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'Wake Up America!': Kucinich Tells DNC

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posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:54 AM

'Wake Up America!': Kucinich Tells DNC

"Wake up America," Kucinich declared from the podium of the Democratic National Convention. "In 2001 the oil companies, the war contractors and the neocon-artists seized the economy and added $4 trillion of unproductive spending to the national debt. ... Trillions of dollars for an unnecessary war paid for with borrowed money."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Although this will likely end up in the political forum, the speech itself I felt was worthy of B.A.N., as it addresses literally every conspiracy against the populace of this nation for the past several years.

Corporate and gov war profiteering, illegal spying as an intimidation tactic, etc.,etc., etc....

The only thing I would disagree with kucinich on is that this is no longer a PARTY issue---This is now a TWO Party crime family, with nearly ALL members from BOTH sides in on the action.

But I agree with the wake up America statement---People are still sleepwalking right through these elections, believing that EITHER of these two Bilderberger selected puppets are going to do ANYTHING to change the course this nation has been on...

"This administration can tap our phones -- but they can' t tamper our creative spirit," he said. "They can open our mail, but the can' t open economic opportunities. They can track our every move, but they lost track of the economy while the cost of food, gasoline, and electricity skyrockets. Now, they have skillfully played our post 9/11 fears, and they've allowed the few to profit at the expense of the many."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 11:06 AM
I think Kucinich and Ron Paul are old-timers as far as politics go. NOW, you would be hard-pressed to get a new honest person in. Kucinich and Paul have been loved by their populous for many years, and so it's harder for the corrupt to take them down.

They are the last of the honest politicians... I know it sounds like an oxy-moron already. But, there is no way now, to get in, competing with those who have sold their souls to TPTB.

I would think about anything these last two say, seriously... Kucinich is sincerely trying to wake people up, and make them see what is really going on.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Wow, kucinich was at the DNC?

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:32 PM
thanks for posting this..

much love to Kucinich and all of you..

On September 10, 2008, we want to deliver ONE MILLION signatures to
Congress urging them to exercise their Constitutional authority and mandate to
hold this President - and all future Presidents - accountable.

Please sign NOW! And ask everyone you know to sign.
The power to change the world is in your hands!

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:49 PM
Good luck to Kucinich to get 1 million signatures...His "deadline" time is fast approaching & he's still about 90% short. Hey, don't blame me...My signature is already on it!

My signature's also on the 7 petitions that WTP sent up to the government over the past months & years...I think it's too late to get more signatures on those petitions though, because they've already been sent. Even if it's too late to sign any of them, they still make a good read, though. There were so many signatures that they had to be put on CD's...

Geez, DD...You keep coming up with lots of new stuff for ATS. How many hours do you spend every day just to sift through the news, anyway? I'll even bet that you use practice meditation to cut down on the sleep-time, don't you?

Edited to add: Ooops! I just found another thread about this same story that started the day before this thread...It's over here

[edit on 27-8-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by tomfrusso

That reminds me, does Ron Paul have plans to be at the RNC? I know he's hosting his own little convention, but I don't remember if he will still be at the RNC or not.

As far as "Wake up America!" goes, if only those words alone could actually wake some people up, we would be a lot better off by now. Too bad Kucinich was drowned out by everybody else.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:20 AM
I thought Kucinich delivered an awesome speech.

I love seeing a politician with some passion and conviction behind his words. Everything he said made a lot of sense.

If there was a Paul/Kucinich ticket this year I would vote for them in a split second.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:41 AM
He's right on the money.
Won't do any good but hey it's nice to hear.

- Lee

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Kucinich gave a very good speech, but one that is representative of the positions of the Democratic party as a whole. IMO there was no departure from the party line. If you support what Kucinich has said, vote Democratic.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:26 PM
Here's the direct imbed of the video from his speech:

Overall, a good speech which calls out many of the nightmarish problems, but like siestas alluded to, it unfortunately doesn't address the hugest issue of all: THAT THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THESE PARTIES ANYMORE, and ALL OF THIS CONGRESS AND HOUSE, on BOTH SIDES. is COMPLETELY CORRUPT.

Kucinich and Paul should run on an independent ticket and call out this entire establishment---Unfortunately, as we have already seen, the Corpomedia would not allow that to occur...

