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Obama says if Americans inflated their tires properly we would save oil!

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality

The first thought that came to mind when I read this was that my tires are not the only thing full of air. If this is his answer to our problems we are truly screwed if he gets elected.
(visit the link for the full news article)

As stated my many and even the Auto industry, properly inflated tires will save you on gas, which down the line saves oil. How is he wrong, this thread is an uneducated bash attempt.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

Um, except OBAMA IS 100% RIGHT!
Actually, according to the math, Obama is 400% right as 800,000 is 400% of 200,000.

So again, epic fail for McBush and his 200,000 barrels a day starting 20 years from now when oil probably won't even be the main energy provider for cars.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by VDOG.45

What a Jackass Obama and his hot air is...

We can't forget McCain, and his 'Boiled Hot Water for Dehydrated Babies' statement. That whole speech in front of that green wall was his 'jumping the shark' moment. Obama was packing the Arena where the Republicans will have their Convention, and McCain is standing there looking scared and queesy in front of that green backdrop.

I guess if we don't count any other Gaffes on McCain's part, you could say that the dehydrated babies statement counteracts the 57 states statement, Obama just needs McCain to do something stupid again to be even again. Oh wait, there is the one where he offers his wife up for a topless beauty pageant, just the other day.... Now that news has spread the world over....

From The Times of India:
McCain's wife in topless beauty pageant?

The US presidential campaign has seen many sides of its competitors, one being Republican presidential hopeful John McCain asking his wife to take part in a topless beauty pageant.

The beauty pageant not only includes topless women, but on occasion bottomless ones too, as per .

"I was looking at the Sturgis schedule, and noticed that you had a beauty pageant, so I encouraged Cindy to compete," Usmagazine quoted McCain as saying at a rally in Sturgis, South Dakota.

"I told her [that] with a little luck, she could be the only woman to serve as both the First Lady and Miss Buffalo Chip," he added.

I guess maybe they are even after all.

Especially since Obama's comment about the tire pressure is not 'his whole energy plan', it was one statement he made remarking on how Americans being more diligent about their tire pressure would free up more gasoline today than McCain's whole energy plan would provide. I can see how people might get that confused.

So actually, it looks like McCain has jumped the shark 2 times since Obama's 57 states comment. I wonder what else McCain has up his sleeve between now and November.

Maybe he is planning on doing an event for the younger demographics, where he parachutes into a stadium filled with adoring fans to perform a hip hop version of his hit song, "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran", live onstage with a supporting cast of Kid Rock and the Beach Boys. That would be cool. He could give out the 25 dollar tire gauges from his website.

Jumping the Shark... ha ha ha

Edit to add:
Oh forgot this tidbit... alas I posted too soon.

John McCain says we need offshore oil drilling and we need it now. Senator Barack Obama has consistently opposed offshore drilling - calling it a "gimmick." Senator Obama's solution to high gas prices is telling Americans to make sure their tires are inflated.

Today, we're asking for your help in putting Senator Obama's "tire gauge" energy policy to the test. With an immediate donation of $25 or more below, we will send you an "Obama Energy Plan" tire pressure gauge.

Please complete the form below to complete your contribution. Thank you!

Ha ha..... McCain is the one who jumped the gun and the shark in regard to Obama and the tire gauge...

[edit on 7/8/2008 by DocMoreau]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Krieger
reply to post by RRconservative

Um, except OBAMA IS 100% RIGHT!
Actually, according to the math, Obama is 400% right as 800,000 is 400% of 200,000.

That is assuming that ALL Americans are stupid enough to drive around on flat tires. So I guess Obama thinks Americans are stupid?

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:53 AM
I don't like McCain anymore than I like Obama. I'm not just singling out Obama because hes a democrat/liberal I'm singling out one of his latest big ideas.

Yeah, I'm aware that if everyone did regular tune ups and inflated their tires it would save on gas millage. I'm not denying that its a good thing to do and I'm not saying it wont save you money I'm just saying I'm unhappy with the lack of creativeness either candidate has had up until now.

I'm ready for someone to get in the White House and make some real suggestions that can actually be put to work. Whimsical ideas that sound good and look good on paper are not going to get it done! I'm a critical person, so what! There are so many better things both of them could be talking about instead of the crap they are feeding the news.

If he was serious about his automobile theory he should be talking about some sort of mandate on drivers to service your automobile regularly,alternative energy or anything plausible.

We need Ron Paul!!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

Good try, RR....problem is, McCain actually, just a few days ago, admitted that what the AAA says, about tire inflation, is indeed true.

Not only does it help with mileage, on long trips at highway speeds, it is also a safety issue....this seems to have been lost, this aspect.

Of course....where are we all going to go to inflate our tires? I bought a compressor froim Sears, but not everyone can afford, now we have a compressor-conspiracy!!

Or, we can try to find a gas station to inflate our tires, but many wish to charge (Gulp!) $.50 just to use their air!! Now, this is the true conspiracy!!!

No wonder Exxon/Mobile made billions and billions of profit (after taxes) in just one quarter. Hmmmmmmmm......

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
[No wonder Exxon/Mobile made billions and billions of profit (after taxes) in just one quarter. Hmmmmmmmm......

It's not after taxes...You are taxed on profit...So whatever Exxon made, at a 50% tax rate, the government profitted just as much.

If you do the regular maintenence on your vehicle like you are supposed to, how can doing what you are supposed to do save you money?

That is like saying "It is healthy to drink 8 glasses of water a day" If you are already doing that, would drinking twice as much make you twice as healthy?

