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Conspiracy of Missing Children

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posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 07:08 PM
it is very well knowed that for some reason, it is trivial or usual in satanic activities the abduction of childs in order to perform "sacrifice rituals"!there are a lor of statments too, where it is knowed that some times, for they'r "sabbath" "partys" they sexual raped babys, and they sacrifice them after., i think it is possible that if could exist a huge organized "clan" they can be "working" on places where it is espected that kids born, or go in a massive way, like "born hospitals" and thematic parks like disneyland ones and so on, in order they can "catch" the childs they nned. the only thing that can make me think that this could not be a good theory is the high amount of "desapeared childs", it is to much!, but satanic clans can be quite possible to be the reason behind the "vanishing" of a good % of them!

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by kangaxx
it is very well knowed that for some reason, it is trivial or usual in satanic activities the abduction of childs in order to perform "sacrifice rituals"!there are a lor of statments too, where it is knowed that some times, for they'r "sabbath" "partys" they sexual raped babys, and they sacrifice them after., i think it is possible that if could exist a huge organized "clan" they can be "working" on places where it is espected that kids born, or go in a massive way, like "born hospitals" and thematic parks like disneyland ones and so on, in order they can "catch" the childs they nned. the only thing that can make me think that this could not be a good theory is the high amount of "desapeared childs", it is to much!, but satanic clans can be quite possible to be the reason behind the "vanishing" of a good % of them!
maybe this sounds good to me i like it.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Ocelot

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
well one theory is prep for super soldiers there is a thread about it in mil and gov projects. its pretty good, kids would be recruited from orphanages or taken and then surgery drugs and training would be done to make the ultimate soldier. like HALO.

Super Soldiers eh?

I have to say that's a new one to me.

Military kidnapping children to use in special projects I can buy.... but super soldiers?

Hey stranger things have happened.

NOr is it without historical precedent. The elite troops of the Ottoman Empire, the Janissaries, were children who had been enslaved during Ottoman conquests, who were then raised to be an elite killing machine. With the level of technology we now have, I do not doubt that a better jobcould be done than the Ottomans managed.

To my horror, I have to say I think the idea of institutionalised and pervasive abuse and sexual slavery is more credible.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 09:52 PM
I'm becoming more horrified with each consecutive page of this discussion, and I still can't get my head around the statistics.

The Disneyland idea seems too fantastic for me. Aren't kids who go to Disneyland usually accompanied by their parents? Wouldn't it be rather obvious if numbers of children regularly went missing there?

I've been unable to get the Bohemian Grove stuff out of my mind, and I can't get my head around that either. I've read a lot of stuff about it from other websites, and about the cover-ups, and very reluctantly, I'm coming to the conclusion that SOMETHING there smells.

So the idea of sacrifice & satanic rituals doesn't seem far-fetched at all - if I accept the Bohemian Grove premise, which I understandably don't want to do. Just1Man said that this topic is ranked fairly highly on Google. Maybe this will strike fear into the perpetrators. Maybe the coming Bohemian Grove shindig will just be a distinguished meeting this year.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Bastet
So the idea of sacrifice & satanic rituals doesn't seem far-fetched at all - if I accept the Bohemian Grove premise, which I understandably don't want to do. Just1Man said that this topic is ranked fairly highly on Google. Maybe this will strike fear into the perpetrators. Maybe the coming Bohemian Grove shindig will just be a distinguished meeting this year.

I've been thinking that the most believable theories I've seen put forth in this thread are the satanic ritual abuse, and the kidnapping of children to be sold as sex slaves in other countries. That could account for a large number of the kids that are never recovered.

I know this is a hard topic for many of us to discuss but in my mind it's an important one. Thanks again to everyone who's contributed to this discussion.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 08:21 PM
i want to go back to about page 2, where it was mentioned about the dna.
Im in canada, and have two little babies, after i had my children a nurse comes in and takes some blood to check for vitamin k content, thats fine, i dont mind tests to make sure that my kids are healthy, but i found it a bit suspicious that they do it at 4:30 am until 5:00 am , they come into your room , or into the nurserey everymorning at that time and take the baby to do it. Is it the same in the states?

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 10:59 PM
I'm glad this thread has been revived, cos it's never left my mind, and I hate to nag.

The question of DNA was mentioned in another ATS thread at

and this could beg another question in the conspiracy of missing children. Actually, nothing seems too fantastic now. I really would like for some other minds to go over the possibilities mentioned in this thread.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 04:40 AM
Forgive me but I did not read the entire thread � just a couple pages. I just wanted to point out that I think you guys are reading into those numbers incorrectly. 58,200 children are not disappearing every year. These children are reported missing and they have been �abducted� but the large majority are found. The report states that out of the 58,200 only 115 cases were stereotypical kidnappings � meaning abducted, assaulted and murdered. You want to look for the stereotypical kidnapping numbers.

