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My EVP experiences

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 07:17 PM
A few years ago, I decided to try my hand at recording EVP’s because I was sure that there was a logical explanation for this phenomena. I was able to record an EVP the very first time I tried, and have recorded literally hundreds.

I live in an area that is rich in Civil War history and I decided that a location about a mile from my house would be the perfect place to record some EVP’s. The location in question was the Ellwood house, which is located in Virginia near the junction of Rt 3 and Rt 20, about ¼ mile from the Wilderness Battlefield.

Ellwood has a long and interesting history, it served as a headquarters and for a time as a hospital during the civil war and so many people died there that they buried them in the yard. I thought that if there was ever a place that should be good for EVP’s, this would be it.

The grounds were open on the weekends at that time of year, so I stopped by there to see what I could find out. The house was undergoing ( and still is I believe ) renovations and is not currently open to the public. You can walk around the house and grounds and look in the windows, but you can’t go inside the actual structure. There were some people there that day from a local organization that was trying to raise funds to help pay for the renovation project. One particular gentleman, I can’t recall his name, had a little setup that demonstrated Civil War medicine and I decided to talk to him about what I was interested in doing. Instead of thinking I was bonkers, he told me stories about some of the things they has seen there. All I can recall now is the story of a little girl who appeared to be 9-10 years of age that numerous people had seen cross the yard dressed in period clothing that would just simply fade away.
This piqued my interest even more, and this led me to the park rangers at the Chancellorville Battlefield site, who instead of trying to have me committed, pointed me to another Park Ranger who was in charge of security for the Fredericksburg area civil war sites. The initial phone call to this man did not appear to go very well, his main concern was that someone would be injured while walking around after dark on park property. He told me to fill out a request form for access to park property after hours and he would run it through.

Needless to say, I was surprised to receive a letter in the mail about 3 weeks later granting me and up to 2 other people unlimited, unescorted access to the Ellwood grounds from 6pm to 6am for the purpose of “recording night sounds”. The stipulations were that because the grounds were locked at night, I had to leave my car parked at the gate with a copy of my approval taped to the window so any curious rangers/police would know what we were doing there. And of course, we were not allowed inside the house, and as the house is alarmed, should we accidently set off the alarm, we were to remain on site until a ranger arrived. (No, we never set off the alarm).

If you have read my previous post here on ATS in this forum about how to record EVP’s, then you know that I believe that anybody can record EVP’s anytime, anywhere they so desire. This time was fairly early in my EVP experimenting, and I was going around to different places recording EVPS. I asked for permission to do this at night for 2 reasons: 1., No other people would be around, and 2., there would be less background noise at night.

This transpired in the fall of 2005 and it was cool enough in the evenings by then that the bugs were quiet at night, some nights is was down right cold sittin out there recording. My daughter went with me most every time I went, and after a few trips, we got used to the nuances of the old house and the pops and creaks and what not.

All of my recordings were done on the front porch, you can see the porch in the link posted at the end of the story.

Although we never physically saw anything out of the ordinary, it’s almost impossible not to get creeped out after sitting there in the dark knowing so many people died all around the very spot you were sitting.

One thing I do want to mention is the cold spots. At first they were kind of uncomforting, but we got used to them after a while. They appeared to be about the size of a bowling ball, and would move around you, almost as if they were checking you out. If you put your hand into one of the spots, you could easily tell there was a temperature difference of at least 5 degrees of so. To this day, I have no explanation of what this was, but I can say that I never felt threatened. I remember one specific instance of feeling one of these spots checking me out (for lack of a better description) and it moved up my body and drifted by my face. Like I said, there is no other description than to say it was simply a area of air that was somewhat colder than the air only a few inches away.
My daughter and I experienced these cold spots every single time we went to the house, and it always seemed that the spots were just as curious about us as we were of them.

I took my son with me one night, and for being 25 years old, he was the biggest chicken you have ever seen. I wound up calling him Turkey Boy cause he couldn’t keep still and was constantly raising his head up and looking around like a wild turkey does. The first time he got a cold spot, he totally freaked and almost lost it... I never took him back

I don’t recall how many trips we made, or exactly how many EVP’s I recorded, but I do remember 2 of them, and I will never forget them. They were both recorded on the porch.

