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my friend, a bank manager, says Washington Mutual next (illuminati)

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posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 03:57 PM
So I have a friend who is a manager for a small privately owned independent bank. He just told me that Washington Mutual will be the next one to fold and that the Illuminati are behind all of it, that whats going on now has been in the works for the last few years.

Also, before the Lehman collapse ....a few months prior to this, billions were invested in a put options predicting a coming collapse.

Plus he says these illuminati types try to buy all the indy banks up and sometimes they get nasty with threats.

WHo knows

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 05:32 PM
I have been thinking this for the last few months. The current Economic turmoil is so the main banking families can buy the independent banks and financial corporations for dirt cheap.

We'll just have to wait and see how long it takes before they have enough bought to stop the speculation that is causing the global downturn.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:10 PM
This is all leading so there will be only the Global Bank no more HSBC Barclays Bank of America Chase etc

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 12:08 AM

10,000,000 poiints for all of you for getting it right! Yes, the purpose of the Rothschilds and other World Bankers is to control ALL of the Banking all of the time. To be able to switch you on and off as a world citizen if you don't behave.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 03:27 PM
ahahahahahaah you were right!!!!! /09/17/washington-mutual-begins-auction-to-sell-itself/?ref=business

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 06:46 PM
WOW!!!!! Self fulfilled prophecy!!!! Thats crazy. I should go talk to my buddy and ask who's next, I'll keep you guys posted.

WOW.... Im in shock!!!!

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 07:30 PM
Haha...Yea you should call him up and talk to him ASAP and let us get a heads up on what's about to go down.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by dominicus

I want everyone to check this thread out, and then look up Washington Mutual on Wikipedia: Washington Mutual

Look into the circumstances of the bank's collapse and how fast it happened and how unexpected it was. It's an interesting subject. Then check out the date of the O.P. in comparison - I actually had similar information as him about this, that's why I decided to check out these old threads.

Interesting, the O.P. was told about this in about the same time frame I heard about it.
edit on 27pmSun, 27 Oct 2013 17:48:57 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:01 PM

WOW!!!!! Self fulfilled prophecy!!!! Thats crazy. I should go talk to my buddy and ask who's next, I'll keep you guys posted.

WOW.... Im in shock!!!!

Save your shock, that link was almost 6 years old.
Good Grief.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:10 PM


WOW!!!!! Self fulfilled prophecy!!!! Thats crazy. I should go talk to my buddy and ask who's next, I'll keep you guys posted.

WOW.... Im in shock!!!!

Save your shock, that link was almost 6 years old.
Good Grief.

What I don't get is this:

If the PTB, whether NWO Rothchilds or 'Evil Illuminati'
or whatever actually exist... why on Earth would they
want to take over banks?

They already own the entire world's money supply
and printing presses for money, due to owning
the Federal Reserve and other central banks.

When you already OWN EVERYTHING either directly
or indirectly...

What is there to take over?



posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:10 PM



WOW!!!!! Self fulfilled prophecy!!!! Thats crazy. I should go talk to my buddy and ask who's next, I'll keep you guys posted.

WOW.... Im in shock!!!!

Save your shock, that link was almost 6 years old.
Good Grief.

What I don't get is this:

If the PTB, whether NWO Rothchilds or 'Evil Illuminati'
or whatever actually exist... why on Earth would they
want to take over banks?

They already own the entire world's money supply
and printing presses for money, due to owning
the Federal Reserve and other central banks.

When you already OWN EVERYTHING either directly
or indirectly...

What is there to take over?



It's not about ownership, it's about control.

Just because you own something doesn't mean you control it.

He who controls the money controls the masses.

Why do you think they stomped the bejesus out of Bitcoin?

And as the population explodes and more of the masses are relegated to a non-participatory role in the "economy", the level of control decreases proportionally.

And they are afraid....

And that is not good for us as that fear pushes them to find & employ other methods of control.

Dark days now. Darker days ahead.

And I don't believe there's any way to stop it at this's gone too far.

But that may not be a bad thing. In fact, it may be just the thing we need to finally deal with this head-on and realize the only control "they" have is the control we give them.

But I think you already know all this...

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Riffrafter

"It's not about ownership, it's about control."

Yes, the externalization of the ego into the world,
to attempt to cheat death. I know all about it.

Something like 1 terabyte of improved algorithms
for improved functioning, and all this human
insanity would be fixed.

There is this cosmic principle ---- "all itches must
be scratched --- and everything itches".

That is why our world is the way it is.. and no
sky daddies or mystic heroes are swooping in
to fix things.

Free will my just a cover.. all itches
must be scratched --- and everything itches..

Now there is a possible way to override..
through compassion.. compassion is one
of the universe's favorite games.. "God"
will roll over and let you scratch her
belly every time for someone who wants
to make her world loved and pretty..

But a 'scratched belly' may or may not
be enough depending on what is facing

As an aside: I'm surprised people don't call me
'mad'. The way I talk. In fact nobody on
ATS has denigrated me even a tiny bit
so far. I see other people get flamed
into the stone age; repeatedly. I almost
wish someone would do it, to get it
over with.



posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:20 PM


WOW!!!!! Self fulfilled prophecy!!!! Thats crazy. I should go talk to my buddy and ask who's next, I'll keep you guys posted.

WOW.... Im in shock!!!!

Save your shock, that link was almost 6 years old.
Good Grief.

so is the post you replied to.....

Good Grief!

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:23 PM


I'm surprised people don't call me
'mad'. The way I talk. In fact nobody on
ATS has denigrated me even a tiny bit
so far. I see other people get flamed
into the stone age; repeatedly. I almost
wish someone would do it, to get it
over with.



your a crazy psycho babbledegook nonsense spewer, how dare you! with all your filth! you have no clue what you speak of and never will!!!!

there, feel better now?
edit on 10/27/13 by pryingopen3rdeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:31 PM



WOW!!!!! Self fulfilled prophecy!!!! Thats crazy. I should go talk to my buddy and ask who's next, I'll keep you guys posted.

WOW.... Im in shock!!!!

Save your shock, that link was almost 6 years old.
Good Grief.

What I don't get is this:

If the PTB, whether NWO Rothchilds or 'Evil Illuminati'
or whatever actually exist... why on Earth would they
want to take over banks?

They already own the entire world's money supply
and printing presses for money, due to owning
the Federal Reserve and other central banks.

When you already OWN EVERYTHING either directly
or indirectly...

What is there to take over?



The ultimate goal, the end of the line objective, is not the money, period. The illuminati, the Rothschild are all Lucifer's human puppets. They want all the money in the world.

But Lucifer being the big chief here, couldn't give a damn about a mountain of cash. He wants our souls to burn aloing with him for eternity. That is the ultimate goal.

They already have all the money. Heck, they can snag all the money without having to have everyone suffer and writh in pain. But his and his closest generals sole objective is to ruin our souls.

He wants to get back at God for tossing him into eternal punishment, but I'm not even sure if he is merely inconveniencing him.

What an angry, ill tempered little child he is...

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:39 PM
"there, feel better now?"

to which I respond with "thank yo!" (eyes squinting with delight,
as Steve Martin pees in his pants in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels".

But I still wish I understood why I'm not being abused.. ah well..
plenty of time for that yet.


posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by bigman88

Perchance have you seen the movie "Forbidden Planet" ?

Wouldn't it be a kick in the pants if our world worked
that way.. at least for some things...



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