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Again, has anyone noticed the irrational hatred of Obama?

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:40 PM
And I hated Reagan too for no reason.

It's the same.

To hell with GLOIUBIUBPIUB Mod that calls this garbage. It's the smartest thing posted all week.

Thanks. Happy to discuss with people not drop windowed trash happy.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:43 PM
cant one rationally hate obama?
and just like obama this thread is empty!!!

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:47 PM
Republic. Come on now. It's not like he's from Hollywood, has Alzheimer's, his wife runs him, and Jeanne Dixon plans head of state meetings.

It's Obama, not Reagan. Just saying. My irrational hate of that useless piece of crap Reagan relates to your irrational hate of the best man that ever ran for Reagan's third term, how?

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:49 PM

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:50 PM
hmm your posts are not showing up but

Republic. Come on now. It's not like he's from Hollywood, has Alzheimer's, his wife runs him, and Jeanne Dixon plans head of state meetings.

It's Obama, not Reagan. Just saying. My irrational hate of that useless piece of crap Reagan relates to your irrational hate of the best man that ever ran for Reagan's third term, how?

i dont like reagan either, or bush or clinton or bush part 2 or mccain.

id say my last likeable president was JFK and they killed him. obamas a fake thats why i dont like him.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
and just like obama this thread is empty!!!

And just like McCain, this thread is going to bomb!!!

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Curious_Agnostic

i laughed...
but if you had said "just like mccain this thread will let in a bunch of illegal immigrants, poop its old people diapers, and die before being sworn in"
i might have laughed harder...

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:06 PM

And just like McCain, this thread is going to bomb!!!

Amen. This thread about a realization the media never managed in the 80's. Sorry to be so old.

But, but, but, you have to realize if Obama is the new black Reagan....

McCain is the new white Dukakis.



posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:10 PM
It's funny that the left complains about hate. The left is nothing but hate. They want every one to be tolerate except themselves.

They showed and said they hated Reagan, GHW Bush, they have called Pres Bush - Bush*tler, and they have wished Cheney dead, and now they complain about people who disagree with the Obamessiah.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:11 PM
I don't see how you can rationally like him.

If you are going by facts and logic (and not the over-hype emotion) then this is a rational reason for disliking him.

Usually irrational decisions are based on emotion and pre-mature conclusions.

Such as the case for making Obama so great, a pre-mature conclusion based on nothing but hype.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:52 PM
Ahh my friend! You have confused rational discourse with hatred. It's a common mistake for Obama supporters to make. You're not alone, so rest at ease.

Peace Be Unto You

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:25 PM
I neither like nor dislike him. I certainly don't hate him. I simply don't trust politicians, especially those who rise to great power. I would ask why is there such a tremendous fawning love for this man? Politcs should be judged logically, not emotionally.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:28 PM
It comes across as very presumptious to make a statement such that those who do not support a candidate hate them.

I find just more hate and outright disrespect from the democratic party...even immaturity in the manner it is carried out when they disapprove of a dissenting view or opinion.

Just because one does not approve of a candidate is not hate. It is disapproval.

The democrats are not the only group to use this kind of tack in "Victimization Strategy." Alot of people are begining to notice it as a very poor strategy and speak out on and against it for what it is.

Several people have tendered the concept that because I speak my mind and disagree with what others post that it is the same thing as is not.
What I find is that many of these people who label others as haters ...are ..they are in fact..intolerant..while teaching and preaching tolerance.

The Victim Strategy or another word for it is the "victim dictum" was popularized by the talk show television format ..particularly by a host named Phil Donahue. THe body politic quickly saw that this could be a useful tool to silence or at least neutralize opposition on many issues.
This political tool quickly degenerated into the fad known as poliitical correctness.
Race issues quickly fell under this blanket/umbrella of control did sexism...then the homosexual issues. Political candidates began to lean heavily on these groups particularly in high electorial vote states on issues pertaining to their particular group/political souls for votes.

Hate or hate concepts were to join the others as part of the control mechanism to silence or at least neutralize any opposition. It is a cheap placebo in lieu of any real debates or facts. In short is a counterfit control mechanism and works well on anyone who cannot think outside of the control group due to prior conditioning to never think outside the authorized blocks or box. The trick is to keep you on an emotional roller coaster so you always respond emotionally with guilt....never thinking on your own.

This is why much of our tv, radio , and newspaper media have become so tabloid like keep you on the emotional roller coaster when they need you on an emotional string. Learn to cut the strings on them. Use your remote control and turn the channel or turn them off when you finally teach yourself to spot this cheap placebo control mechanism being carried out. Both political partys will use this technique but it works best on young people with high emotions/glands.....and little actual dicipline or life experiences.

Hate methods and tactics/labels are often used today in enforcing cheap herd mentality ...not individual thinking.

Not all of us are pre programmed to respond with guilt conditioning when labeled haters for speaking our opinions and views....we are not intrested in it. We know how to cut the strings.

One more thing of import here...