[edit on 28-8-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Hey I just watched the speech, and man, I'm surprised such a thing was allowed in public.
No, I am actually impressed with what he had to say. Kind of makes me feel better, as if not all politicians are bad-ass money makers, and a lot of major people there got to hear what he had to say. I'm not sure if anyone will take it to heart, but nice to see someone say what needs to be said even though it wasn't Ron paul.
If anyone wants to see the speech, here is a youtube link.

However, you may want to turn your speakers up a bit, the sound is a little quiet.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
Kucinich gave a very good speech, but one that is representative of the positions of the Democratic party as a whole. IMO there was no departure from the party line. If you support what Kucinich has said, vote Democratic.

I disagree totally, and completely, 100% with what you said about supporting the Democrat party because you agree with Kucinich.

Have you seen what Obama supports? He seems to be a LITTLE different from Kucinich...

Not gunna participate in dragging the country down into the dirt even more. If there was a Paul/Kucinich ticket, it would be proof that evil works together, without party boundaries, but so does GOOD.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:35 PM
I....Let me just say this a nice way...He reminds me of a angry little elf, and I can't take a thing he says to heart. Kind of like a poor mans Ross Perot. He is out of his mind. I respect him for his passion, but beyond that..
He is just a joke to most of America.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Unfortunatly there is nothing we can do. We can sign petitions till we are blue in the face, the government isnt going to change. All government officials are somewhat corrupt. Nothing we can do about it.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by TXMACHINEGUNDLR
I....Let me just say this a nice way...He reminds me of a angry little elf, and I can't take a thing he says to heart. Kind of like a poor mans Ross Perot. He is out of his mind. I respect him for his passion, but beyond that..
He is just a joke to most of America.

hmm... typical. how come when someone that's right, and there's no proof that they're wrong, comes to the spotlight, these neo-cons ALWAYS attack their character. Hannity & Colmes do it, the Clinton/Bush dynasty does it, and now you do it.

Kucinich is stating very broad subjects here, lacking in any details - he's not really being specific at all, probably for time reasons, and the first thing that comes to mind for you is to make fun of him? why do you think he's "out of his mind"??? what makes him a joke? you want McCain to win, don't you?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:29 PM
i was just thinking about how, as much as i'd love to vote for a Paul/Kucinich ticket, Ron Paul's still a freemason, and i don't endorse Kucinich's using of the phrase "Wake up, America"...

if he REALLY wanted to have America wake up, he'd say more about FREE energy, and how there's a real science out there that can harness free energy from Earth's magnetic field and rotation. instead he addresses oil issues like they're the only foreseeable energy source, for at least a while, into the future. oil's still a fossil fuel and is heavily detrimental to our environment on all levels - it's time we, as a species, graduate from that caveman technology and use something slightly more complex than fire to power our transportational vessels.

my problem with his usage of the phrase, "Wake up, America", lies in the fact that people will think that what he's got to say, is all there is to wake up to. the fact is, is that he's still a politician working for our serpentile government, and there's a MUCH bigger picture behind the scenes that we're not "officially" privied to as citizens.

i'm sure most of you get an idea where i'm coming from, that being told to "wake up" these days usually means to open your eyes to the conspiratorial world of the truth about government, extra-terrestrial life in our uni/multi-verse, free energy, etc. - it does not mean beating around the bush about the real, important issues at hand. moreover, it seems Kucunich is a half-step away from trademarking that slogan...

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:36 PM
Well done,mr.Kucinich! far too many people don't wanna hearwhat he and Ron Paul have to say since it means taking a real hard look at where we are as a nation.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by mike dangerously]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by adrenochrome

I think Kucinich is much more aware than you realize.

Remember, he admitted to seeing a UFO on national TV. According to Steven Greer, Kucinich has been briefed by the Disclosure Project on UFOs/ETs. And I'm sure he's aware of the "free energy" issue as well.

I think that he knew he only had a few precious minutes of airtime, so he chose to speak about the issues that would resonate with the MOST people. He could have maybe spoken about ETs or free energy or 9/11 Truth - but that would have alienated (no pun intended) a lot of people....

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

thank you! to be honest i haven't followed Kucinich much at all, so i'm still learning about him. i guess i was just saying that our job is gonna be even harder if he DOESN'T mention the whole side of the story. our job, as in waking up the fine members of this planet to the real truth out there - that it's more than just what a government official says it is.

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