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Comedian Chris Rock if I was elected president first thing I would do is find out about the UFOs

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posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by ufosbri
typical actor with no brain.

Why do we need the president to tell us about UFOs what Im trying to say is why would anyone believe what any president has to say all they do is LIE there all in the Masons satanic lets be honest We need to take control of who we are learn for ourself s WHY do we always need to be told by some one in power there all idiots look at George bush HELLOOOOOOOOO

It's funny to me that an obvious brainiac like you is too smart to use punctuation. And what's your beef with actors? Personally, I only care what they say about "the issues" when it's funny or entertaining. Generally, when they start to opine and preach, it gets real self-serving and narcissistic.

A word to the wise: dont' get so obviously upset about Chris Rock's jokes about UFOs. Maybe you'll live long enough to see one for yourself.

"there all in the Mason satanic"...great point you make here.

I laughed quite a bit watching C. Rock on Larry King Live. He even cracked up old man King, several times. I gotta hand it to Rock - he's got great comedic timing.

[edit on 9.26.2008 by ItsTheQuestion]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 06:29 PM

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Total Package

Originally posted by Dock6
In fact, there's no proof that UFOs exist

Hope the guy sticks to his day job

No proof that UFO's exist???? I think what you mean to say is that there is sufficient proof in your eyes that UFO's are from other planet's.

Nobody in their right sane mind could say there is no proof that UFO's exist.

The FBI and Department of Defense do in fact compile all UFO data in the United States. Many would-be Presidents have promised the simple notion of releasing that information, in the context of alien activity. But there's a problem. How do we determine what is truly alien in origin? Who is qualified to make those assumptions? Which data should be released to the public? Obviously not all UFO data can be released. Only those classified as truly unsolvable, then again those data could in fact be information regarding foreign spies or aerospace activity conducted by the US government itself that can't be made civilian knowledge for defense purposes.

We can't just assume that the Presidents' going back on their promises means that there is in fact documented and confirmed alien activity. I'm sure the majority of those who have promised to do so happened in one of three situations, a) gaining votes from science fiction enthusiasts, at UFO conventions (does this happen) b) as a joking response at a press conference (now, this question is asked all the time, it's kind of like booing Jeremy Jacobs at the NHL draft-it's tradition-both the reporter and respondent are actually both having a laugh), or c) the most likely... a genuine concern for the issue, but whoever is in charge of compiling that data says they can't release it on grounds of national security/defense reasons, and it's most likely true.

[edit on 26-9-2008 by cognoscente]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
If that's his first priority, then we can consider ourselves fortunate he's not president.

UFOs aren't the most pressing problem facing the US right now.

In fact, there's no proof that UFOs exist

Hope the guy sticks to his day job

Well, actually you are "somewhat" correct.. because they're identified, at least they were within NAZI Germany with such craft as the VRIL disc, and the Haunebu I, II, and III.

Chris Rock is a no-bs type of guy, and I'm glad that his opinions on the matter are more public, the more support, the better we all are.

It is VERY important to know about UFOs.. it should be a concern and priority for any president.... there are so many reasons behind the importance of this information, quite ignorant to believe we are alone.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:40 PM
Honestly people.

I just bumbled on to this sight after I was stuck by a whim to Google conspiracy theories. Two dumbest ones so far: David Icke's reptillian global conspiracy...and of course the big ass cover-up on 9/11...puh-lease people stop being paranoid. I don't know how you sleep if you believe this stuff.

Now as for UFOs I'm still up in the air. Hawkings is one smart dude and if he is purporting that there is 'no else' 'out there' then I'm going to give him at least a smidgen of credibility for the idea. I'm sure if you read into it he has proof to back up his claim. He's a scientist after all. I've also read this idea in another scientific article (unfortunately I can't remember any of the important details e.g. author, journal, title...srry) but the fact that there is this idea circulating among scientist means that there may be something there. I don't agree with it and won't agree with it until I see definable proof (and still probably won't agree with it even then out of a longing to believe).

Doubts aside I'm undecided on the existence of extra-terrestrials. I am new but devout fan of the X-Files (on Season 2 at the moment and loving it) but I don't really believe in anything that gets pushed across in that show. I'm like most people I think: I want to believe but I'm still very very very skeptical about any proof of alien visitations or abductions or otherwise.

