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If you were suddenly put in charge of your country....

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posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:09 PM
I've been reading a lot of posts lately that have to do with one side or the other, of the coming US Presidential elections. And there was a very interesting thread about why people don't like the USA very much right now. It got me to thinking. If YOU were suddenly in charge of whatever country you live in, America, Canada, England, Australia or wherever, what changes would you make?

So the point of this thread is not to bash the USA or any other country or political group. Whatever country you live in, I'd like you first to identify it, and then tell us what policy changes you would make if you were suddenly put in charge. No voting on it, no questioning it. Just law because you said so.

For me.....I'm in Canada. I'd allow marijuana and govern it like liquore. Taxed and at licensed stores. And I'd promote the other aspects of hemp farmimg. Bio-fuel, fabric thread, paper, etc. I'd endorse "green" policies for businesses to get tax breaks. Citizens who buy hybrid cars would see maybe 10-15% of the purchase price paid for by the same tax incentives.

I'd bring in the death penalty for the worst offenders of violent crimes, as decided by a jury of thier piers. Why should we pay to care for someone who doesn't want to be a member of our society and we don't intend on giving another chance to?

I'd expand health care to include more medicines for everyone, if they need them, without raising premiums too much. I'd cover dental, etc, too. I'd make a law to have no less than 1 statutory holiday per month, for all. I'd also pay our olympic level athletes a lot more money. I'd want them training FT. Not working FT and training PT. They provide a top source of national pride.

More money for doctors, nurses, etc. We need to keep them here. More free college programs, too. Maybe you start out having to pay your loans back. But upon graduation, they get excused. At least half anyways. All countries should want all thier citizens to reach thier full potentials. It's just better for the whole nation in the long run.

Anyways, thanks for your thoughts. Be nice and be well.

-Static Sky

[edit on 9/13/2008 by Static Sky]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:22 PM
I would just like to reiterate, this is NOT a political debate thread. This is a dream thread. You're in charge of your country. No votes on policy, no debating them either. You say it, it's now law. So that said, what changes would YOU make, to make your country better?

There are no right or wrong answers here, though other posters are free to ask you to justify your policy changes. No flaming and no trolling, please. More ideology, less political debate, please. Thanks. Peace.

-Static Sky

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:25 PM
Seeing that this is a fream thread......

I'd love to be British Prime Minister, but not be leader of any party, rather the Parties rallied behind me. I would govern for the poor, and generally leave the rich alone. I would, in this day and age, govern to make my country independant of both Europe and Oil. Beyond that, I would delegate.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by redled

What, specifically, would you delegate, please? Would you take from the rich to give to the poor? would you help give the poor better tools like free college, to better themselves? Please elaborate.

And for the purpose of this theoretical thread....POOF!!!! You are now in charge of your country.

Thanks for your time.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:38 PM
Me in charge of the USA

1. stop all foreign aid immediately. not one penny goes overseas.

2. change EPA laws on gasoline restrictions. all refineries would make one type of gasoline for the entire country.

2.5 open all areas in the US to drilling, (yes Anwar and Florida/California waters)

3. immediately begin repatriation of ALL illegals in the country.

4. implement the flat tax across the board and dismantle the IRA

5. recall all national guard soldiers to their respective states and re-deploy them to guard our borders.

6. finish "the wall" across California, Arizona and Texas.

7. force all American companies in Mexico to pay their employees the same wages their counterparts get paid in the U.S.

8. implement drug screening to those applying for foodstamps and welfare.

this would be just a start....

[edit on 13-9-2008 by Fathom]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:39 PM
I would make all forms of insurance illegal , with the exception of life insurance.


posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Fathom

Very intersting. Thank you for you ropinions, Fathom. (heck of an avatar, too). I very much agree with some and would like to hear expansion on others. anything else you'd like to add?

Be well. -Static Sky

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Roper

May I ask, why? Please do elaborate. we may all become richer for the experience.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:47 PM
I would put the Military in charge, I would insist that all criminals did hard labour, I would stop immigration, I would tax the very rich, all low income earners would not pay tax, I would nationalise all public transport and finally I would shut up the loudmouths who go on and on about global warming, if necessary I would send them to the artic regions, for good.
That's for starters.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:52 PM
I assume, you're from the UK? Why fight against those worried about global warming? Do they not have a point? Again, no wrong answers, just hoping for more of an explaination. Be well.

-Static Sky

PS; Love the criminals doing hard labor. Why not keep them working for the greater good, rather than in cages waiting to die? Good one.