For those of us who can think outside the box..of what passes for intelligence and emotions today...labeling people as haters as a control mechanism..strongly hints at a control mechanism but also hints at a very subtle entitlement strategy...that one is entitled..they deserve to play through unchallanged, undebated,.....unquestioned...even unaccountable, hook or crook. Some of us can see this far down the road or around the corner too...even in the dark. We are educating others to spot this type of placebo...control mechanism.

LOL LOL...LLoyd 45 says this all with clarity and economy of words. Much better than do I. Well said LLoyd 45.

Also agree with Dark Elf's post...well said Dark Elf. Watch out for those emotional strings...I cut them quickly when I detect them or someone trying to use them on me.


[edit on 31-7-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:47 PM
orangetom1999, wow. I don't even know which part of that crazy to agree with. How about it all, and add, the absolute BEST talk show host EVER was REAGAN, like the thread says.

Welfare Queen my ass. Unify me on some hope I can believe in, not the right's made up hate.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:33 AM
Like any concerned citizen of the world, I follow US presidential campaigns with some attention, and have done so since Reagan was first elected.

The reaction against Barak Obama goes well beyond normal political opposition. I have never seen such hatred and vituperation expressed for an American presidential candidate before.

Distance lends perspective, and from where I stand, the explanation for this is clear to see. There are a great many Americans who cannot bear the thought of being led by a black man. That's where all the hate is coming from.

It's really as simple as that.

I fully expect at least one assassination attempt on the candidate before November.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:38 AM

Great empty it is, as is Obama's whole campaign...I laughed, I cried I bought a t-shirt and a key chain...

I heard the best name/term today, you will appreciate it my friend:

Celeb-U-Tard : Paris Hilton, Nicole Richey, Britney Spears, our buddy name a few

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:30 AM
Yes we have noticed. What is new? It's been this way since Reagan. I used to go to a Christian Republican school as a kid, and every Democrat running for office was billed as the anti-christ...nothing has changed...except that the smear and desperation has become worse from he right. They have truly turned mud slinging and smear campaigning into an art form (as Ross Perot eluded to back in the early 90' god I think he was right!). It's absolutely disgusting. McCain needs to address the issues and take a stand on something instead of these elementary tactics of attacking Obama on contrived made up pre conceived notions. I mean that is the reality of the presidential campaign's McCain and his non stop lies and smear mongering...We are so over this!!!! At least I can say this: the younger generation is completely aware, and sick and damn tired of GOP (Gas Oil and Petrolium party) politics as usual. Give us a freakin' break, and talk about what it is you plan to do to fix this mess your party got us into!!!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:34 AM
I hate obama he no give presents,flippety flop,mooslim!! mooo! communism! flippety flop!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

It would appear based on your post that you are the one obsessed with "hate". The Democrats are obsessed with the issues, and stopping the continuous and tired, worn out, smear campaign that seeks to distract us from the issues. I wish you would take that nasty jacket off, and throw it in laundry hamper where it belongs, and actually talk to some Democrats. I've been to meetings, I know democrats personally, and they are about the farthest from hate that you can get (next time the tee-vee shows a 5 second clip of Obama and McCain giving a speech, look at the people behind them, and tell me you don't see doom and gloom and depression in the eyes and faces of the McCain attendees, and then look at the cheery, bright, happy, positive, excited, pumped up Obama supporters). A bit disgusted with politics as usual from the right, I will give you that, but far from hate. They are fun to hang out with and tell jokes and smile, and have really lovely families and great kids and where are you getting this "hate" stuff from anyway? Life is way to short's a big tent and there's plenty of room for the people, and that means you too. Best wishes, and remember, it's just politics...relax and enjoy the rest of your summer. Even if you vote the Gas, Oil, and Petroleum party this next election, I think you will get a late Christmas present when the Democrats sweep the elections, are enogurated into office and start to turn things around. When they do, it will be a great day for the people, the Natives with all their love and wizdom, the Italians, the Mexicans, the French, the German, the Irish, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Indian, the Australian, the Spanish, the Russian, the Jewish, the Iranian, the Iraqi, The English, the British, the Austrian, the Balkan, the Bosnian, the Indonesian, the Canadian, the Brazilian, the South African, the Egyptian, the Vietnamese, the Korean (everyone from every nation that has immigrated here)....all of us from all over the world who have come to America for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! It will be a great day once again for America! For the middle and working class folk of America.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:41 AM
The people in this country are desperate and the corporate party seems to have found a tactic that works.So the idea is to instigate hatred for both canidates.McCain is hated just as bad as Obama.What they accomplish by this is to keep people emotinal which in turn keeps them from thinking rationaly.In this condition even blatant wrongdoing is ignored.Obama votes yes on fisa but none of his groupies care?McCain has a very poor voting record not to mention the keating thing.The main stream media feeds the frenzy and in the end the corporate party wins again.It really doesnot matter.They no longer have to rig voting machines and the people think thier vote counted.In short the RNCs message is love McCain hate Obama and the DNCs message is just the oppisite and the better they can make this happen the longer it will take people to see through it.The more irational hatred they can stir up the better for them to pull the wool over the eyes of the sheep.

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