The best one was a voice that was actually recorded backwards… that was my first reverse recording and one of the clearest EVP’s I have ever recorded. The phenomena was recorded shortly after me asking the question “ If you stayed in this house, can you tell us how long you stayed here?” Although the EVP had nothing to do with the question, when I was listening to the playback, I distinctly heard something that sounded like a voice, but was garbled. When it was reversed, you could clearly hear a man say…. “shot me in the back”. This wasn’t a whisper, it was a voice. The second EVP was a personal favorite of mine and had me quite perplexed for some time. This EVP was a long slow whisper, almost as if it were a effort for it to be said….. my first impression was that it was someone whispering “Wild Bill Hickcock” in a long drawn out manner.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by RickinVa]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 07:18 PM
I had my wife listen to it, and despite being the most EVP challenged person on the face of this planet, she could hear it too. I remained puzzled for a few days, I kept listening to the EVP, and I kept hearing “Wild Bill Hickcock”. One day while I was in the “library” I was looking through some of the battlefield brochures I had picked up. I was reading one about the Wilderness battle, which I believe was the 3rd deadliest battle of the civil war. Ellwood is about ¼ mile from the battlefield location. As I flipped through the pages, there was a picture of a General, and as soon as I saw his picture and his name a cold chill ran up my spine and I knew what the voice was saying….. it wasn’t saying “Wild Bill Hickcock”. The General’s name was Winfield Hancock. Although I was never able to find documentation that he was at the Ellwood house, I have no doubts.
I wish I could play these EVP’s for you, but my wonderful hosting company who shall remain nameless…GLOBAT….GLOBAT…GLOBAT…. did someone say GLOBAT? Some how managed to lose everything on my website when their server crashed and they didn’t bother to have anything backed up.
Over the last few years, those EVP’s have become lost… I have looked and looked through my old drives and files, but alas they seem to be gone forever.


[edit on 24-8-2008 by RickinVa]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

That was an amazing post. How come one of them had to be played backwards? I've never heard of an EVP working this way.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by Soulstone]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:20 PM
I dont know,,,

I have recorded a couple that were backwards, why they are backwards I havent the faintest idea, but its been discussed on ohter EVP sites

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

I looked at your old thread. You said you used a Panasonic to pick up the noises. Can you tell me what model you're using?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 06:58 AM
Panasonic RR-US360

the software that came with the recorder doesnt work with Vista, any previous version of Windows is ok

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

Damn, I'm using Vista. Do you know of any good alternatives that are vista compatible.

Btw I believe strongly in EVPs whatever they are. I recorded some yelling out my name. Others have heard it before I even suggested what it might be. It sounded like a middle aged mans voice. I've had 2 other EVPs with the same voice saying my name again. Same spirit or whatever it is.

I've always considered myself a weak medium. But some sort of medium. I have heard the same voice that was recorded without an EVP too.

In my personal opinion these are spirits in a sense. But more impressions from residual energy.

[edit on 25-8-2008 by Soulstone]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:02 PM
I havent researched a new recorder, but i need to.... I have to use my laptop to convert the files and then thumbdrive over to my regular computer and its a pita.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:14 PM
Here's a Sony... its $199.00 but it is Vista compatable

Another Sony....$99.00... dosent require software... its records in MP3 format

you can use a free software program called Audacity to convert MP3 to .Wav

[edit on 25-8-2008 by RickinVa]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

Poor audio equipment + lossy codecs + impressionable minds = EVPs.

They don't exist. They never have.


posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by dave420

And so dismissive ignorance decided to walk into this topic. Actually none of the things you stated were true about my EVPs. Your arrogance knows no bounds. Please leave.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

Ah, thanks
. I will be buying it some time later this week probably.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by dave420

You should simply try and record some evps...what you may find might shock you

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

I agree he should. But that's the kind of arrogance that should be intolerable on forums which are dedicated to finding the truth. "NEXT!" like he is the say all end all of every EVP.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by dave420

better yet, in a 2 line post he has managed to negate over 50 years of people recording EVP.

He should be able to solve the worlds problems with a 3 or 4 line post

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