Which brings me to my riff on this topic. Chris Rock was joking people, obviously! In fact I've heard him open a comedy act with that exact joke. I know a bunch of you picked up on that but equal number on this forum, judging by the posts still somehow think he was doing some big thing by exposing the existence of UFOs to the mainstream. Sorry people UFOs are mainstream. People love to speculate whether they are real or not (why was the X-Files a hit of the nineties if it wasn't mainstream?). The vast majority choose not to believe them because there is no concrete proof of their existence. To believe that Chris Rock is doing anything more than telling a joke is just plain dumbfounding.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

I agreee. I have heard Ben Affleck discuss the issues in the past. While I don't agree with him, I do respect his intellegence. I feel the same way about Alec Baldwin and his brother Stephen. They are polar opposites, but both are intelligent and express themselves well. (It's a shame that Stephen is so afraid of his brother that he will not openly oppose him when he's questioned. He disagrees, but always talks about the pecking order in the Baldwin family.)

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
If that's his first priority, then we can consider ourselves fortunate he's not president.

UFOs aren't the most pressing problem facing the US right now.

In fact, there's no proof that UFOs exist

Hope the guy sticks to his day job

There's no proof that UFO's exist? What are you talking about? I think you meant to say there's no proof that alien spaceships exist.

If something is flying in the sky and you can't identify what it is, it's a UFO. So how can you say UFOs don't exist? That's ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

" Comedian Chris Rock if I was elected president first thing I would do is find out about the UFOs "

Heck, I can tell him now!

Not that he'd listen....

Sorry to say, but JFK was the last prez to get full disclosure, the presidents security clearance is not high enough anymore. Do some digging, you'll find that is true.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

Of course,they exist...
Everyone knows that is why
William Cooper was killed....
Because he was talking too much about it...

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

Dear Mr. Rock,

The President of the United States doesn't have a high enough security clearance to find out ANYTHING about UFOs or ETs.

Nice try though, good joke.

With Love,


posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

I've always enjoyed these types of posts as they tend to bring out some of the more extreme emotional states of our members. Extreme pro or con, left or right, acceptance or rejection, etc. This sometimes is due to personal lack of concrete data on a subject matter, whether it be about aliens or flux capacitors, we substitute emotional information when we lack the perceivable facts or data of a sensitive or important issue.

That being said, I am with Chris on this hypothetical line of questions. There is a great deal of secrets surrounding the UFO phenomenon and while the need for some historical secrets that relate to military espionage could have been argued in the past, it is no longer required to keep the “misdirection” balloons or “target flares” a secret nor any of the other man made UFOs. This leaves us with any UFO that may be “other than man made”. The time has come for the governments of the world to disclose exactly what they do know about the subject to their constituencies.

Figuratively speaking, secrets tend to take on a life of their own, create and fortify very real mistrust and suspicion among the general population. Some of the harm not normally taken into consideration about these types of secrets is that they may also provide some cover for a wide range of nefarious activity not initiated by a government person, agent or an alien. Ever wonder why so many alien abductions, probing, missing time, etc, occur near a rural farm, ranch or other animal compounds? If you look hard enough you’ll find Ketamine, Rompin, Tiletamine, Rohypnol and an animal dart gun some where on that compound. When that person recovers from their missing time episode, naturally it is associated with an alien abduction, after all, Zed and Skeeter said they seen them lights in the sky again that same night.

I tend to believe that if the real truths about the UFO phenomenon were disclosed, other truths would also come into the light and more people like Zed and Skeeter might actually get caught and their clandestine rendezvous with the unsuspecting, would eventually be disclosed. Who knows, perhaps the Greys have actually witnessed Zed and Skeeter immobilizing those young campers with 200cc of “you won’t remember juice” from the end of a Cap-chur dart gun. Maybe they (Greys) are ready to come forward with testimony, documentation and photos of their own, after all, they’ve been taking the rap for Zed and Skeeter for far too long.

Just my opinion and something for you to think about.


posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 04:53 PM
While i do believe in other life outside our solar system/galaxy/ whatever you believe, i don't think that Chris Rock speaking about the issue of aliens should be 2nd to our current state of affairs.
If this technology were to be realized we couldn't even imagine the possibilities it would open up to us. Take for a minute that the transistor and silicon chip are like child play toys when compared to that of other "unknown" technologies.
So, for those that say this is not a priority I disagree.
It should be our first priority. Endless energy would lead to peace one day...or at the very least food in every human beings stomach!
Sorry for the long post...i think i'll register now!

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