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Crimes of Mankind

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:25 AM
2000 years ago Jesus died for the sins of all mankind. He paid the price to god for all of us so we don’t have to. So the question is why then do those who don’t believe still have a debt to pay? You see if Jesus paid for the crims and then we have to the pennants or pay the time after would, then god is punishing two people for the same sin. He’s punishing me for my sins and he’s already punished Jesus. Now I know Christians are going to come at me and say “but you didn’t accept Jesus’ offer therefore you have to pay the price.”

Well it’s not really up to me to accept his offer, you see if I was in court and I was sentenced and I had a fine I needed to pay, if you came up and you told the judge you would like to pay the judge for me it doesn’t matter what I say, it matters what the judge says.

You could actually pay the judge without me even knowing about it and then when I showed up the judge could say no thankyou your fines have been payed you’re free to go. But it’s the judge that decides whether or not to accept the alternative sentence from the innocent party – it’s not me.

When Jesus supposedly died for our sins, it was a plea to god to allow god to forgive us. Now it’s up to god to decide whether or not he is going to accept Jesus’ offer.

Now I know god and Jesus same person and all that BS but it’s still the same idea, he has to convince himself in this case to accept the offer. It has nothing to do with me accepting Jesus or you accepting Jesus, it has to do with god accepting Jesus.

If god doesn’t accept him you’re going to hell, if god does accept him then he’ll send Jesus to hell – which supposedly he’s already done and Jesus has finished and come back again.

If Jesus has died for our sins and Jesus paid the price already then why is it that 99% of the people on earth are going to have to pay the same price again?

God’s already been paid, god took the punishment from Jesus and he accepted it. He let Jesus die on the cross, sent Jesus to hell and did everything that Jesus need to do supposedly for everyone who has ever existed. But then he’s going to extract that exact same payment the same sentence the same fines if you will, for everyone else who lives.

So why is god being payed twice for the same sins? If god has already been paid off, if Jesus had already paid for my sins and Jesus has already paid the fines, why is there anything left for me or for any unbelievers to be punished for?

To summarise - If god accepted Jesus’ sacrifice as payment for the sins of mankind, then why will mankind still be punished for the crimes Jesus’ sacrifice paid for?

[edit on 31-7-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:06 AM

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 01:11 AM
100 views and not a single reply

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:23 PM
Christianity makes no sense as a whole.

It's just to control people; like every other religion.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:41 PM
your forgetting that jesus can choose who receives the blessing that his death gives.

you used the illustration of a judge. but you assume that its between jesus (one paying) and god (judge)

instead think of jesus as a really good lawyer.

your guilty. you know your totally boned. but then this really good lawyer helps you out. he explains to you that if you cooperate and listen to what he says, he may get the judge to pardon you. so you listen, you attend all the depositions, you cooperate. then jesus makes his final statement.

he presents to the judge how even though you did bad, you stopped. you changed your course in life. and that you learned your lesson and therefore dont need to go to be punished since you are already rehabilitated.

then he shows evidence that you are truly rehabilitated. so you are pardoned.

this reflects the situation alittle more accurately that jesus just randomly saving everyone.

jude 1:[21] Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by andre18

Think of yourslf in a battle and someone is shooting arrows at you.
You notice someone in front of you is holding up a great big shield and the arrows are bouncing off of it.
It might be a good idea to get as close as you can to him and not just stand there as he advances, leaving you behind with no protection.
Jesus' death is something that deflects the anger of God towards sin.
Failing to avail yourself of it by at least believing in it leaves you vulnerable to that anger.
What you call punishment is really just the elimination of sin from the world.
Uniting yourself with Christ allows your sinfulness to be hidden from God's sight, behind the righteousness that was the perfect life of Jesus.
The knowledge that Jesus can bring about a positive verdict for us in the Judgment is the beginning of our salvation


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