest him in England? There is no law against holocaust denial in England, so they have no grounds to arrest/deport/extradite him.

I guess it's that European Arrest Warrant, I can do something here that is not a crime, and get indited to another Euro country where it is.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by rfk1959
he is a tobin. if not for the tobin tenacity, i would not even be here.

he will win. the arrest was totally illegal. he was arrested on a transit stop, the u.k. #stabulary had no right of arrest over someone who has not even entered their territory nor juristriction.

holo hoax.
i join him in exposing this fraud against humanity & against the real jewish peoples & not the pretend khazar converts, decendants of nimrod who became the so-called 13th tribe as a disguise to hide themselves in total collusion & collaboration with the bannished tribe of dan that went on to becoming the vikings & later the pirates. [the skull & crossbones flies over the u.s.].....who runs the world???

a lot of the photos you see of emanciated "jews" where actually some of the 3,000,000 germans soldiers rounded up at the end of the war & interred. do you see any number tattoos on their arms,.....see any with their pants down ?????

i will post further to this comment

So they had pictures of pure Aryan's and were claiming they were Jews -that makes a whole lot of sense.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Rinorino2

Pure Aryans? Doubtful.

Since when does German = Aryan?

By Aryan do you mean blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin? I am no expert on German hair and eye color, but I doubt that very many of them are (or were) anywhere close to "pure" anything.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 06:37 PM


posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by LogicalSolution

No Jew would ever make comments like that-and no Jew actually believes that garbage

Oh, really?

You're right, most of them wouldn't speak like that - publicly. Of course, on the internet, you can be anonymous.

The youtube video was supposed to be humour, albeit bad taste.
It is self evident that these posts are not written by a Jew.
Just as there are non Jewish hateful extremists (ie yourself) there are a handful of jewish ones-it proves nothing.
However these posts describe purported Jewish prejudiced attitudes in the way that completely ignorant anti-semites (like yourself) do so. In other words had the person been a Jew with corresponding attitudes they would have been phrased differently.
The way this guy phrases things is just straight off Stormfront.
Again there are 20 million Jews-just as there are some Jewish Holocaust revisionists, serial killers (not a lot though) there some Jews with anti-gentile attitudes:so what.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by Rinorino2]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:50 PM


posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:53 PM
Dude (Rinorino2) , I'm not taking sides on the issue, but what do you think to accomplish by calling everybody who disagrees with you a Nazi, an anti-Semite, a Stormfronter, etc. ?

If anything, it makes people's stance to shift against you.. get this: not everybody will ever think the same about you on everything

And what's more, most of these people will not be racists, Nazi's, anti-Semites, Stormfronters or members of the Ku-Klux friggin' Klan.. though if I ever saw a posterboy promoting those ideas it's got to be... you..

Now.. this has been said several times, even by admins, but I'm gonna try again..

Stop derailing the thread. If you want to debate (or call people names) the Holocaust or lack thereof, check out this thread called 'the Real Auschwitz'

Here, the topic is about a Negationist being arrested.. nothing more, nothing less.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by Phatcat]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by LogicalSolution

I never said or implied that it is a mystery why there is anti-semitism.
Classical Judaism clearly regards jews as superior to gentiles.
As did Roman law and culture regard Romans as superior...same with Egyptins Greeks...
In fact was there one ancient nation that didnt regard themsleves as superior than others?
So why pick on the ancient Jews...thats anti-semitism-its all fine unless its by Jews.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 08:48 PM

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:08 PM
Truth about Holocaust & Work Camps

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:33 PM
Kosher Tax - The Hidden Gem

Holocaust Swindle by Fuhrer fun bus

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:15 PM


posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by LogicalSolution

Originally posted by rfk1959
Truth about Holocaust & Work Camps

Careful you - speaking the truth is anti-semetic.


I know 'you people' think Jews are stupid, and for you anti-semitism is sport, baiting jews like myself-were not stupid, we know people like you or Phatcat, with the subtle anti-semitic jibes prefaced by 'I don't hate Jews but.....'
I know its us being succesful, the jealousy gets you. Frankly it doesnt offend or hurt me one iota-that you deny the Holocaust-I couldnt really care less. You are wasting your time anyway, it is unlikely that you will turn the tide against Jews.
THINK ABOUT THIS-the Holocaust never happened(according to you), and all the rest of our persecutions never occured, and we have been around for four thousand years-doing all the stuff we do and getting away with it scott free-what chance do yuo have and why are you even bothering to try to influence people against us???

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:16 AM
If you couldn't care less, you sure took a lot of pages to get it out of your system (in the wrong thread to do so),and just for the record.. I am NOT anti-Semitic, and I think you've been bred to believe all difficult questions go away if you call the person asking them thus.. to Hell with esotheric things like debate and proof, let's just get emotional and insulting, and hope they'll insult you back so the topic is forgotten..

When taboo's are adhered to, the Thruth goes out the window. If a society protects a segment of it's population against any real and perceived slight, the rest of that society at large will become distrustfull of said segment.

You against the World, I pity you, really.. I believe in Internet terms you would be dubbed a Troll (I guess I'm anti-semitic to your ears again, by linking you to a mythological monster?
). All it really means is you are semi-professional at derailing threads which you find objectionable, without the will or the brainpower required to refute said topic in a mature manner..

The topic is a guy who got arrested, wrongfully as it turns out, for voicing his opinion about a subject that is sensitive (and in some countrys illegal). anybody have anything usefull to add about thàt ?

[edit on 5-10-2008 by Phatcat]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:16 PM

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:24 PM

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by rufusdrak

Can someone please tell me why "denying the holocaust" is apparently illegal in Europe but denying God or the government or anything else is fine?

Please don't say your beliefs on whether it happened or it didn't happen, that's not what I'm asking, I'm asking why is it ILLEGAL TO DENY it when it is in fact perfectly legal to deny ANY OTHER THING on teh face of the earth. I can write a book denying that George Bush exists and saying that the US government is a myth and confabulation and it would be perfectly legal, so why is denying some random event from 60 years ago illegal?
(visit the link for the full news article)

How fo you feel about Jews?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:40 PM

[edit on 5-10-2008 by Albin]

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