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Martial Law Update: U.S. Soldiers on the move

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posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Hey guys and gals,

Today on my way home from running an errand, on the interstate as I was driving home, I came upon a humvee with a sign on the back that said "convoy ahead". So I pass that one, and then i see that there are trucks galore, among other troop transport vehicles, and that all the soldiers driving were in full battle gear, helmets and rifles. Their fatigues were the kind they wear in the middle east, ie; desert camoflauge.

Is this a portion of the Veteran Iraq Brigade coming home to take over Northcomm and be placed on stand-by incase of the event of civil unrest, riots, a natural disaster, etcetera? Or to act as a martial law police force in a certain city or perhaps an entire state, if that is where civil unrest just had taken place you see.

The convoy was at least ... 15 of these troop transport trucks, with a couple of humvees mixed in. At the front of the convoy was a humvee with a sign on the back that said "convoy commander" or some such. I tried to snap photos with my camera phone, but while driving 60mph, its kinda hard to get a good shot, they all came out a complete blur, so I apologize for that.

Here's the thing .. I live in southeast VA, and yes theres plenty of military bases around here, but I've been living here for 21 years, and I've never seen a convoy that long locally. They were heading west bound, towards Williamsburg, then Richmond, Virginia, at which point, they'd likely be heading north via I-95 if theyre headed for Washington DC, and if not, they might end up heading northwest to Ohio, isn't that where the Northcomm is anyways?

Just wanted to give this update. 1 day after the bail-out bill failed to pass, I see the largest army convoy I have ever seen in my area before. They had rifles, helmets, full gear equipped, desert fatigue. Now I know this convoy wasn't that huge, and that there's probably around 20 soldiers per transport, so .. maybe 200-400 soldiers incl. officers? They've probably split the Veteran Brigades into multiple convoys, so it isnt a mile long of just military vehicles. So I likely came up on a "chunk" of the force..

Has anyone heard news that the veteran brigade touched down on U.S. soil? If so, when was that supposed to have taken place?

I'm not being paranoid or fear mongering, but I must admit, I felt extremely uncomfortable about seeing the convoy, because previous, smaller convoys in my area that are more common do not have soldiers in desert fatigues with helmets and full battle gear/rifle. There was something majorly different bout this convoy ... anyone got any information?

It was spotted on I-64, heading westbound, approximately 10 miles or so from the Yorktown Battlefield, and at the time they were passing my town, heading toward Colonial Williamsburg. That's the last I saw of them..

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:54 PM
That's pretty interesting and something people would do well to look into. You should have followed them, haha.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:01 PM
To see one convoy is not that unusual, perhaps we are just on a heighten sense of awareness, however they are suppose to start their new orders tomorrow so you may be seeing a whole lot more of this kind of activity in the coming days, weeks and months. I do agree that no one knows how all of the financial crisis is going to unfold so for continuity of goods and services they will most likely be taking over food distribution warehouses and major highways.
Thanks for the heads up it great to be part of a network of members with eyes world wide. Next time just snap away and upload what you find.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:03 PM
You should keep a close eye out for more military convoys, but keep an open mind. You can't make a conclusion on one event with out enough evidence. if you can, try to get some pictures.

maybe their moving snipers in to target the red Lister's'

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by runetang

Scary stuff. That they were all armed to the teeth does worry me to say the least.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:31 PM
Nothing too big to worry about.

Now if they were all driving tanks I would be worried lol...

We use to have 1-2 week war games and once in a while we would be joined by other bases to see how well communication between 2 seperate units would work.

Basicly making sure that everyone is on the same page no matter what base you come from.

And ya we would have huge convoys at times so nothing to worry about in my opinion.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:31 PM
yep, first thing i noticed were the helmets.

i was like wait a second, normal convoys around here do not have soldiers driving with helmets, they have caps on, like they wear around base. green caps at that.

i tried so hard to get pics! three times! when you're moving at that speed, a dinky camera phone just can't capture anything but a blur. ah well..

what id like to see is if by the end of the day anyone else who lives to my north and north west notices any such convoys of this nature. then we'd have a better indication of where they're actually headed.

about 30 minutes before i saw the convoy, i saw what looked to be some kind of combat patrol boat, it was on the bed of a giant truck with oversized load signs and blinkers, with a humvee following with an oversize load sign. i wonder if its coincidence?

[edit on 9/30/2008 by runetang]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:34 PM
With desert gear on, I can't see them hiding well in Washington DC area.... Just something I thought I'd point out.

I'm not sure what's going on, but I live within the fly zone of military installations and still run outside to see all the choppers fly in formation of from 3-5 when they fly over my house and rattle my windows.

Reminds me of watching them on 9-11. I live in the middle of the triangle (NYC, Schwenksville and Pentagon)...


posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:36 PM
I didnt really think they were headed to washington.

my theory is that it was a portion of the veteran brigade heading to Ohio, where I believe they are going to be stationed in the coming months.

if it wasnt that, lord only knows, but you know, just as devil's advocate, desert camo'd helmets look alot like urban camo'd helmets .. which are grey these days, while the desert ones are greyish / sand colored mix. i couldve mistaken them as desert helmets?

my ATS points as of this writing are 4111. the symbolism here is that i am giving worthwhile information, and the synchronicity is that i am giving it as my points are at 411(1), ie; the american phone number for INFORMATION..

[edit on 9/30/2008 by runetang]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:43 PM
Did anybody ask their representatives in congress why are they deployed for? And why not National Guard if there is an impending civil unrest?
If it is a training or a drill, why one year? Too many questions but not enough answers. All speculation to feed our paranoia.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:49 PM
I used to take trips from Ohio to NC via I-95 once in a while and I've seen a couple of those. Like you said, they usually aren't as large as what you're describing though.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:57 PM
I do not have too much to add, but I did want to point out the OP mentioned taking I-95 North in D.C. however if you take I-95 South you will run right into N.C. and S.C. and all those Southern States that are short on gasoline. Just food or thought

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:59 PM
they were probably transporting something sensitive..? . Or Perhaps if the 700 billion passed the dollar would fail... and they were being prepared?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 02:23 PM
I've been wondering all this time, how is the military going to keep operating and paying it's soldiers when the US Dollar is worth nothing?

I've seen a few convoys here but only one or two vehicles at a time and they where both camo.

Also, I know I'm rambling but how are they going to pay to ship millions of tons of equipment back to the US?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
they were probably transporting something sensitive..? . Or Perhaps if the 700 billion passed the dollar would fail... and they were being prepared?

Transporting is possible, however it would not take a convoy as large as the one described.

As far as if the bill had passed were they just being prepared.... your question makes an assumption (or at least reads that way) that the military is operating as it's own independent unit. That is not the case, they operate on orders. The only way they were just being prepared, is if they were ordered to do so.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 03:05 PM
I just talked to a girl who has two uncles that are retired military. They have been sent letters saying that their help is needed. They are no longer retired. Why would this be happening if one did not sign backup?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 03:30 PM

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 03:39 PM
Sorry about that posters -tried to post more relevant parts of the homeland security bill would'nt work,you'll just have to click on the link and wade through the blurb...

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:02 PM
I don't think Martial Law will be called without a catastrophic event, probably terror-related. Read the "Why There Will Be No Martial Law In October" post, it explains in detail why Martial Law would follow a huge event. They want us to want Martial Law...

As for the troops, well they might have been preparing for the Martial Law training drills, or something insignificant like that.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:26 PM
They are heading down to alabama to contain the caos when the GFL ship drops in.

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