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Conspiracy against Jamaica?

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:16 AM
There have been rumours here and there of a conspiracy orchestrated against the tiny island of Jamaica. Before I go into these, some facts about Jamaica:

* 234 kilometres long, 80 kilometres wide
* Ethnic Groups: 90% Black
* Population: 3 Million People
* Emigrated Jamaicans (UK, USA, Candada): 1 Million

What is unique about Jamaica is that, considering its small size and population, it is extremely rich in culture and resources. In the music industry it is known that this tiny island publishes more records, CDs, mp3s a year than the whole world put together.

It is also home of the Rastafari-Movement which emphasizes black-identity, self-respect, education, healthy food, and spiritual values.

It is also home of sufficiently educated people (the island has 5 universities).

When Jamaica gained independence from Britian in 1962 some of the more snobbish whites predicted its downfall and decline due to the retreat of the British. But the opposite happened. From 1962 onward, the economy (with its main pillars of agriculture, tourism, mining, manufacturing) went up, the standard of living increased and everything was looking pretty sunny.

Reggae music conquered the world in the 60s and 70s and has had a significant impact on almost all other music styles we know today.

Until the 80s...when Jamaica indeed started to decline in terms of standard of living (slums) and crime. Today Jamaica is among the nations with the highest rate of violent murder worldwide, higher even than most african nations.

Considering the abundant creativity of the Jamaican people and the countless peace and education movements arising from their and also considering the small population of the island, it is highly unlikely for it to reach the levels of poverty and crime it has.

I therefore propose that this state of things was orchestrated from behind the scenes.

Some conspiracy-rumours surrounding Jamaica:

* Leading figures of music and the rastafari-movement were assassinated for their public activities.

* U.S. record companies try to suppress the massive output coming from Jamaica

* The Economy has been manipulated by foreign clandestine forces and operations. Newspaper Article

But up to now its only rumours. Could somebody help shed light on the history and current situation in Jamaica?

Warning: This thread will not tolerate racist remarks. Neither is this thread about the use or promotion of drugs.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:32 AM
hmm interesting. but jamaica has resources so of course america and other rich nations like britain are going to have there eye on that. america hasnt exactlyy had a history of dealing with what the elite would name a third world country with much respect (e.g manuel noreaga) so it wouldnt suprise me in the least to find out that jamaicas upper echelons of government have been tricked or forced into cooperating with america or britain.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:48 AM
Im pretty sure something hidden is going on here, but Im hoping to get some expert ATSers provide some actual data. Whatever is going on, its being hidden well.

It would seem that there are some forces who would rather Jamaica stay a third world country.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:51 AM
yes it all goes back to the wolfowitz doctorine in a way. "to not allow any country to become a competing influence or a regional influence" you can see it in iran, in jamaica, and in our foriegn policy at all times.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Now I'm very open minded about this but to help me understand, just who benefit's if Jamaica is held back from developing and how?

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

well if jamaica were to become rich and powerful it would have a lot more sway in its region. influence that america or britain can use or could use someday. richer nations benefit from MOST counties with lots of resources remaining in poverty then its ussually cheaper to trade with them for things that america has like food and medical supplies.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn

Now I'm very open minded about this but to help me understand, just who benefit's if Jamaica is held back from developing and how?

Once upon a time (70s) there was a music industry that sold not millions but billions of records to the youth in Europe and North America.

The content of these records was: "Fight the system". "Rely on yourself". "Dont give in to fear". "Lets bring down the system/conspiracy", etc.

As the U.S. Government: Would you want millions of youth growing up not conforming to authoritarian systems?

[edit on 5-8-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:12 AM
...and besides, Im pretty certain there is a general racist conspiracy to exploit and keep black people down.

The Rastarfari-Philosophy (which was strongest in the 70s) is dangerous to the system. It proposes total self-sufficiency and education for Africa.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I'm a big fan of Laurel Aitken, Prince Buster, Toots & The Maytals etc; I know a little bit about the background and culture they came from.

However, I still don't see what threat to the US a developed Jamaica would be.
Surely the purchasing power of an educated and wealthy 3 million population would be more beneficial to the US economy than current impoverished populatiuon.

I can see the danger to the "establishment" that the progression from a third world country to developed country could pose and how it could be perceived as the start of some sort of "domino effect" within the region thus loosening the grip these people have over us all.

I don't know, but it will be intersting to follow this to see what other people think and what evidence can be provided to support this theory.

[Edit: bad grammar etc.]

[edit on 5/8/08 by Freeborn]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Until the 80s...when Jamaica indeed started to decline in terms of standard of living (slums) and crime. Today Jamaica is among the nations with the highest rate of violent murder worldwide, higher even than most african nations.

Do you think this has anything to do with the crack epidemic in the 80s? Did it hit Jamaica like it did the US back then?

I don't know a lot about the island itself, but there is a very large Jamaican community in Canada and especially in Toronto. Here in the city it's a ridiculously high percentage of violent crime that is committed by the Jamaican or Jamaican descended population. I don't know if it's because they brought those ways with them from the island, or what. It can't be a coincidence though.

One thing is for sure, and any Canadian I'm sure will agree. There is absolutely no reason to turn to crime to make ends meet in Canada, and especially in Ontario, and especially in Toronto. There are safety nets under safety nets here to help people. Social programs, career training programs, and charities galore. So maybe the Jamaican Canadians simply brought that way of life with them.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by sc2099
Do you think this has anything to do with the crack epidemic in the 80s? Did it hit Jamaica like it did the US back then?