How can you save money on properly inflating your tires....if they were properly inflated in the first place. And to suggest a majority are not properly inflated is insinuating that Americans are too stupid to realize it.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by RRconservative, drinking too much water is actually hazardous.

What you are conveniently not noticing is....Governor Crist of Fla (on McCain's short list for VP) actually advocated keeping tires inflated, and regular has the AAA, so has the NHTSA....a Bush Administration Department....and even McBush....sorry, 'mccain' himself, just a day ago, said that the AA is correct. THIS after he made political hay about obama's comments.


Next, mccain is going windsurfing!!!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

You are supposed to keep your tires properly inflated. How can you be against it? It's required maintence for any vehicle on the road.

Obama is assuming people are so stupid that they don't keep their tires properly inflated. That is the problem.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
reply to post by weedwhacker

Obama is assuming people are so stupid that they don't keep their tires properly inflated. That is the problem.

Make no mistake, it's been proven that in general, people are stupid. The re-election of G.W.B for instance.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by VDOG.45
Let's not leave out that Obama has Visited all 57 States now, except for Alaska and Hawai....

What a Jackass Obama and his hot air is...

You seemed like a mature person from the pic on your avatar, and now you post this. What a dissapointment, Sir.

sorry, I got a little carried away there. Read up on Obama, I'm just tired of people blindly following him without knowing the true Character of the man. Most of his followers have never even read his boo "The Audacity of Hope" nor do they know or understand his voting record!

Obama makes a Socialist look good. His traversing the World as the President or (Citezen of the World as he put it) really takes the cake!

I will leave it at that! Obama followers/supporters Please do some homework and research on the Man you would want to be POTUS.

I wont vote for either candidate, I'm voting for myself as a write in Candidate, I have 5 people voting for me so Grass roots campaign on a shoestring budget.


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:06 PM
What theory... the part of your source that caught my eye was this:

Ultimately, he believes, the reset of the world will follow the U.S. lead in biofuels and demand destruction.

Kinda sounds like these guys want to count on the world to help their plan out. Are the republicans in congress going along with this???? Are they trying to run for "congress of the world"??

See how it sounds when flipped????

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by VDOG.45

Obama makes a Socialist look good. His traversing the World as the President or (Citezen of the World as he put it) really takes the cake!

Well, why is it that conservatives get off on pissing on everyone that wasn't born in America????

I am American and would like to be able to hold my head up high when asked. You should be ashamed of the way you guys have tried to use this "why do you hate America" rhetoric to make anyone who disagrees with the blatant abuses of power sound like a hippie.

I'm just tired of the world thinking we are ALL douche-bags.....and I don't want to be lumped in with you.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Grafilthy

Ummm....sorry if this has been mentioned already....John McCain the third was NOT BORN IN America. Yes, this is the same john McCain who is the presumptive Republican nominee...the son of an Admiral....the same McCain who caved in while a POW in VietNam, and made propoganda films, for the VietCong....he is a traitor.

But I digress....John McCain the third was born in Panama. The hitch is, it is a 'territory' of the, he seems to be valid, as far as being 'Native Born'. Obama was born in Hawai'i....which, as far as I recall, has been a state since before I was born, and I was born in 1957.

So, let's legititimize these candidates, on a level playing field....

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker took that out of context. I meant they treat other people, who are not US citizens like they are lesser human beings.

As far as what you said, ...true. They are both eligible to run for POTUS.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:19 PM
This thread needs to be deleted that is not all Obama said. Inflating tires is only one of the things he listed. What's the point of buying a gas efficient car if you never change your oil, inflate your tires, or do any maintenance to it. Guess what, your gas mileage is going to suffer and the car probably wont work for long either.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Krieger
Again What Theory and RR, DO THE MATH!


Sorry, but your figures are totally incorrect.

AGAIN, your 800,000 barrels a day scam is just that, a scam!

Those figures are totally wrong. One reason is that most people have about the correct amount of air in their tires.

AGAIN, we could start getting oil out of the ground in 2-5 years and we could produce an additional 3 billion barrels of oil a day and NOT 200,000.

Hell, even the left leaning CNN says we can get the oil in 3-5 years.
CNN article

Sorry, your guy gets spanked again.

You wish!
This is only in your little fantasy world. I guess you anything can be accomplished in this little world when stats you are using are totally off base.

Besides, people like yourself always point out how Bush is so stupid and a liar, so why are you going to believe his administrations stats.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:01 PM
Forget the second coming of the Messiah....

How about the second coming of Jimmy Carter.

1977 Jimmy Carter asked us to turn down our thermostats and put on a sweater.

2008 Obama wants us to fill up our tires.

Maybe Obama will call Carter to be his Energy Secretary.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Forget the second coming of the Messiah....

I think you are funny.....but for another reason.

I have been seeing your little Fox News "Word of the Week" popping up everywhere! Apparently I didn't get the memo.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:32 PM
Properly inflated tires can improve your fuel efficiency but that doesn't mean it will decrease oil consumption.

Only about half of the oil the US consumes comes from cars. Checking your tire pressure and servicing regularly is so common sense that almost everyone already does it. The ones that don't already are not going to start now because Obama told them to.

Checking your tire pressure and servicing regularly still wouldn't affect the price because domestic oil is sold on the world market. One of the causes of high oil prices is the turmoil in the middle east. As fears of war in the middle east increase so does the price of oil.

If we would drill for our own oil instead of sucking off the middle east many of the fears about disruption to the supply would be alleviated. Even if drilling would not affect the price, you have to admit taping domestic supply would not be a bad idea because of the jobs it would create.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Digital_Reality]

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