[edit on 9/13/2008 by Static Sky]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:01 PM
Hi Static Sky, All the woolheads in this country do is impose "Green Taxes", another back door way of getting more tax, the citizens are held to blame for everything, we use to much gas, electric etc, how long before they restrict internet access, it uses electricity, therefore contributes to "Global Warming", and, in their opinion, will be deemed unenecessary. Yes, I am in the UK and it's going down hill FAST.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by alien life uk

Thanks for your 2 cents, alien life uk. The only thing I'll ask is, why cut 'green initiatives?' I think it's pretty important. You're welcome to your opinion here but isn't it important? Just my 2 cents. Be well my friend.

-Static Sky

PS; Whomever gave this thread a flag, thank you very much. I appreciate it. Peace.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:05 PM
Me in charge of Portugal:

I would take my country out of the EU, but keep the euro in a dual currency economy for a transitional period. I would bring the old currency back, but make it a real currency, either silver or gold backed and controlled by a state run bank, the state being a constitutional democracy. I would be off the fractional reserve system.

I would recover the old traditional industrys and reform agriculture. There would be deep reforms in how the populations could own land. Unused land and buildings reverts to the local admnistrations. No more elites running the whole show. I would have a very decentralized system where local authorities in every village control most of their business. Central government would just control monetary, military and big infrastructure projects. The legal system would be totally independent.

I would reform the education system deeply, taking it from a left brain marathon that leaves people all but brain dead at the end of it to a full brain experimentation system that stimulates people to actually learn for themselves. In school people would be taught vedic mathmatics and all the ins and outs of the legal system, so people are their own lawyers and familiar with the legal system, which would also be reformed and streamlined, into a principle based system, where individual laws are not more important than the ethical systems that precede them.

I would have all elections include a "none of the above" type option, where populations could veto the process, should the need arise. All voting would be paper based and peer reviewed. No digital shenanigans here thank you very much.

I would dismantle all the private tv networks and make a public free internet for everything instead, allowing people to broadcast their own content should they wish. There would be no patent and copyright laws, information would be totally free, and income would only come from work or property of physical objects. There however would be a minimal standard social security network, for those that wish to experience life without being part of the system. Live and let live here, they would still contribute to the economy by their consumption. And since it's not a fiat currency they are not a liability, the economy won't explode if it is not growing.

I would pull out of NATO.

I would probably be assassinated by the crime cartel the elites have because of all of the above, but it's the way to go for a true democratic and prosperous peacefull society of good people, for the rejection of the pyramid structure of inequity.

Edit: one more thing regarding taxation, there would be none, the state would emit currency as investment and there would be no need as the state controls the emission of capital. Regarding the environment or population behaviour, local authorities could handle those aspects and of course the education system would be more efficient and people would be more aware. I would also take care that there were no flouride or other pollutants in the water and that GMO's and additives to food and drink were deeply investigated and state run universities with peer review at a national level.

[edit on 13-9-2008 by Zepherian]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

Some terrific proposals in my humble opinion. Thanks for sharing, Zepherian. Well thought out and very well phrased, my friend.

Why pull out of NATO, though? Just a false power? I'm only trying to understand your point of view. I'm very greatfull to have a Portugese point of view here. It's obviously one that I can't predict for my own conjecture. Thanks for your time. Peace.

[edit on 9/13/2008 by Static Sky]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:13 PM
Insurance is a racket, pure and simple.

Health insurance is the main cause of high health cost.

If you own your home and pay home owners insurance watch out, after these hurricanes your insurance will go up starting Jan. 09, no matter where you live.


posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Roper

Very good points, my friend. Thank you for your time.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:23 PM
Nato has outlived it's usefullness, and as the recent Georgia debacle showed, the warmongers will just use it to bring about more wars, and I would take my country out of the racket. Everyone else kill themselves if they want, we would probably be building underground cities and arks with the prosperity an enlightened populations and a real currency would give.

Same goes for the UN, I'd drop that like a bad date, it's little more than population control, at all levels, for the sociopathic elites.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

Fair enough. It's your country, after all. Thank you very much for your input, Zepherian. Take care.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:40 PM
For the record, I still maintain I'd keep Canada in NATO and the UN. But I'd work hard to keep friendly relations with Portugal.
And maybe work hard to keep NATO and the UN relevant, as per all of our allies. Be well.

-Static Sky

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:56 PM
"What a brilliant question!"

First I would bring the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq and vow not to get involved in any more wars unless it threatened the UK directly or the world as a whole.
I'd tax those who earn millions and up peoples pensions and make our hospitals better.
Then I'd stop hitting the poorest in our communities and try to help get them back on their feet instead of putting the boot into them while they're down. But by far and away, the thing I would be delighted to do most would be to tear down every traffic camera and speed trap and sack the community patrol officers in favour of taking on proper police men.
"Vote for me, vote for me!!"

Sorry I got carried away there!

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