"Nonfamily Abduction" is defined by NISMART as:

An episode in which a nonfamily perpetrator takes a child by the use of physical force or threat of bodily harm or detains the child for a substantial period of time (at least 1 hour) in an isolated place by the use of physical force or threat of bodily harm without lawful authority or parental permission, or (2) an episode in which a child younger than 15 or mentally incompetent, and without lawful authority or parental permission, is taken or detained or voluntarily accompanies a nonfamily perpetrator who conceals the child�s whereabouts, demands ransom, or expresses the intention to keep the child permanently.

The NISMART report lists examples of the types of nonfamily abductions. Most are sexual assaults or disputes but the child is not killed and is returned home. Some examples of nonfamily abductions include a boyfriend won�t let girlfriend return home - mother gets worried and calls the police. Babysitter didn�t get paid so she moves children to a different location until she gets paid. A little girl was lured into some place by a predator with candy and sexual assaulted.

"Stereotypical kidnapping": A nonfamily abduction perpetrated by a slight acquaintance or stranger in which a child is detained overnight, transported at least 50 miles, held for ransom or abducted with intent to keep the child permanently, or killed.

All of the information in PDF files and FAQ�s can be found here:

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 06:23 AM
zerotime, I seem to be missing something that you're trying to point out here. Those .pdf files seem to contain a lot of estimated figures & somehow they look to have reduced 56,000 missing children to 115. How is this possible?

Runaways, throwaways, family & non-family abductions, my eyes grow dim, & nowhere can I find the bulk of missing children returned to their homes. Sorry, it looks a case of "lies, damn lies & statistics" to me - will someone please clarify what these statistics prove?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 07:22 AM
Seeing this thread has brought back some memories for me. Whe I was 6 years old, I remember playing outside in front of my house and a car pulled up by the curb. There was a man sitting in the back seat looking in front of him. I didn't see his face, as he was facing away.
The driver was also a man and he waved his hand at me to come to the car. He then told me that my father had instructed him to pick me up, so that I could meet some friends of his.
Of course, even as a 6 year old boy, my parents had said countless times that I wasn't supposed to listen to, or go with strangers, so I ran back into the house.
Yesterday I came across the website of the National Centre for Missing & Exploited children:

I think about how close I came to being possbily abducted whilst looking at the postings on that website, and consider myself extremely lucky.
I feel terrible for those children who may never get a chance to make contributions to the world.
Anyway, I found this link on statistics on missing juveniles in Australia as that is where I am from:

What I found especially disturbing, is when you add up the missing male and female juveniles for the year 1998/99, it adds up to 14861.

Let me remind you, that the population count in Australia is approx. 20 million.
The population count in the US is approx. 300 million. (Even if this figure is innacurate to 20-30 million plus or minus, it still demonstrates a high ratio of missing juveniles in Australia.

I believe that their might be links to what is going on in both countries. As to what those links might be, I couldn't say for certain, but I guess that's what we are here for. I hope soon we all can find out what really is going on and do something about it.
Above all of this, let's remember that one child missing, is one child too much.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:13 AM
Those are horrifying figures for Australia as well. I'm still confused by the US figures for one year being somehow reduced from 56,000 to 115, and I wish some statistical/mathematical whizz would explain this to me.

Far far too many missing children. And apart from those who compile all the statistics, is anything being done - or more to the point, what can be done about this?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 01:30 PM
It's not just children.. about just as many adults disappear per year.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 03:47 PM
I've been reading this thread & found it very interesting & important. Here are a few notes on it from a Pagan perspective. Please read through the entire post before expressing your opinion on its contents:

1. Not all openly practicing Satanists practice child sacrifice & ritual child abuse. In fact, most do not. Satanism is like every other religion -- there are a small percentage who are fanatics & criminals. I myself am not a Satanist & do not agree with everything they say, but I know enough about them through research & encountering their personalities on message boards to say this. Of course, one could say to me: well, show proof that most of them aren't child-sacrificers/abusers. And I would say: show proof that they are. I think we have more proof that there are priests in the Catholic church who are child abusers than we have for open Satanists.
2. Aleister Crowley and Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey have both stated in their written works that they do not promote child sacrifice. LaVey has explicitly said in his "10 Commandments of Satanism"-type document that hurting children or animals are especially taboo "Satanism respects and exalts life. Children and animals are the purest expressions of that life force, and as such are held sacred and precious..."
3. But having said this, a distinction needs to be made between Satanists of the openly practicing Church of Satan/Crowley variety and those who practice ritual black magic. Modern Satanism is a relatively recent phenomena. Ritual black magic & child sacrifice has been around forever.
4. Child sacrifice/abuse has been linked to ritual black magic throughout the centuries. It has taken place in many cultures and under many names. I hazard to guess that even some cavemen were doing it. However, this is not Satanism per se. This dark impulse to harm & kill children & babies has manifested in all sorts of religions over millennia. And as I study different secret societies thru history it is one thing that comes up again & again.
5. So I can totally believe that some missing children are undergoing black magic/ritual abuse & murder. I do not believe that all of the accusations of "Satanic Panic" in the 80s was a result of false-memory syndrome. What I believe is that the "witchhunts" were considered fine by the "powers that be" until it started hitting too close to home--and then a campaign was started to discredit & bury the stories.
6. Your children have more to fear from the seemingly normal, upright citizens who are secretly practicing ritual black magic than from the outspoken Satanist who lives on the next block and wears a black shirt and a pentagram. If you rounded up all the Satanists in the world & locked them up or burned them you would still have child abduction, ritual abuse, and murder. The real culprits who are doing this are so normal, so well-connected, so organized, that you'd never hear "boo" about them.
7. One more time I would like to emphasize: "black magic" is non-denominational. It stretches across all cultures & religions. The horrid idea that sacrificing a child will bring power is ancient and transcends all cultures & religions. When you look at it from that perspective, it makes all of this even scarier.