Thoughts what I hoped to find out from ATSers. But up to now not much expertise has been added here.

It could very well be connected to crack and the whole crime-scene connected to crack.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:23 PM
Any Jamaicans out there who can tell us what is going on in your country?

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:29 PM
Very interesting thread, good ponders Skyfloating

I think there is something there. The Power of Reggae is phenomenal, if everyone were in tune, things would certainly be alot different.

I read something very interesting about Reggae, it was something about how it acts and resonates to certain brain waves, and the calmness and relaxed moods it brings, but this was ages ago, i will try and find a link to that. I think there was something more to it than just being good catchy, uplifting music though.

I to can't understand how there is such a high crime rate. The country is plentifull in resources, sustainability should be easily achievable. I hope people can bring some more info into light. A star from me.

[edit on 18-8-2008 by The 5th]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 03:22 AM
Nice points...

Ive been to jamica, and its REALY REALY NICE THERE...

But, there is a termendious amount of crime...

Our driver told us HORROR stories about things that happen to tourits... people getting into what the thought was a cab, and then being held hostage or killed... TONS of horror stories, enough so that our driver was able to tell us horror stories on the drive from KINGSTON, to the West side of the island...

"Der be alota crime 'ere mon..."

Many/Most of the Carribean islands have A very high crime rate... I have a few horror stories of my own... but, thats from a diffrent island...

So whilw the caribean is a place beyond beautiful, and i hope to live on a boat going as i please, i definatly wouldn't do it unarmed... When i own my own boat, and can just sail as i want, i defninatly will be armed to the teeth...

PS, the is still some pirates in the Caribean as well... not as many as off the coast of east africa, but still more then a few...

And, if your going to try to make a conspiricy theroy, can you please do a little better then, "Its the WHITE MAN holding us down" line...

[edit on 8/19/2008 by TKainZero]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by The 5th

Reggae Music and its variations (Dub, Dancehall, Ska, etc.) operate at a BPM (Beats-per-minute) level between 40 and 90.

The Pop (rock, hip hop, dance, etc.) music we hear in the radio operates between 90 and 160 BPM.

The slower BPM leads to relaxation of the body accompanied by serenity of mind, while the quicker ones can easily entrain the mind in a state of panic.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
Nice points...

Ive been to jamica, and its REALY REALY NICE THERE...

But, there is a termendious amount of crime...

Our driver told us HORROR stories about things that happen to tourits... people getting into what the thought was a cab, and then being held hostage or killed... TONS of horror stories, enough so that our driver was able to tell us horror stories on the drive from KINGSTON, to the West side of the island...

"Der be alota crime 'ere mon..."

Many/Most of the Carribean islands have A very high crime rate... I have a few horror stories of my own... but, thats from a diffrent island...

So whilw the caribean is a place beyond beautiful, and i hope to live on a boat going as i please, i definatly wouldn't do it unarmed... When i own my own boat, and can just sail as i want, i defninatly will be armed to the teeth...

PS, the is still some pirates in the Caribean as well... not as many as off the coast of east africa, but still more then a few...

And, if your going to try to make a conspiricy theroy, can you please do a little better then, "Its the WHITE MAN holding us down" line...

[edit on 8/19/2008 by TKainZero]

You know whats very surprising, almost all of the current British Caribbean territories still have unarmed police forces as do alot of the former British colonies in that area.

I can confirm that only the Jamaica Constabulary are a totally armed force. I believe most of the rest just have the British tradition of a specialist firearms unit to provide support as needed.

I believe Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles are armed as are all Dutch Police officers.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 03:04 PM
Whatever may be going on, I will say this:
Jamaica did amazing in the olympics in track.



posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 03:13 PM
In Jamaica the very few very wealthy control all the assets. And they work very hard to keep everyone else down. Even worse then Mexico.

You can't buy a coca cola anywhere on the island. Why? Because somebody signed an exclusive contract with Pepsi.

I flew into Montego Bay and rode in a bus all the way across the northern coast (man that was a scary ride!). There was extreme poverty. There were houses half built- I mean some foundations, some had walls but no roof. The reason was that the banks there dont loan money to anyone. So a family will save and save for each step in the process of building.

In the mean time they live in refridgerator boxes...

There really aren't a lot of resourses there. Coffee plantations in the mountains and bananas. A lot of bananas! Of course there number one cash crop is the same as most of the states in the US...

Number one by far is American Tourism. The Jamaicans that work in the resorts feel extremely lucky to have that position even though they are paid a slaves wages. They get food and board- and they don't need to go into the crime ridden cities for anything...

"You Bob Marley mon?"

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 03:48 PM
Celebration of Phelps vs. Execution of world's greatest athlete, Usain Bolt

BTW, this is not a conspiracy only against Jamaica but also:
- against natural sports;
- against the world's greatest athletes;
selling the BIG PHARMA hoaxes.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 04:17 PM
I have lived amongest Jamicans in my city i use to live. Leeds, West Yorkshrie, England. Although there is a high pertenage of crime due to the jamicans all over England as a whole, I have come to meet the most peacful, resourceful, strong spritually minded inviduals who have brought me up to be very strong and spiritual.

Although they do bad things, they do it to survive because they dont beleive in the western system.

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