I also believe that children are being abducted for organs and other medical reasons. And that the idea of abducting children in order to brainwash them into perfect soldiers and "sleeper agents" has also been around forever.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 04:58 PM
Bastet: Read what I wrote. A nonfamily abduction does not mean that they disappeared off the face of the earth and were never heard from again. The information is there in the link and the links that other people are posting. 52,000 children are not disappearing forever in the US every year. I�m not saying that nonfamily abductions end happy. It seems that most end in a sexual assault � but not a murder.

The documents say the following:

During the study year, there were an estimated 115 stereotypical kidnappings, defined as abductions perpetrated by a stranger or slight acquaintance and involving a child who was transported 50 or more
miles, detained overnight, held for ransom or with the intent to keep the child permanently, or killed.

There were an estimated 58,200 child victims of nonfamily abduction, defined more broadly to include all nonfamily perpetrators (friends and acquaintances as well as strangers) and crimes involving lesser amounts of forced movement or detention in addition to the more serious crimes entailed in stereotypical kidnappings.

This is the PDF that list information about stereotypical kidnappings and nonfamily abductions. They also give many examples of nonfamily abductions and none of the examples include murder or a victim that completely vanishes off the face of the earth. Those statistics fall into the category of stereotypical kidnappings, which the file also lists.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 05:55 PM
Ocelot let me start off by commending you. It is good to see that someone has brought this topic up on ATS. I do believe the statistics are probably close, if not correct. See with those numbers so high you would think someone on ATS (considering how many members we have) would be missing a family member as well.

And it is true.

My wife's sister Wendy Kathleen Hudakoc went missing a few years back and there is not one, and I mean ONE, single piece of evidence. I do not feel like typing her story as I live with the fact that I have, nor do I think I will ever, meet her. Do a google, her story is all over the place.

I do have info on how many children go missing and such...I will try to dig it out.

Ocelot and everyone else contributing to this thread, thank you for searching for the truth

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:36 PM
something tells me the the information is being manipulated fact are being altered to cover up whats really going on I have read that hundreds are in the underground labs at Dulce used in experiments by the Greys

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 09:10 AM
Police bust baby-trafficking ring
Chinese police have arrested 95 people suspected of trafficking babies in northern provinces after buying them from hospitals and clinics, state press reported Tuesday......

I thought this news article was relevant to this thread.
It just shows that this is not just a problem in the Western world, but also a problem in the East as well.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 04:24 PM
Some cases to do with the Church

Interesting read about high officals of govenment

I personally think it goes right up to the head of churches and Govenments all over the world. Why would they do this though? that is a lot of Children and I can't see perversion being the sole cause for these missing children.

Here in the UK a High court Judge who sentanced others to jail for looking at child porn was today in court himself. He was found to have 75 explicit images of children on his computer. He got off with 24 hours community bulls**t!!

The system protects its own!

[edit on 13-7-2004 by 7th_Chakra]

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 09:03 PM
OK zerotime, I've read it all again. Well, maybe they don't all stay missing in that year that the study seems to focus on - but the incidence of abuse is horrific.

It was mentioned by another poster that there are equal numbers of missing adults - agreed, but children are the more vulnerable group, children are our future, and they are the ones most in need of protection. I too thank Ocelot for highlighting this terrible problem.

Maybe there has been too much of the wrong type of freedom where the Internet is concerned. For example, the very names of some of the newsgroups that are listed in my news reader are shocking, especially in the alt.binaries category. I'm sure ATS members will know the ones I mean - "erotic" images of children can be freely d/loaded from these, or that's how it seems to me.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 11:47 AM
two questions:

a) is that "conspiracy of silence" video going around the internet anywhere?
b) the thread that just got closed mentions "boys' town", which had a branch near where I grew up that had a scandal iinvolving abuse, etc., though it was never clear if it was sexual abuse or simply physical abuse. has anyone done any serious investigations of boys' town?

for those who don't know, boys' town is an organization that runs a bunch of "boys' towns" that are supposed to rehabilitate abused/runaway/criminal young boys (apparently there's also a similar "girls' town" now) in a controlled setting, usually out in the woods somewhere. it's had its share of abuse scandals, i'm sure, which you'd expect -- it seems like the kind of place that would inadvertently attract a lot of pervs for employees, some of whom might slip through the screening process -- but the article in the thread that just got locked:

is the first that mentions boys' town as being directly connected to anything sinister. is there any further information about a serious (ie, not accidental or one-off) connection between bos' town and anything else?

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